Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1708 The so-called heart-killing world

Chen Xuan looked at Mr. Sanbai without any defensiveness in his eyes. Although Mr. Sanbai proposed such a ridiculous law. But Chen Xuan still had that kind of hesitation in his eyes.

Mr. Sanbai's eyes looked at Chen Xuan with even more joy, but it passed in a flash. His eyes were calm again. Chen Xuan even became more convinced when he saw Mr. Sanbai's eyes were so calm. Mr. Sanbai seemed to be here to help him.

A fierce look flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. Chen Xuan's eyes at this time were more like a wolf who wanted to jump off the cliff immediately. With that decisiveness and perseverance of the wolf king, it was obvious that Chen Xuan had made a decision.

Chen Xuan drew the Jialan Sword from behind and stabbed Chen Xuan's heart fiercely, just like a desperate girl who was about to jump off the building and expressed her last wish to look at the world.

But the difference is that there is no despair in Chen Xuan's eyes. Chen Xuan's eyes are full of willingness. Chen Xuan's eyes were full of so-called determination, but Chen Xuan knew that this was probably a brand new test for him, and this test was very cruel. Chen Xuan knew that the test Mr. Sanbai left for him must be the one that most needed to test his determination.

But so what? Mr. Sanbai is his only relative to me. Chen Xuan will try his best to satisfy his only relative's requirements or tests for him no matter what, or Chen Xuan will try his best to fulfill him.

If Chen Xuan knew that this so-called Mr. Sanbai was just a Taoist in gray robe, how would his state of mind change? At this time, the determination revealed in Chen Xuan's eyes shocked the gray-robed Taoist.

This kid's talent is definitely extraordinary! With such perseverance and determination, it is better not to make enemies of such people. But the gray-robed Taoist has no choice! Because he wants to leave here! Leave this hellish place that has tortured him for ten years. The gray-robed Taoist is an all-powerful presence in the Yu Realm. But in this heart-breaking world, they are not as good as those so-called homeless people. The gray-robed Taoist has definitely had enough of being treated like an ant and being slaughtered like this!

Chen Xuan's heart was beating. Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and stared at the world behind him with scarlet blood eyes. Chen Xuan's body has not fallen down, but Chen Xuan's consciousness has faintly followed Chen Xuan's heart to the world behind Mr. Sanbai...


Mr. Sanbai saw the changes in Chen Xuan, and he knew that Chen Xuan would have to go there even if he didn't go there. Then there is no need to pretend. Mr. Sanbai's plain clothes began to fade instantly and turned gray. Chen Xuan's eyes turned scarlet and stared very wide.

He seemed to realize that this was not Mr. Sanbai, right! In fact, although Chen Xuan had lost his sense before, how could Chen Xuan, who was as meticulous as he was, not be able to see those details? Chen Xuan himself didn't want to believe it at all. It was just Chen Xuan who thought that he would be deceived.

But Chen Xuan's heart will still be cold. Chen Xuan feels that at this time, Chen Xuan's own heart has become extremely cold. It was as if Chen Xuan's heart suddenly fell into an ice cellar, but Chen Xuan was not desperate at this time. It's just that his heart has become very cold, because what Chen Xuan knows is... now he is very likely to be like that Mr. Sanbai, no! It was like the gray-robed old man who went directly to another world, but Chen Xuan knew that if that was the case.

Then there is not much time left for Chen Xuan to despair, and Chen Xuan even has no right to be desperate and sad. yes! It's because I'm too emotional and not calm enough. But in that case, how could I calm down like this?

Chen Xuan knew that he must recover at this time. The time now did not leave him the right to grieve and support. Because what Chen Xuan knows is that once he enters a strange environment. Chen Xuan was past his best state and might even be killed directly. What's more, what if Chen Xuan is sad and has no fighting spirit?

The gray-robed Taoist saw Chen Xuan's scarlet eyes at this time, but when the gray-robed Taoist saw Chen Xuan's scarlet eyes, there was no trace of sadness or even the slightest despair.

Instead, the gray-robed Taoist saw coldness in those eyes, an extremely calm coldness. This is definitely a particularly good situation for Chen Xuanlai. But Chen Xuan doesn't have much time to grieve now. Chen Xuan's hatred for the gray-robed Taoist has risen to the extreme. But Chen Xuan didn't show any trace of his hatred towards the gray-robed Taoist. Because Chen Xuan knew that the current situation was really not suitable to make another enemy.

snort! You should be optimistic that after I, Chen Xuan, return to Yu Realm, those people in Yu Realm who dare to plan everything on my head, Chen Xuan, will do anything. There is only one end for them, and that is death! Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly showed murderous intent. But the gray-robed Taoist didn't mind at all. Instead, he laughed and said.

"Chen Xuan, I would like to advise you, if you don't care for yourself... you will be destroyed! Another reason why you were defeated in front of me is that you put certain things in front of yourself. This time you are in exile. The reason for this end. Remember that after you go there, it is the first lesson I taught you."

"It's not in vain that you call me master a few times. Hahahahaha..."

The figure of his gray-robed Taoist ducked away from the Heart-killing Picture. And the gray-robed Taoist priest was secretly thinking that Chen Xuan would definitely be extraordinary in time.

Although he already had feelings for him, if Chen Xuan remembered his words in the Heart-killing World later, I'm afraid it would still be quite useful to him.

The gray-robed Taoist was really not a kind person, but the gray-robed Taoist had a premonition that Chen Xuan might survive from the Heart-killing World. Although the gray-robed Taoist has been to the Heart-killing World, the Gray-robed Taoist knows the horror of the so-called Heart-killing World. But the ability he saw in Chen Xuan made him feel that Chen Xuan was very likely to come out of the Heart Killing World alive.

Although the gray-robed Taoist didn't know whether his premonition was right or wrong, the gray-robed Taoist knew that he had to leave a backup plan for himself, because otherwise Chen Xuan would be the first one to come out and kill him.

Even the gray-robed Taoist himself could not have imagined that these words guided by his little kindness would be a talisman for him when Chen Xuan came back in the future. At that time, the gray-robed Taoist knew how wise the decision he had just made was.

Of course, these are all things for later. Chen Xuan looked at his spiritual consciousness and slowly integrated it into his heart. Zheng actually had it before. The place where his spiritual consciousness should exist was Chen Xuan's Dantian. But Chen Xuan felt that all his consciousness had been completely separated from his body and came to his heart.

How is this going? Could it be that from now on, I can only rely on my own heart to live? In fact, spiritual consciousness is everything to a cultivator. But what about Chen Xuanlai? Chen Xuan felt that his heart was completely surrounded by his own consciousness, but the body he had been with for a long time was getting colder and colder. Chen Xuan knew that for him, his body would soon turn into a corpse.

Chen Xuan was secretly frightened, was he going to die like this? No, Chen Xuan will never allow it. If I die, what will happen to my secrets? Chen Xuan still hasn't figured out his origins. Chen Xuan still doesn't know who he is and where he comes from.

Chen Xuan doesn't even know what his mission is? But what Chen Xuan knows is that he definitely has a mission. As for what it is, Chen Xuan himself doesn’t know.

Chen Xuan even saw the ants. The ants that he usually stepped on were laughing at his corpse. Chen Xuan even felt that his enemies were drinking and celebrating happily. Chen Xuan even saw the disappointed expression on Sima Wushuang of Hegui Sect when he saw Chen Xuan's body.

Chen Xuan saw the days and nights he spent practicing hard in Sanbai Valley, and Chen Xuan saw Mr. Sanbai's expectations for him. Chen Xuan felt the surrounding consciousness approaching his heart little by little. It was so cold, really cold.

As if the feeling of death was approaching, Chen Xuan really felt death. Chen Xuan even felt that he had been completely buried in the crisis that the gray-robed Taoist had given him before.

Chen Xuan felt as if he was about to go to another world. When Chen Xuan went to another world, he saw many fragments in his mind. Chen Xuan knew that these were his concerns. Chen Xuan knew that these things were the weaknesses of his heart.

Chen Xuan wanted to calm down his heart immediately, but what Chen Xuan knew was that he seemed to be completely unable to calm down. It was like a heavy stone pressing down on my heart, unable to move at all. what to do? What should I do? Chen Xuan himself didn't know what to do?

Chen Xuan doesn’t want to die, Chen Xuan just wants to go back. But Chen Xuan knew that he might really have no choice at this time. Chen Xuan must go to that unknown world. Chen Xuan must let go of his worries and so-called weaknesses of the heart. But Chen Xuan found this very difficult, as if it was a big difficulty for him.

Chen Xuan didn't want those worries, but those worries were like a rope tightly wrapped around every corner of Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan didn't want to leave, but the vortex was spinning faster and faster. More worries were flashing through Chen Xuan's mind like the wind.

Chen Xuan endured it alone. Slowly, Chen Xuan felt that his heart had become extremely cold, as if he was completely wrapped in his own consciousness. Those cold consciousnesses made Chen Xuan's heart twitch constantly...

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