At this time, Chen Xuan felt as if countless insects were eating in his heart. At this moment, Chen Xuan felt as if he was about to die, and that spiritual consciousness turned into countless cold and heart-eating insects.

Chen Xuan felt cold sweat break out on his forehead, and Chen Xuan felt as if he was completely surrounded by ice. Seeing the endless darkness in front of him, Chen Xuan felt a little tired. Chen Xuan knew that this was the way to the heart-killing world. There would be a greater test waiting for him in that world. And I must go back alive!

Chen Xuan slowly felt some light in front of his eyes, flickering on and off. Chen Xuan began to wonder what kind of world was the world ahead? And how can I survive in this world when I only have one heart-like existence? he does not know!

Maybe Chen Xuan himself doesn't know it, but Chen Xuan may have slowly transformed into a human-like body. Chen Xuan knew that at this time, he was probably just an ant in that world.

Chen Xuan doesn't want to be an ant, Chen Xuan wants to be like the top of the world. Chen Xuan knew that this was likely to be a great test for him. Chen Xuan even knew that if he couldn't return to Yujie, he might not be able to know the secrets of his body for the rest of his life. and the mystery of his life experience, Chen Xuan slowly saw the light. Seeing a little bright light, Chen Xuan felt that there seemed to be a faint light emerging from the entrance of the cave in the black valley.

Chen Xuan knew that it was probably the light of the new world. What kind of world was that? Should it be a world full of dangers? Chen Xuancai does not believe that the world is full of dangers. Chen Xuan believes that opportunities and challenges coexist. Everything in the world seems to be like this. Even in very dangerous places, there are also many opportunities. Opportunities that can put you at the top of the world. Chen Xuan felt that if he was lucky enough to be able to come out of the Heart Killing World. That should be of great benefit to me.

Chen Xuan saw that his consciousness seemed to slowly and completely surround his heart, but because of this, Chen Xuan could not feel the pain that the previous consciousness had brought to him.

It seemed that there was a slight warmth, as if a warm current surrounded Chen's whole heart. But Chen Xuan knew that this was a great opportunity for him.

At this time, Chen Xuan saw a large piece of light in front of Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan knew that ahead was the extremely mysterious and extremely cruel new world. What Chen Xuan knew even more was that he really had to face this now. Regardless of whether you are ready or not. Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, and a large fire appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes.


Chen Xuan fell into a coma and passed out. And the consciousness of Sima Wushuang of Hegui Sect separated from Chen Xuan and returned to Sima Wushuang. Sima Wushuang was currently sitting in the main hall of Hegui Sect.

He had an indifferent look on his face, but when he saw the one where his consciousness came back, his expression became shocked. Sima Wushuang's sharp eyes once again explored Chen Xuan's body. What surprised him even more was that Chen Xuan's Danhai was completely empty. It was like a practitioner who had never practiced before. What puzzled Sima Wushuang was why Chen Xuan's heart was missing. Why is Chen Xuan's own heart missing? If the Heart-killing Picture is just a painting, that is, if the Heart-Killing Picture is a completely static existence, then Chen Xuan's consciousness will never completely leave his Danhai. And Chen Xuan’s heart.

But what happened if his consciousness came back inexplicably like this? In fact, the spiritual consciousness of Sima Wushuang, who is at the pinnacle of the Earth Immortal Realm, is generally pervasive, but this is limited to the Yu Realm. But beyond the scope of Yujie, Sima Wushuang's spiritual consciousness. Or Sima Wushuang's residual consciousness cannot be overcome.

The conversation between Chen Xuan and the gray-robed Taoist priest was almost in an illusion, so Sima Wushuang could not see it. What Sima Wushuang could see was that Chen Xuan's consciousness suddenly disappeared completely, and Chen Xuan's heart also left Chen Xuan's own body. What makes Sima Wushuang even more puzzled is that his spiritual consciousness actually came back like this.

So where did Chen Xuan go? Or is Chen Xuan dead? Sima Wushuang felt that Chen Xuan was not dead, because Sima Wushuang knew that once Chen Xuan died, he would definitely see such a thing.

Moreover, once Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness dissipates, his own spiritual consciousness will also dissipate and not just come back. There must be some hidden secret, which Sima Wushuang didn't know.

The Heart-Destroying Picture... An extremely terrifying thought suddenly appeared in Sima Wushuang's mind. What did Sima Wushuang seem to have thought of? Could it be that place? How can it be? How could it be that place? Sima Wushuang himself couldn't believe that that place really existed.

Sima Wushuang was also thinking of the Heart-killing World. There are very few records of the Heart-killing World in the legend. Because the entire existence of the Heart-Zhuan World is indeed very mysterious. Legend is a plane that has existed since prehistoric times. No one has ever known where the heart-killing world is. But if Chen Xuan really goes to the Heart-killing World, it will not be a good encounter for Chen Xuan.

Because Sima Wushuang had long heard about the horrors of the Heart-Zhuan world. It was a very cruel world. Moreover, people living in that world have always lived longer, and there are also monsters with longer lifespans. That is to say, the existence of monsters is probably monsters that have existed since the prehistoric times.

But the people in that world are actually just a heart-like existence, and the rest are formed by spiritual consciousness. Chen Xuan's situation is the most suitable one. Moreover, in that place, the most important thing was to cultivate one's mind. With Chen Xuan's current strength, he should have been able to find a way to survive in the past.

No matter what, it’s really what he meant to do. What Sima Wushuang himself probably couldn't believe was that Chen Xuan was indeed in the heart-killing world he thought about at this time. Of course, this is all a matter of course.

But at this time, Sima Wushuang was a little embarrassed, because in Chen Xuan's situation, he would definitely be mistaken for death. But what Sima Wushuang didn't expect was that the rumored and mysterious world of Killing the Heart was actually only in a painting, but in a painting collected by each of the eight sects.

This is really unbelievable. Chen Xuan himself may not have been able to imagine that this test actually brought Chen Xuan directly to a new world. But Sima Wushuang felt that he could apologize to Yu Zong properly.

Because Yu Zong doesn't take him seriously, if he pleads guilty to Yu Zong. It should be possible to set up a lot of protection for Chen Xuan's situation after his return. Because when the time comes, Yu Zong will be afraid of his words and will be very frightened when he sees himself asking for forgiveness.

If Chen Xuan comes back like this, Yu Zong will still not dare to act rashly. Although Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness is not strong, in the future, if Chen Xuan enters the Heart Killing World and comes back alive...

Then what kind of powerful existence should Chen Xuan be? Sima Wushuang didn't know, but what Sima Wushuang knew was that if Chen Xuan could come back from the Heart Killing World alive, Chen Xuan's mental strength would be very terrifying.

When the time comes, Chen Xuan will practice according to his own skills. After Chen Xuan has made his spiritual consciousness stronger and stronger, he is afraid that he will not be his opponent. Because how powerful would a Rao's state of mind be after having been to the Heart-killing World?

Although Sima Wushuang didn't know whether Chen Xuan could come back alive, of course all this would be of no use if Chen Xuan couldn't come back alive. But if Chen Xuan can come back alive, Sima Wushuang is 80% sure that Chen Xuan will become the top being in the world. But Sima Wushuang had long heard that the Heart-killing World was very terrifying.

As for whether Chen Xuan can survive it, it depends on Chen Xuan himself.

However, if Sima Wushuang were several thousand years younger, Sima Wushuang, who was ten thousand years old, would definitely visit the Heart-killing World. But now Sima Wushuang has been appointed.

Sima Wushuang observed the phenomena these past few nights and indeed saw that his life star was getting weaker and weaker. It seemed that a disaster was coming soon. Because Sima Wushuang knew that when a strong man at the pinnacle of the local fairyland faced a calamity, his own star would glow red. Moreover, Sima Wushuang knew that his life star would become weaker and weaker when it glowed red.

When your own life star is at its weakest and the red light is at its strongest, that is when you will encounter calamity. Of course, Sima Wushuang knew that he would definitely live or die in this tribulation, but Sima Wushuang wanted to quickly make Chen Xuan reach the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm before this tribulation, and even let Chen Xuan survive the tribulation and become a god-like existence.

Generally speaking, Sima Wushuang knows that the stronger a cultivator's life star is, the better the cultivator's chances and luck will be. But as the saying goes, prosperity will inevitably decline. As much prosperity as there is prosperity, there will be failure as much as failure.

That is to say, the more and better opportunities Chen Xuan encounters, the more difficult and difficult the disasters or catastrophes Chen Xuan will encounter. It is very easy to live and die, which is very normal. Even at this time, Sima Wushuang has begun to worry about how abnormal Chen Xuan's calamity is.

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