At this time, Chen Xuan looked like he was happy, which was really rare! I saw the old man in white robe shriveled up. But Chen Xuan knew that even if Chen Xuan failed in this matter, the old man in white robe would definitely not treat him badly.

But now that my strength is almost the same, the next thing to do is to collect the materials for the Gathering Talisman. As for the preciousness of the three things, Jieyuhua, Youlancao and Wangchuan Plum, none of them are ordinary things.

It's just that the methods to obtain the Jieyuhua and Youlancao are relatively simple. As long as Chen Xuan and Helan Yuer go to the market to buy together, it will be fine. But Chen Xuan didn't understand why Helan Yu'er, this unruly elder sister, wanted to go with him.

Recently, Chen Xuan found that he and Helan Yu'er had some conflicts? Because it seems that my heart beats faster when I see Sister Helan Yuer. Chen Xuan didn't know that this was Sima's disease. Chen Xuan knew that it seemed to have happened since last time.

What's more puzzling to Chen Xuan is that Helan Yu'er will blush when he sees him, and he doesn't see Helan Yu'er missing her when he is free. Chen Xuan still attributed this to the fact that he had seen Helan Yu'er too many times.

Before, Chen Xuan didn't see Helan Yu'er once for almost a year or two years, but now he seems to see her almost once a month. No matter it was Helan Yu'er who took the initiative to look for him, or he met by chance, or he looked for Helan Yu'er on his own.

Well, I rarely take the initiative to find Helan Yuer. Because it was that time when I took the initiative to find Helan Yu'er that my illness started to appear. So now Chen Xuan is still a little afraid of Helan Yu'er.

It's just that this time, Helan Yu'er lent her money to buy Jieyuhua and Forget-worn Grass. She seemed to have only one request for herself, and that was to take her with her. How could Chen Xuan have the nerve to refuse? Chen Xuan could only agree to her with tears. I could only cry silently in the Chen Mansion. Who could make their master useless?

If you, as an apprentice, have to get money and materials, who makes this master a swindler? He only knows how to trick his apprentice into paying more than 700 gold coins, but he still has to get the materials by himself.

Well, Chen Xuan still admitted that these more than 700 gold coins could not even buy a piece of Forget-Worry Grass. But that's Chen Xuan's money after all, isn't it? The old man in white robe was sitting quietly in Chen Xuan's mind. Hearing Chen Xuan's theory, he almost imprisoned Chen Xuan without getting excited.

However, the old man in white robe thought about his handsome body and decided to forget it and let Chen Xuan continue to smear me.

This time Chen Xuan and Helan Yu'er walked into the market together. Helan Yu'er wore a purple skirt and looked like she was repelling people thousands of miles away. Chen Xuan, who was standing next to him, could feel the strong killing intent with every step he took.

These murderous intentions come from any male who passes by them. But Chen Xuan no longer took it seriously. Chen Xuan felt that it had nothing to do with him anyway. But Helan Yu'er felt a little lost in her heart. Did Chen Xuan not feel anything about him?

Wuyang Street in Wuyang City is extremely prosperous, and it feels like all the vendors in Wuyang City will gather here. It was also the first time for Chen Xuan to come to Wuyang Street.

Because Chen Xuan has been in the Chen family and rarely comes out since he time traveled. But Chen Xuan knows that with his current strength, Chen Xuan can be considered to be in a good position in Wuyang City.

And Helan Yu'er beside him is an ordinary existence in Wuyang City. And it's still so beautiful, it looks really amazing. The Chen family's status in Wuyang City can be considered a hegemon.

However, Chen Xuan is nothing in the Chen family. All Chen Xuan can rely on is the soul in his mind. I'm afraid that I won't learn anything about the Chen family's skills. After all, Chen Hong is not stupid. How could he watch himself become stronger and threaten their own status? After all, Chen Hong is not stupid either.

However, Chen Xuan was even more scheming. Chen Xuan asked Helan Yu'er to keep it secret. Chen Xuan still asked Helan Yu'er to keep the matter of his attack on the first-level Taoist secret. Because Chen Xuan felt that if Chen Hong and Chen Lin knew about it, they would seize the time to deal with him. After all, only when Chen Xuan had not yet cultivated Tao skills and Tao mind power, they were the most confident that they could deal with him.

And now I have become a thorn in their flesh. As long as they feel that their threat exceeds their imagination, then they will definitely come back to deal with them.

What's even more frightening is that he has provoked the Yun family and the Snow Mountain Sect. They and those old guys want to die or die without having anything to do with the Chen family. Anyway, the Snow Mountain Sect and the Chen family must not be enemies, at least that's what those old guys think.

Chen Xuan and Helan Yuer simply have their own thoughts...

They were on the bustling street of Wuyang, and the pedestrians coming and going were either jealous or envious, and the glances coming and going, if they could kill others with their gazes. Chen Xuan has died hundreds of times now. But Chen Xuan still looks calm now. Chen Xuan's mood has long been very strong. But Chen Xuan knew that he and Helan Yu'er still had to keep a distance.

It's not because he is afraid of these looks. One is because of Chen Xuan's illness, and the other is because Chen Xuan feels that doing this will indeed arouse a lot of jealousy and envy.

There was still a little doubt in Chen Xuan's expression. Chen Xuan knew in his heart that the most important thing for Chen Xuan to do now was to quickly improve his strength.

Chen Xuan watched the pedestrians coming and going constantly passing by Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan watched the prosperity of the city, and the voices in the buying meeting were that people were spending a lot of money.

Chen Xuan is not particularly interested in those rouge powders or those ancient treasure collections. Chen Xuan and Helan Yu'er sat there quietly. But Chen Xuan felt that Helan Yu'er's body was constantly leaning towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan seemed to have a relapse of an old illness, because Chen Xuan's heart felt like it was out of Chen Xuan's control and began to beat crazily.

Because Chen Xuan knew that he had no way to be rude now, so he could only let Helan Yu'er hold his arm, but Helan Yu'er's head was buried in Chen Xuan's chest. Chen Xuan's heart seemed to be beating harder, but Chen Xuan's expression was still as calm as ever. The eyes are naturally as deep as ever. This still makes everyone admire him, ah, Chen Xuan can be regarded as a gentleman who can sit still and calmly, right?

Chen Xuan seemed to be about to be killed by everyone's gaze at this time. Chen Xuan didn't know what to do. But what Chen Xuan knew was that the auction at this time had reached its climax. What Chen Xuan needs to do is wait for the opportunity, get those two things and then run away.

"Hey, isn't this the good-for-nothing third young master of the Chen family? Why are you here at the buying meeting? Do you have enough money? Oh. Sister Yu'er is here too." A very arrogant voice sounded behind Chen Xuan , and the source of this voice turned out to be a middle-aged man in fine clothes with a big belly.

The information in Chen Xuan's mind kept pouring, and Chen Xuan didn't know who he was. This surprised Chen Xuan very much. Since you are not familiar with Chen Xuan, where did he come from?

Chen Xuan was very confused, but after thinking about it, Chen Xuan was relieved. Because the reputation of Chen Xuan, the good-for-nothing Third Young Master, is really famous both inside and outside the city. He knew that it was normal for Chen Xuan to be Dai Kan, and that Helan Yu'er was also a famous and talented person in Wuyang City.

It is very normal for him to want to win favor in front of Helan Yu'er. Chen Xuan's expression did not change at all, as if this middle-aged man did not exist. The middle-aged man seemed to be angered by Chen Xuan's disapproving attitude. He was the second young master of the Luo family. Who was this Chen Xuan?

How dare you ignore yourself like this and make yourself lose face in front of Yu'er. But what Chen Xuan knows is that if he loses face in front of Yu'er, then Yu'er will not marry him willingly.

We can only wait until the Chen family is destroyed. Wuyang City cannot tolerate two tigers in one flash. In this case, the Luo family will naturally try their best to get rid of the Chen family.

However, the Luo family recently received good news. It was rumored that Chen Xuan, the good-for-nothing third young master of the Chen family, was sitting in front of him. It seems to have offended the Snow Mountain Sect. What kind of existence is the Snow Mountain Sect? How could it be allowed to offend a character like the Chen family? It seems that the Chen family is indeed close to extinction.

Don't offend the Snow Mountain Sect. Even if you offend a disciple of the Snow Mountain Sect, there will definitely be no room for him in Wuyang City. This world is still very powerful. Luo Lie, the second young master of the Luo family, knows this, but because of this knowledge, Luo Lie and the Luo family did not take any action against the Chen family.

Because the Luo family really wants to reap the benefits. With Chen Xuan's strength, how dare he challenge the Snow Mountain Sect? What is it but self-destruction? But the next second, something unexpected happened to Luo Lie. It seems that Luo Lie thought that this extremely talented Helan Yu'er would not help Chen Xuan speak. After all, what is Chen Xuan's identity?

And what is Helan Yu'er's identity? She is an ordinary existence! With such strength, even if he joins the Snow Mountain Sect in the future, he will probably become the proud disciple of the Snow Mountain Sect. It's just that Luo Lie's vision is still too far. He only saw the Snow Mountain Sect, but he didn't expect that the Snow Mountain Sect Helan Yu'er would like it.

"Luo Lie, this is the third young master of the Chen family. Are you trying to stir up trouble between the two families?" What Luo Lie didn't expect was that Helan Yuer also spoke for Chen Xuan. Who exactly is Chen Xuan?

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