Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1731 Conflict in the buying meeting (1)

Luo Lie was stunned for a moment. Why was Helan Yu'er so scary? At least Luo Lie felt that Chen Xuan was simply a useless young master. Because Chen Xuan had already spread throughout Wuyang City that he was a useless person.

How could Chen Xuan let Helan Yu'er speak for him? There was a crazy fire of jealousy in Luo Lie's eyes, and Chen Xuan seemed to turn a deaf ear to it, and Chen Xuan seemed to be unmoved at all.

The fire of jealousy burning in Luo Lie's eyes seemed to be difficult to extinguish. But Chen Xuan knew that Luo Lie would not give up so easily. But there was still a little more murderous aura in Chen Xuan's eyes. Chen Xuan knew that he didn't need to confront this boy head-on now.

Since he liked Helan Yu'er, it seemed that Helan Yu'er didn't like Luo Lie too much. That's fine. In this case, why didn't Chen Xuan use Helan Yu'er to knock Luo Lie?

At this time, the treasures on the purchase meeting were about to be auctioned off. Chen Xuan knew that it was almost his turn to get what he wanted. Chen Xuan didn't want to get too entangled with Luo Lie. Chen Xuan felt that it would be a pity if he missed his plan. But Chen Xuan didn't know how to solve it, so he simply stopped caring.

He just focused his eyes on the auction table. At this time, there were many people at the purchase meeting, but when they saw Chen Xuan showing respect and envy, they all criticized Chen Xuan behind his back and regarded Chen Xuan as a thorn in their eyes. However, Chen Xuan's current strength is still not suitable for showing off, because that would be of no benefit to Chen Xuan.

At this time, Luo Lie saw that Chen Xuan didn't say too much, nor did he provoke too much, but just looked at Helan Yu'er with a hot face. Luo Lie thought to himself, what does this Helan Yu'er do?

At this age, after the Chen family is destroyed, she will still be slept with. But Helan Yu'er's identity really made Luo Lie very confused, and the Chen family has always claimed that Helan Yu'er is the adopted daughter of the Chen family.

But if she was just an adopted daughter of the Chen family, why would Helan Yu'er be treated so well by the Chen family? In fact, Luo Lie was not unaware of the character of Chen Hong, the patriarch of the Chen family. He was probably not a kind man. This man was extremely vicious and cruel. Luo Lie even knew that Chen Hong was actually the most terrible murderer who killed Chen Xuan's parents.

Chen Xuan probably still didn't know, and he was still trying to please him like the patriarch uncle? After all, Chen Xuan was just a useless young master, how could he dare to go against Chen Hong.

Although Chen Hong's son was just a Taoist who had not yet reached perfection, the terrible thing about this child was that his father was the patriarch, and this child's talent was also good, so many of his skills and Taoist skills were very powerful. But Chen Xuan was a complete waste.

However, Chen Xuan began to think deeply at this time. Since Chen Xuan was a waste in the eyes of others, it would be better to be a waste to the end, because Chen Xuan still felt that although his current strength was not top-notch, he was definitely gifted, but it would not be bad if those families thought he was a waste.

After all, once Chen Xuan is a waste, it will not threaten the balance of Wuyang City for the time being. After all, Chen is a waste now and will not threaten many of the deeply rooted interests of people.

Chen Xuan kept thinking in his heart, let him pretend to be a waste. Although Chen Xuan did not particularly like this family, and even had a lot of grievances with the patriarch Chen Hong and his cousin Chen Lin, it was the grievances of the Chen family after all. In front of the interests of the Chen family, these grievances are secondary.

Chen Xuan thought about it, and then he came up with a plan. Chen Xuan glanced at his side. Helan Yuer was also lowering her head and blushing at this time. The auction items on the stage were really nothing to Helan Yuer.

But the man next to her was regarded as a treasure by Helan Yuer herself. She seemed to fall into anger, ecstasy, sadness, and depression because of the man next to her. This might be their love. A proud girl like herself would actually fall in love with such a man.

Moreover, Chen Xuan was like a piece of wood, not feeling anything at all. Just when Helan Yuer was scolding Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan's eyes happened to meet Helan Yuer.

Chen Xuan's eyes made Helan Yuer feel a little overwhelmed in an instant, it was a kind of sweet panic. Although Chen Xuan didn't seem to understand what Helan Yuer was panicking about.

Chen Xuan just stared at Helan Yuer briefly, then leaned over to Helan Yuer's ear and whispered a few words. As for the content, Chen Xuan told Helan Yuer all the strategies he had just thought of.

Helan Yuer's face was flushed to the extreme, Chen Xuan actually touched her so closely. This was the first time, and Chen Xuan even felt Helan Yuer's breath, and the faint lavender fragrance filled the distance between Chen Xuan and Helan Yuer when they were in contact. But Chen Xuan still didn't show any expression too much, but the indifference on Chen Xuan's face made Helan Yuer's heart empty for a few beats.

Even Helan Yuer herself did not realize that many of her emotions were influenced by a man named Chen Xuan.

Helan Yuer felt a masculine aura from Chen Xuan on her face. Helan Yuer felt as if her face was about to burn, and the heat from Chen Xuan's body was getting closer and closer to hers. Even Chen Xuan's heartbeat had begun to speed up, and his body had some reactions.

And Helan Yu'er didn't need it. Ever since Chen Xuan came over, it seemed that his heart had never calmed down. Chen Xuan seemed to find that he almost didn't know what he was thinking.

And Helan Yu'er also found that she didn't seem to hear a word of Chen Xuan's words. Luo Lie became even more annoyed when he saw the ambiguous posture between the two. The jealousy in his eyes seemed to ignite Chen Xuan. How could Chen Xuan not feel the change in Luo Lie's aura in such a state of mind. But Chen Xuan still didn't take it seriously at all, as if it had nothing to do with him at all.

At the end, Helan Yu'er finally forced her consciousness to wake up, and her reason returned to Helan Yu'er's body. However, Helan Yu'er seemed to have only heard the last two sentences of Chen Xuan's plan.

Then he guessed Chen Xuan's whole plan, Helan Yu'er was indeed Helan Yu'er. But Chen Xuan seems to feel that his own is a bit too much, okay! In fact, Chen Xuan still admitted that he really liked the feeling of relying on Helan Yu'er, so he lost his composure like this. But the next thing depends on Helan Yuer's help.

The distance between Chen Xuan and Helan Yu'er returned to before, and the eyes of those at the purchasing meeting seemed to have weakened their murderous intent towards Chen Xuan. Just now, even the host almost thought that this buying meeting would ignite a bloody storm, but fortunately, nothing happened now.

Chen Xuan naturally didn't pay too much attention and just raised his eyebrows.

In the end, Chen Xuanyao's Forget-Worry Grass and Harmony Flower were naturally auctioned off by Helan Yu'er at a high price. He gave it to Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan just smiled and thanked him.

But such a smile seemed to Helan Yu'er as warm as bathing in sunshine. Chen Xuan was even called the second sunshine in Helan Yu'er's heart.

If those who admired Helan Yu'er found out about this, they would probably be pissed to death and come to Chen Xuan for a duel one by one. But Chen Xuan's strength is indeed not enough, because Chen Xuan feels that only by becoming a Taoist master can he barely have the ability to protect himself in such a cruel world.

Becoming a Taoist master has now become Chen Xuan's primary goal. Now that he has obtained the Jie Yuhua, he has also obtained the Forget Worry Grass. The only thing missing was Bianhua, which was the most difficult thing for Chen Xuanlai.

Because the place of Secret Forest is still very dangerous for Chen Xuanlai now. But what Chen Xuan knows is, even so, so what?

Opportunities always coexist with challenges.

And when Chen Xuan went back to wake up the old man in white robe, he was obviously going to the dense forest, but the old man in white robe was so indifferent.

This made Chen Xuan feel that this master was not kind enough at all. But indeed, anyone who associates kindness with this demon from a thousand years ago must be crazy.

"Chen Xuanzi, don't be ignorant. I haven't asked you for money to refine the power gathering talisman yet! You are so heartless! Do you know the price for me to refine a talisman? That's price but no market!"

After hearing Chen Xuan's slander, the old man in white robe immediately roared angrily. Of course, Chen Xuan only gave the old man in white robe a blank look. Then faintly came two words.

"Body!" When the old man in white robe heard these two words, he was like the demons and ghosts hearing the Zen bell in the temple, and there was no sound at all in an instant.

He could only let Chen Xuan slander him, and Chen Xuan was secretly preparing to enter the secret forest, but Chen Xuan knew in his heart that he was afraid of many dangers when he went there.

But the old man in his body should save his life unless he doesn't want his body anymore. But what the old man in white robe said next made Chen Xuan feel as if he was about to cry.

"By the way, don't count on me Ming Ming. Ming Ming is a test I will give you!"

This time the white-robed old man's tone was a little more playful, but his aura was also serious. Chen Xuan just wanted to threaten the old man in white robe with his body this time, but who knows...

"If you can't even pass this test, think I'm blind!"

Chen Xuan was speechless...

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