Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1732 Conflict in the buying meeting (2)

Chen Xuan had already started packing his luggage. After preparing, he temporarily left the family and went to the dense forest to find materials for the old immortal to make the gathering talisman.

Chen Xuan actually knew in his heart that his position in the family was dispensable anyway. Even if he was dead and his body rotted here, no one would care about him.

So his trip was actually nothing. Anyway, it was very dangerous to go to the dense forest. But since Chen Xuan came to this world, he found that this world was actually very different from the Yu world where he was originally. It’s not that Chen Xuan thinks this world is so wonderful, but Chen Xuan at least knows a lot of rules in these two worlds. At least many rules are not very familiar to Chen Xuan now. But Chen Xuan feels that he must slowly adapt to this rule.

Chen Xuan slowly took the bag he prepared for himself and set off on the journey. But what Chen Xuan knew was that it was not so easy for Chen Xuan now. And according to Chen Xuan’s current strength, it is indeed not suitable to go to the dense forest alone to get the other shore flower.

First of all, because the Secret Forest is usually a place where the teams of the Demon Hunting Union often appear. If Chen Xuan goes there alone, and his strength is not particularly strong, then Chen Xuan is very likely to be killed by those people before he gets the red spider lily. But although Chen Xuan's goal this time is the red spider lily, the more important thing is of course his own life.

With Chen Xuan's strength, if he encounters the monsters in the Secret Forest now, the probability of dying is as high as five levels or more. Chen Xuan now needs a group of people, or needs to join a demon hunting team, although the demon hunting team is different from his own. But Chen Xuan thinks that different ways do not necessarily mean that they are not incompatible, and each takes what he needs.

With Chen Xuan's current strength, if he wants to join the Demon Hunting Union team, he should really find one, because generally the teams of the higher-level Demon Hunting Union will have very demanding requirements for strength.

Chen Xuan carried his bag and left the Chen family villa in the moonlight. The old housekeeper also said something to Chen Xuan. He just raised his head and looked at Chen Xuan, and then immediately went to do his own thing. Chen Xuan did not explain anything to the old housekeeper, and just left on his own. The old housekeeper did not know why, and now his view of Chen Xuan has changed a lot. He seemed to feel that Chen Xuan was as terrible as a completely different person, and was Chen Xuan grown up?

Chen Xuan decided to contact some demon hunting guilds first. Although it was night, Zhongyang Street was still very busy. In fact, there is a curfew in Wuyang City, but there is no curfew today because it is a custom of the Ulan Empire, a custom of the Lantern Festival. It is said that during the Lantern Festival, Wuyang City, or the Ulan Empire, will become a real city that never sleeps or a country that never sleeps.

The time agreed by Chen Xuan and the white-robed old man is actually after the Lower Yuan Festival. If Chen Xuan still does not leave the Secret Forest after the Lower Yuan Festival, or Chen Xuan still does not get what he should get.

Then the white-haired old man will snatch Chen Xuan's body on time, and then Chen Xuan will really lose consciousness. But before that, Chen Xuan still has about a year.

Chen Xuan felt that this world was much crueler than he had imagined. Chen Xuan looked up at the cold moonlight, which formed a sharp contrast with the hustle and bustle of the world, and the coldness of the moonlight merged with the loneliness in Chen Xuan's heart. This place is indeed a truly cold-blooded place, and Chen Xuan could not see any emotion here. Everything is terrible with interests first.

Chen Xuan saw the bright lights in the distance, and just smiled slightly, without caring about anything at all. But what Chen Xuan knew was that if Chen Xuan did not go to the Demon Hunter Guild now, then his only chance of survival would be wiped out.

At this time, Chen Xuan was facing the moonlight, and only a few wild geese returning to the south were still hovering in the sky. Only a few crows were still crowing in a low voice on such a night, but they were soon completely drowned out by the noisy sound of the crazy crowd on this street.

What Chen Xuan saw was the endless darkness, even if there were a few stars still lighting up the night competently. But it still seemed like he was outnumbered, and Chen Xuan seemed to feel like he was just like that star. The reason why Chen Xuan wanted to become the most powerful in this world was that he wanted to change the rules and laws that the whole world should have, and wanted to turn these distorted things back again.

But now Chen Xuan found that he was just like the stars in the night sky, and he could only emit this very weak light. But Chen Xuan felt that he must have a chance to make everyone very bright. Chen Xuan felt that he could always become the pearl in the night sky, and the only pearl in this night sky.

Chen Xuan walked through the crowded crowd, smelled the smell in the crowd, and finally got rid of it. And what Chen Xuan saw now was not the kind of bustling prosperity that Zhongyang Street showed him. What Chen Xuan saw now was instead the golden splendor. This golden splendor seemed to be the feature here, and the feature here seemed to be described in two words at this time, that is, luxury.

Chen Xuan knew that it should be not far from the Demon Hunter Guild. But the color was so dim at this time. Chen Xuan thought he should find a Hakka to stay for one night, and then go to the Demon Hunter Guild tomorrow to detect the truth.

But after Chen Xuan saw these restaurants, he sighed secretly. If you look at these restaurants, you can tell how impressive they are, and their exterior decorations can be very luxurious. The gate is made of gold and jade, and the plaque is inlaid with jade, and Chen Xuan knows that it cannot be completed without the legendary price.

Chen Xuan naturally knew that he really couldn't afford to live in these weird shops. But Chen Xuan was walking around on such a street, as if this area was lifeless, deserted, and no one was around.

Chen Xuan knew that this was actually a truly luxurious place, but it was not open to those Sheng Dou people. Everyone who lives here is a cultivator, or someone extremely wealthy and powerful.

After all, Chen Xuan still understands the rules, and according to Chen Xuan's status at this time, he is qualified to live here, but Chen Xuan just walked slowly and leisurely, admiring all the conditions of this street.

But wherever Chen Xuan's indifferent eyes went to the prosperous places, they all revealed a sense of indifference, as if Chen Xuan didn't care about the wealth at all. But no one cared about such an unknown young man in black robe. Only the lonely back of the young man in black robe was left, still walking on the street of West Second Street of Zhongshang Avenue.

Chen Xuan took a look and it seemed that it was indeed time to stay in a hotel. In fact, these Hakka shops are also very powerful. They look at your origin, that is, your identity, if you are extraordinary. I'm afraid these shopkeepers are also willing to flatter him, but a person like Chen Xuan wanders around West Second Street like a ghost, and he doesn't look like a particularly powerful person. So these shopkeepers and doormen still didn't say a word even when they saw Chen Xuan through their luxurious doors.

Finally, Chen Xuanzai picked one, which looked the most luxurious among these hotels, and walked in slowly. Sure enough, when Chen Xuan walked inside slowly, the doormen were also sizing him up. However, those doormen didn't look at Chen Xuan as a wealthy master. He continued to maintain the posture of looking at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and continued to remain silent. But there was a look of complete ridicule on their faces, and Chen Xuan could see it.

But Chen Xuan still didn't care at all, because Chen Xuan was too lazy to care. Since these hotels are only open to those with respectability, Chen Xuan can also inquire about the Demon Hunter Guild when he goes in. No matter what, I can go in and knock on the mountain to shock the tiger. In this way, I can not only get the news I need most at the moment, but also make preparations for it. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

But when Chen Xuan walked into the door inlaid with beautiful jade, Chen Xuan seemed to vaguely hear a gentle snort from the doorman's nose. Although this sound was an extremely low one, how could Chen Xuan, as a cultivator, not hear it?

Chen Xuan didn't pay attention, there was no wave in his mind, just like a calm mirror, but if it were a slightly more powerful practitioner. You should be able to see Chen Xuan's terror in the mirror that Chen Xuan is looking at now. It is an extremely calm terror. This terror is like all the power gathered at one point. If the owner of Mr. Zhang's power chooses to explode, it will definitely be an extremely shocking explosion.

But Chen Xuan remained calm as always. Chen Xuan slowly walked into this extremely luxurious hotel with a cold face. As soon as Chen Xuan entered, he saw the foreman's counter, but the foreman was also looking at him. This so-called foreman is also the manager of this hotel. But the shopkeeper was dressed in gorgeous clothes, and his expression had the feeling of someone in power, making Chen Xuan feel that this man was obviously extraordinary.

But even so, Chen Xuan still didn't say too many words or expressions. Seeing that such a magnificent hotel could be so calm without even frowning, this state of mind was indeed extraordinary. The foreman's heart contracted, but he still didn't go up to him because he didn't know what kind of person he was here now.

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