Chen Xuan knew this in his heart, which was a good advantage for him. At least he could still expand his horizons here. If he could make friends with some forces, Chen Xuan would naturally feel very much in love with him.

Chen Xuan still looked at the doorman coldly, and the doorman and Chen Xuan drank some wine together. Chen Xuan's cold tone sounded again, but this time the doorman was not as nervous as before.

"In fact, from the beginning to now, I have no hostility towards you. Otherwise, you would not be alive now." When Chen Xuan said this, his face was still as indifferent as before, as if he was saying something very ordinary.

But this sentence could contain the life and death of this doorman. When the doorman heard this sentence, he finally put his heart back in his stomach. Chen Xuan raised his eyes and glanced at the doorman. The doorman's heart shrank violently again, because the feeling of being stared at by a cultivator like Chen Xuan was not very good, because the doorman felt like he was being stared at by a terrible beast.

Although the beast had no intention of killing him, the doorman still felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles. Chen Xuan knew that his gaze made the doorman feel very uncomfortable.

Chen Xuan did not continue to stare at the doorman. Chen Xuan just poured himself a glass of wine and ate something. Chen Xuan had already put away all his momentum. At this time, Chen Xuan made the doorman feel like a brother who often came to him for free meals.

Chen Xuan actually gave him a harmless feeling, which made the doorman feel very abnormal. The person opposite him was a cultivator, a big shot! The doorman kept reminding himself in his heart.

And this contradictory mood made Chen Xuan want to laugh, but Chen Xuan's face was still indifferent, as if there was no smile at all. Not long after, Chen Xuan asked lightly, "This is my first time to come to the Secret Forest Trial, you don't have to be too nervous. And I called you here just to ask you something."

The doorman was still a little surprised. What exactly did such a big shot want to ask him? But this did make the doorman feel a lot more at ease.

Chen Xuan looked at the doorman so quietly, and then said, "Actually, I came to you to ask about the Secret Forest and the Demon Hunting Guild, and the Demon Killing Team. That is, those big shots you are talking about!"

Chen Xuan said this, as if to make the doorman feel relieved. Indeed, the questions asked by this big shot are indeed questions that he is more proficient in, just like asking him about the big shots in the Secret Forest. No one knows this better than the doorman.

Because the doorman feels that he can see many kinds of people every time he stays in such an environment, or has seen many big shots.

There should be no one who knows these big shots better than the doorman, and Chen Xuan also nodded slightly. His eyes continued to become kind, making the doorman feel that the person sitting opposite him seemed to be a friend he had known for a long time.

This is the aura of a cultivator. For a cultivator, he can control his aura freely. This is a very rare state of mind, but Chen Xuan's two lives have made Chen Xuan feel that he has become more proficient in controlling his state of mind. Chen Xuan is still able to control his state of mind.

However, although Chen Xuan's current strength is not particularly strong, Chen Xuan's current state of mind is a very powerful gift for Chen Xuan.

"You don't know, this demon hunting union is a kind of honor for those big men." Chen Xuan smiled slightly and did not comment. Chen Xuan knew that the so-called big men in the eyes of this doorman were nothing more than those Taoists, the initial stage of Taoist masters. In fact, the so-called Taoist masters are divided into one to nine levels plus the perfect Taoist master.

And the first to third levels of Taoist masters are all the initial levels, the fourth to sixth levels are the middle levels of Taoist masters, the seventh to ninth levels are the peak levels of Taoist masters, and then the perfect Taoist master. The existence that can impact the great Taoist master.

But Chen Xuan knew that the existence of the doorman could only see people at the level of the initial level of Taoist masters and Taoists. In fact, they think these are some big men. The Taoist Union is naturally more like the supreme honor in the eyes of the doorman because Chen Xuan knows that Chen Xuan still understands this in his heart, because Chen Xuan knows in his heart that for Chen Xuan, his strength is nothing.

Chen Xuan's eyes were now more profound, which made the doorman feel Chen Xuan's fear again. However, once the doorman started talking, he did feel a little bit unstoppable, because the doorman knew that the person in front of him was also a big shot.

There is nothing wrong with letting the big shot remember himself. But Chen Xuan just listened coldly, and there was nothing else. What Chen Xuan heard was that there were many precious monsters in the dense forest.

And those monsters were still very powerful, and no one dared to provoke them. The reason why big shots can become big shots is that they dare to provoke those very precious monsters. Their strength is still very powerful, which is where ordinary civilians like doormen cannot compare with those big shots.

And those big shots naturally look down on these ordinary civilians. To these big shots, they are like ants. Chen Xuan knows that the current world is very predatory, and these civilians are nothing to cultivators. However, although Chen Xuan's strength is considered a big shot in the eyes of the doorman, he is indeed not very powerful.

Chen Xuan found that the doorman could see a lot of things that were not in the book. Of course, the information given by the doorman would be very limited because of the doorman's very narrow vision.

But Chen Xuan found that it was still very useful. Chen Xuan knew some information about the Secret Forest. As for the Demon Hunter Guild, it was only said by the doorman that it was very large and very powerful. Chen Xuan did not receive anything very useful. In fact, Chen Xuan felt that this was entirely because the doorman himself could not reach this class.

However, Chen Xuan wanted to see the Demon Hunter Guild to see what kind of union it was and how powerful it was. Chen Xuan felt that the Demon Hunting Guild was not as strong as the doorman.

Because although the Demon Hunters Guild controls those practitioners, after all, the Demon Hunters Guild can only control those who existed before low-level Taoists. Chen Xuan didn't chat too much with the doorman. After Chen Xuan got the news he wanted, Chen Xuan sent the doorman away.

Then he returned to the guest room alone and summoned the old man in white robe. Since this was a test given to him by the old man in white robe, how could the person who was testing him be sleeping soundly over there? Chen Xuan immediately woke up the old man in white robe. Chen Xuan still had the same indifferent expression on his face, and the old man in white robe also looked at Chen Xuan with a calm expression.

"Old man!" Chen Xuan called the old man in white robes jokingly, and the old man in white robes just raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Does the old man want me to die and then take my body as his own?" Chen Xuan's tone contained some questioning, but Chen Xuan felt that the old man in white robe seemed to have everything under control.

The old man in white robe frowned slightly, and then resumed his indescribable mysterious smile, as if Chen Xuan had something in the hands of the old man in white robe.

Chen Xuan was also very puzzled. Why was it that the old man in white robe had the handle in his hands? What on earth was this old man thinking? But the old man in white robe just smiled and slowly uttered three words...

"Call Master!"

These three words made Chen Xuan stunned. This old man in white robe must have what he wanted. It seemed that the old man in white robe had already known the purpose of coming to him.

But Chen Xuan knew that this was relatively good news for him. Chen Xuan glanced at the smiling face of the old man in white robe and softly uttered two words.


But when Chen Xuan said these two words, although the smile on his face did not diminish, the old man in white robe saw respect and respect in Chen Xuan's eyes.

The old man in white robe was stunned for a moment. It seemed that Chen Xuan was indeed a talent that could be created. Chen Xuan's ability to control Rao's mentality can be considered to be the ultimate.

But Chen Xuan knew that now was a good time for the white-robed old man to bleed profusely. But Chen Xuan knew that for the old man in white robe, this was like taking away a precious thing from him.

"That's it! Anyway, you are my disciple, so I can only help you by teaching you!" The old man in white robe stared at Chen Xuan with a smile for a long time, and finally said this sentence helplessly.

In fact, Chen Xuan realized that the old man in white robe was not hesitating whether to teach him at all. But he was hesitating on how to teach himself. This was a hesitant for the old man in white robe.

Perhaps the old man in white robe was thinking about what to teach him, but Chen Xuan knew that the old man in white robe was definitely not hesitating whether to teach him or not. Anyway, after spending some time with the old man in white robes...

What Chen Xuan felt more was the amiable temperament of the old man in white robe. In fact, the old man in white robe did not seem to be as vicious and vicious as he said.

On the contrary, Chen Xuan felt that the old man in white robe was actually more like a person of flesh and blood, but why did the old man in white robe let Chen Xuan misunderstand him so much? In fact, Chen Xuan couldn't figure it out. Anyway, let's see what kind of things the old man in white robe would come up with to help him!

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