At this time, Chen Xuan seemed to have a better understanding of the true character of the old man in white robe. But the old man in white robe glanced at Chen Xuan, and his faint smile became stronger.

"Son! Don't forget to hit the scar! I didn't hold back when I hit you before. If I later find out that you can't practice well and there is no talent in cultivation, then I will continue to live in your place!"

When the old man in white robe said these words, even the smile on his face did not disappear. Chen Xuan felt more like a white-haired old man speaking a very common family story.

But only Chen Xuan realized the momentum behind these words when he just finished speaking. Chen Xuan was completely subdued by this momentum and could only nod secretly.

However, Chen Xuan's appearance at this time made the old man in white robe feel secretly satisfied. The apprentice he found is really a good seedling. Just because he is such a good seedling, he should train him well.

Then it’s him! Huaxiao Palm!

"Okay! In that case, I will pass on the best here to you! You must remember that you are the only heir to Shizu! You are also the first successor to Shizu!"

The old man in white robe lost the smile on his face before, and now he became even more serious about Chen Xuan's words. How could Chen Xuan not hear the solemnity in the white-robed old man's words?

However, Chen Xuan still nodded, but Chen Xuan began to swear secretly in his heart that Chen Xuan would definitely practice this skill well. But the only confusion in Chen Xuan's heart was about the successor of this technique.

Why is it that this old man in white robe is the sole heir of this technique? Could it be that only my master knows this skill? Because according to Chen Xuan's understanding of Kung Fu, there are generally several generations of successors.

Because Chen Xuan knew about heirs, the older the skills were and the more powerful the level, the fewer his heirs would be. But it can’t be just one generation!

Moreover, there are very few Chen Xuan in the book, or it was only possible to see the kind of inherited skills of only one generation very far away!

Chen Xuan thought of a possibility, a very impossible possibility! Could it be that this skill was created by this old man in white robe? That is simply too incredible!

He created his own Kung Fu, but Chen Xuan suddenly thought that it was not a Kung Fu. It seemed that what the old man in white robe was using was not a Kung Fu, but...

Chen Xuan suddenly realized the existence of something more powerful than the martial arts, that is, the legendary Tao skills. In fact, Chen Xuan seemed to have only read about the existence of Tao skills in books.

Chen Xuan knew that Dao Technique was actually a very remarkable existence. It did not have such stringent requirements on the cultivator's level or the attributes of Taoist mental power that the Cultivation Technique required. But the use of Tao skills is not much worse than Tao Xin Kung Fu.

In fact, things like Tao skills are very precious, and they are very precious to Chen Xuanlai. Because Chen Xuan knew that there must be no Taoist skills in the world that he could come into contact with now.

But will the old man in white robe prepare a good Taoist book for himself? Only then did Chen Xuan truly understand the true meaning of the phrase, opportunities and challenges coexist.

Because Chen Xuan knew that although he met this white-haired old man who was his master, his opportunities had completely changed. But Chen Xuan still knew that although the opportunities now were completely different, the mission Chen Xuan had to undertake was also completely different.

Chen Xuan glanced at the white-haired old man, and his eyes became even deeper and unusual. Chen Xuan silently thought in his heart that there is only one way now, the only way, and that is to make himself stronger.

The perseverance in Chen Xuan's eyes was what the old man in white robe wanted to see. What the old man in white robe wanted to see was this perseverance. And this also made the old man in white robe feel that it was not a loss if he took out this skill.

But Chen Xuan was even more shocked at this moment, as if the old man in white robe was just smiling slightly and staring at him lightly. But Chen Xuan seemed to be surrounded by the extremely powerful aura of the old man in white robe. For the first time, Chen Xuan felt as if he was out of breath. But Chen Xuan was still very calm, and he still maintained that indifference on his face.

"It seems that you are determined to learn my Tao skills. I am not afraid of you. My Tao skills have been perfected by me thousands of years ago. But..."

The old man in white robe then spoke to Chen Xuandao, and with every word the old man in white robe said, Chen Xuan's expectations for that Taoist skill increased. At this time, Chen Xuan felt that the Taoist skills were really unfathomable.

Just like the cold moonlight outside at this time, and the darkness outside, they are both very unfathomable. Just like the whole nature, the whole world, it is a very huge existence. Even Chen Xuan felt that the so-called Taoist skill should be as huge as the whole world.

Chen Xuan didn't say anything more. Chen Xuan still looked cold and indifferent. But only Chen Xuan himself felt the shock in Chen Xuan's heart, as if Chen Xuan's heart twitched violently.

But the next words shocked Chen Xuan even more.

"But after I experienced a great catastrophe, I knew a lot of the shortcomings of this Taoist technique, and then I made a lot of changes again. Until I met you, although you It’s an unreliable doll!”

"But I think you are still destined, and you can barely be considered a talent! In that case, I will teach you what I have learned in half my life!"

The white-robed old man's words made Chen Xuan feel that his spirit was startled. Chen Xuan felt that such a skill could be mastered by such a strong person. How high can Chen Xuan reach in the future?

In fact, Chen Xuan himself doesn't know how high he will reach in the future, but what he can be sure of is that he will be able to stand on the top of the continent. Standing on the top of a continent is enough to overlook the entire continent.

The night was still so cold, and Chen Xuan felt that the night light at this time was very cold and aloof. Just like Chen Xuan's temper at this time, Chen Xuan also felt that he seemed to be walking in the dark night forever, fighting alone. certainly! This old man in white robe can only be regarded as a light to Chen Xuanlai.

But Chen Xuan knew that in the end he would have to walk this road by himself. Chen Xuan didn't think that the strength of the old man in white robe would keep him going and share the joys and sorrows with Chen Xuan.

In fact, Chen Xuan didn't think so, because Chen Xuan could feel that the old man in white robe was like a lamp, and this lamp could only be used as a guide.

It is undeniable that Chen Xuan was relatively lucky because the lamp Chen Xuan encountered was pretty good. At least the old man in white robe is powerful enough, although Chen Xuan was constantly thinking in his heart at this time. But Chen Xuan's face remained as indifferent as ever. Chen Xuan still looked at the white-haired old man indifferently, but the relationship between Chen Xuan and the white-haired old man became very quiet.

The old man in white robe also looked at Chen Xuan with a smile. This smile made Chen Xuan unable to see through the depth, but Chen Xuan's eyes were also very deep, and his expression was as indifferent as ever.

The old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan and sighed secretly. At this time, an old man and a young man were in the room, making the environment in the room very depressing. Only the breeze outside the window was still rustling.

Chen Xuan and the white-haired old man didn't seem to care about this at all, because Chen Xuan and the white-haired old man were both calm at this time. In fact, Chen Xuan slowly began to realize that every silence was a test for Chen Xuan from the old man in white robe.

That was an extremely powerful test for Chen Xuan's state of mind, because when a powerful man chooses to remain silent, his aura at that time is very powerful. What's more, this person is still the most powerful person who has been practicing in Jialantu for thousands of years. Chen Xuan's heart would change every time the old man in white robe chose to remain silent.

Chen Xuan may also realize that even if Chen Xuan has such a firm mind, his mind will still change when encountering such a situation. But what Chen Xuan himself can realize is that every time this happens, the next silence will always be shorter than this time. This is something Chen Xuan can be sure of, and the extent to which he can bear next time can definitely be deeper than this time.

This is what Chen Xuan can be sure of! Chen Xuan was even more certain that every time, the old man in white robe had given off that kind of aura to him based on his own strength.

What made Chen Xuan even more unexpected was that every time, Chen Xuan would choose to put away that aura until he couldn't stand it anymore. But the premise is that Chen Xuan can't stand it at all. Chen Xuan still found this very incredible. It seems that the old man in white robe always knows where his strength lies.

Chen Xuan found it incredible that he could even see everything in the eyes of the old man in white robes. How powerful is this old man in white robes that he can achieve such accuracy?

Therefore, Chen Xuan will improve more every time. Chen Xuan feels that his Taoist power only needs one Gathering Talisman to start soaring directly at the Taoist stage.

Chen Xuan felt that he could break through many obstacles with just the Gathering Talisman. But now the old man in white robe hopes that Chen Xuan will lay a good foundation and not be so anxious to make a breakthrough!

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