Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1746 The Origin of Purple Immortal Stone (1)

Chen Xuan looked down at the top of the mountain and instantly felt as if the world was about to be dyed red with blood. Although Chen Xuan has lived in two generations, Chen Xuan has never seen such a bloody scene.

But the old man in white robe seemed to be used to it, and he looked calm. But Chen Xuan's face was much paler than before. The old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan because of this, because the old man in white robe felt that although Chen Xuan looked pale at this time.

But Chen Xuan's expression remained unchanged, as indifferent as usual.

But what Chen Xuan was curious about was why the old man in white robe brought Chen Xuan into the purple fairy stone. Because Chen Xuan didn't know that the old man in white robe asked Chen Xuan to come to Cimu. Could it be that the old man in white robe sent himself into the Purple Immortal Stone just to disgust himself?

But Chen Xuan did not ask too many questions, although Chen Xuan had such doubts in his heart. But Chen Xuan still seemed to act as if this never happened.

However, when Chen Xuan faced all this again, his character did grow again. However, Chen Xuan once again became calmer because of such bloody scenes.

At this time, the old man in white robe just raised his eyes slightly and said to Chen Xuandao, "Actually, the purpose of sending you into the Purple Immortal Stone this time is to let you know the origin of the Purple Immortal Stone, or to test you. You need to get the Purple Immortal Stone." Only with your approval can you return to your original world and continue to live!”

"Otherwise, the owner of your body will become me in the future! Don't think that I can't do it! If it's really useless to me! I won't keep you."

The old man in white robe had no emotion at all about Chen Xuan's words, but Chen Xuan could tell from the old man in white robe that his words no longer seemed to have the same mean feeling as before.

On the contrary, it gave Chen Xuan a somewhat solemn feeling. Of course, Chen Xuan felt nothing. He just listened quietly, still thinking in his mind. Because Chen Xuan knew that he seemed to be nothing to a moody person like the old man in white robe. But Chen Xuan knew that the old man in white robe would not give up on him so easily.

Because once the old man in white robe chooses to give up Chen Xuan, it will be a huge loss to the old man in white robe. But what exactly is the Purple Immortal Stone? It can actually influence the white-robed old man's decision about himself.

But what Chen Xuan knows is that although the Purple Immortal Stone looks like a stone on the surface, it is a stone that is fought over by all cultivators in Daoxin Continent. But the origin of the Purple Immortal Stone is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Even Chen Xuan feels that the Purple Immortal Stone is somewhat useful for extending life. However, Chen Xuan did not come out.

Because Chen Xuan was waiting for the old man in white robe to take the initiative to explain to him, but when Chen Xuan saw the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​fire under the mountain top, he no longer had a good impression of the Purple Immortal Stone.

The old man in white robe let go of the face where his eyebrows were almost twisted together before, and regained his composure, and his tone became a little more popular. The faint smile seemed to rise again at the corner of his mouth.

"Chen Xuan, let me tell you, the origin of the Purple Immortal Stone is definitely not that simple. It is much crueler than you think. And the Purple Immortal Stone can only be used to prolong life."

"But because this thing is indeed too rebellious, and his cultivation method is too bloody, so this thing can only be a fairy! Because if the loving refining method is put into the Three Realms, I'm afraid that there will be It caused bursts of blood rain!"

Chen Xuan heard only a few words, but since the old man in white robe did not tell the outside world, why was he still pulling him at this moment? Why are you deliberately letting yourself know the formula at this moment?

But how cruel is this so-called cruel refining? Chen Xuan just wanted to wait and see, because Chen Xuan believed that his state of mind should still be calm.

But Chen Xuan found that he seemed to be wrong, because Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel scared when he saw all this. Forgive Chen Xuan for his toughness, but he can't help but be frightened when he sees it. What a terrible scene it was.

But the old man in white robe seemed to be like Chen Xuan, as if he didn't see anything. Ignoring this scene, Chen Xuan knew that the current scene might indeed be beyond what he could bear.

However, Chen Xuan still tried to calm himself down more, because Chen Xuan felt that so much tempering of the state of mind could not be wasted just this time. Moreover, Chen Xuan became more and more curious about the Purple Immortal Stone at this time. What kind of existence is this?

Chen Xuan himself didn't know the origin of the Purple Immortal Stone. It is so bloody, but the Purple Immortal Stone created from such a bloody scene seems to have become the mascot of this world. It seems that everyone is eager to put the Purple Immortal Stone in a place that is accessible to them. It can be seen everywhere. This Purple Immortal Stone The origin is such a situation, I wonder if those people will feel sick.

But Chen Xuan felt that it should be possible, because Chen Xuan felt that he could hardly stand these bloody scenes now. But Chen Xuan believed that he would not let the old man in white robe down.

Chen Xuan now looked at every tree and even every piece of soil from the top of the mountain deep into the land.

At this time, Chen Xuan saw that there seemed to be cold rain falling under the mountain top. Chen Xuan himself could feel how cold the rain was on him. That kind of coldness goes deep into the bone marrow of every person, and even every plant, even into its own roots.

But Chen Xuan felt that although he could feel the coldness, Chen Xuan didn't seem to get a trace of rain. Chen Xuan watched the play under the mountain like a bystander watching a play, but the old man in white robe was a test, a test for himself by the purple fairy stone.

But Chen Xuan felt that all this might not be that simple. This was just the beginning, at least for Chen Xuan now, it seemed to be just the beginning.

But what Chen Xuan can be sure of is that the test he has to go through may not be the alarmist talk of the old man in white robe. It must be very difficult and dangerous. At least the white-robed old man's tone just now made people feel that he was a naughty old man, and it felt like the words of an old naughty boy.

But it seems that Chen Xuan still heard the crisis in these words. Is the old man in white robe really a ruthless person? In fact, Chen Xuan felt that the old man in white robe was not, because Chen Xuan could feel the old man in white robe's usual feelings for him.

It was a master-disciple relationship that was neither shallow nor deep, but Chen Xuan was certain that this master-disciple relationship didn't seem that strong to Chen Xuan. But Chen Xuan can be sure that this master-disciple relationship truly exists.

However, Chen Xuan's views on the white-robed old man at this time were deeply rooted in his heart. Although the old man in white robe planned to take advantage of Chen Xuan at the beginning, the old man in white robe did give Chen Xuan a feeling of crisis at the beginning.

What's even more frightening is that Chen Xuan, the source of this crisis, seems to have no way to resist. But the old man in white robe could easily kill Chen Xuan, but when the old man in white robe revealed his plan, Chen Xuan seemed to feel that his life would not disappear so quickly. It seems that he can use the old man in white robe to become a strong man, but because Chen Xuan can threaten the old man in white robe, Chen Xuan feels that he is not a character who will be killed by him at will.

But after getting along with each other, Chen Xuan seemed to find that the old man in white robe was not a ruthless character. On the contrary, Chen Xuan also felt that the old man in white robe was quite affectionate and kind. Chen Xuan even felt that the old man in white robe could definitely have some kind of character. There are other ways to help him get his body back. At that time, Chen Xuan had become an insignificant figure.

Even Chen Xuan's spirit will be directly wiped out, or even Chen Xuan will directly dissipate into the ground, but who knows? Anyway, Chen Xuan felt that it was a good ending for him now. However, the old man in white robe is indeed not as cruel as himself. Even the old man in white robe himself did not realize that he actually had feelings for Chen Xuan.

And feelings are something that should not exist for the old man in white robe, or for the most powerful person. But the old man in white robe seems to have developed feelings after meeting Chen Xuan.

Even the white-robed old man himself couldn't explain why he actually had feelings for Chen Xuan. But although the old man in white robe laughed and cursed and didn't want to admit it, in his heart he was indeed becoming more and more satisfied with Chen Xuan, his apprentice.

However, Chen Xuan also knew the old man in white robe now, and his attitude toward him seemed not to be as alienated as it was at the beginning, but seemed to have become closer to him. But Chen Xuan's thoughts did not last long, but he was completely broken by the cruel scene under the mountain top.

There is a blood pool under the mountain top, but what is even more terrifying now is that this blood pool is slowly drying up. But this blood has slowly been integrated into all the vegetation on this land and has begun to disappear.

They are all slowly withering, and even animals will not come close to the desolation under the mountain top. Is this the place where Purple Immortal Stone was born? Chen Xuan himself couldn't believe that something so regarded as an immortal stone was actually produced here? This is simply too incredible!

However, Chen Xuan still looked at the top of the mountain with an indifferent expression, his eyes deep and silent!

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