Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1747 The Origin of Purple Immortal Stone (2)

At this time, Chen Xuan's eyes looking down at the top of the mountain became even sharper. It seems like there is some terrible scourge under the mountain top. But Chen Xuan knew that what he saw on the top of the mountain now was just a memory for him. Although, it's all very bloody.

But for Chen Xuan, it was as if it happened all over again. Just like this, he appeared in front of Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan saw that the flowers, plants and trees under the mountain top began to wither slowly, and it probably took a while. The soil in this place seems to have turned into blood soil.

Blood soil does not mean that the soil is red, but because the injection of blood makes the soil barren and turns into thick yellow soil, which can even fill the canyon when the wind blows.

But Chen Xuan now feels that this is no longer a drama, as if he has become one of the characters in the drama. Chen Xuan felt the passage of time around him, passing by minute by second.

But Chen Xuan seemed unable to do anything. Chen Xuan felt that he was no different from the trees on the top of the mountain.

Because Chen Xuan felt as if he existed on this high mountain like a tree. But Chen Xuan was still very lucky. At least Chen Xuan is on the top of the mountain now, but if Chen Xuan is in the canyon at this time, then Chen Xuan's current situation must be very miserable.

But because of this, Chen Xuan's curiosity became even more intense. What kind of story is it? What is the origin of the Purple Immortal Stone, which is known as the greatest immortal stone in the world?

But it seemed that not only Chen Xuan didn't know, the old man in white robe seemed to be silent. In fact, for the old man in white robe, the most important thing is whether Chen Xuan can pass the purple fairy stone test this time. It's not that the old man in white robe is too weak. But once a cultivator wants to reach the strongest level, he needs something to assist him in his cultivation.

In fact, the Purple Immortal Stone can be regarded as an aid in cultivation, although such a small amount of Purple Immortal Stone is not a precious thing to the old man in white robe. But the old man in white robe has a high-quality purple immortal stone magical weapon in his hand. And this does require the approval of Purple Immortal Stone.

However, the old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan coldly at this time, hiding all this in his heart. The face of the old man in white robe was extremely indifferent at this time, as if no one could see the joy, anger or sorrow in it. It seems that the old man in white robe is thinking about anything, but Chen Xuan can't see through it at the moment.

However, it seemed that a long time had passed under the mountain top, and Chen Xuan found that the soil seemed to have slowly changed and turned into wasteland. And Chen Xuan could feel that the aura around him was filled with murderous intent.

Chen Xuan knew that it should be caused by the blood and energy of the blood around him entering these lands. But Chen Xuan did not panic again this time, but felt very calm. Because Chen Xuan was able to control his heart this time after encountering such a powerful murderous intention.

This time, the sly smile on the face of the old man in white robe seemed to be gone, replaced by an expressionless face. However, if Chen Xuan looked carefully at the expressionless face, he could still see a hint of admiration in the old man in white robe. .

But now Chen Xuan's face does lack the panic as before, but it has more calmness. Chen Xuan felt that a long time had passed, but it seemed that the starlight above had changed. One night, purple light suddenly shrouded the place. The purple light was faint, but it looked very bright.

However, this place has long since become an extremely deserted existence. No one would come here at all, so no one noticed the purple light. But every night, the purple light turns into a bright landscape and stays here just like the stars.

However, Chen Xuan still watched indifferently as always, because Chen Xuan could see that this time he finally saw the origin of the Purple Immortal Stone. It turns out that the origin of the Purple Immortal Stone is the starlight. But Chen Xuan felt that was not necessarily the case, because Chen Xuan felt that without so much blood under the mountain top, how could there be the starlight above?

But Chen Xuan didn't think too much, he just looked at the world quietly like this, very quiet and indifferent, his eyes were still as deep as ever. The expression on the white-haired old man made Chen Xuan wonder if the white-robed old man's face had frozen?

Because Chen Xuan noticed that the sun, moon and stars had changed, but the expression of the old man in white robe did not change at all. This really made Chen Xuan himself find it very incredible.

But Chen Xuan didn't get too entangled, because Chen Xuan found that everything seemed to be changing every moment... Even Chen Xuan himself seemed to be changing with the world of the Purple Immortal Stone.

But the purple light slowly dimmed, getting fainter and fainter. Until one day, a person appeared, and this person was the old man in white robe next to him. It was as if he was a savior, and he didn't know what magic he had performed to make the purple light brighter.

But the old man in white robe was still very young at that time. It should have happened a thousand years ago. At least Chen Xuan could tell from the appearance and age of the old man in white robe that it must have happened a thousand years ago. But what makes Chen Xuan curious is what the old man in white robe did to the purple fairy stone.

Why is this purple light getting brighter and brighter? It seems that after a long time, the purple light begins to separate, separating into a big stone and countless stones.

Chen Xuan seemed to understand in an instant that those stones were probably the materials used for the purple immortal stones used to pack the Jingming Powder for Chen Xuan.

The biggest stone, the center of the pile of stones, should be the so-called magic weapon, and the momentum of the so-called magic weapon is very precious, at least Chen Xuan thinks it is very precious.

Then the old man in white robe took these away and left slowly. A thick fog once again returned under the mountain top, and Chen Xuan was about to look down, but the voice of the old man in white robes came to his mind faintly behind Chen Xuan, making it difficult to see the joy and sorrow, and unable to hear the sadness.

"Son... the graphic version of this story ends here. But aren't you curious about what I did to these stones? And what are you going to do next..."

The voice of the old man in white robe was neither happy nor angry, and seemed to be as cold as ever, but Chen Xuan was used to the way the old man in white robe spoke.

But Chen Xuan did not answer. Chen Xuan still listened to what the old man in white robe said quietly with an indifferent expression, as if what the old man in white robe said would determine his fate next.

"Hmph! You are quite smart! You have to know that when you become a master, you only need the approval of the master, but not the approval of the Purple Immortal Stone. The Purple Immortal Stone chooses its master only once in a thousand years, and this time the master wants to You go and try.”

The words of the old man in white robe were neither sad nor happy, but they gave Chen Xuan an indescribable shock.

Let yourself try it? If Chen Xuan hadn't understood the origin of the Purple Immortal Stone before, Chen Xuan might have cared about it that much. But what Chen Xuan knows now is that this purple fairy stone is very precious.

And the old man in white robe should be the King of Purple Immortal Stone, the largest Purple Immortal Stone, which is like a magic weapon.

But Chen Xuan felt that this was still very difficult for him. The magical weapon would indeed recognize its owner, maybe ten years or a hundred years. However, the time it took for this Purple Immortal Stone to recognize its owner was thousands of years, which shows how precious this magical weapon is. And if you can wear the Purple Immortal Stone on your own weapon, then your future will be limitless. How terrifying would that kind of power be? Chen Xuan himself couldn't understand.

But Chen Xuan stared at the old man in white robe, and he knew that the old man in white robe was not done yet. But the old man in white robe was also staring at Chen Xuan, but the old man in white robe saw what he wanted from Chen Xuan's eyes. Because he saw the so-called ambition in Chen Xuan's eyes, and what the old man in white robe needed was the so-called ambition, which Chen Xuan happened to have. But then the old man in white robe continued down.

"As for how this King of Purple Immortal Stone will recognize his master? That is to defeat him! Do you think you can defeat him now? But this victory refers to the victory of the heart! That is to say, your Taoist heart must be strong enough. But that will be Facing the illusion arranged by the King of Purple Immortal Stone, see if you can come out of it safely!"

There was a little excitement hidden in the words of the old man in white robe, because the old man in white robe believed in Chen Xuan's strength. Although the old man in white robe almost died when he entered the illusion before. When you die in an illusion, there are no demons and monsters coming to kill you. There is only one way to die, which is suicide. But once a person dies directly in an illusion, when you come back, your Taoist heart will be gone. Will completely collapse.

At that time, the practitioner will become a complete lunatic. But Chen Xuan didn't care too much, because Chen Xuan felt that his state of mind should be able to withstand this illusion, although this King of Purple Immortal Stone was indeed very abnormal. Even when he just explained his origin, Chen Xuan felt such a strong murderous intention.

But now that it has reached this point, Chen Xuan can only accept the challenge! Chen Xuan looked at the indifferent expression of the old man in white robe with his deep eyes, and then nodded slightly. In other words, Chen Xuan accepted the challenge. The old man in white robe had a higher opinion of Chen Xuan...

At least the old man in white robe told Chen Xuan the dangers of the Purple Immortal Stone King's trial very thoroughly and without exaggeration. But Chen Xuan still has such courage, which is really good.

The old man in white robe nodded, then waved his hand, and Chen Xuan's mind fell into chaos again...

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