Chen Xuan felt that the world he was in now seemed to be broken by this boiling feeling, because at this time, Chen Xuan could clearly feel that there was a cold air blowing in from all around him.

Chen Xuan opened his eyes again and looked around him, but Chen Xuan felt as if his eyelids were very heavy, covering his eyes again and again.

What exactly is going on? Was he about to rest again? At this time, Chen Xuan heard the shouts outside. It was the noisy sound of a bunch of people, and the sound was mixed with the sound of many footsteps and the sound of hot water splashing on the ground.

But all this seemed to be very confusing, and at this time Chen Xuan heard a very deep voice.

"Come on, come on kid, you are my only child!"

The voice still had a hint of local accent, but Chen Xuan was sure that the owner of the voice was a man who had gone through many vicissitudes of life. Moreover, his voice was very rough, but his love for Chen Xuan made Chen Xuan feel warm in his heart at this time.

At this time, Chen Xuan was very sleepy, but this feeling seemed to be a little suffocating. At this time, Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he couldn't breathe. What was going on? Then Chen Xuan found that his head seemed to be down and his feet were already on top.

I see!

Chen Xuan felt as if he was being choked by the boiling water. For the first time, Chen Xuan felt that death was very close to him. Even though Chen Xuan had such a firm Taoist heart, he couldn't help but be frightened by this kind of fear.

But at this time, Chen Xuan told himself that he must not panic. Chen Xuan struggled hard and tried not to close his eyes. But it was because of Chen Xuan's hard struggle that Chen Xuan felt that for the first time, he was like this Fear, for the first time, I was so careless

In fact, when Chen Xuan heard such a voice, Chen Xuan even told himself to go out. Because the owner of the voice really wants to come to this world.

Chen Xuan longs for family affection. Chen Xuan longs for family affection very much. Chen Xuan's desire for family affection is higher than Yiqian. But Chen Xuan seems to have never received family affection. Even the relationship between master and disciple is more purposeful, but Chen Xuan feels that family love is very pure.

But Chen Xuan's hard struggle and Chen Xuan's efforts finally adjusted that damn Tai Wei, and Chen Xuan felt very happy instantly. Finally, I could rest for a while, and it seemed that I had landed on a generous hand.

But although that generous palm is very warm, the owner of the generous palm has calluses on his hands, and the owner of the generous palm seems to have just wiped away tears.

Chen Xuan didn't know why the owner of such a generous hand, a man who had gone through many vicissitudes of life, was crying. But Chen Xuan felt that it was probably to help the situation. But Chen Xuan didn't think too much, so he closed his eyes and rested without crying.

However, Chen Xuan just took advantage of the time when he came out and endured the willpower to look around. Chen Xuan suddenly felt that the surroundings were not as special as Chen Xuan thought.

On the contrary, it is very ordinary, even to the extreme.

It felt like a dilapidated house. Chen Xuan felt that it should be a thatched hut, and that hut was also very simple. Because the roof had not been repaired for a long time, but what Chen Xuan saw on the thatched roof was black.

Could it be that it was night when he was born? Chen Xuan didn't know, but what he could feel was that this thatched house was not only very simple, but also very cold. Chen Xuan felt that the cold was deep into his bones.

But Chen Xuan didn't have many clothes on him. But Chen Xuan felt that it must be because his parents were unable to provide him with such conditions. Because what Chen Xuan can be sure of is that he seems to sleep in his father's arms every time, because when Chen Xuan sees the clothes his father is wearing, no matter how complete or how thin they are, they are not as good as his own. one.

But Chen Xuan still didn't reveal his feelings too much because Chen Xuan woke up from hunger every time. But every time you wake up, you may not have food for yourself.

The food given to him was also rice soup. When Chen Xuan drank that kind of rice soup, he felt as if he had not drank it. But although Chen Xuan felt that he could not fully eat, at least the nutrition in his body was considered sound.

But Chen Xuan slowly felt that his body was gradually growing up, but it was because of this that his body was gradually growing up. Chen Xuancai felt that his demand for nutrition was increasing. And Chen Xuan seems to be able to remember some things from the past, although Chen Xuan doesn't know why he can remember some things from the past. But Chen Xuan felt that he had grown up, but the only thing Chen Xuan didn't remember was that he came here because of a test.

Because this memory in Chen Xuan's mind was completely erased. As for who erased it, it was of course the means of the Purple Immortal Stone. In fact, the Purple Immortal Stone did not put Chen Xuan into a fantasy world, but sent Chen Xuan to another world. In fact, there were three worlds in total in that space.

The Yu world that Chen Xuan went to before was a world, and the Dou Xin world that Chen Xuan went to after was a world. Although this world was also a world, the spiritual consciousness and Taoist power that Chen Xuan seemed to have in his life were of great significance to Chen Xuan. But it is of no use in such a world.

Because this world is a world of martial arts, and although Chen Xuan's Taoist power is useless, Chen Xuan's Taoist heart and spiritual consciousness are enough to make Chen Xuan a talented person.

But Chen Xuan will eventually go back to the Daoxin Continent, but Chen Xuan will definitely leave something on the Martial Dao Continent. But now Chen Xuan is unable to realize this.

Because now Chen Xuan seems to have forgotten the matter of the mainland test in his mind, and now Chen Xuan can only live on this continent for the time being.

But now Chen Xuan is already four or five years old, but now Chen Xuan does not seem to need to worry about those things without martial arts, because for Chen Xuan at this time, it seems that the most important thing is not martial arts, but It's because he has no access to martial arts at all.

Four-year-old Chen Xuan finally began to have stronger memory and was able to remember many things. And now Chen Xuan has received a fatal blow to Chen Xuan...

That is, Chen Xuan seems to have finally figured out why his father cried when he was born. It was because of himself! Because of himself, his mother was dragged to death by him. When his father was young, he seemed to have been predicted by a very good fortune teller that he must not have a child, otherwise he would not be able to keep the child, he would suffer even more, and his wife would die under the child.

But he did not believe in evil, and he and his wife still had a child. Fortunately, there were no strange phenomena when the child was conceived in ten months. Because this child seems to be very well-behaved.

This made him feel that this fortune teller was just a magician and had no special abilities at all. So Chen Da named his child Chen Xuan, because Xuan was so powerful that it was hard to match him!

Even if you go up, you can't take Chen Xuan's life, because Chen Xuan's life is so mysterious. But unexpectedly, the first prophecy was confirmed. Because of Chen Xuan's arrival, Chen Xuan's mother, Zhao Yujiao, seemed to have died giving birth to Chen Xuan.

Originally, Chen Xuan's family situation was very poor, that is, it was a rural home, and many women would die due to dystocia. This is a very common thing, which is why Chen Da did not think about Chen Xuan.

That might just be a coincidence!

But something even more mysterious happened. Since Chen Xuan's arrival, Chen Da's fishing harvest has been getting worse day by day, as if the master wants to go against Chen Da. Wherever Chen Da goes, the fish will not go. For Chen Da, this was once a coincidence and twice a reconciliation. But as Chen Xuan grew up, this seemed to happen.

As a result, the Chen family's life became worse than before. At the beginning, they were still able to survive on the money they got from fishing. But now it seems that the Chen family can only survive on the few acres of land they saved before.

The income from that field was often poor, causing Chen Xuan and Chen Da to often go hungry. But Chen Da's love for Chen Xuan remained the same as before, and Chen Da never told anyone about this fortune-telling conclusion, but kept it secretly in his heart.

Although Chen Xuan is four years old now, Chen Xuan feels that his life is very boring, because although the neighbors and villagers are very kind, for himself, he wants to become a strong person.

How could he always be stuck here, but Chen Xuan seemed to have no other way to survive. But what Chen Xuan is even more curious about is that his father, no matter how naughty he is, will never blame him.

Chen Xuan felt that it was no longer a kind of father's love, but a kind of atonement. Chen Xuan didn't know why. It was clearly Chen Xuan who killed his mother, but it was his father who kept blaming himself.

But Chen Xuan still felt very happy with this kind of fatherly love. This is what Chen Xuan has always longed for, and he actually got it so easily. Chen Xuan thought it was incredible.

Time passed like this, and Chen Xuan grew up.

But until one day, it was the most important one for Chen Xuan. For Chen Xuan, this arrival simply changed his very short life...

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