At this time, Chen Xuan also understood that he was now a boy from a fishing village. Although now I want to become stronger. But Chen Xuan knew that his resources were actually very limited.

It was because of this that Chen Xuan felt that he was a little unwilling. Chen Xuan had no choice but to live in a fishing village for the rest of his life. Although in the fishing village, Chen Xuan could feel the happiness of his father's love.

But Chen Xuan has no way to keep himself here. Because Chen Xuan has a desire in his Taoist heart, and that is to become stronger. But until one day, such a day made Chen Xuan feel like a nightmare.

In fact, this time is no different from usual times. Chen Xuan is still watching all this by the small fish pond, but Chen Xuan knows that what Chen Xuan wants now is definitely something that Chen Xuan, the Western Fairy, cannot give to him in such a daze. .

But what can be done? Chen Xuan can't do anything because the world is still very big. But Chen Xuan is still too insignificant now. Chen Xuan listened to the sound of the waves one after another, and watched the waves falling layer after layer. This made Chen Xuan feel comfortable. But it seemed that only for a while, Chen Xuan would fall into the thought that he was too insignificant again.

The people in the neighborhood were all very kind, and Chen Xuan knew that these things he longed for outside must not exist. But so what? Chen Xuan can't stay here forever.

Chen Xuan is not willing to accept that his life can only be at the seaside and can only be with these fishermen. But so what? Chen Xuan felt a deep powerless blessing

"Boy, seeing that you are here alone looking out, are you interested in chatting with me?" Chen Xuan was also very surprised. The man behind him sounded strong.

This person should not be an idle person in any case, but Chen Xuan felt as if his heart trembled because of these words. Chen Xuan felt that this child was likely to be the person who would change his life, because Chen Xuan felt the burning eyes behind him staring at him.

But Chen Xuan didn't know what this look meant, because Chen Xuan found that there seemed to be a trace of regret in such a burning look.

Chen Xuan turned around and glanced behind him. There was an old man wearing a Bagua array. He looked very trivial and not at all the fairy-like figure Chen Xuan had imagined.

And this old man was looking at Chen Xuan with a smile on his face. When he smiled, his beard trembled, which made Chen Xuan feel that this man was even more trivial. The long black hair was flying in the wind and was very messy, and the turtle shell was still held in his hand. But what Chen Xuan could tell was that the old man seemed to treasure the turtle shell very much and was constantly playing with it with his hands.

Chen Xuan heard that there seemed to be three copper coins in the turtle shell, and the tinkling sound was endless. Chen Xuan did not feel any irritability at all. Instead, what Chen Xuan felt was a pleasant sound of relaxation and joy.

Chen Xuan's impression of this old man instantly improved a lot. Chen Xuan felt that the old man in front of him seemed not that simple.

While Chen Xuan was looking at the old man with his eyes, the old man's eyes were also looking at Chen Xuan. The old man's eyes gave Chen Xuan a very deep and lustrous feeling.

The two of them were silent for a long time, but each had their own thoughts and their own world. "Hello, sir!" Chen Xuan felt that the old man's palace in front of him was indeed extremely deep. He was waiting for Chen Xuan to ask him, and the old man in front of him, who looked unattractive and even sloppily dressed, was actually a not-so-simple figure.

It is very likely that he is a master, or an expert who lives in seclusion in the world? Is his future already settled? Is it possible that the superiors have good intentions and are pitiful? Are you just unwilling to become an ordinary person? But Chen Xuan seemed to slowly remember something. Chen Xuan seemed to have vague memories before.

Because of this memory, Chen Xuan himself was not sure whether it was true or false. Because Chen Xuan felt as if he was not from this world at all. This is what Chen Xuan's memory told Chen Xuan. When Chen Xuan was in Yu Realm and in Daoxin Continent, the scenes of those forty years echoed in Chen Xuan's mind. When Zheng Chenxuan was sleeping, these memories It's like a dream haunting Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan felt like he was a false existence, and even Chen Xuan himself didn't know which ones were true and which ones were false. But Chen Xuan still felt that all this was not as simple as it seemed.

Because all of this made Chen Xuan feel very unreal.

"Son, I know what you want to ask me! But I can't answer you yet! But, you are indeed a little different. I haven't met anyone who can't see through it in hundreds of thousands of years! "

"The hexagrams in my hand seem to have just become a toy in my hand, but I seem to have read everyone and everything here!"

The words of a fortune teller sound very arrogant to anyone, but the fortune teller is very calm when he speaks these words. It seems that there is nothing that the fortune teller can be very proud of.

This made Chen Xuan feel that this lack was really unpredictable. But at this time, Chen Xuan made the fortune teller feel very different, because the fortune teller has been walking in the world for so long, and he can completely see through a person at a glance.

But this time, it seemed that he really couldn't see through Chen Xuan, which made the fortune teller become curious. But this curiosity made the fortune teller have this conversation with Chen Xuan before.

At this time, Chen Xuan naturally did not want to let go of the opportunity for him to make friends with the world's most powerful people. Chen Xuan felt that the person in front of him might be able to tell him who he really was? What is your direction?

At this time, the sound of Hailan's rising and falling seemed to be more pleasant, and it seemed that the sun was not as strong as Chen Xuan had just seen. In the sunlight, the leaves reflected mottled patterns on the earth, giving Chen Xuan the feeling of a beautiful painting. Chen Xuan bowed to the fortune teller, and then sat down with the fortune teller. The fortune teller glanced at Chen Xuan, his expression seemed a little surprised. But this trace of surprise was soon buried in the eyes of the fortune teller.

"Son, I can't see through you very much. It was you who gave me the urge to tell fortunes this time. I have forgotten when I came to this world, and I seem to have forgotten the last time I told fortunes. It’s time.”

Chen Xuan was startled when he heard the fortune teller's words. Hundreds of thousands of years ago? How long ago was that? In Chen Xuan's dream, he was only forty years old, but now Chen Xuan was only five years old, but Chen Xuan felt that there seemed to be a forty-year-old soul hidden in his five-year-old body.

Chen Xuan didn't know why he felt like this. It seemed that Chen Xuan felt that all of this was very unlikely and mysterious. But it was because of such mysterious things that Chen Xuan felt that his origin was not that simple.

Chen Xuan nodded, indicating that the fortune teller could start. But the fortune teller glanced at Chen Xuan, then at Chen Xuan's clothes and surrounding environment. Suddenly he laughed loudly, and the laughter sounded very wanton and casual, which made Chen Xuan feel very incredible. Such a person gave Chen Xuan an unfathomable feeling.

Moreover, Chen Xuan felt that this man was indeed not a mysterious person, but rather behaved in an unusually free and easy manner. It gives people the feeling of playing around with the world. What kind of state of mind is this?

Chen Xuan didn't even know what kind of person could have such a state of mind. Chen Xuan couldn't see through this old man who didn't look like much. Chen Xuan nodded and signaled the fortune teller to start.

"Son, this hexagram of yours is the most convenient hexagram I have ever calculated. But no matter what, everything in the world belongs to my heart, and money and stuff are just a fart!"

When the fortune teller said this, there was still a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth, which made Chen Xuan feel like a beggar was mocking a rich man.

But Chen Xuan knew that this was definitely not overestimating one's capabilities, because what Chen Xuan saw in the fortune teller's eyes was such a domineering aura. Chen Xuan is becoming more and more curious about the fortune teller. Maybe the fortune teller can tell Chen Xuan who he is.

Perhaps the fortune teller can answer the question that Chen Xuan has always wondered about. But the fortune teller didn't seem to care about Chen Xuan's sustenance at this time. Instead, he began to shake the turtle shell in his hand, and the clanking sound of the fortune coins collided with each other in the turtle shell.

Such a sound seems to be able to impact Chen Xuan's current soul, as if it can completely impact Chen Xuan's current soul. But Chen Xuan seemed to have developed that state of mind from his own dreams, which made Chen Xuan feel that his state of mind could be extremely calm. It seems like this is just a dream for Chen Xuan, but it can affect Chen Xuan's state of mind at this time.

Chen Xuan still watched with cold eyes, but even so, Chen Xuan still seemed to feel shocked in his heart. Because the feeling brought by this sound to Chen Xuan seemed to be a kind of shock that penetrated into the depths of his soul.

However, it only took about half a moment before the shock disappeared. Everything was determined according to the hexagram. The fortune teller finally stopped trembling with his beard. The fortune teller finally no longer had to make Chen Xuan feel that he would immediately falling down.

At this time, the fortune teller poured out the fortune coins. This hexagram coin really surprised Chen Xuan. It felt like Chen Xuan saw a beggar begging for food with a gold bowl.

But this feeling is considered novel to Chen Xuan. However, such a hexagram coin is much more expensive than gold. If the fortune teller knew Chen Xuan's thoughts at this time, he would definitely vomit blood, because gold is nothing compared to him!

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