Chen Xuan looked at the fortune-teller's expression and was a little scared. Because at this time, the fortune teller, who always seemed to have a wretched disguise, but was actually extremely vicious in his heart, was staring at Chen Xuan like a prey. This made Chen Xuan feel like his heart was constantly trembling. But so what, Chen Xuan has always felt that he is not a person who is afraid of being taken advantage of.

Because in such a fishing village, Chen Xuan had very few opportunities to get in touch with the so-called big shots. But now he is facing an out-and-out big shot. Chen Xuan feels that the person in front of him must not be as simple as he appears.

Although Chen Xuan couldn't see through what kind of person the fortune teller was, Chen Xuan felt that this person must be unfathomable. He must be someone who can support himself and the entire fishing village where he lives. The more Chen Xuan thought like this, the more excited he became. But until the words of the fortune teller, Chen Xuan felt the pain in his heart as if it was heartbreaking.

Such a feeling is why Chen Xuan has such a firm state of mind. Although his expression has not changed, it can be seen from the bottom of his eyes that Chen Xuan's heart has actually been disturbed by these words.

However, due to three years of dreams, Chen Xuan's state of mind has reached such a level that it seems to the fortune teller that he is indeed doing well. Although Chen Xuan is still a child who is almost six years old now, everything he has experienced before is also because of that long-term dream. But Chen Xuan is more than six years old, and he still has the body of a six-year-old!

Chen Xuan's physical fitness, Chen Xuan's memory, etc., but Chen Xuan was able to remember the previous memories so clearly that it even completely affected his state of mind. This makes the fortune teller feel that Chen Xuan is indeed very extraordinary.

"Son, even though I'm like this, it's still a big benefit for you to be like this!" The fortune teller saw the panic in Chen Xuan's eyes and smiled in relief.

Sure enough, Chen Xuan is a six-year-old child, and it is impossible to completely integrate his memories of the previous forty years. In that case, I'm afraid it's not good for myself. The fortune teller is like a tiger staring at a fat sheep. Although this feeling made Chen Xuan feel a little creepy, but what about that?

Since the big shot in front of him is his chance, there must be a way to save him. And this big shot might just be waiting for him to speak.

As for the reason... Chen Xuan certainly knew it, because if he waited for him to speak, his words would be in the nature of a request. Since it is a request, it must be sincere, and something must be exchanged for it. Chen Xuan has known this for a long time, but for Chen Xuan, the deepest realization is not in his dream.

The deepest realization of this was when I was selling fish outside with my father. Those customers or businessmen are like this, they seem to be waiting for their father to speak, waiting for themselves to beg them, so that they can raise higher demands and bargain. All of these are the main factors that have become Chen Xuan's current life, and Chen Xuan is naturally very familiar with this!

But Chen Xuan now feels that the big shot in front of him seems to be like those people. He was also waiting for himself to speak, but so what? He was a big shot, so it didn't matter if he begged himself. Anyway, what can a big shot like about me? But if he doesn't like anything about himself, then why should he help himself?

Just like if those fish merchants didn't like their father's fish, how could they pay for it to fill their stomachs for Chen Xuan and Chen Da? Chen Xuan and Chen Da are able to fill their stomachs now just because they are still valuable.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with light one after another, like waves on the sea, very active and very intense. At this time, the breeze kept blowing Chen Xuan's cheeks, making the fortune teller's hair even more messy. But Chen Xuan didn't mean to look down upon him at all. Instead, he felt that the fortune teller was very scary and unfathomable.

"Sir, I wonder if there is any way you can help me live longer! Because my father still needs me to play drums! Can you help me? I will definitely follow your lead!" Chen Xuan's words still touched the fortune teller very much. Rao. But according to the fortune teller, how can Rao be so easily moved?

The fortune teller just smiled slightly, but the words that the fortune teller spat out coldly from the corner of his mouth made Chen Xuan feel as cold as if he had entered hell!

"I, there is no way for you to live longer! Twenty years, one more or one less is impossible!" When the fortune teller said these words, he was very direct and very frank. Chen Xuan did not expect that the fortune teller It's so direct.

However, it is understandable that Chen Xuan is like an ant-like existence in the eyes of the fortune teller, since he is an ant-like existence. If the fortune teller wants to trample you to death, you will be unable to resist.

What's more, it's just a sentence that asserts Chen Xuan's life and death? However, Chen Xuan felt that there was no need to give up like this. Chen Xuan didn't even know how to continue at this time, but Chen Xuan just didn't want to die.

Silence, absolute silence...

At this time, the fortune teller and Chen Xuan looked at each other, and Chen Xuan could only hear the sea breeze shouting in his ears. It seemed that such a manic shouting could not express Chen Xuan's manic mood. But just because of this, Chen Xuan realized that he couldn't change this matter at all, because he seemed to be dying no matter what, and he was still twenty years old!

"However, your death may not be a good thing for you! Or if you stay here for twenty years, it will be more of a good thing for you than if you stay here longer!"

The fortune teller smiled enigmatically and said to Chen Xuandao. However, Chen Xuan was very surprised by the fortune teller's words. Could it be that the fortune teller is perfunctory with himself?

But why should he? In his eyes, he is just an ant, perhaps a slightly special ant. There is nothing in yourself that can be entered into the fortune telling.

"Do you know who you are? Do you know where you come from? Do you know..." The fortune teller asked two questions in a row. But these two questions have always been buried in Chen Xuan's heart and cannot be left behind.

Just like when this fishing village reaches the seaside at night, the bright moon is swaying in the sea under the dark night. It's like these two questions are lingering in Chen Xuan's heart.

However, the fortune teller seemed to be more surprised every time when he saw Chen Xuan's expression, and there was also a look of satisfaction on his face. This guy really has an extraordinary temperament! Chen Xuan, I'm afraid he has thought about such a question himself, but the trouble is that he has never been able to find the answer. But how could he possibly find it? The answer to this question, even the fortune teller himself, was very surprised after seeing the reaction of his own superb hexagram. Even the fortune teller himself thinks this is very impossible.

But now the fortune teller seems to be a little shallow. The fortune teller laughed at himself inwardly. But the fortune teller then asked Chen Xuan this question, which made Chen Xuan even more aware that the fortune teller was a god-like existence.

"Do you know why you started dreaming when you were three years old? Was that you in the dream when you were three years old? Are you forty or six now? Yes or no?"

When this question comes up, the fortune teller's words are less like asking questions and more like stating a fact. But these words seemed to be like a muffled thunder blow that exploded directly in Chen Xuan's mind, making Chen Xuan feel as if he had been blown away and lost all feeling. It seemed that Chen Xuan felt that all the previous shocks had turned into calmness, and only this one thing shocked Chen Xuan the most.

The fortune teller felt a little proud when he saw Chen Xuan's face changing slightly. This kid can have a future! However, the fortune teller Jingping did not change because of Chen Xuan's changes.

"You want to ask me how I know?" The fortune teller saw the curiosity in Chen Xuan's eyes and asked Chen Xuan with a relieved smile. Chen Xuan nodded unconsciously.

"I saw it from the hexagrams! Son, then you have to remember that there is no way to learn my fortune-telling skills. Since you and I have a fate like a gangster, I will teach you! "

The old fortune teller seemed to be about to teach Chen Xuan all his superb fortune telling skills, but Chen Xuan was flattered. He didn't understand that the interests were mutual, and he, the fairy, couldn't give the old fortune teller any benefit, so if he learned the benefits of the old fortune teller, the situation would become very ugly.

But the old fortune teller's next words seemed to completely make Chen Xuan feel that he was probably some great person who came here. "You have learned my knowledge, and you are rich enough to save me. You can also figure out who you are, where you come from, and what you are doing here! But you only need to do one thing for me!"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan felt very incredible. Does the big man in front of him want to do something for him? If so, what kind of thing is it?

"It's within your ability!" The fortune teller slowly spat out these words again, and Chen Xuan seemed to be following the good advice. He agreed to the old fortune teller and then agreed to become his master, but the old fortune teller refused firmly and was only willing to be his master temporarily.

Chen Xuan agreed without much thought.

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