Chen Xuan looked at the fortune teller at this time and found that Chen Xuan seemed to have no way to see anything from it. It brought Chen Xuan only endless depth. But the more so, the more Chen Xuan felt that the fortune teller was very unfathomable. But Chen Xuan looked at the fortune teller now and began to think in his heart.

This fortune teller must have a broader vision than himself, and he found that this world in his dream was definitely not as simple as he thought. Chen Xuan knew that if he wanted to become extraordinary now, he must not take the path that ordinary people have taken.

The fortune teller looked at Chen Xuan and thought deeply, and did not disturb Chen Xuan. He just stood quietly aside, waiting for Chen Xuan to give an answer. But what Chen Xuan wanted to do was not to make a judgment with a divination. What Chen Xuan wanted to do was to change this relationship.

Chen Xuan wanted to learn martial arts, or Chen Xuan also wanted to become one of those so-called big men. Because in Chen Xuan's eyes, only those so-called big men would be qualified to learn martial arts.

Chen Xuan knew that there were endless big men in this world. Chen Xuan's vision must be too narrow now. How can twenty years be enough? It would be too short for Chen Xuan!

"Let me tell you the truth. If you become my disciple, I don't need to prove that I am the Gua Shen of the martial arts world. My Gua coins are the symbol of my identity. Although I am a Gua Shen, I am only proficient in martial arts. And you see me like this... or only you can see me because... I am a spirit. But you can actually see spirits, which makes me curious about you. Otherwise, why do you think you are the only one who can talk to me among the villagers who come and go?"

When the Gua Shen said this, Chen Xuan himself felt very incredible. This is actually a spirit, so is his dream also related to the spirit?

"Do you know that you are actually a spirit, but the person who separated your spirit from you gave you a physical body for twenty years. After twenty years, this physical body will rot, but do you know what you will experience in these twenty years?"

The God of Gua did not wait for Chen Xuan's answer, but continued to go down on his own, as if he did not take Chen Xuan's surprise into his eyes. In fact, no matter who it is, hearing this fairy tale, he will definitely suspect that the other party is making fun of him.

But Chen Xuan did not, because Chen Xuan had a dream every day for the past three years. Chen Xuan saw the Gua coin in the hand of the God of Gua, the Gua coin of value. If this Que really had such a treasure, how could he have the leisure time to have fun with a fishing village kid like himself?

This is like a monarch of a country putting down the memorial in his hand and throwing it to a beggar, or even worse than a beggar. Going to have fun with a beggar's child is almost more fairy tale.

"In fact, every life-saving is indicated by a general direction, but you know that you don't have one! There is no direction at all, no matter how I look at it, there is nothing!" When he said this, the God of Gua seemed very excited! Yes! He is a dignified God of Gua. There is nothing he can't see through in the world. If there is, there is nothing he can't solve with one divination. But Chen Xuan seems to be the exception. The God of Gua has come here, and he can only blame himself for his poor skills. In fact, the old man in front of Chen Xuan is a God of Gua, a figure standing at the peak of martial arts in this world. But it's nothing, at least compared to the old man in white robe, he is an ant-like figure. Because this kid can only see the martial arts continent, and the two continents outside the martial arts continent. This kid may know his existence, but he can't get involved or touch it at all. But the old man in white robe is not. The old man in white robe is a real strong man, the strongest man in this world. How can this be compared with the God of Gua? So it is natural that the God of Gua is ashamed of himself, but Chen Xuan is very surprised. But Chen Xuan still didn't make a sound, letting the God of Gua continue to talk!

"I'm ashamed! My real name is Jiang Xia, but no one knows my real name. But the man behind you is qualified. I am just an ant in front of him!"

Jiang Xia just sighed and continued to speak slowly to Chen Xuan.

"In fact, I know that you are not from this world, and this world is not as simple as everyone knows. Because this is very likely only a part of the world. I am also a strong man in this world. But you may still not know that although I am a strong man, if compared with the whole world, I am also an ant!"

"It's just that you should be from another world, but you were sent here by your master or someone to experience. And I am also very likely just a chess piece in his calculations, but I asked you to help, just to ask for a reward for this chess piece."

Chen Xuan was secretly shocked when he heard this. All the events of the past forty years kept replaying in Chen Xuan's mind, and Chen Xuan seemed to know who Jiang Xia was.

Chen Xuan also remembered the old man in white robe. Which one was he? Chen Xuedong's answer seemed to be self-evident, that is, no matter which one, it was Chen Xuan. This made Chen Xuan feel incredible, just like a hero on the stage turned into himself, what kind of feeling was that?

The first feeling may be a little joyful, but what may follow is a trace of panic and panic. However, Chen Xuan still looked calm, because Chen Xuan seemed to have tempered his state of mind to a certain extent in his dream.

It was the sea breeze that blew up the sand around Chen Xuan, and the fallen leaves beside the sand were constantly swept in the air because of this wind. However, Chen Xuan still didn't pay too much attention to it. Chen Xuan's eyes looked particularly deep and mysterious in the blurred wind and sand.

The sea breeze kept blowing on the sea surface, and at this time, Chen Xuan's ears seemed to hear the faint sound of people returning from sailing and fishing. Chen Xuan felt that it was an absolute tranquility, but he knew that such tranquility would soon be farther and farther away from him.

Chen Xuan felt that his mind was a little groggy, but it became very clear when blown by such a sea breeze. Chen Xuan heard the sound of waves crashing against the rocks. The orderly sound made Chen Xuan feel that his heart seemed to be extremely calm.

Chen Xuan needs time to accept all this, but it seems that Chen Xuan has had three years to accept it. However, for three years, Chen Xuan could not believe that the person in the dream was himself. So what should I do next?

What should his father do next? Chen Xuan was a little confused at this moment. Chen Xuan raised his eyes and saw that the flocks of swallows above him were constantly soaring forward.

Even birds have a way forward and their own designated direction. But he didn't, so why did he come to this world? Why did the cheap master in his dream leave him alone?

Chen Xuan didn't know why, but Chen Xuan knew that he had to make a decision now.

After about half the time, Chen Xuan's eyes turned red. It was hard to imagine how a five or six-year-old boy could make his eyes look like that like those diligent kings. This is only half!

But Jiang Xia didn't rush for Chen Xuan's answer. Jiang Xia still looked at Chen Xuan quietly. No matter what Chen Xuan does, what he does, what his expression is, or what his mood is. Even Chen Xuan felt that around him, whether it was the sea breeze blowing the fine sand and flowing, or the wind and clouds surging, killing people everywhere. Jiangxia is like a lone boat fishing for an old man, a person who doesn't care about worldly affairs and doesn't make waves.

But this makes Chen Xuan feel like he is a master...

"I'm willing to go with you!" Chen Xuan thought for so long, and then slowly uttered five words, but Chen Xuan didn't seem to know what the price he would face with these five words.

Although Chen Xuan's destiny reading trajectory in the past twenty years in Chu could not be determined through the hexagrams, Jiang Xia now feels that he can see something through the hexagrams.

Jiang Xia shook his head. The person in front of him seemed to be very humble, and even came from a very humble background, but he made exceptions for himself time and time again.

Jiang Xia just smiled slightly, took out the turtle shell and shook it again. The crisp sound accompanied by the sea breeze once again sounded in Chen Xuan's ears. But Chen Xuan didn't know that although Jiang Xia was the god of hexagrams, he would never be able to do more than one hexagram in one day. The only person who could make Jiang Xia shake the second hexagram was probably Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan didn't realize this yet, which made Jiang Xia vomit blood. Do you know how much one hexagram of Lao Tzu costs? You son of a bitch, even if I sell you, it won’t be enough! However, as Jiang Xia's God of Gua, it is naturally impossible for him to make a loss-making business. Just ask his master to get it all back when the time comes. There is actually a saying in this world called "Kindness does not lead to weapons", and this weapon actually refers to more than just weapons. Rather, it refers to everything that needs to be stained with killing, everything bloody, including martial arts.

Where can there be mercy in martial arts? This is a taboo! As the God of Gua, Jiang Xia would naturally not be able to make such a low-level mistake. But Jiangxia is Jiangxia. It’s just a hexagram, and it seems to have a clue.

In fact, Jiang Xia's hexagram may not have been influenced by the old man in white robe. It all feels like Chen Xuan has entered a chess game, and Chen Xuan seems to have become the main role in this game. The overall control of this game depends on Bai. The old man in robe.

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