Along the way, Chen Xuan thought about the many things that happened when he met Jiang Xia today. Chen Xuan also felt that it was actually very incredible. Regardless of whether Jiang Xia is good or evil, but he has lived for six years, but he actually does not belong to this world? And my dream is of my former self? This made Chen Xuan feel very incredible.

However, when Chen Xuan returned home, he was not in a hurry to talk to Chen Xuan. On the contrary, Chen Da was very angry about Chen Xuan's return, but he was also very curious. It seems that Chen Xuan has never let Chen Da worry about him, but what happened to Chen Xuan this time? Chen Da was very puzzled. This time, Chen Da was really worried.

Because Chen Xuan had never come back so late, but this time Chen Xuan came back intact. But what about next time? So Chen Da reprimanded Chen Xuan for the first time. Chen Xuan was still very important to Chen Dalai, or one of the few important people that Chen Da considered. Although Chen Da lost his beloved wife because of Chen Xuan, Chen Da knew that Chen Xuan was not to blame at all. Therefore, Chen Da treats Chen Xuan better than other fathers treat their sons, and Chen Xuan is also very sensible.

It seems that Chen Da has never been worried about anything, but this time Chen Xuan made Chen Da worried. Chen Da has always been a fisherman and has no education. The only way to educate Chen Xuan is to beat him.

However, Chen Da was secretly frightened. When his father beat him in the past, he seemed to cry and grab the ground, running around the house or even the whole village. But what happened to Chen Xuan?

Not only did he not run away, he didn't even cry, but Chen Da discovered that Chen Xuan didn't even bark. This made Chen Da feel a little confused. What happened to his son?

But no matter how Chen Da looked at it, it seemed that Chen Xuan had this calm face, without any resentment, let alone Chen Xuan's thoughts. It seemed that Chen Xuan was much more mature than him, which made Chen Da feel panicked. Chen Xuan is only six years old!

A six-year-old child, no matter how uneducated Chen Da is, he still knows what a six-year-old child should look like, and it is definitely not like this anyway. Slowly, Chen Da seemed to realize that his child was extraordinary, but what else could Chen Da give him? Chen Da didn't know what else he could do to him.

Because Chen Da is just a fisherman, and his life has indeed become worse every year in the past few years. As for Chen Xuan, he is now six years old. Not only the children from big shot families, but also the children from businessmen and women in the city, I am afraid they have all started studying by now. But Chen Da had nothing to offer Chen Xuan.

After Chen Da beat him, Chen Xuan had no complaints as usual, but he also didn't give any explanation for what happened in the afternoon or why he came home late today.

Chen Xuan knew that he would eventually leave this place, and that he would probably not be able to come back for a long time. Instead of explaining, Chen Da and he fell into an extremely sad farewell mentality.

It would be better to leave quietly tomorrow and follow Jiang Xia to the Youlan Mountains. In such a world, emotions are the most fragile. In this case, Chen Xuan would rather feel that he has to bear it alone.

In this way, Chen Xuan spent the last night with Chen Da without saying a word. Then Chen Xuan took out a pen and wrote a letter to Chen Da. In fact, although Chen Xuan had not attended a private school in the past few years, , but Chen Xuan was reading every day, writing down what he had learned in his dreams, and then practicing again and again.

Otherwise, how could Chen Xuan's state of mind be like this?

After dawn, the dawn has not yet emerged, and the thick clouds have blocked the moonlight. Chen Xuan didn't bring anything with him, but he felt as if he had brought everything with him, so he walked out of the home where he had stayed for six years.

Chen Xuan's steps were very decisive, without any hesitation, because Chen Xuan knew that he could not tolerate any hesitation now. Chen Xuan's face was very calm at this time, and all his thoughts had been hidden under the envelope. Chen Xuan's heart was calm enough now, and his eyes became very calm.

The fishing village was very quiet in the early morning, because the villagers had not yet gotten up, so Chen Xuan walked quietly on the usually very busy road. The dew revealed Chen Xuan's outer robe, and the cold wind kept attacking Chen Xuan's thin body, but Chen Xuan still walked very decisively and arrived at the place agreed upon with Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia originally thought that Chen Xuan would be late, because a six-year-old child would leave his hometown alone. This seemed very cruel and incredible no matter how you looked at it.

Although Chen Xuan had experienced mountains of corpses and seas of fire before, Chen Xuan now was just a six-year-old child. However, Jiang Xia found that Chen Xuan seemed to have arrived on time, and there seemed to be no trace of sadness on his face. Chen Xuan's eyes were extremely calm, just like the sea surface at this time, the calmness was like a mirror.

At this time, it seems that even the sea is still sleeping, because the always lively sea is now as quiet as sleeping. The always naughty Lang Lang seems to have gone home. Now it seems that there are only two people in the whole world, Chen Xuan and Jiang Xia. At this time, even the moon is blocked by clouds. But the sun has not risen yet, and dew and fresh floral fragrance are constantly filling the air. The sky is completely white, and the air seems to be also completely white. Chen Xuan feels that this thick morning fog It seems that he came to say goodbye to Chen Xuan.

"Son, are you here?" Jiang Xia saw Chen Xuan, although she felt that the child's talent was so surprising that it was scary. But Jiang Xia was still very calm at this time, as if Chen Xuan should have arrived at this time.

Only Jiang Xia himself could feel the slightest surprise in his heart, how surprised he seemed in such a calm state of mind. However, Chen Xuan didn't pay much attention to Jiang Xia's expression.

"Son, I will wait until the dawn of dawn to instill the method of divination into your mind, but you still have to rely on your own understanding and study. From then on, I will throw you directly to the Blue Mountains. I don’t care anymore!”

"As for whether you will be dead or alive twenty years later, when you are twenty-six years old, I will tell you a fortune then. You will know whether the person I brought out from the Blue Mountains is you or nothing else. If you can’t bring it out... then it’s up to you!”

Although Jiang Xia seemed very calm when she said these words, only Jiang Xia herself could feel how shocked she was in her heart.

Is the expert behind Chen Xuan really serious? How old is Chen Xuan? He threw Chen Xuan to the Youlan Mountains, and he was the god of divination. How could Jiang Xia not know about it?

The method of divination actually consumes a lot of mental energy, and the consumption of mental energy is absolutely terrible. If Chen Xuan, a six-year-old child, is directly drained of his mind, there will be no damage to the brain and body after falling asleep. If it is a lethargy after the mind is drained, in an environment like the Youlan Mountains, there will be only One road is a dead end!

However, Jiang Xia naturally did not dare to disobey the high-ranking person behind Chen Xuan, because Jiang Xia knew that there would be no benefit if Chen Xuan disobeyed the high-ranking person behind Chen Xuan. However, Chen Xuan really impressed Jiang Xia time and time again.

Now Jiang Xia seems to feel that if Chen Xuan is left alone in the Youlan Mountains, Chen Xuan's chances of coming out alive twenty years later are much greater. Jiang Xia himself didn't know why he had such thoughts.

But Jiang Xia always seemed to feel that Chen Xuan could actually come out alive, but Jiang Xia didn't think too much, because Chen Xuan couldn't get out, so there was nothing to lose for him.

At this time, a faint golden light began to appear on the sea surface. Chen Xuan knew that it was the dawn. In fact, this was the time when the Qi between the earth and the earth was the most abundant. That is to say, Rao Shenzhi is the most powerful at this time, which is about this hour, so Jiang Xia chose this time to pass all the fortune-telling skills to Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan knew that although this was the time when Qi was at its most abundant and Earth Qi at its weakest, his physical fitness was only that of a six-year-old child. Accepting all of this still requires a lot of your own sanity, and may even put you in danger of exploding to death. Chen Xuan knew this in his heart. This was the first hurdle he had to pass. Only by passing this hurdle could Chen Xuan survive in the Youlan Mountains. Otherwise, the only thing waiting for him would be death.

Chen Xuan watched the Qi gradually rise at this time, because the golden light on the sea level had changed from a streak to a piece, and from a piece to a large piece. At this time, the sea seemed to be shining with golden light, and the rising sun finally crossed the sea level at this time. At this time, Jiang Xia also finished her meditation. Chen Xuan calmed his mind and slowly sat down in front of Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia raised her eyes and glanced at Chen Xuan, then pointed her finger at Chen Xuan lightly...


Suddenly, a blue light rushed towards Chen Xuan and rushed directly into Chen Xuan's mind. Zheng Chenxuan felt as if his mind was about to explode, and it was very painful.

A large amount of information and pictures were constantly rolling in Chen Xuan's head...


Chen Xuan spit out a mouthful of blood and continued to hold on, wanting to completely refine the information.

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