Chen Xuan felt like he had a splitting headache, and his head was so hot that it felt like it was about to explode. Chen Xuan was still struggling to support him, and Jiang Xia was not distracted at this time. Although he could feel that Chen Xuan's current pain was no better than peeling off skin and bones, and there was a kind of pain. The more he struggled to support, the more painful he felt. The feeling of a violent explosion.

At this time, Chen Xuan saw a sea of ​​blood in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, and he seemed to feel like he was going to die. A large amount of information was constantly spinning in Chen Xuan's mind. But Chen Xuan felt that he couldn't catch them, and the golden dawn shone on Chen Xuan's body. At this time, Chen Xuan's body looked golden, and Jiang Xia also had her eyes closed at this time, with a look of pain on her face.

Because Jiang Xia could also feel Chen Xuan's pain when he taught his divination skills, although the pain he could feel was not as much as one-tenth of Chen Xuan's.


Chen Xuan vomited blood again, and Chen Xuan's black hair instantly turned gray, and this whiteness seemed to carry the deathly aura of withered vegetation. Jiang Xia's hair also slowly began to turn white. At this moment, there seemed to be a fierce tiger in Chen Xuan's mind, violently hitting Chen Xuan's head. Chen Xuan held on hard, still refining the information Jiang Xia sent to him.

It was about halfway before Chen Xuan felt his body. It seemed that Chen Xuan only had a trace of consciousness left before. He was relying on his own consciousness to support him, and now Chen Xuan finally had consciousness. It seemed that he could feel his body, but Chen Xuan's consciousness felt that his body was very cold, like a cold body.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan felt that he should not have to die for the time being, and he could support himself. However, Chen Xuan's eyes when looking at Jiang Xia became complicated. The old man in front of him is still much more complicated than he thought.

"Okay, Chen Xuan, since you have learned my divination skills, I can send you to the Youlan Mountains!" At this time, Chen Xuan discovered that he was above the clouds, and Chen Xuan was not there either. Knowing when he came up, it seemed that Chen Xuan felt that he had been in a fishing village before.

But Chen Xuan is now above the clouds, overlooking the entire world, and feels as if he has become the controller of the entire world. For the first time, Chen Xuan felt that he wanted to be the controller of the entire world. Chen Xuan wanted to break away from everything that could restrain him. Chen Xuan wanted to be with the sun, moon and stars. Jiang Xia looked at the six-year-old child next to her, feeling a little dazed.

This kid is absolutely extraordinary!

At such an old age, Jiang Xia only thinks about following the rules of Tao and has never thought about escaping. Because divination is a method of predicting Tao rules. Only when you know it can you obey it.

But Chen Xuan actually wanted to escape. How terrifying was that courage? Jiang Xia seemed to feel that Chen Xuan was becoming more and more mysterious and terrifying. Jiang Xia seemed to begin to believe that in twenty years, she would be able to completely bring Chen Xuan out of the Youlan Mountains.

But Chen Xuan's current strength is probably not enough. He doesn't know what kind of situation Chen Xuan will experience in the Youlan Mountains, but Jiang Xia thinks it should be very extraordinary.

Although Jiang Xia thought so in her heart, her expression did not change at all. He just sat there coldly, with an indifferent expression on his face, looking at his nose, nose and heart.

At this time, a ray of golden sunshine completely enveloped Chen Xuan's body, just like Chen Xuan was wearing a golden robe, adding to Chen Xuan's majesty at this time. He really looks like a true dragon son, but Jiang Xia himself doesn't know why he hails such a child as a true dragon son.

Doesn't Jiang Xia himself know how terrifying the real dragon son's position is? But whether he is a real dragon or not depends on whether he can come out of the Blue Mountains.

But if this guy dares to enter the Blue Mountains, he seems to be considered a hero. If this boy can come out of the Youlan Mountains, it seems that Jiang Xia can believe that Chen Xuan is a person who can break out of the shackles of the Tao.

Finally, after flying for about five minutes, a huge mountain range appeared in front of Chen Xuan and Jiang Xia. But Chen Xuan and Jiang Xia both shuddered. This ghost place is really scary. It is a place with strong earth energy. Therefore, ferocious beasts and monsters roam freely over there, and it is a gathering place for adventurers with malicious intentions.

But only adventurers who have gone in know how powerful these malicious adventurers are. However, Jiang Xia didn't care about this, because Jiang Xia felt that she had completed half of the tasks assigned to her by the master behind Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan and Jiang Xia came to the boundary of Youlan Mountain Range. The so-called boundary is the difference between hall and hell. Outside this boundary is the territory of Youlan County in the Martial Arts Continent, but inside the boundary is the place to go.

Even the land behind the boundary seems to have been abandoned by the gods. Whatever happens there is reasonable, appropriate, and legal. At this time, Chen Xuan, a six-year-old child, was about to enter this devilish realm.


The sun was still shining brightly outside the Dijie entrance, but Chen Xuan discovered that a bolt of lightning and thunder suddenly struck a thousand-year-old tree behind Linjie. Chen Xuan found that the sun outside was so bright, but it seemed as if it was still dark inside the boundary.

what happened?

Is there always a time difference between the Blue Mountains and the outside? Jiang Xia looked at Chen Xuan, watching Chen Xuan stare at the sky in the Youlan Mountains, and seemed to understand what Chen Xuan wanted to ask.

"Son, do you know why the Youlan Mountains are called the Youlan Mountains?"

Jiang Xia raised his eyes and asked Chen Xuan something that seemed very irrelevant. How did Chen Xuan know why the Youlan Mountains were called the Youlan Mountains. It's just that Chen Xuan is a six-year-old child. Due to birth problems, his knowledge is naturally very limited.

Chen Xuan shook his head and said he didn't know. Jiang Xia smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Because the Youlan Mountains are very different from the Martial Arts Continent. It can even be said that the earth energy of the Youlan Mountains is so strong that it has turned the Youlan Mountains into a place where even the gods want to abandon them. place!"

"God?" Chen Xuan's eyes began to show doubts. Did the gods really abandon the Youlan Mountains? But Chen Xuan felt that there was no god in this world, and even if there were, they were just human beings with malicious intentions.

Why is this? If God is kind and kind, how could he let Chen Xuan's father still risk his life to go fishing every time? If God was kind and kind, how could he watch Chen Xuan lose his mother? If God was kind and kind, how could he allow the big shots in the city to bully the people in his fishing village at will?

Chen Xuan has never believed in those so-called gods. If there are indeed gods, then these gods must be together with the so-called big shots, oppressing Chen Xuan's family and Chen Xuan's fellow villagers.

"Then throw it away, no one will care about it!"

There was an extreme level of paranoia in Chen Xuan's words. It was as if Chen Xuan's expression lacked the indifference he had before, but there was a hint of unyieldingness that was not there before!

Jiang Xia's eyes flashed with a bright light. Chen Xuan is really scary! Those ordinary children naturally fear God. Even ordinary people, and even the big shots mentioned by Chen Xuan, are also in awe of God, but Chen Xuan is...

"Senior Jiang Xia, please continue, this place was abandoned by God, so..."

This time, Chen Xuan did not stalemate with Jiang Xia again, because Chen Xuan saw approval in Jiang Xia's eyes. It seems that Jiang Xia is also a person who doesn't like God. Although Chen Xuan is only a six-year-old child, Chen Xuan feels the blessing of recognition for the first time, so his attitude towards Jiang Xia is inexplicably much better.

Jiang Xia's eyes flashed with surprise, and she continued to talk.

"Did you know... strong earth energy will turn the world upside down?"

"And in this Youlan Mountains, the earth energy is too strong, so the result is that the nights are long and the days are short in the Youlan Mountains. In fact, the length of day and night also exists in the martial arts continent outside the Youlan Mountains!"

"But this is different, because the shorter days and longer nights in the Martial Arts Continent is what happens in winter, but... this is just a deviation of the earth's atmosphere. But this is not the case in the Youlan Mountains. Because the earth energy and energy phase are so different, there are generally only two hours of light in one day, and the so-called brightness is just like the dawn or the sun rising. It’s all night!”

"And the dark night also heralds very great dangers, including the coldness of the night, including the wild beasts and monsters in the night. So the wild beasts and monsters are very strong in the Blue Mountains!"

"And because of the strong earth energy in the Youlan Mountains, many precious medicinal materials have naturally been nourished. If these medicinal materials were put outside, the price would be very scary!"

"But in the Blue Mountains, those greedy people who want to come in and pick medicinal materials have to see if they can bear the dangers of this place!"

Jiang Xia told Chen Xuan about the characteristics of the Youlan Mountains in one breath, but Chen Xuan was not very surprised after hearing this. He nodded, still looking indifferent, indicating that he understood.

This surprised Jiang Xia. Is this still a six-year-old child? For many six-year-old children, the darkness alone would probably kill them. But Chen Xuan can still be so calm, which makes Jiang Xia even more impressed!

I really don’t know what kind of evil master is behind this guy, who can teach such an evil apprentice.

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