Chen Xuan looked at the world behind the boundary at this time, his eyes full of longing. Chen Xuan knew that after entering, he would most likely face a purgatory-like existence.

Even everyone has to worry about the most basic thing. The so-called most basic thing is maybe. But Chen Xuan knew that if he could come out alive, then he would be the big shot he wanted to be, and he would become stronger.

At this time, Chen Xuan began to hesitate, because Chen Xuan knew that once he stepped in, he could not look back. But Chen Xuan should still be able to turn back at this time. As long as Chen Xuan wants to turn back, then Chen Xuan will go back to the original place.

It was Chen Xuan's fishing village, but Chen Xuan knew that he would not have any future in the fishing village. But as long as he enters, no matter whether he wins or loses, Chen Xuan's future will be different from everyone else's.

Since Chen Xuan wants to break free, he must endure what ordinary people cannot endure. Chen Xuan hesitated for about half a moment, and Jiang Xia did not rush Chen Xuan. Because Jiang Xia knew that if Chen Xuan really decided to go in, there would be no way out on this road. Chen Xuan hesitated because he was hesitating for his own life and his life within twenty years.

Jiang Xia knew that if she faced such a thing, she would never do better than Chen Xuan. Because Chen Xuan was so calm, Jiang Xia didn't know if he could be as calm as Ci if he was involved in such a thing. But Jiang Xia felt that she shouldn't be able to do it.

Chen Xuan walked forward slowly like this. Once Chen Xuan took his steps, he seemed extremely determined, as if he didn't look back at all because of the bumps ahead.

Just like this, Chen Xuan's weak body slowly walked into the fog in front of him. Zheng was slowly swallowed up by the white fog, and slowly seemed to disappear from Jiang Xia's sight.

Chen Xuan is now discovering that the situation he imagined was too good, and it turns out that Chu Yuan is more terrible than he imagined. Because Chen Xuan couldn't help but shudder as soon as he entered the Youlan Mountains.

Chen Xuan seemed to suddenly realize something. Chen Xuan didn't think that Chen Xuan could survive here completely relying on his fortune-telling skills at this time. At least Chen Xuan doesn't know how to tell fortunes yet, but what Chen Xuan can be sure of is that if he uses the fortune-telling technique right now, he will definitely return to the west very soon and explode directly to death, without having to wait until twenty years later.

But Chen Xuan knew that there was no way he could be exposed to such a dangerous place now. Chen Xuan must first find a safe place, otherwise he will definitely die here, because Chen Xuan seems to have no ability to protect himself now.

Now I can only look at it. It seems that Chen Xuan understands something, because Chen Xuan seems to find that when he is weak, whether he can survive can only depend on luck. If he is lucky enough, he will be able to live. If he is not lucky enough, then he will have to wait for death, or Chen Xuan has no idea when he will live or when he will die.

But although Chen Xuan was very concerned about life and death at this time, he was not very panicked. Instead, he slowly found a cave, trying to escape for a few moments, and take advantage of these few moments to quickly study the art of divination.

It can be regarded as hard training, because Chen Xuan found that he could only practice divination, and divination was the secret technique of cultivating the mind. Chen Xuan felt that the dark night in the Youlan Mountains was completely different from the dark night in the fishing village before.

Because when Chen Xuan looked up at the dark night in the Youlan Mountains, what was left to Chen Xuan was endless darkness. And this darkness made Chen Xuan feel like a kind of weakness, a feeling of extreme weakness.

What's even more terrifying about the dark night in the Blue Mountains is that there seems to be that terrifying white mist in the dark night. This kind of fog always makes Chen Xuan feel very scary. As for how scary it is...

Just like Chen Xuan felt that he was blinded, but his eyes seemed to be blinded by someone above. He couldn't see any danger ahead, and Chen Xuan even felt that such a world was a hell.

It was a real hell, and Jiang Xia didn't go too far. But this one looked like a hell filled with gold, because what Chen Xuan saw was gold under a terrifying danger. Unless someone was obsessed with money, who would risk their lives in such a ghost place.

However, Chen Xuan knew that there were no absolutes. As long as those who had the strength, this was their paradise. And I have to pray that I don’t let myself encounter them before I learn the art of divination. Otherwise, the only thing waiting for Chen Xuan is death.

However, although Chen Xuan thought this in his heart, he rarely walked out of the cave. But he found that the fog in the cave was actually very thick, and the temperature inside the cave was even much lower than outside.

Chen Xuan was confused for a moment. How should he live? I just want to live, but if just living is so difficult, then I really need to make myself stronger.

After a few days, Chen Xuan found that he could use divination techniques to predict dangers, which also allowed him to successfully avoid several dangers and hide them out of sight of adventurers.

But Chen Xuan found that despite this, it seemed very miserable for him to be on the run all day long. However, Chen Xuan felt that even though he was on the run all day long, his character was getting stronger day by day.

In this way, Chen Xuan lived one by one. Such a life was very miserable, and it was also very dangerous. Even Chen Xuan didn't know how he survived those ten hours of darkness.

Chen Xuan discovered that when night comes, this place is like hell, with countless killings, endless cold and unknown dangers constantly approaching Chen Xuan. But Chen Xuan knew that he could only support himself hard.

The only thing that allowed Chen Xuan to relax was two hours. Chen Xuan used it to go out and do everything he wanted to do. But after a while, Chen Xuan discovered that it was dark again.

In fact, it was only after losing that Chen Xuan realized how precious it was to gain. At the beginning, Chen Xuan hated the tranquility of the fishing village very much, and he was very eager and eager for the thorny road he had chosen.

But only now did Chen Xuan realize that everything was far from as good as he thought, or that Chen Xuan seemed to have thought of everything too simply. But Chen Xuan has already made up his mind and will not regret it.

Chen Xuan seemed to be getting used to this kind of life gradually, but Chen Xuan found that even if he was used to pain, he would never feel the pain. From fear to habit and now I feel a little numb...

And although it was dangerous, Chen Xuan found that as long as he didn't make any mistakes, he would be unlikely to be in danger. But twenty years without making any mistakes is very difficult for a child who is only six years old.

But as long as Chen Xuan makes one mistake, what awaits Chen Xuan is death. Therefore, Chen Xuan's current heart has been tempered like never before. Who else but the old man in white robe can be so skillful?

Let a cultivator lose all his Taoist power, revert to a child, and then throw him into an environment where he may die at any time and anywhere. But if Chen Xuan can come out, then the training Chen Xuan will receive will definitely be It will be unprecedented.

In this way, Chen Xuan's Taoist heart will be like the earth and the sky, eternally living between the earth. But if Chen Xuan cannot come out, what awaits Chen Xuan is destruction. The life span of a cultivator is generally very long.

Just like Jiang Xia, he is a person who has lived for 100,000 years. He is the most powerful person in this martial arts continent, and his life span is more than 100,000 years. In other words, if Chen Xuan were like an ordinary cultivator, he could live for at least tens of thousands of years.

But Chen Xuan in Daoxin Continent only lived forty years. He faced such a test at the age of forty. If Chen Xuan can come out, then there will be a bright future waiting for Chen Xuan. If Chen Xuan cannot come out, then what awaits Chen Xuan There is only death.

But at this time, although Chen Xuan hated the master behind him very much. But I still admire him very much. It is really amazing to have such courage.

In this way, Chen Xuan lived one by one. Ten years passed in the blink of an eye, but Chen Xuan found that although he had grown up a lot, he still could not compare with the harsh environment like the Youlan Mountains.

He still needs to escape, and he still needs to be cautious all the time. This is torture and great pain for Chen Xuan. But Chen Xuan must endure it.

In the past ten years, I know what terrible things happened to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan also made several mistakes, but Chen Xuan found that God would not let him go just because he committed the first offense.

Every time Chen Xuan was surrounded by danger, every time Chen Xuan felt that he would have no way to survive this time, but what Chen Xuan didn't expect was that his will to survive seemed to be very strong, and he could support Chen Xuan every time. .

Year after year, every time Chen Xuan felt was like a passing day. Gradually, Chen Xuan didn't care anymore. He didn't care how many years he had been here. What he cared about was what kind of things he would encounter. Danger, whether you can still live...

In this way, Chen Xuan spent twenty years. Twenty years later, Chen Xuan was no longer the thin child he was before. But one looks very handsome, very strong, and his skin color has turned into a bronze color. There are countless scars on his body, but Chen Xuan is still alive and well...

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