Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 176 The short-lived emperor-level powerhouse

The last sentence was directed at Chen Xuan, but the previous events had dragged Na Lanshan into the quagmire, and he couldn't clean it up at all. Lanshan also knew that he had fallen into Liu Yongquan's routine.

Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, he had already lost the opportunity to have the right to speak.

When talking to Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan patted Lanshan on the shoulder and motioned Lanshan to come behind him.

"Okay, your skills are not enough for others to play with. Come on down."

Chen Xuan said lightly, Lanshan was also choked by Chen Xuan's words and vomited blood. What do you mean by not being enough for others to play with? Why don't you play it yourself and create such a problem for me to solve? Otherwise, How could we get into such a situation.

Originally, after a little planning, with my experience and contribution, and my identity as a sixth-grade alchemist, there was no problem in seeking self-protection. At most, I just wanted to run away, even if I could just go to Beishui City to sit and retire. , but now it seems that not only Liu Yongquan will attack himself.

The Duke of Hongshan will not let him go.

"That man in green clothes who looks like a bug, if you plant it, I will kill you."

Chen Xuan pointed at the old man in green robe suspended in mid-air.

That is Liu Yongquan.

Hearing Chen Xuan speak so arrogantly, he didn't care about Liu Yongquan's identity and face at all, and he didn't even care whether he said such words in front of the important minister of the empire, the Duke of Hongshan. This is basically the following crime. !

It’s your own fault!

Liu Yongquan's eyes almost burst out with anger.

Even if the other party usually said such a word, Liu Yongquan would fight the latter, and now he said such a word in front of the Duke of Hongshan, deliberately provoking himself. If he didn't use blood to wash away this shame, then Liu Yongquan would also There is no shame in staying here anymore.

"Your Excellency, please allow me to go down and teach this arrogant and arrogant person a lesson. Within a hundred breaths, I will definitely rescue the princess from the trapped formation!"

Liu Yongquan asked Duke Hongshan for help.

Although most of this was personal grudges, Liu Yongquan also acted as if he was going to die for the Duke of Hongshan.


Duke Hongshan nodded, and then Liu Yongquan's eyes burst out with a murderous intent, and the aura of an emperor-level powerhouse instantly filled the air.


It's like the dragon's energy is added to the body, covering the ground with majesty.

The old man behind Duke Hongshan couldn't help but step forward to guard against Liu Yongquan.

"Oh, this Liu Yongquan is already at the emperor level, why do you have to provoke him?"

Lanshan was spinning around anxiously on the ground, but there was no other way at this moment.

The masters of the Protector Hall are the alchemists who protect the Medicine Master Guild, rather than protecting Lanshan alone. They are not Lanshan's private soldiers. Between people, they will naturally weigh the pros and cons. For now, Liu Yongquan almost monopolizes the power. In this alchemist guild, one hand covers everything.

Who else dares to offend Liu Yongquan for Lanshan? No relationship or friendship is as valuable as one's own interests at this time.

Liu Yongquan in the sky smiled cruelly. The masters of the Protector Hall have already been sorted out. No one will help Lanshan now. Lanshan's little cultivation is not enough for him. As for Chen Xuan, although he is a little weird , but he is just a teenager, and he can still be awesome.

"Don't worry, it's just a clown."

Chen Xuan turned around and said, and just when Chen Xuan turned around, Liu Yongquan swooped down from the sky. In an instant, the floor beside Chen Xuan seemed to be under strong pressure.


The stones were crushed one after another to create a pattern.

These hard floor stones were like fragile pieces of tofu under Liu Yongquan's aura.

"Emperor-level mysterious fire, true earth flame!"

Liu Yongquan did not rely on his strength, but used his palm skills to the extreme. The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength, not to mention that the Chen Xuan in front of him was probably a sheep in rabbit skin.

The aura within a hundred miles radius was drawn by Liu Yongquan's movements.

It seems that the general trend of the entire space is running between the two palms.

Chen Xuan stared at the sky from below, and the earth's true flames instantly condensed into a flame pillar.

From Liu Yongquan's palms, he rushed towards Chen Xuan.

Rolling like sand.

Faced with this palm, Lan Shan's expression changed. Even Huo Liu couldn't help but step forward to protect Chen Xuan, but was knocked back by the momentum and just raised his feet. Taking one step forward, he was knocked back two steps by the breath.


Huo Liu spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Because of his tyrannical cultivation, Liu Yongquan didn't care at all.

When Chen Xuan saw this, he also raised his hand and pointed towards the swooping flames.

"Broken Finger!"


The flame in front seemed to be split. When the flame encountered the finger, it automatically split towards both sides and collapsed inch by inch!


Liu Yongquan was shocked. His moves failed to pose any threat in front of Chen Xuan. This move was clearly a move with 100% power, and he had no reservations.

But Chen Xuan was still easily defeated.

"How dare you act so arrogantly on my territory?"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and the next moment he stepped out, his whole body rushed up like a dragon, carrying the endless energy of the earth's veins on the ground, turning into a wild dragon on the ground and killing Liu Yongquan.

The old man in black robe beside the Duke of Hongshan immediately retreated with the Duke of Hongshan.

"Your Majesty, this person's strength is too strong!"

Even the old man in black robe became nervous, and a flash of shock flashed in Duke Hongshan's eyes.


Liu Yongquan couldn't believe that Chen Xuan was able to attract the breath of the earth. At this moment, it was as if the power of millions of acres of land were rushing towards him. Liu Yongquan's body seemed to be a pale, weak and fragile white body. Paper.


Chen Xuan came to Liu Yongquan. Liu Yongquan wanted to release his emperor-level cultivation to block Chen Xuan's blink.

But at this moment, Chen Xuan threw out a spell.

The talisman was torn, and Liu Yongquan instantly felt that the profound energy in his body seemed to be more than ten times heavier than usual, and the operating speed directly became one-tenth of its original speed.

This is the difference of one tenth of a second.

Chen Xuan's attack has already arrived.


The energy of the earth veins turned into a wild dragon and broke through Liu Yongquan's body. Liu Yongquan resented it and roared for a long time, and was washed away the next moment.

The emperor-level cultivation instantly collapsed on the ground.


This emperor-level powerhouse who was just born in the Liu family has become a pile of powder before he has achieved much fame!

Lanshan below was extremely shocked, his eyes were as big as copper bells!

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