Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 177: Expelled from Medicine Master City!

Chen Xuan beheaded the ancestor of the Liu family without any dust on his body.

It was as if he had done a simple and ordinary thing.

The Duke of Hongshan in the sky pondered for a moment, then nodded and motioned for the old man behind him to go down together.

"Your Majesty, this person is extremely dangerous!"

The old man in black robe came to Duke Hongshan and said softly.

The Duke of Hongshan naturally knew that Chen Xuan was a real dangerous person. He could kill an emperor-level strongman. How could such a person be so simple? Even if you want to kill, you must have this ability.

"This is the famous figure in Medicine Master City, Master Chen Xuan. I have long admired his name."

After Duke Hongshan landed, he raised his hands and faced Chen Xuandao.

"Is this your daughter?"

Chen Xuan glanced at the Duke of Hongshan without raising his eyelids, and then pointed at Huang Mengjing, who was still trapped in the formation and could not escape.


"She broke into my mansion without permission, so I trapped her for three days as punishment. Do you have any objections?"

Chen Xuan said calmly, as if he was asking the Duke of Hongshan for his opinion, but in fact, even if you disagree, there is nothing you can do.

Do you still want to fight Chen Xuan? With the strength he just showed, even the Duke of Hongshan and the old man in black robe combined may not be Chen Xuan's opponent.

To be able to easily kill an emperor-level strongman, such strength must be several realms higher than Liu Yongquan. The old man in black robe is obviously also an emperor-level strongman and has become the guard of Duke Hongshan.

But if he were to fight with Liu Yongquan, even though he could suppress the latter, he would not be able to secure victory, let alone kill him within a few breaths.

Chen Xuan's words made Na Lanshan and others raise their voices in their throats. This guy is too fierce. He wants to imprison his daughter in front of his father. The most important thing is this father. His identity is still the Duke of Hongshan from the Qifeng Empire.

The status of the Duke of Hongshan is something that not many people in the Qifeng Empire can match. If the Duke of Hongshan is angry, even if there are ten more emperor-level experts like you, it will be useless.

It's okay for Chen Xuan to be arrogant, but he is too arrogant now.

Unexpectedly, the Duke of Hongshan laughed loudly after hearing this.

"Haha, I have long heard about Master Chen Xuan's arrogant orders. When I saw it today, it turned out to be true. Well, my daughter should be punished for breaking into the master's mansion. I have always been reasonable, so I will follow the master on this matter. "

Duke Hongshan's words made everyone feel relieved.

Otherwise, if someone is blamed for such arrogant words, it will really be troublesome. Chen Xuan is really so pushy.

"However, you killed a sixth-grade alchemist from Qifeng Empire. How do you deal with this loss?"

The next moment, Duke Hongshan’s eyes suddenly became sharp.

When Chen Xuan heard this, he immediately sneered. This guy actually dared to rip off himself.

"I killed him, do you want to avenge him?"

Chen Xuan said calmly, don't break through to the emperor level now. Even if Chen Xuan only has the cultivation level of the earth level now, he still has to keep this face. You settle the score and settle the score with me. I kill an enemy and you settle the score with me. , then how can I tell you clearly?

So he didn't give in.

Even heading towards the Duke of Hongshan.

When the old man in black robe saw this, he nervously stepped forward and blocked the Duke behind him.

The aura in his body has also reached its peak, and the old man in black robe is not sure whether he is Chen Xuan's opponent.

Therefore, we can only enter the strongest alert to prevent anything from happening.

But Chen Xuan suddenly stopped.

"I'll settle this account with you later!"

As soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, ten powerful auras suddenly appeared in the sky, each one reaching the peak of the king level!


When the ten Rao's breaths came together, a strong formation was formed directly, and the breaths merged together to form an emperor-level storm!

This aura is actually comparable to the realm of the second-grade emperor!

"No, sir, these people are actually stronger than Liu Yongquan."

Of course, the combined power actually exceeded Liu Yongquan's before. If they fought, it would be quite brutal.

Obviously these people are here for Liu Yongquan.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yongquan would have such a master beside him. If these people had come together just now, Chen Xuan's chances of winning would have been bad.

"These people should be the guardians of the Liu family's back mountain. I sensed their aura before. I didn't expect that they actually know such a battle formation!"

Battle formation is an attack formation that is specially developed and used in battle positions.

Through the superposition of different attributes and the position of the formation, the people in the formation can release powerful power. This is the battle formation, which often plays a very good role in some families.

Some powerful battle formations can even exert 200% of their power.

"No, it's the Tantric elder of the Liu family!"

Lanshan just shouted when he saw this, but Chen Xuan sneered in his heart, all the Tantric elders will die for me.

The Fire Killing Stone appeared in his hand, and with the tug of Chen Xuan's fingers, a flame was suddenly pulled out by Chen Xuan.


The flames rushed to the sky.

Killing the ten Tantric elders of the Liu family towards you.

The collision of the two breaths directly stirred up the sky above Medicine Master City. The next moment, Chen Xuan's figure disappeared from the place and charged straight up into the sky.


He actually came to the formation center of those Tantric elders.

This is the place most attacked and the most powerful.

Once trapped by this formation, even a third-grade emperor's strength will only end up drinking from the spring with hatred.

"A mere rubbish battle formation, are you showing off your power in front of me?"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly.

who is he?

In his previous life, he was a god-level powerhouse and had never seen any musical formations. However, there were countless battle formations. When he killed the enemy, he destroyed countless battle formations composed of powerful men, which directly caused the enemy to fall into a trap. During a defeat, Chen Xuan often likes to give the opponent the greatest hope at the strongest point of the battle formation and then destroy it.

Today too.

"Assemble the formation, Di Xuanhuang, kill!"

The ten Tantric elders spoke in unison, and the aura of the leader came down and turned into a black and yellow curse seal, which fell towards Chen Xuan's head.


A flame blocked the front of him, catching the move.

Chen Xuan stretched out his hand to explore and pinched the black and yellow curse seal in his hand.

"Xuanhuang Curse Seal? Let you see the real Xuanhuang Curse Seal!"

The next moment, Chen Xuan swallowed the Xuanhuang Curse Seal into his belly, and then the fingertips flew in his hand, and the Fire Killing Stone in his hand continued to spit out power.


The auras in the surrounding area trembled, the trees swayed, and they all knelt down in the direction of Chen Xuan.

There is a vague general trend of all things to follow the sect.

At this moment, a curse seal was formed in Chen Xuan's hand, which was similar to the Xuanhuang curse seal formed before, but it was much more powerful and stared at than those cast by those Tantric elders.

"This boy actually used our power to release the black and yellow curse seal! Disperse!"

The Tantric elder who headed the group immediately knew what Chen Xuan wanted to do. He wanted to kill everyone here. Due to the situation under the building, they had to be separated first.

But it was too late.

Under Chen Xuan's Xuanhuang Curse Seal, Shi Rao's aura was instantly locked, and Chen Xuan made a move.

In all directions, there is murderous intent.

"not good!"

The next moment, a fiery red mushroom cloud seemed to bloom in the sky. After the mushroom cloud, there was a sound that pierced the eardrums. Everyone couldn't help covering their ears and fell to their knees.

Lanshan released his mysterious energy to protect the people around him.

Finally, the smoke filled the air, and in the fiery red clouds, a figure slowly descended. This person was Chen Xuan.

In addition, the rest of the people were already burned to ashes in this sea of ​​fire!

Ten Tantric elders.

They were all killed.

It only takes a few minutes.

This Chen Xuan is very powerful!

When Chen Xuan fell back on Lin's face, he threw a pill towards the Duke of Hongshan. The old man in black robe in front of him immediately took it.

When he got the elixir, he suddenly looked shocked.

"This...this is!"

Duke Yue of Hongshan was well-informed and immediately knew how valuable the elixir in the hands of the black-robed old man was.

"This is the explanation I gave you, but what about the explanation you gave me?"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly.

Duke Hongshan took a deep breath, his eyes sparkling.

"From now on, the Liu family will be removed from Medicine Master City forever!"

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