Arashiyama was shocked.

These words were spoken by the Duke of Hongshan.

The weight of this can be imagined. With this sentence, there will definitely be no place for the Liu family to survive in Medicine Master City in the future. They will only be expelled, and there will not even be any chance of a comeback in other places.

As long as the Duke of Hongshan is still alive, there will be no way for the Liu family to turn around.

What did Chen Xuan give to the Duke of Hongshan? It actually made the Duke of Hongshan make such a promise, which almost frightened Lanshan.

"Your Majesty the Duke..."

Lanshan was a little confused, but he didn't know how to ask.

But Chen Xuan patted Na Lanshan on the shoulder.

"Is there any trouble now?"

Chen Xuandao.

Lanshan pondered for a long time, and finally shook his head: "Hey, I'm convinced by you, how did you do this?"

Even Lanshan himself couldn't imagine that Chen Xuan directly won over the Duke of Hongshan without any words. And it seemed that the Duke of Hongshan couldn't wait to make this promise, even that The look in Chen Xuan's eyes has also changed.

But Chen Xuan didn't care about it.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm going to practice."

Chen Xuan waved his hands and said, he thought that no matter how big the matter, he would have to handle all these things by himself, but it was really a bit shabby. In the future, he must recruit some capable assistants, and he couldn't handle everything by himself.

In the previous life, I had a name, and all I had to do was give my name and everything was solved, but here there are still so many people who don't know how to live or die.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first. Vice President Lanshan, come on, let's talk about the key planning projects of Medicine City this time."

Then, the Duke of Hongshan also took Na Lanshan away with great enthusiasm.

"Ada, just wait here for me, sister, until the punishment is over."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Duke!"

Then Ah Da also gave a military salute. Although his movements seemed a bit stiff, he was very firm.

Duke Hongshan's attitude towards Lanshan also became better. When he first came to Medicine Master City, he secretly went to the Liu family, apparently preparing to make friends with Liu Yongquan, a sixth-grade intermediate alchemist.

But in the blink of an eye, this sixth-grade alchemist died at the hands of Chen Xuan.

Now there is only one sixth-grade alchemist left in Lanshan in Medicine Master City. If he doesn't make friends with Lanshan, who will he make friends with?

At the same time, Lanshan has been struggling with what the price of a sixth-grade alchemist is, and how many secrets Chen Xuan still has in his hands.

This guy, whom he picked up from North Water City, really found a treasure.

Lanshan and others have already left, while Ah Da is patrolling under the formation, not allowing anyone to get close.

Chen Xuan glanced at the corpses and the like around him.

Although most of them have been destroyed, some places have still been affected, and some broken limbs have remained.

"You guys clean up the surrounding area first, and also clear out the yard next to it. There is a big guy who wants to move in."

Chen Xuandao.

"Yes, Master Chen Xuan."

Huo Liu naturally led the people to clean the yard.

Then Chen Xuan summoned the Antarctic True Flame Tiger, who received heavy support. During this time, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger's injuries also recovered well.


When the Antarctic True Flame Tiger appeared, all the animals in Medicine City seemed to be frightened, and some trained horses knelt on the ground and trembled.

It seemed like the King of Beasts was approaching.

The Antarctic True Flame Tiger licked its paws in the yard.

Chen Xuan treated the wound, then threw a ninth-grade elixir to the latter, letting the latter swallow it on his own, and then practice to break through his own realm.

"Ruoxue, you will have another task from now on, which is to find some food to feed him."

Chen Xuan explained that when Wei Ruoxue saw such a big Antarctic True Flame Tiger, her face turned green with fright, but she soon calmed down and walked towards the Antarctic True Flame Tiger very friendly. Surprisingly The strange thing is that this Antarctic True Flame Tiger does not reject the latter.

Although he received Chen Xuan's order not to harm the people in this courtyard, Chen Xuan still couldn't do it if the Antarctic True Flame Tiger wanted to like someone from the bottom of his heart. Obviously, Wei Ruoxue and the Antarctic True Flame Tiger were very Kind and get along well.


The Antarctic True Flame Tiger's body shrank quickly, and finally shrank to the size of a dog, lying on Wei Ruoxue's body, and seemed to like the aura of Wei Ruoxue's body very much.

At the same time, he was also extremely sleepy, because he had swallowed the ninth-grade elixir, and most of his experience was spent on digesting the ninth-grade elixir.


"Hehe, what a cute tiger."

Wei Ruoxue touched the tail of the Antarctic True Flame Tiger.

"Sister, you're so cute."

You also joined in. At this time, You was also practicing the spiritual cultivation techniques that Chen Xuan gave her, but most of the time she was helping Wei Ruoxue and taking care of Wei Ruoxue, and practicing was just a normal thing, and Not very seriously.

However, Yu's talent is the body of all thoughts. At this age, he has already reached the level of king-level mental power, which many people cannot envy.

Medicine City, street.

Han Ya was walking on the street, feeling a little uneasy. The situation in Medicine Master City was not very stable, and the Han family members were all gone. Don't get too close to the rest of the people, especially the Chen family mansion. Be sure to avoid it.

If the Chen family is provoked, the Liu family may also be listed as a target.

When the time comes, the situation will be up to you.

So Hana and others are also restricted from traveling, and even most people are restricted.

However, when Han Ya heard the news of Chen Xuan's return, she was also very excited. She couldn't wait and ran out of the Han family regardless of dissuasion. She was walking quickly towards the Chen family mansion, but when she was about to arrive, Before the Chen Family Mansion, she slowed down, feeling hesitant and uneasy. After all, Han Ya didn't know whether she was important in Chen Xuan's heart.

It doesn't seem to be important.

However, when Han Ya walked to a street in front of Chen's house, she suddenly saw two familiar figures, or one of them was very familiar.

It was the woman with a red skull sword in her hand, and another man who looked like a giant chimney. The muscles on his body seemed to be poured with molten iron. They were extremely permeable. People on the street When they saw this strange combination of a man and a woman, they all looked sideways and turned heads very often.

"Why are these two murderers here? Are they here to kill Chen Xuan!?"

Han Ya's heart skipped a beat.

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