Chen Xuan finally got what he wanted. Before his body was so weak that he died, he stepped into the cave. As soon as Zheng Chen A witch is seen.

It was a very dark place, so dark that there was nothing there. It was like absolute darkness. Even Chen Xuan began to wonder if his eyes were just decorations. But what Chen Xuan can confirm is that he is not blind, but this cave is too weird.

All Chen Xuan could feel was the waves of sinister wind. That must be the evil spirit taking form, right? Even this evil spirit, which is constantly nourished by the powerful earth energy, seems to be becoming more and more arrogant.

Constantly stabbing every part of Chen Xuan's body, Chen Xuan didn't know what it felt like. Maybe it was severe pain, but Chen Xuan seemed to feel like he was slowly losing consciousness at this time.

The only consciousness that can have feelings can only feel the severe pain like skin and bones being peeled off. But Chen Xuan's body didn't seem to be afraid of the severe pain at all. Chen Xuan's face looked very peaceful, so peaceful that Chen Xuan himself felt very strange.

Chen Xuan even felt like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, losing its last struggle and just waiting desperately for death. Chen Xuan was in a daze. Could it be that he had walked such a long road, so difficult, so lonely, and all he got in the end was death?

Chen Xuan was unwilling to give in. Chen Xuan wanted to struggle very much. He even felt that the heart in his body was no longer calm, but was constantly being filled with a blazing flame.

Chen Xuan's face changed from the calm and indifferent expression before, and began to become ferocious. Chen Xuan felt that the evil energy around him was like a shackle controlling Chen Xuan.

The more Chen Xuan struggled, the fiercer he seemed to become. At this time, Chen Xuan was even more ignited by the end of this evil spirit. The pupils in Chen Xuan's eyes were no longer deep, but filled with the breath of flames.

He even felt the evil spirits around him suppressing him, and he wanted to resist, and he wanted to eliminate it all!

Why? Why did Chen Xuan endure so much, but the result was death? Why does Chen Xuan want to become stronger, but the first thing that Chen Xuan needs to understand is his own embarrassment and unbearable condition!

Chen Xuan had had enough, and Chen Xuan no longer wanted to endure it. Even Chen Xuan's calmness was completely wiped out by the evil energy that restrained Chen Xuan. It seemed that Chen Xuan's eyes began to become brighter, as if the absolute darkness had changed dramatically due to the change in Chen Xuan's state of mind.

What exactly is going on?

But Chen Xuan was so overwhelmed by anger that he had no time to think, but the scene in front of Chen Xuan was not unfamiliar, not only not unfamiliar, but also very familiar...

This seems to be the scene in my dream! A peaceful fishing village, a peaceful life, and an ordinary life. But at this time, Chen Xuan didn't believe it. This was a place for him to reminisce.

Suddenly, a purple-black flame flashed in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, and a statue of a god appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes. Chen Xuan didn't know what kind of god he was, but what Chen Xuan was sure of was that he was indeed very powerful.

He was as tall as a dozen Chen Xuan, but his face was very ferocious. Moreover, the angry look of this statue made Chen Xuan feel his majestic aura.

The scene of Chen Xuan's fishing village appeared behind the statue, as if he was a sinner waiting for trial, and the scene of the fishing village seemed to be his own guilt.

At this moment, Chen Xuan seemed to feel that his strong heart was beginning to collapse. But Chen Xuan still pretended to be calm and indifferent, as if he didn't care at all.

Suddenly, another strong wind of evil energy passed by, like a knife cutting into Chen Xuan's body again. Chen Xuan even felt the sound in his body that was so weak that he couldn't breathe at all. But Chen Xuan still didn't care about this. Chen Xuan's calm and indifferent eyes seemed to swear that Chen Xuan didn't care about this.

But as this evil wind drifted by, the originally static statue seemed to be moving. Chen Xuan was used to seeing shocking things, so he naturally behaved very calmly.

"I am the judge, the judge in charge of the Martial Arts Continent! Chen Xuan, you are already dead, but you still don't pay respect to me when you see me? What crime should you do?"


Just a few words, but they exploded directly in Chen Xuan's mind like five thunders, and even Chen Xuan felt as if his brain was about to stop functioning completely. But Chen Xuan didn't believe that he was dead and had failed the test.

Although the aura of this monster who calls himself a judge seems to be very powerful, it seems that every word he says can make people believe him without any reason. But Chen Xuan has calmed down from his anger just now, and Chen Xuan does not think that this son is a judge.

It should also be a character created by the mountain god of Ziluo Mountain! However, the power of Ziluo Mountain God has indeed exceeded Chen Xuan's expectations. Chen Xuan did not expect that Ziluo Mountain God could create such a character. This self-proclaimed judge is indeed very powerful in terms of momentum.

When the judge saw that Chen Xuan did not kneel down, it was nothing. Chen Xuan seemed unable to see any anger or even any emotion on the face of this so-called judge.

But half a moment later...

The lower legs of Chen Xuan's body began to be manipulated by Chen Xuan... Chen Xuan watched as his legs began to slowly bend to the knees, and slowly surrendered. This was a great torture for Chen Xuan.

It's like a person who doesn't want to die, but he watches himself kill himself with a knife. This feeling made Chen Xuan very puzzled. Isn't my body no longer under my control?

how so? What kind of place is this? Chen Xuan hated this feeling. It made Chen Xuan feel like he had returned to the feeling he had in the Youlan Mountains at that time. It seemed that he had experienced it for the first time in the Youlan Mountains. The feeling that your life is completely out of your control.

And he must endure this feeling, otherwise it will bring death to Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan knows that this time, he is still out of his control as before!

Is this the benefit of being powerful? Chen Xuan longed to be strong. Chen Xuan longed to be strong very much. Chen Xuan was so eager that he wanted to use all means to become strong, but he found that he seemed to be still so weak at this time.

This made Chen Xuan feel a strong sense of frustration, but this was hidden very well by Chen Xuan. Even Chen Xuan hid him so much that others felt that even if Chen Xuan was kneeling at this time, he was still kneeling lightly.

But how could the judge not see what Chen Xuan was thinking. That gaze that seemed to penetrate deep into the soul, those black pupils, just glanced at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt as if he had entered a world of nine layers of ice, and every part of his body was extremely cold.

But Chen Xuan didn't seem to be affected at all, but only Chen Xuan himself knew how terrifying this feeling was for Chen Xuan now.

"Son, I think you want to become stronger. But your practice is still not enough!"

The judge's words sounded very cold, so cold that it made Chen Xuan feel it deep into his bones. But the judge did not give Chen Xuan a chance to ask questions and continued on.

"Son, do you really want to become stronger? If you really want to become stronger, then I will give you a chance!"

These words made Chen Xuan feel very surprised! There is actually a way to make yourself stronger, what is that way? Chen Xuan has been trying every means to make himself stronger. But Chen Xuan discovered that this seemed to be fate. No matter how Chen Xuan wanted to become more powerful, it seemed that everything would become a constraint for Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan was ignited by these so-called words, but he was still very calm. He just smiled slightly and looked very calm.

It seemed like the old man next door asked Chen Xuan what he wanted to eat tonight. Chen Xuan just replied casually. That's all, but how could Chen Xuan's heart be so calm.

Chen Xuan wants to become stronger! Chen Xuan has always wanted to become stronger. Now that he has such an opportunity, how can he not want to? It’s just that this judge seems to have bad intentions!

However, Chen Xuan thought deeply, if this judge really had bad intentions, would he be able to let him go if he backed down? This seems to be very impossible, and the chance of letting yourself go is very slim. But if Chen Xuan takes over as the judge, there may be a glimmer of hope.

Chen Xuan has not forgotten that he came to this world because of the test of Ziluo Mountain. Since it is a test, and since it is an arrangement given to him by the master behind him, he will definitely leave a glimmer of hope for himself.

Chen Xuan remembered that although his master had thrown him into the Youlan Mountains since he was six years old, he still used Jiang Xia's divination skills to leave him a glimmer of hope.

And it seems that he survived precisely because of this small chance of survival. Chen Xuan knew that this test would definitely leave him a small chance of survival. In this case, then I really should go and meet the judge for a while, but I don't know how slim this chance of survival is.

Then it depends on how tricky this judge’s test is.

"Okay! I'm willing to become stronger!"

Chen Xuanzai hesitated for a long time, and finally uttered this sentence slowly! This Chen Xuan is really full of people! The judge thought in his mind that if this person didn't want to, then he could directly kill him.

But if this guy is willing, then I really want to have fun with him!

At this time, Chen Xuan looked up at the judge and his eyes became extremely determined, and his legs seemed to have regained consciousness... Chen Xuan slowly stood up against the pressure of a jack!

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