This made Chen Xuan feel very good, as if he suddenly had the qualifications to challenge the strong.

When the judge saw this scene, his face still seemed to be neither sad nor happy, which made Chen Xuan feel slightly frustrated. The judge's character must be too strong. However, Chen Xuan was very curious about the judge's method of becoming stronger. If the judge really had a way to make Chen Xuan stronger, it would be an unexpected surprise for Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan knew that there never seemed to be any gratuitous benefits in this world. The so-called benefits all came with a certain price. For Chen Xuan, all the benefits are like this. Therefore, Chen Xuan understood that there must be something more to the judge's words.

Chen Xuan did not speak in a hurry, but continued to wait for the judge to go down. Chen Xuan's state of mind made the judge think more highly of Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan knew that the judge now looked at Chen Xuan like a god looking at an ant.

Chen Xuan could even feel the extremely terrifying aura on the judge's body, but Chen Xuan found that he seemed to have no way to fight back. That is, if the judge wanted to kill him, ten of himself would not be enough to kill him.

This is not because Chen Xuan lacks self-confidence, but because Chen Xuan understands that his strength is far different from that of the judge. Just like a five-year-old child and an old monster who has lived for five thousand years, it is no exaggeration to say that people eat much more salt than you eat rice.

"Son, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

When the judge said this, he seemed to be very casual. But Chen Xuan knew that this bet was very important to him. Although the judge felt like the old man next door inviting you to drink tea, Chen Xuan could hear the hidden murderous intention behind this invitation.

Chen Xuan even felt the extremely terrifying aura that filled every sentence the judge uttered. Every time the judge spoke, Chen Xuan felt as if he was walking on thin ice. But Chen Xuan remained very calm.

Chen Xuan knew that if Chen Xuan refused...

Chen Xuan has no chance of survival, but if Chen Xuan agrees to this bet, although the chance of survival may be very low, what Chen Xuan can be sure of is that there is still a glimmer of hope.

After Chen Xuan thought for a moment, he nodded solemnly. It seemed that Chen Xuan's two nods were a bet for Chen Xuan's life. But so what?

As long as you can make it out alive, as long as you make yourself stronger, what does it matter?

The judge saw Chen Xuan nodding after thinking for a moment, and his opinion of Chen Xuan became a little higher. This person is really good. If he agrees to himself very hastily, it will obviously be very unreliable and very frivolous.

But Chen Xuan's actions showed that Chen Xuan's state of mind was very calm. It seemed that the old man in white clothes really had a sharp eye! Chen Xuan can really be summed up in more than just a few words: a boy from a fishing village and a young prodigy.

Chen Xuan's heart is not like that of a young man at all, and even his state of mind is nothing compared to those of those calm and powerful men. Although Chen Xuan's state of mind sometimes has some disturbances due to his own momentum, Chen Xuan's ability to conceal his state of mind is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Even if he is thousands of years older than Chen Xuan, people who are thousands of years old will not be able to help but lose their composure when they see him. Chen Xuan is indeed amazing. However, the judge did not show the slightest expression of appreciation on his face.

The judge's face was still as profound as ever, as if nothing could affect the judge's state of mind. The judge saw that Chen Xuan didn't speak at this time, and seemed to be waiting for him to continue.

"Son, actually I didn't give you a chance. In fact, this bet is beneficial and harmless to you. You are now a revenant, that is, you are dead now. So if you want to live, You can only make a bet with me. If you win, I will keep you alive, and I will let you own the King of Purple Immortal Stone!"

"But if you lose, you will be in despair! There are also Sima questions you want to ask me. If I can answer you, I will tell you everything I know!"

The judge's tone was very plain, so plain that Chen Xuan couldn't hear a trace of emotion. It seemed that Chen Xuan now felt that the judge's tone was so cold, just like the chill around Chen Xuan.

Do you really think you are dead? But if he was really dead, when did he die? Chen Xuan didn't believe it at first, but the judge didn't seem to need to deceive him about this matter, right?

Chen Xuan himself didn't know when he died. Chen Xuan was fine outside the cave and could walk freely. Should he have died in the cave?

Chen Xuan didn't know, but since the judge asked him to ask him, why should he guess anymore. The question is, if I really die here, it can be regarded as a bet that will not lose money.

Anyway, he is already dead. Since he is already dead, he doesn't care about dying again. But in this dimension, death should not lead to reincarnation, right?

Because Chen Xuan remembered that the mountain god of Ziluo Mountain had talked to him before, and if he died, he would only dissipate into the ground. It was very high-sounding before, which could help him avoid the baptism of pain, but if Chen Xuan is allowed to stay in Ziluo Mountain and then turn into endless evil energy, for Chen Xuan, it is better to let him dissipate in the ground. .

Chen Xuan only pondered for a while, and then asked the judge who seemed upright but actually acted at will and decided people's lives based on his mood and anger. However, Chen Xuan's tone was respectful...

It was this old man who made me eligible to come back to life, so that I would not die in the earth and become empty and humble like dust. Of course, I have to be more respectful to him, otherwise, if he is unhappy...

If he doesn't bet with me, what should I do? Maybe there is only one way to dissipate in the earth!

"Son, think carefully about when you started to lose consciousness? And why did you lose consciousness? I don't want to say more, and I don't want to remind you anything, but I want to tell you... With your mentality, you will suffer a great loss in the crowd. Fortunately, you still have one chance!"

The judge seemed like a hypnotist who tempted people to commit crimes, constantly throwing out questions that made Chen Xuan think one after another. Chen Xuan didn't even realize that he actually began to think deeply under the judge's step-by-step questioning.

Of course, Chen Xuan dared not ignore the judge's admonition. Chen Xuan knew in his heart that the judge was probably giving him a way out on purpose! When did he die? When did he lose consciousness...


Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his brain seemed to explode. Chen Xuan even felt that he was not as strong as he imagined. In the cave, he became angry and even out of control because of those evil spirits. Then his state of mind seemed to be completely out of control under such evil spirits. What was going on?

Chen Xuan seemed to remember that it was his determination and his desire to become stronger. He was too eager. Chen Xuan even lost himself, and then slowly Chen Xuan seemed to lose consciousness.

What was even more terrifying was that Chen Xuan seemed to have a very vague memory in his mind, which made Chen Xuan feel terrified. It seemed that this memory was like a demon for Chen Xuan.

Although it was vague, it was like a demon. Because Chen Xuan seemed to realize that after he lost consciousness, he seemed to completely obey the voice that the evil spirit had planted in his heart.

That was to kill himself. Chen Xuan even saw the feeling of killing himself. This made Chen Xuan feel very incredible, but Chen Xuan stabilized his mind and began to meditate.

In this world, it can be regarded as a world where evil spirits are promoted. Chen Xuan can feel the endless evil spirits that penetrate into his bones. Can these evil spirits really not affect his state of mind?

Chen Xuan thinks it is not the case, just like ants can swallow an elephant when they live together. These evil spirits are almost spread throughout the cave, so they will definitely find a loophole and enter their mind juice...

However, this also makes Chen Xuan more vigilant, because Chen Xuan knows that now he can only be unaffected by these evil spirits if he stabilizes his Tao heart to the extreme.

Even if anything cannot affect his mind, this is very important for Chen Xuan! But since Chen Xuan has figured it out, he will naturally not let those evil spirits have a chance to take advantage of it.

The judge saw a gleam of light flashing in Chen Xuan's insightful pupils, and there seemed to be a hint of admiration in his eyes. However, Chen Xuan could not see through this hint of admiration with his current state of mind.

" seems that you already know the reason, so are you ready to bet with me? Don't worry, this bet is very simple, as long as you...follow my method, you will definitely win! But I'm just afraid that you can't do it, hehe!"

The judge's tone seemed to be a little more relaxed at this time, but Chen Xuan didn't dare to be relaxed at all. How could Chen Xuan not know that this bet directly determined his life and death...

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