Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1773: Thunder and Earth Fire from Five Directions

"But the earth fire cannot be used casually because although the earth fire itself has a degree of damage, it will complement your Taoist skills. Otherwise, the earth fire will be robbed when it encounters a cultivator who can practice!"

What does it mean?

In other words, if you encounter a cultivator in the future, you can't use the earth fire casually, otherwise if you encounter a strong person. Not only will you be defeated, but it is also possible that you will be killed because of the earth fire.

"But... Although the earth fire I gave you is a ground-level furnace fire, this furnace fire is different when it is matched with the King of Purple Fairy Stone. Do you know why most of the people captured by the King of Purple Fairy Stone are some talisman makers?"


Isn't it because those talisman makers want to stay in the human world for a while longer! Want the glory and wealth of the human world, otherwise why? But Chen Xuan certainly won't come out like this because Chen Xuan is not stupid since the judge asked. Then this reason must be unusually difficult, so... Chen Xuan still had a deep look in his eyes, as if he was looking at his nose and his heart.

The judge saw Chen Xuan's noncommittal expression and didn't seem to continue asking.

Instead, he branded Chen Xuan, the young man, with these two words in his heart.

Chen Xuan is indeed not simple! The judge sighed again in his heart that although Chen Xuan's current strength is average.

But this boy's character is definitely the best, and the judge gave Chen Xuan such a label...

"Boy, you are really good! But if you want to use this earth fire, you must use it in conjunction with your Taoist skills, which means that it can complement your Taoist skills and even complement your Taoist heart skills in the future."

"In this way, you will no longer need weapons, but the King of Purple Fairy Stone exists in your body and the earth fire exists in your body, which can be regarded as a life-saving talisman for you!"

The judge glanced at Chen Xuan and said that the earth fire is indeed in Chen Xuan's body, which is easy to be snatched by others. But if you have the ground fire of the Purple Fairy Stone King, it won't. In fact, Chen Xuan himself didn't expect that this so-called Purple Fairy Stone King would be so useful to Chen Xuan.

"And he can not only make your ground fire forever embedded in your body, but also upgrade it! That is to say, if you have the Purple Fairy Stone King, your ground fire will flow on the furnace fire ranking list, and it will only move forward. Of course, this is also conditional!"

Chen Xuan saw that the judge finally eased the cold face like ice just now, and a smile appeared on his face. Even Chen Xuan didn't expect that this judge would smile?

How does this look like a judge? Chen Xuan didn't understand the smile of the judge, but Chen Xuan knew what the judge meant. Anyway, this kid values ​​himself very much. It means that if you become rich and powerful, don't forget each other.

He just wants to be friends with himself. However, Chen Xuan did not reject the strong man's solicitation at all.

It seems that for Chen Xuan, the more important thing is the backer! Obviously, the judge should not be considered as his backer because there should be no such wicked person coming to Ziluo Mountain now, right? What's more, the judge doesn't seem to be able to leave Ziluo Mountain by himself!

In this case, all Chen Xuan can do now is to agree to the judge first...

Anyway, if Chen Xuan really can help the judge in the future, Chen Xuan will not forget this favor.

Seeing Chen Xuan nod, the judge also smiled gently and then said gently, "The earth fire I gave you is called Thunder Five Directions Fire, and it ranks 45th on the furnace fire list!" The judge just smiled slightly and sent this earth fire ranked 45th out.

Ranked 45th? In fact, it is not particularly high for the furnace fire list, but the earth fire ranked 45th is very unusual for Chen Xuan and Daoxin Continent.

Even how could Chen Xuan's vision be limited to him being ranked 45th? Chen Xuan didn't see the ranking. If he installed the King of Purple Fairy Stone, he could still upgrade it, even if Chen Xuan became very powerful in the future. It is not certain that this earth fire will become the fire on the furnace fire list!

Chen Xuan also thinks it is good for this. It is because of this that Chen Xuan believes that as long as he is strong, the furnace fire will become stronger and stronger. But he is young and actually took this thunder five-sided earth fire out. Isn't it a swagger?

In fact, what Chen Xuan thought was not unreasonable. What Chen Xuan was thinking now was exactly what the judge just thought. So the judge gave Chen Xuan the thunder five-sided earth fire because this earth fire has a great benefit. Of course, this benefit is only available to the thunder five-sided earth fire.

"Son... I know what you are thinking. I know that what you are thinking is that if your strength is not enough... and this earth fire is too swaggering, I am afraid it will cause trouble in the future!"

When the judge came here, he also glanced at Chen Xuan, as if Chen Xuan's thoughts were already under the control of the judge. It was just that Chen Xuan did not come out and the judge made it all clear.

But what Chen Xuan didn't know was what the judge meant by doing so. But the next moment Chen Xuan understood. Chen Xuan not only understood that Chen Xuan's heart, which had not been disturbed before, flashed a trace of joy.

Of course, Chen Xuan hid this joy very well, and it seemed that the judge would not notice it at all. As for Chen Xuan's joy and anger, the judge seemed to find that he could no longer see through it.

In fact, for cultivators, it is not that the longer you have known each other, the easier it will be for you to understand both parties. In fact, this is the opposite. For cultivators, the more powerful the cultivator, the longer you will know him. The less you can see him.

This is like reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance. Although Chen Xuan's current strength is not strong.

But Chen Xuan is very talented now. Although Chen Xuan is not a strong person, Chen Xuan's heart is definitely a strong one. That is to say, Chen Xuan is becoming more and more invisible to him at this time, which means that Chen Xuan should be extremely talented.

Only extremely talented people can do this, and it is obvious that Chen Xuan belongs to this category! But it was because of this that the judge felt that Chen Xuan was as scary as a monster.


What is so special about Lei Wu Fang Huo? Can the judge of Ziluo Mountain be so confident? I think this feature should be special enough, right?

Chen Xuan was silent and waited for the judge to tell the whole story, as if Chen Xuan was like an old man fishing...

It's the same as trying to catch the judge, but the judge's high opinion of Chen Xuan is enough to make the judge a willing fish.

"Son... I'll tell you the truth, many of the talisman makers in this world use clear fire as their fire. That is to say, the fire is one level lower than furnace fire. Of course, clear fire is just like for making talismans. It is just like the ordinary fire we use when cooking. It has no special benefits or advantages. The advantage of this Lei Wufang fire is that it is very similar to the clear fire, and this clear fire... can also be used to attack others. Tinder!”

Seeing that Chen Xuan remained calm, the judge continued to talk to Chen Xuan, as if the judge was completely under his control to Chen Xuan. But this was only the first time that Chen Xuan got such shocking news. It seems that the only very normal news that Chen Xuan can get is old news to Chen Xuan.

But only Chen Xuan himself knew how shocked he was at this moment...

But just because of this shock, it was even more unusual for Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's mind was still so stable when he was so shocked.

It seems that this is a very special thing for Chen Xuan, and it feels like Chen Xuan asked about his neighbor's harvest.

But although Chen Xuan's current state of mind has reached a certain level, Chen Xuan's current strength is still not enough! But this earth fire should be enough to kill those people.

But since Chen Xuan was already prepared, he didn't hesitate much and was ready to go.


When the judge waved his hand, a faint blue flame seemed to condense in the palm of Chen Xuan's right hand, and Chen Xuan vaguely felt that his Dantian was very hot.

Suddenly, in just a moment, Chen Xuan felt as if his Dantian had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Chen Xuan felt that the blue earth fire in his palm seemed to have completely disappeared, but it started from the disappearance of the blue earth fire in Chen Xuan's palm.

Chen Xuan began to feel as if his Dantian was being burned by fire.

When the water was just boiled, it was still warm, which made Chen Xuan feel like a warm current was flowing through him, but then Chen Xuan found that the warm current was slowly heating up.

Then Chen Xuan felt a warm current flowing through his Dantian. It became like boiling water and started to get hot.

This made Chen Xuan feel very painful, but the judge seemed to be aware of this and just watched with cold eyes.

But Chen Xuan knew that the judge was hiding something underneath his calm look.

But Chen Xuan's body seemed to be in extreme pain at this time. But Chen Xuan seemed to have a cold face as if this incident had not happened, and the expression on his face was so calm that no one could see the sadness or joy... It seemed that the depths of his pupils were still as dark and deep as ever, and no one could see through them.

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