Chen Xuan's eyes when he looked at the judge were also very calm, as if his Dantian was very calm and not hurt at all.

At this time, the skin on Chen Xuan's body began to change color, slowly turn purple, and slowly swell.

Chen Xuan felt as if two BMWs were pulling him. Chen Xuan felt as if he was about to be pulled to pieces...

But at this moment, Chen Xuan felt that there was a fire in his body. The fire was so powerful that it could burn his skin.


Even though Chen Xuan had such a stable mind, he couldn't help shouting, but Chen Xuan's eyes were very cold. Although Chen Xuan felt extreme pain on his body, Chen Xuan's face did not change color.

When the judge saw Ruci and Chen Xuan couldn't help but nod, he was indeed a good boy!

The judge has experienced this kind of pain before, but he cannot be as calm as Chen Xuanruci.

Sure enough, the white-robed murderer was indeed terrifying, and even the apprentice he handed over was so terrifying. Are you going to let people live? However, Chen Xuan did not notice the surprised look in the judge's eyes. On the contrary, Chen Xuan felt that the judge was indeed magical.

This earth fire is really magical because Chen Xuan knows that he may not be able to take advantage of the earth fire yet! Instead, he had to use the powerful weapon of earth fire to kill the chicken, but Chen Xuan felt that even so, he still felt sorry for the entire fishing village.

But today, either they die or Chen Xuan dies. Chen Xuan is actually not afraid of death, but he still wants to become a strong man. So he can't die yet!

So Chen Xuan's eyes started to become sharp and murderous now...

For a moment, it seemed as if a dragon was flying and a tiger was roaring in the judge's cave, and there was a sudden storm. Even the evil spirit seemed to be somewhat diluted by this murderous aura.

However, Chen Xuan's Dantian seems to be much better now. Slowly, Chen Xuan felt that the fire in his dantian seemed to have turned into a warm current and stayed in Chen Xuan's dantian juice...

Chen Xuan's eyes became calmer. He thought that he would also be integrated into the King of Purple Immortal Stone, and the judge must also be integrated into it.

Chen Xuan instantly felt that his body was refreshed and refreshed, as if there was a fresh stream of immortal wind and Taoist energy constantly colliding with the impurities in Chen Xuan's body!

This makes Chen Xuan feel amazing. This King of Purple Immortal Stone seems to have exerted his effect at this time.

Chen Xuan instantly felt that he was getting an advantage. How many people on the mainland died crazy and crazy for the King of Purple Immortal Stone?

It seems that I am the only one who can get the King of Purple Immortal Stone without any effort now.

But what Chen Xuan is fortunate about is that his Lei Wufang Earth Fire seems to be very flirtatious, and he can confuse it with ordinary green fire. What does that mean?

That meant that Chen Xuan would not arouse people's jealousy because of this this time, which made Chen Xuan feel very happy.

There was a feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, but Chen Xuan didn't particularly care! Because a tiger is a tiger after all. Sooner or later, Chen Xuan will become the only strong man in the continent and even the entire world. But just because of this, Chen Xuan feels that he still has a long way to go.

If he can't die in this case, then those people in the fishing village can only...

"Don't be too sentimental. You know that although your current strength is not strong enough, your state of mind is definitely one of the few strong people I have seen in my thousands of years of life!"

"Even if all those people in the fishing village are dead, a strong man like you can emerge from the sky.

It is their honor to be able to let you live on their behalf from now on. This is absolutely an honor for them, a blessing gained from their previous life! "

The judge's voice sounded slowly. The judge found that although Chen Xuan was murderous, he still had compassion in his heart. The judge had no choice but to pierce all the window coverings.

Who is Chen Xuan? Chen Xuan passed the test of the King of Purple Immortal Stone just because he is the owner of the King of Purple Immortal Stone. How could his future future be comparable to that of these Shengdou citizens?

If Chen Xuan dies, then the challenges faced by Dao will be unprecedented!

Chen Xuan's position in the cultivation world is already very irreplaceable. Although Chen Xuan still looks like a baby now, in the world of cultivation, no... it doesn't even look like a baby. Chen Xuan may just be considered an embryo now.

But this embryo is unique, and to Chen Xuan, his life may not be that important. He just wants to become stronger, he wants to stand on the top of the world and look down at Yilian

But for the judge and the old man in white robe, for the real leaders in the cultivation world who have lived for tens of millions of years. Chen Xuan seems like a rising star...

If Chen Xuan dies, the cultivation world will face endless darkness again.

I don’t know when the next new star in the cultivation world will appear, but the judge knows that the old man in white robes behind Chen Xuan is already old. Since you are old, you will eventually enter the end of your life.

In fact, it is not a big deal for a master to die after tens of millions of years. Life and death are matters within the Tao.

But in fact, if the Tao does not collapse, these masters can live forever...

But since the Tao collapsed, it seems that when the Tao completely disobeys the rules of the Lord, everything will change drastically.

So the judge and the old man in white robe discovered that they actually had life span. But for them who have lived for tens of millions of years, these are bearable. It’s just that this Tao collapse must be maintained by one person.

And this person can only be Chen Xuan. Since the old man in white robes doesn't have much time left for him, he doesn't have much time left for Chen Xuan.

In this way, what Chen Xuan saw was a more sinister world and a more sinister environment.

However, Chen Xuan's state of mind was actually tempered with such tenacity, which was very gratifying to the old man in white robe.

"Have you thought about it? If you've thought about the conversation, let's go! Remember, if no vegetation grows, no chickens or dogs will be left!"

When the judge said these words, he still looked calm and calm. There seems to be no compassion at all, and there is no heavy blessing at all.

Chen Xuan glanced at the judge's eyes, which were still very bottomless.

It seemed that if he took another glance, he would be completely absorbed by the judge's eyes, so Chen Xuan had no choice but to move away. Then Chen Xuan calmed down, glanced at the judge and nodded.

He was signaling that he was done with his dignity, and now he was completely ready to take this test!


Suddenly, it seemed that it was only for a moment, and Chen Xuan felt that his vision went dark. It was an extremely dark illusion, just like when Chen Xuan first came to the center of Ziluo Mountain, this feeling was absolute darkness.

But the difference between this time and last time is that this time the absolute darkness does not seem to have any evil spirit at all. This surprised Chen Xuan.

It seems that Chu is quite good. Only when he comes in, he will be evil-minded, but when he goes out, there is no evil at all. In this way, Chen Xuan continued to wander in this so-called darkness.

When Chen Xuan entered absolute darkness, Chen Xuan sometimes thought of the days he spent in the fishing village, which made Chen Xuan's heart waver. Chen Xuan actually didn't want to do this in his heart, but there were only two ways Chen Xuan faced now, either he would die or they would die.

It would be fine if Chen Xuan had no desires or demands, but Chen Xuan now wants to become stronger as if he is following the judge's wishes and the cultivation world needs him very much. But Chen Xuan didn't care about the troubled world of cultivation. Chen Xuan only wanted to become stronger, and then things like this would never happen again.

There is no one who can force Chen Xuan to make a dilemma and dare to threaten Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan will definitely not let them go. Chen Xuan wants to become the strongest!

I don’t know how long I have been thinking about this. Chen Xuan's eyes finally began to slowly brighten up, and Chen Xuan knew that this was a fishing village for him. For the people in the fishing village, it is a nightmare.

But that Earth Fire was the one that the judge sent to him, so it wouldn't be too painful to kill them. After all, in these temperatures, these people should be reduced to ashes very quickly.

In fact, the difference between the cultivation world and the civilian world is very big. In the cultivation world, it looks like ordinary green fire, but in the civilian world, it is a divine object. Wherever the green fire goes, there will definitely be no trace of armor left behind, or those who encounter the green fire will directly change and turn into ashes.

For the civilian world, this is simply something that can kill them instantly.

Chen Xuan came to the barren hills of the fishing village. Chen Xuan did not want to see these villagers, because Chen Xuan was afraid that he would not be able to do anything like this...

Chen Xuan didn't want to see his father even more. Chen Xuan was afraid that he would change his mind. In this case, no one comes to this barren mountain on weekdays, and although it is located to the west of the village, it is still very close to the village.

Then let’s do it in Chu! Chen Xuan said coldly.


A faint blue flame appeared on Chen Xuan's right hand, and the flame hurt fiercely. At this time, the sun was shining brightly. Under the bright sun, the blue flame in Chen Xuan's hand looked particularly dark.

Chen Xuan just waved his hand gently...

Then Chen Xuan saw his faint blue fire starting from the west mountain and spreading to the whole village. In just a moment, the fire spread to the entire village.


In the deathly silence, Chen Xuan knew that this was the so-called no vegetation, no chickens or dogs left. Because everyone had lost their lives at that moment, Chen Xuan's face was extremely calm. As if nothing had happened, Chen Xuan's deep eyes revealed a chilling and cold air, which made people shudder!

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