Chen Xuan saw Bai Zhe looking at him calmly, and Chen Xuan nodded to indicate that Bai Zhe could start. At this time, the golden sunlight beside him had begun to slightly light up the entire scene, but Chen Xuan's face was completely covered with sweat. The clear look in Chen Xuan's eyes seemed not to be affected by the heat of the sun at all.

From a distance, it looks like a clear spring, refreshing the whole world in the scorching sun and desert. Chen Xuanjin stood in front of Bai Zhe in a white robe. He looked really like Bai Zhe's character a few years ago. Bai Zhe looked at Chen Xuan with a look of surprise in his eyes.

It seemed that all this was what Bai Zhe looked like when he was young, but Bai Zhe's surprised expression almost flashed past. Chen Xuan's eyes were very calm, as if none of this had ever happened.

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of depth, and he was no longer the same as he was before he went to the Martial Arts Continent. This time, Bai Zhe saw the fierceness in Chen Xuan's eyes.

That is a kind of domineering courage that dares to fight against the injustice of Tao, and dares to kill everyone!

Bai Zhe was finally quite relieved to see Chen Xuan like this... It wasn't bad, and it wasn't in vain that he had laid a plan for Chen Xuan on the Martial Arts Continent.

Bai Zhe stretched out his left hand, and there seemed to be a red brand in the center of his left hand. Chen Xuan knew that this must be Bai Zhe's fire, but he didn't know what kind of fire Bai Zhe's fire was.

This fire can actually show the strength of the Talisman Maker, and this sentence is not bad at all. Chen Xuan didn't know Bai Zhe's strength, but Chen Xuan knew that Bai Zhe was very powerful now, and to what extent.

Chen Xuan still doesn't know this. But Bai Zheruci's knowledge and state of mind should be able to be called a truly strong man.


Suddenly, an orange flame spread out of Bai Zhe's palm, and Chen Xuan felt the temperature around him rise suddenly...

It was as if even the air had been evaporated by the orange flame.

Chen Xuan stared straight at the orange flame. Is this still a flame? Actually possesses such power? Chen Xuan took a look and found nothing more. But Chen Xuan's eyes were no longer bottomless, but instead he could see the look of surprise in them.

Bai Zhe didn't blame him too much, but took it for granted.

It would be abnormal if Chen Xuan was not surprised by the power of the flames in his hands. However, Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to be more steady now, and the surprised look seemed to have been restrained by Chen Xuan for a long time.

Yes, this kid’s mood is indeed good! Bai Zhe secretly admired. But about half a quarter of an hour later, Chen Xuan found that the flames on Bai Zhe's hand seemed to have turned into a human form and danced on Bai Zhe's hand.

Under the slowly golden sunlight, the sunlight seemed to be diluted a bit by the fire...

But the breeze seemed to become lighter and quieter because of the fire. It seems that even this gust of wind is afraid that it will be too noisy and rough and scare the flaming beauty in Bai Zhe's hand.

But slowly, the flame in Bai Zhe's hand seemed to be no longer dim, but became much more substantial.

Slowly, the flame on Bai Zhe's hand turned into fire. The orange-yellow firelight was as bright as the Big Dipper in the night sky under the golden warm sun. Chen Xuan's eyes were even more surprised!

Such a powerful fire, so unpredictable and terrifying...

Chen Xuan could hardly think of any other words to describe this fire. This fire seems to be far more terrifying than the warm sun above. Chen Xuan even thinks that the warm sun above you is dimmer than the fire.

After about another half-quarter of an hour, the fire on Bai Zhe's hand began to become intense. And the orange color also began to turn into orange, and in an instant, even the birds and animals disappeared in the storm.

It seems that the whole world has become quiet at this moment. Chen Xuan was even more attracted by this spark. It was so scary and powerful!

It's simply amazing. Bai Zhe's expression never changed, as if all this was a very normal thing, just like eating a homely meal.

This made Chen Xuan feel very surprised. In fact, Chen Xuan knew that Bai Zhe's strength was indeed so powerful that it was terrifying. But it was precisely because of this that Chen Xuanruci's state of mind made Bai Zhe feel good!


Suddenly, when Chen Xuan was staring at Bai Zhe, an orange-yellow fire flashed across, like a phoenix in distress, falling to the world at once, making Chen Xuan feel that the majesty of the sound was evident.

It felt like Hou Yi shot the sun, and the sun he shot was smashed to the ground crazily. But the expressions of Chen Xuan and Bai Zhe remained the same. It's like nothing will change at all.

Not bad, indeed not bad, Chen Xuan secretly praised in his heart.

But Chen Xuan didn't seem to change his color at all. This kind of courage and state of mind were indeed terrifying. But the more Chen Xuan behaves like this, the more Bai Zhe appreciates Chen Xuan very much. Chen Xuan understood why this was called Fire Refining Palm, and the requirements for controlling the flames were very high.

And that palm almost condensed all the power of the flame to kill him. This made Chen Xuan feel that the requirements for practitioners seemed to be very high. But this Taoist skill seems to be worthy of being an intermediate Xuan-level Taoist skill, and its power seems to be truly extraordinary.

"Son, I think you are a sensible person. The power of this Taoist skill is indeed terrifying, right? Since it is such a terrifying Taoist skill and such a terrifying power, do you know why it is so ridiculous to be just an identity certificate for a Talisman Maker? ?"

The sarcastic look in Bai Zhe's words was obvious to Chen Xuan. It seems that Bai Zhe's words were deliberately meant to ridicule those people in the world who don't know why. But Chen Xuan felt that the essence of Bai Zhe's Taoist skills was indeed a slap in the face to anyone who looked down on the Fire Palm.

However, in today's world, even those major sects, and even the five peak sects, all suspend the Fire Refining Palm and trap it in the high pavilion. It seems like it's all so natural.

But now Chen Xuan understands very well that the Fire Refining Palm is really worthy of reaching the intermediate Xuan level. And not only is it suitable for him, but he is also blessed with great talent. How can he refine the fire palm to reach the advanced Xuan level?

Chen Xuan remembered the books on Tao techniques he had read in the Chen Mansion before, and it was not an exaggeration to say that this Fire Palm was even comparable to the elementary techniques of the Earth Level. Of course, you have to perform a penetrating three-pointer to be considered worthy!

Even for someone like Bai Zhe, is this fire palm inferior to that local skill in his hands? But I'm afraid that no matter how powerful we are, we still won't be able to enter the ranks of Taoist skills. In fact, the Taoist skills of Tier 1 are too rare.

But even if those peak sects have advanced Taoist skills, they will probably be hidden as treasures, right? Chen Xuan doesn't have to worry about Taoist skills, which will be a worry for Chen Xuan. Because for Chen Xuan, Taoist skills are not actually a great worry. Because of the King of Purple Immortal Stone in my hand...

Chen Xuan saw that this time around him there seemed to be a lot of intermediate-level mortal skills. Even the usage rate and the degree of attention of the senior mortal level exceeds that of this intermediate level fire refining palm!

This made Chen Xuan laugh at these people for their shallowness...

But Chen Xuan will prove sooner or later that the fire palm technique is definitely not inferior to any Xuan-level technique!

No one thought that just over ten years later, a killing god who used fire palm refining as a Taoist skill would actually lose his mind at this moment. But Bai Zhe's burning gaze when he looked at Chen Xuan was like the warm sun shining on Chen Xuan's cheeks at this moment.

Just like Chen Xuan's sweat, it is so clear. He knew that Chen Xuan would definitely achieve great success in refining fire palm in the future.

Yes, I really have a great apprentice. Chen Xuan's eyes became sharper, but Bai Zhe remained silent and said nothing.

The trees want to be quiet but the wind is not stopping, the autumn wind is constantly swaying the dead leaves and trees around Chen Xuan; the autumn sun seems to be more vicious than usual; the scorching sun is like needle points, piercing Chen Xuan Every inch of Xuan's skin pierced Chen Xuan's heart. It made Rao feel even more depressed, but Chen Xuan's mood was still peaceful...

It seems that he will not be shaken at all because of this state of mind. But that look was exactly what Bai Zhe needed.

"The most important thing for me and you to refine the Fire Palm is actually its ability to control fire, and the ability to control fire is exactly the most difficult thing for those cultivators. This is very difficult for the Talisman Master, let alone you. !”

Bai Zhe's words seemed to make Chen Xuan deeply convinced. Bai Zhe's ability to control fire just now was almost to the level of proficiency. That's why the power of the palm just now was so huge.

It seemed that even the distant mountains were shaken by this palm. Although Chen Xuan also felt that this palm was almost the one that condensed all Bai Zhe's strength.

Because the fire of this refining fire palm comes from the heart!

Therefore, whether you are a Talisman Maker or a Fire Palm practitioner, your mental state requirements are very high. This Chen Xuan is very advantageous.

Chen Xuan's current strength seems to be in no way comparable to those of the disciples sent by these major sects, and his connections are even less comparable to those of the disciples sent by these major sects.

But Chen Xuan's state of mind is beyond the reach of those disciples of major sects, or at least the training results that disciples of those major sects cannot imagine.

In fact, all of this must be attributed to Chen Xuan's peak experience in the martial arts continent. For Chen Xuan, these things are more like a trial, although it is very painful and difficult. But it also laid the foundation stone for Chen Xuan’s long journey of cultivation!

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