Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1779: Fire Refining Palm Training

Chen Xuan now saw that the flame on Baizhe's left hand was almost free to be released and retracted. He knew that Baizhe's ability to control fire had probably reached a terrifying level.

"Don't look at my strong ability to control fire. When I just started practicing, my state of mind was not as good as yours! It's just that this technique requires a very high state of mind. I guess you also know that. This is why I sent you to the Youlan Mountains before."

Baizhe glanced at Chen Xuan, and his deep eyes seemed to be able to see through Chen Xuan at a glance. Chen Xuan felt uncomfortable being looked at, but he didn't change his color.

"Son, follow the master's teachings!" Chen Xuan saw Baizhe's strength clearly. If Baizhe is willing to be his master now, then his road will definitely be a smooth road in the future!

"Well! That's good, you don't need to have any scruples when practicing here. Practice the ability to control fire first!" Baizhe's words were still so calm, as if the calm sea surface could not cause a ripple.

Chen Xuan nodded and began to do what Baizhe did just now. The symbol of his own Thunder Five Directions Earth Fire is also a blue flame symbol on the palm of his left hand.

But this flame symbol is completely different from Bai Zhe's orange flame symbol. Chen Xuan's blue flame symbol is no different from that of the ordinary Fu Qinghuo according to Bai Zhe.

Chen Xuan will not be too conspicuous when using it. At noon that day, Chen Xuan began to practice the Fire Refining Palm. It seems that all the things in the outside world have nothing to do with him.

The blue flames are put away and bloomed, just like a blue dancer dancing on Chen Xuan's palm with her charm. Under the golden sunlight; white clouds as the background, this moment makes people feel like the beauty of fairyland.

The wind gently hit Chen Xuan's face, as if nothing can shake this strong boy. Too many dangers and too many setbacks make Chen Xuan's heart as hard as a rock.

Day after day, the blue flames keep beating on Chen Xuan's palm. The moonlight and stars in the dark night embellished the blue flames, and the morning sun and the sunset were the background of the blue flames.

Even the misty wind encouraged and cheered for the blue flames. Every time Chen Xuan practiced until his sweat soaked his entire white robe before he went to rest. It seemed that every time Chen Xuan was like being caught in a storm before returning to the guest room to sleep. But the owner of the hotel never asked. Because they knew what to ask and what they couldn't do.

The affairs of cultivators were all big things. The eyesight and knowledge of these hotel owners had long become as bright as fire eyes and golden eyes. How could they make such a mistake?

Chen Xuan returned home under the stars and moon, and left before the morning sun rose, for a whole month and a half. And such a pure and abstinent practice was a huge improvement for Chen Xuan. Even during the practice, Chen Xuan only drank dew for a living and ate wild vegetables and fruits to prolong his life, which made Chen Xuan's whole body become pure. Chen Xuan knew that his body was free of impurities, so Chen Xuan's heart was even more focused. This was very beneficial for his fire control when practicing the Fire Refining Palm.

Chen Xuan didn't know what kind of mountains Bai Zhe had sent him. The dew and wild fruits on it seemed like fairy fruits and fairy dew, each of which could make an ordinary person salivate. Even such fairy fruits and fairy dew could make a person calm down from his impetuous mood, and then it was like being thrown into a very quiet and peaceful Buddhist temple. That kind of peace was free from all the worldly impetuousness and the calmness of all the people.

If it were an ordinary person, even if his mental power was not damaged, he would be driven crazy by this absolute loneliness. But Chen Xuan didn't, instead, Chen Xuan enjoyed it very much.

Because this was really much better for Chen Xuan. At least this mountain range was not dangerous to his life. At least in this mountain range, he didn't need to escape every time, and he didn't need to worry about whether he could survive every day. This was a great benefit for Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan practiced in the mountains for a whole month and a half. During this time, he felt that his improvement was huge. Chen Xuan looked at the sunrise and sunset every day, watching himself grow step by step, and his mentality reached an unprecedented calmness.

That day finally came...


The blue flames were freely retracted in Chen Xuan's palms, and slowly the blue flames began to swell. Under the collision of the sun, the blue flames were like a balloon blown up by someone, growing continuously, and soon the flames covered the entire palm. Chen Xuan's eyes were as cold as the ice of the North Sea, looking directly at the flower that he had irrigated.

The scorching sun seemed to be the background of the blue flames, and the scorching temperature made all the birds and beasts around Chen Xuan avoid it. The dust on the land around Chen Xuan seemed to be sizzling.

The leaves behind Chen Xuan seemed to have turned into ashes at this time. He felt as if his heart was no longer as calm as water, and it was beating wildly like a rabbit stared at by a tiger.

At this time, Chen Xuan's own skin also began to slowly turn red. Chen Xuan knew that his Fire Refining Palm was about to break through again. The day he had been waiting for had finally arrived, but he did not expect that this time his breakthrough reaction would be so violent.

When Chen Xuan broke through to the fifth level before, that is, when he was at the fifth level of mortal level, his body was only slightly red, but this time Chen Xuan's skin was completely occupied by red. As if being stretched by a strong force, Chen Xuan felt a swelling and pain that penetrated into his bone marrow. But Chen Xuan's expression still didn't change at all.

But the fine sweat on Chen Xuan's face continued to evaporate. Chen Xuan didn't even frown at this kind of pain, and his ice-like face was even under control, and he didn't become distorted by this extraordinary pain.

Bai Zhe secretly praised in his heart, in fact, although Bai Zhe did not come out to guide Chen Xuan this month. Instead, let Chen Xuan understand it on his own. The reason is that in the practice of refining the fire palm, the state of mind is very important.

And once Chen Xuan is not absolutely quiet and is influenced by any outsiders, then Chen Xuan's foundation will not be deep enough. In fact, Bai Zhe knew that it was for this reason that the disciples of these major sects found it even more difficult for them to go far beyond the fire palm refining technique.

And what his disciples, Bai Zhe, need is an absolutely peaceful state of mind in an absolutely quiet environment. Chen Xuan needs to understand every bit of the Fire Palm technique step by step! Even if your practice is extremely slow at the beginning, it doesn't matter.

But Chen Xuan is indeed very talented, which even surprised Bai Zhe. In the past month and a half, Bai Zhe had compared Chen Xuan with his original self many times. Bai Zhe found that Chen Xuan's talent was indeed stronger than his original self.

Maybe that was the reason why he arranged for him to go to the Youlan Mountains. After going to the Youlan Mountains, Chen Xuan seemed to be standing in front of him as if he had been reborn. When Bai Zhe saw Chen Xuan's painful expression, he knew that this boy was about to break through again. This must be the sixth time in the past month and a half!

What a monster!

Chen Xuan's breakthrough this time should be to directly enter the intermediate level of Fire Palm Ordinary Grade. In fact, Bai Zhe also knows that generally it is a relatively big bottleneck for cultivators to move from the elementary level of ordinary level to the intermediate level of ordinary level. That is to say, Chen Xuan's step from the fifth level of mortal level of Fire Refining Palm to the sixth level of mortal level of Fire Refining Palm is a very big bottleneck. But it’s only a month and a half!

Chen Xuan has stepped from a young man who didn't know how to practice fire palm to the current level, which was unexpected by Bai Zhe.


There was another loud noise, as if the sunlight nearby seemed to be eclipsed at this moment. At this time, Chen Xuan found that his skin seemed to be stretching at an abnormal speed, and Chen Xuan's side seemed to be enveloped in a faint green light. He found that even the white clouds beside him had left silently at this time, and the thousand-year-old tree behind him was burning fiercely with the temperature of his palm. Covered by fire. Otherwise, if Bai Zhe had set up a barrier on this mountain so that the outside world couldn't see it, countless surrounding villagers would come to trouble Chen Xuan.

There seemed to be an inexplicable flame in Chen Xuan's dantian hitting his internal organs. snort! Chen Xuan groaned. The pain was too severe, and Chen Xuan's face had begun to distort abnormally.

The fine sweat on Chen Xuan's forehead has turned into a rain column, falling downwards like a heavy rain. The sweat on the ground around Chen Xuan was boiling.


Chen Xuan felt the huge sound of the mountain collapsing as the flames spread to the tree roots after the big tree behind him burned violently. Chen Xuan felt the silence of the grass under his feet being evaporated into dust by the temperature in Chen Xuan's body. ; Chen Xuan even saw the grand scene of countless immortal fruits being buried in the fire.

But he didn't have time to appreciate this, because Chen Xuan's Dantian seemed to be about to explode. It was like a rampaging wolf, looking for food in Chen Xuan's dantian, but because it couldn't find it, it bit Chen Xuan's dantian.

The pain lasted for about half a day, and finally the evil wolf in Chen Xuan's dantian must have gotten tired. Chen Xuan felt that the energy in his body slowly calmed down, but the cyan flame mark on the palm of Chen Xuan's left hand became much darker and even larger.

Chen Xuan felt as if there was a warm current in his Dantian, which was extremely comfortable... and his skin also changed from swollen and red to only slightly red, and the blue light around Chen Xuan seemed to be completely absorbed into Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan's whole body was covered in sweat, and his face looked like it had just been splashed with water. He casually wiped his cheek with his white robe.

Chen Xuan raised his eyes and looked around. They were all battlefields left behind when he broke through... It was pretty good, at last he didn't explode and die!

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