Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1788 Knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger

Chen Xuan smiled coldly, like an evil ghost crawling out of an extremely cold hell. The fat man's face was even more ugly. When had he ever seen Chen Xuan's expression before? The Chen Xuan he had always seen gave people a gentle and elegant feeling. Never had he looked so murderous and decisive.

"you you……"

The fat man was frightened and speechless when he saw Chen Xuan's look. The purple-robed boy who had been observing secretly was also shocked by the murderous intent in Chen Xuan's eyes. He had always thought that Chen Xuan was just a waste like the fat man.

But now it seems that Chen Xuan is not as simple as he thought. A fierce look flashed in the eyes of the purple-robed young man Xia Shan. Chen Xuan's scheming is not inferior to his own! Fortunately, he didn't do anything rashly. Otherwise, although Taoist Master Chen Xuan's fifth-level strength wouldn't do anything to him, his impression in Ziyi's heart would definitely be greatly reduced!

The purple-robed young man Xia Shan slowly suppressed the ferocious light in his eyes and let it ferment in his heart, like a jar of poisonous wine...

Xia Shan has long been accustomed to the fact that if he doesn't take action, he will definitely kill the opponent if he does!

Fatty's shock slowly calmed down. This made Xia Shan laugh inwardly. This fat man, who was as stupid as a pig, seemed to have learned something. However, as far as he knew, this fat man could be considered to be at the sixth level of Master Qiang, and his wooden barrier boxing was also at the sixth level of mortal level. level.

Although this fat man is his master's registered disciple, he is also the most beloved registered disciple. It seems that the difference between the treatment and that of his direct disciple is not too big. Mulei Fist has also reached the first level of Xuanpin! My Tao skills are only at the middle level of Xuanpin!

"Hmph! It's just a rabbit jumping over the wall when it gets angry. How can I, a fierce tiger, still be afraid of you?" The fat man turned out to be a member of the big sect and quickly stabilized his mind.

Chen Xuan smiled evilly. In the middle of the night, there was only the faint sound of dripping water and the rustling of fire on the willow branches above the moon, which seemed particularly penetrating. His sharp gaze was as bright as a night pearl, piercing the fat man's bloated face.

"I gave you a chance! It's just that your murderous intention is getting more and more fierce. I, Chen Xuan, can be considered tolerant to others, but don't touch my bottom line!" Chen Xuan's voice was extremely calm, as if it were like running water. The sound of the sound and the sound of the flames collided together without feeling the slightest bit abrupt.

"If you touch it, then go to hell!"

Chen Xuan's voice suddenly rose an octave and went straight into the foreheads of the fat man and the purple-robed boy, but it did not alarm Ziyi at all. Because Chen Xuan had already set up a barrier for Zi Yi when he stood up. At this time, Zi Yi was still in her sweet dreamland, and was not affected at all by the words of guns and sticks outside.

The purple-robed young man was shocked. Is this Chen Xuan trying to scare the monkeys? Xia Shan had a higher evaluation of Chen Xuan in his heart. This Chen Xuan was not easy to mess with. Is Chen Xuan too confident just by choosing a fat man to become a chicken?


The frivolity of young people is as high as the five giant mountains, and they are not afraid of killing the chicken and eating up the rice? Xia Shan secretly cursed in his heart. But Chen Xuan's words just now showed his murderous intent. Suddenly, there was a strong wind outside the cave, as if a black dragon was pressing down on the realm. The fallen leaves that seemed very quiet and beautiful in the cave were now flying as if they were beating drums for this secret war...

The weak sound of water was now lost in the strong wind. The fire that was flickering before was like a flattering person. Seeing such a strong fighting spirit, he became very energetic. , I hope I can avoid disaster!

"You want Fatty to die? Do you think you are qualified? A fifth-level Taoist with no family or sect, even if I kill you, I'm afraid no one will know about it. You will be in front of my junior sister in the middle of the night Just go out and look for wild fruits and stay up all night without knowing where they are!”

"What do you think I would be worried about?" the fat man said with a ferocious smile. At this time, the fat man was staring at Chen Xuan with a fierce light in his eyes, but Chen Xuan was not afraid at all! Even the young man in purple robe Xia Shan was frightened by the fat man's murderous intention, but Chen Xuan's face was as cold as ice, not moving at all.

But the powerful aura on Chen Xuan's body made the fat man dare not look down on Chen Xuan. It was definitely gained through experience in the pile of flesh and blood. Who is this Chen Xuan? This is like an emperor-like existence who has been in power for a long time, but he is obviously just an unknown wild boy!

The fat man suspected that he was being deceived, or maybe he was shocked by Chen Xuan's keen intuition. Otherwise, how could he have such a crazy idea? Yezi is Yezi, how could he be a big shot!

"Hmph! I don't know whether to live or die!"

Chen Xuan said coldly, his voice was not loud, but it was able to hit the heart directly, lingering in Rao's mind like an innocent soul asking for his life. The fat man was frightened out of his wits by these four words, but the more he was frightened, the more he wanted to hide it!

And the best way to hide your fear is to show your strength and kill this evil beast that scares you!


The fat man pre-emptively struck Chen Xuan with his Wooden Barrier Fist, which swept towards Chen Xuan at lightning speed. The air began to explode wherever the fist hit, and the crackling sound for a moment made the purple-robed young hero's hair stand on end!

The fat man took it seriously and looked at him. This guy who looked honest and stupid was actually full of bad intentions, but he was too showy. If he killed the monster Chen Xuan, he would have to pay more attention to him!

Chen Xuan smiled coldly, and a blazing green flame burned in the palm of his left hand again. The whole cave seemed to be lit up by this green light. At this time, the purple-robed young man Xiashan closed his eyes tightly. This green flame seemed to have a soul-stirring effect that frightened him.

The light of the Fire Refining Palm soon overshadowed the punching intention of the Mulei Fist, and two forces, one green and one blue, exploded in the air!


Countless dust was stirred up in the void, and the top of the cave seemed to be cracked by the two forces, and a piece of dust was dancing in the fire. It seemed like countless elves were dancing in the void, but under such a strong fighting spirit, neither of them cared about this style.


Chen Xuan was actually a talisman maker? The fat man was secretly palpitating in his heart. This time he kicked the iron plate. The purple-robed young man Xiashan's heart fell to the bottom of the valley. Fortunately, his killing intention was not discovered by Chen Xuan. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be doomed!

Just this first round of fighting has shocked Fatty and Xiashan, and they are full of regret! Xiashan is glad that he is usually calm and restrained, and did not act rashly this time. As for his number one enemy, Fatty, he is afraid that he will not be able to escape the fate of being hunted down by a bunch of monks if he does not die this time. Xiashan has long heard from his master, the Ninth Elder of Qinghu Sect, about the talisman maker. This is a role that everyone wants to recruit, and even a large sect like Qinghu Sect regards the talisman maker as a jewel in the palm. However, most talisman makers have sects and schools, and there are a lot of masters and brothers behind them, and every master and brother is a talisman maker and a monk at the same time. No one wants to offend such a role! Fatty is really miserable this time! Xiashan secretly complained in his heart. "You... Refining Fire Palm! Are you a talisman maker?" Fatty's voice began to tremble, and even when he made such a sound, his throat and even his whole body began to tremble! This time he is in big trouble! If he offends the talisman maker, will the Ninth Elder protect him? The fat man first placed his hope on his master, the Ninth Elder, whom he always flattered, but then he denied it in his heart!

Impossible, no matter how much he flattered, he was only a nominal disciple, and his direct disciples might not be protected if they offended the talisman maker! What about himself?

The fat man looked at Chen Xuan's blue flame and was racking his brains to find a way to survive, and Chen Xuan was like the initiator of boiling a frog in warm water, watching the frog that was almost boiled by himself struggling, without making a sound. It was just that the faint smile on his face made the fat man and Xiashan feel that their skin, flesh, and even every cell were trembling!

There was no other way! Only by killing Chen Xuan and destroying the body, even if the bunch of talisman makers came to track him down, he, Ziyi, and Xiashan all said that Chen Xuan went out in the middle of the night and disappeared. I'm afraid that with the protection of Qinghu Gate, I can escape!

The fat man's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and the look he looked at Chen Xuan was as fierce as if he wanted to cut Chen Xuan into pieces. Why don't you learn from others? You have to learn from others to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. However, this time, the condition that allows you to become a tiger, the talisman maker, has been destroyed by yourself! You can only be a pig, and a dead pig!

The fat man said viciously in his heart. A fifth-level Taoist master, even with the Fire Refining Palm, can only die! Although the Fire Refining Palm is a nominally intermediate-level Taoist skill, and his own Wood Fort Fist is a Taoist skill of the initial level of the Xuanpin, the Fire Refining Palm is not as good as the high-level ordinary skill in the eyes of their cultivators!

In this case, let this country bumpkin experience the power of the real Xuanpin Taoist skill with his Wood Fort Fist! The fat man once again fought with a surge of fighting spirit, and the flying dust in the air seemed to be stirred up by the fat man's punch, and forced towards Chen Xuan with the fat man's fist...


The momentum was like the sudden collapse of the ancient wood, and it crashed into Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan's face was flickering under the green flame of his left palm.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan flew into the air as fast as a roc spreading its wings, and rushed to the fat man as fast as a rabbit. He swung the green flame in his hand and chopped it directly at the fat man... Bang...

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