The green flame turned into a faint green light, which was as cold as the eyes of the god of death.

In an instant, it was like six active volcanoes erupting in the void at the same time. The magma was rubbing in the air, and the sizzling sound made Xia Shan and Fatty tremble.

Fatty's wooden barrier fist was like a tiger coming out of the mountain to catch the "light of death" coming towards him.


The green fist intention of Mulei Fist collided with the green fire of Fire Palm in the void, like two giant dragons in a stalemate. In the blink of an eye, the battle was filled with flying sand and rocks, filling the enclosed space.

It's like a fairy scattering flowers, except this time it's dust instead of flowers. Neither of them could see their eyes blocked by the wind and sand, and they were both immersed in this fierce life-and-death battle...

"Hmph! Zi, yes you have hidden your strength! The sixth level Taoist master has no sect and no sect, yes! If you were in our Qinghu Sect, you would be considered a first-class talent! It's just a pity that you have no chance to become a talent! "

When the fat man saw the scorching heat released from the green flames of Chen Xuan's fire palm, he laughed and said quietly in a suppressed voice.


Chen Xuanjie smiled and was noncommittal.


He is actually a sixth-level Taoist master! There was a look of surprise in Xia Shan's sleepy eyes, and then there was a cold light! No matter who of them is alive, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep them! It has to be designed to get rid of it!

For the first time, Xia Shan felt that Chen Xuan's danger seemed not only to come from his state of mind, but that his strength seemed to be as evil as his state of mind!


The green light of the Fire Palm and the fist intention of the Mulei Fist once again exploded in the air, like a huge mountain exploding.

The dust particles and fallen leaves that were suddenly flying on the surface were burned to ashes by the scorching flames and murderous fists. Scattered on Chen Xuan's white robe and Fatty's golden armor.


The fat man moved towards Chen Xuan like a vicious wolf pouncing on his prey! Chen Xuan's figure was like a cunning and agile snake, and he missed the fat man's fat body with one step.

The fat man's punch seemed to hit cotton!

"Shuzi is arrogant!"

When the fat man saw Chen Xuan's agility, he became furious and couldn't help but roar.

The cold light in his eyes was like a tiger seeing itself being played by a mouse!


The green flames in Chen Xuan's left palm burned again, and the brilliant fire light illuminated the entire cave.

"Hmph! The disciples of the Qinghu Sect are just like this! They can't even enter my young master's body! Let's look at my young master's strength!"


The fire of the Fire Palm seemed to be able to ignite the entire valley. Xia Shan did not expect that Chen Xuan, who seemed to him like an ant, had such abnormal strength.

He had long known that Chen Xuan had discovered that he was still awake, so he simply stared at the fight with his eyes wide open and held his breath!

"Go to hell!"

The killing intent in Chen Xuan's hoarse voice made both Fatty and Xia Shan feel horrified.

It's so scary. Is it murderous? This is something they have never experienced in the Qinghu Sect's martial arts competition!


Chen Xuan followed the shadow, and with lightning speed he was in front of the fat man.

What a fast movement!

The fat man's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately tried his best!

Chen Xuan is too terrible. If he continues like this, he will have no other way out but death! The fat man roared fiercely in his heart!

The punch intention of Mulei Quan was like a stone breaking, and it was pushed directly towards Chen Xuan!

Chen Xuan smiled coldly, and the green fire of the fire palm caught the wooden barrier like a dragon coming out of the sea.


In an instant, the top of the cave within the barrier exploded, and the living water in the cave turned into boiling water. In an instant, it turned into water vapor in the air and dispersed in the void within the barrier...

The giant ginseng tree hundreds of miles outside the cave was first blasted up from the ground by the fist of Mulei Quan, and then burned to ashes by the scorching heat of the Fire Palm, and then turned into thick gray smoke that continued to pour into the cave. within.

These creatures are like unjust ghosts looking for a trick on the culprit of this war.

Suddenly, the hot flames of the fire palm burst out again, and the air where Chen Xuan passed by with the scorching green flames was filled with crackling and exploding sounds.

That figure was as flexible as a dragon and was right behind the fat man!

A palm struck towards the fat man's punching hand. The fire-refining palm was like a cattail leaf fan, as if it had treated the fat man's right arm as a fly, and fell down boldly!

The fat man had just used his last punch, and his fist moved with the wind, rushing toward Chen Xuan like the wind!

He didn't even realize what was going on...


In an instant, blood surged like a column, and large swaths of blood were scattered across the land beneath their feet like raindrops in the sky.


The fat man felt a tearing pain in his right arm, as if he had been stabbed hard in the heart with a sharp knife. The pale face and bright red blood were simultaneously imprinted on the fat man's golden armor.

And the right arm that was cut off by Chen Xuan's fire palm was burned fiercely, and there was actually the smell of barbecue. The fat man, who had only eaten wild fruits tonight, felt his index finger moving. But when the fat man thought that it was his arm, he vomited crazily!

"You... Devil! Devil!"

The fat man howled crazily, his strong desire to survive overshadowing the pain he was suffering!

Chen Xuan's expression did not change at all, even though the white robe was covered with the fat man's blood. That cold face seems to prove that Chen Xuan is not only cold-faced, but his heart is as cold as a will-o'-the-wisp under the Nine Netherworld!

The fat man couldn't help but break into a cold sweat when he saw that Chen Xuan had no intention of letting him go!

what to do? I don’t want to die yet!

"I am the disciple of the Ninth Elder of Qinghu Sect. If you kill me...the Ninth Elder will not let you go!"

The fat man was already panicking and started to implicate the Ninth Elder. Although if the Ninth Elder knew that Fatty had offended a Talisman Maker, it would be too late for him to protect himself, let alone protect himself as a registered disciple.

"Oh? Really?"

Chen Xuan's gleaming face looked very abrupt with that sarcastic sneer!

"Xiashan! Xiashan, wake up! I know you bastard is awake! Why don't you come and help me?"

Fatty yelled crazily at Xia Shan outside the barrier. It was like a vicious dog making its last struggle at the moment it was beaten to death by its owner. Xia Shan's eyes widened, and even his mouth opened wide, but he was like a wooden man who dared not make the slightest sound.

Just looking at it like this, Fatty realized that Xiashan didn't seem to have any intention of helping him!


Chen Xuan snorted coldly, with murderous intent, and spoke quietly.

"Why didn't you think about it when you wanted to kill me? I have no enmity with you! But today you tried to kill me many times in one day! How can I keep you? "

Chen Xuan's cold voice, like a judge from the underworld, echoed in the empty valley, and when Xia Shan heard this voice, he felt his blood tremble again with every word and every note.

"The Ninth Elder of Qinghu Sect! Huh! I don't care what kind of elder he is, even if he is Mr. Wang, you are dead today!"

Chen Xuan's words made Xia Shan feel as if the blood in his body had stopped flowing, and his heartbeat seemed to have reached his throat.

Xia Shan just stared. Those eyes seemed to have been used as bells by Xia Shan. If he stared any longer, Chen Xuan would wonder if his eye sockets would suddenly burst and his eyeballs would fall off!

After about half a moment of silence, the fat man seemed to suddenly remember something and grabbed a life-saving straw.

"That's right! I...I told...your son!"

The fat man couldn't even speak at this time due to excessive blood loss, but he seemed to have a trump card in his hand and was very arrogant when he spoke.

Chen Xuan was not in a hurry to kill him. He raised his evil lips, waiting for the ant to make its final struggle!


"I'm not afraid to tell you even if I live or die! I am the liaison between the ninth elder of Qinghu Sect and Jianghe Da Rao of Snow Mountain Sect! If I die, hehe..."

Fatty seemed to remember the death-free medal given to him by the Ninth Elder! If it weren't for this errand, how could a registered disciple be able to learn Xuanjie Kung Fu? How could it be possible for the Ninth Elder to look at him with such special eyes?

Day and night guidance and elixir conditioning were provided, and the treatment was even better than that of the purple-robed young man Xia Shan, his direct disciple!

"Oh? Snow Mountain Sect?"

The murderous intent on Chen Xuan's face was even worse. This time, Chen Xuan was really touched. If the fat man hadn't mentioned the Snow Mountain Sect, he might have had a happy death, but now the demon in Chen Xuan's heart had really been summoned.

The cold light made everyone outside the barrier begin to doubt, was the Chen Xuan with the spring breeze and the gentleman in front of him really the same person as the one in front of him?

"Yes! Snow Mountain Sect, are you afraid? If you are afraid, help me up quickly! When I get there, I will give Master Jiuchang a blow and give you a happy death!"

The fat man thought that the name he announced really scared Chen Xuan, and he couldn't help but feel very proud...

"What's your last trump card? It's the Snow Mountain Sect? In fact, no matter what the trump card is, you will die today!

But since it is the Snow Mountain Sect... then don't blame me, Chen Xuan, for being ruthless! "

The palm of Chen Xuan's left hand burned with green flames again. The green light seemed to ignite the air, and the slowly rising green smoke made the fat man tremble. How is this going? Isn't this wild boy Chen Xuan even afraid of the Snow Mountain Sect?


The green flame in Chen Xuan's palm moved accordingly, and his palm was like a bloodthirsty knife, slashing towards the fat man's other arm. The hand and arm were broken, and a large amount of blood erupted again. Chen Xuan's palm seemed to be a sharp knife with flames!

The knife slashed at the fat man's body, and the fat man's whole body seemed to be chopped into meat paste. And because the flames of Chen Xuan's fire palm were as hot as six volcanoes erupting lava at the same time, the meat sauce also smelled of fragrance.


Even though Xia Shan was accepted as a direct disciple by the Ninth Elder, he began to hone his mentality. At this moment, I started to vomit, it was so disgusting!

The fat man didn't even have the chance to vomit at this time. The liver and the meat on his body were chopped into pieces and mixed with his blood and fat...

The golden armor was also chopped into pieces, and the minced meat and liver were dripping with fat, looking like a famous chef cooking exquisite dishes...

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