Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1796 Fierce Battle with the Python Demon (5)

The ancient forest of the Secret Forest is always so quiet, as silent as a huge coffin. It was even more so at night, with almost no sound at midnight.

But danger is gradually growing in such a dark night, but Chen Xuan and Zi Yi are also extremely vigilant.

Chen Xuan even set up a barrier outside the cave to resist the invasion of monsters or wild beasts. This was obviously very useful, and the night passed peacefully...

Now Chen Xuan's group is getting closer and closer to the Python Demon. According to the map, it seems that they will be able to meet the Python Demon's true form tomorrow.

This is a huge test for Chen Xuan and his party, but before meeting the real body, there is the last line of defense of the Python Demon, the Rhinoceros Demon King.

When the morning sun first rose, Chen Xuan and his party walked out of the cave. Seeing the morning sun, they felt both happy and nervous as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Fortunately, this night finally passed safely, because the night in the dense forest is as dangerous as walking on the eye of a knife.

And this night was finally safe!

"Senior brother, where is the thing that Lord Jiang He asked us to look for?"

The flattering voice sounded like a bird chirping in the air.


Chen Xuan and Zi Yi became alert, while Xia Shan's eyes flashed with a greedy light.


Lord Jiang He?

Help me, if I get online with the Snow Mountain Sect first, then my master will have to use me even if he doesn’t use me!

"Hmph! Anyway, we can't let Styx and the others find it first. Otherwise, we may really lose our position with Master Jiang He."

A young leader said with a majestic voice, as if it was an order, and his tone did not allow for the slightest refutation from the people around him.

"Thanks to you, senior brother, for getting two jade slips from Master Jiang He this time. If it weren't for the jade slips, our aura would have been discovered by the Thousand-Year Python Demon here!"

The man next to the leading man was full of flattery.


The leading man seemed to have become accustomed to this kind of condescending tone, and just snorted coldly and arrogantly in response...


"who is it?"

The young voice headed by the leader seemed to have discovered the existence of Chen Xuan and others. He frowned and glanced around with a cold gaze.


Chen Xuan's heart tightened, and his eyes were filled with bloodthirsty killing intent.

These two people must die!

"who are you?"

The leading man was about forty years old, with cold eyes flashing in his eagle eyes, and his face looked angular as if it had been cut with a knife.

He was wearing a white robe, which seemed to be made of very fine materials.

Also embroidered on the white robe is a picture of flying geese in the snowy mountains and a ball of purple light.

This is the pattern of Snow Mountain Sect! Chen Xuan will never forget this pattern in his life, and what he has to do in this life is to make this pattern disappear forever on the Daoxin Continent!

Next to the leading young man was a young man about thirty years old, with a fawning look on his face, just like a dog trying to please its owner, trying to get a bite to eat.

Chen Xuan's face didn't seem to have any warmth at all. The chill made Ziyi's body tremble, and Xia Shan's heart shrank violently because of Chen Xuan's murderous aura.

What a terrible murderous intention!

Xia Shan was secretly terrified. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed filled with fear at this moment.

"Humph! Just a few ugly men!"

The man who was standing next to the leading man said fiercely.

Chen Xuan looked at the owner of the voice with cold eyes. He was still wearing a white robe and a picture of flying geese in the snow mountain. But the picture of flying geese in the snow mountain was decorated with a ball of blue light.


The leading man seemed to become angry because of the attitudes of Chen Xuan and Zi Yi.

The anger seemed to be a ignited forest, spreading from his brain and filling his whole body.


Chen Xuan snorted coldly, Snow Mountain Sect?

Chen Xuan glanced at these two creatures that were already dead to Chen Xuan with his eyes like ice sculptures. The murderous gaze of the leading man and the leering gaze of the man next to him looked like a joke to Chen Xuan.

"The two eldest brothers of Snow Mountain Sect, can you let us live?"

Xia Shan's voice seemed to have a hint of flattery, his attitude was extremely humble, and he asked with a smile on his face.

The eyes of the man with purple patterns at the head were full of cold pride, while the eyes of the man with white patterns next to the leader were full of pride.

The eyes of the man with the white pattern were not on Xia Shan at all at this moment. His sneaky eyes were staring at Zi Yi.

It's like peeling off the purple skirts of Ziyi layer by layer, and then going deep into the ice muscles and bones...

"'s because they didn't understand the rules and offended the two elder brothers!"

Xia Shan hurriedly explained that he recognized the leader's robe, and the purple color of the tattoo meant that he was an absolute confidant of Lord Jiang He.

That strength is at least at the eighth level of a Taoist master!

However, he, Xia Shan, Zi Yi and Chen Xuan were all sixth-level Taoists, and they were on the same level as the man with the blue pattern next to him.

If there really was a fight, Xia Shan would have no chance of survival!

However, the man with the purple pattern still had a cold and noncommittal expression on his face, while the man with the blue pattern next to him was not thinking about Xia Shan at all at this time.

very good!

How dare you covet purple clothes?

At this time, Chen Xuan was even more like a ghost, with his murderous intention fully displayed.

" master and Master Jiang He have a deep friendship, but these two...both of them deserve to die!"

Xia Shan saw that the man with the purple pattern had no intention of letting him go. Cold sweat broke out in his eyes, and his heart felt like a white deer was being imprisoned, pounding crazily at the door of his heart.

"As for this master, if he likes Junior Sister Ziyi, I am willing to dedicate my junior sister to serve you!"

At this time, Xia Shan was like a dog wagging its tail begging for mercy, just begging to live, and his tone was extremely humble.

Ziyi's eyes first flashed with a hint of surprise, and then turned into a look of deep disgust. It's like he hates himself with the most disgusting garbage-like disgust.

"Huh? Are you friends with Lord Jiang He?"

The man with the purple pattern was calm and proud, and spoke slowly like an emperor.

But the coldness in the voice still made Xia Shan tremble.

" master is the ninth elder of Qinghu Sect, and I am his direct disciple!"

Xia Shan struggled wildly as if grasping a life-saving straw.

There was a trace of laziness in Chen Xuan's stern eyes, and there was a hint of evil sneer on the corner of his mouth.

It's like watching a monkey performing a show.

And Ziyi Qingguoqingcheng's face turned crazily purple. Is this still his childhood sweetheart? I am really blind!

Her teeth were clenched tightly, and her face, which looked like water roses, with a hint of sullenness, gave her a very graceful and savage look.

This state of national beauty and fragrance really aroused the heart of the man with blue patterns, making him salivate and stare directly at the purple-robed chest with lustful eyes.

That gaze seemed to be able to take off all the purple clothes and work directly on that plump body...


Damn it!

Chen Xuan's eyes became more and more fierce, and the cold light in his eyes stared directly at the man with blue patterns, and the murderous intention swept over him like a wave.

"I'm looking for death!"

The man with the purple pattern felt the strong killing intent, and a cruel and bloodthirsty look flashed in his sinister eyes.

His body was like a tiger coming out of the mountain and he collided directly with Chen Xuan, and he punched with his right hand, and his fist hit Chen Xuan like a rock.

"Break it for me!"

The unruly color in Chen Xuan's eyes was completely different from the spring breeze in the past, and his murderous intention was as powerful as a giant dragon in the sky.

Chen Xuan's figure also moved with the wind, and suddenly took off like an ancient Buddha flying from the ground. The blazing green flames in the palm of his left hand violently rubbed against the air.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan's left hand seemed to be thrown casually in the void, and the green flame rushed towards the man with purple patterns like an innocent ghost following its host.

"Insect Technique!"

The man with the purple pattern had a look of ridicule on his face, and his arrogant face was slightly distorted, showing the overwhelming anger that his authority was being challenged at this time.

The man with blue patterns on the ground was just staring at the purple man with evil eyes at this time. The man without purple patterns spoke, but he did not dare to act rashly!

At this moment, Xia Shan bent down and stood next to the man with blue patterns like a humble dog...

He kept saying compliments, and the flattering look on his face was as overflowing as the peach blossoms in spring, coupled with the smile that almost moved all the muscles in his body...

It makes Ziyi look extremely disgusting!

The man with the blue pattern seemed to enjoy this kind of treatment very much. There was a proud look on his face, and he felt extremely comfortable in his heart.

The eyebrows that were originally like crescent moons are now curved into two slits...

Ziyi naturally did not dare to act rashly when Chen Xuan did not speak.

But her cold and arrogant eyes looked down upon the two dog-like men.

The man with the purple pattern struck with a fierce fist towards Chen Xuan's Qingyan like a bolt of thunder and lightning.


The blue-violet light fist and green flame suddenly exploded in the void, raising thick smoke and covering up the original dawn brought by the rising sun.

Suddenly, within the battle barrier, dark clouds covered the sun, and beacon smoke billowed...

Chen Xuan's figure danced like a coiled dragon, and the green flame in the palm of his left hand seemed to turn into a giant python and bite towards the man with purple patterns.


Chen Xuan's face was full of cold murderous intent, and his eyes were even scarlet, like an evil ghost that had just crawled out from under the Nine Netherworld...


"Shu Zi'an dare!"

The eyes of the man with purple patterns looked like those of a bloodthirsty demon, and the wild aura on his face was domineering without any warmth.

Cold and arrogant to the extreme...

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