Chen Xuan smiled evilly, as cold and arrogant as a ghost, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Snow Mountain Sect? Humph!"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and the python's head transformed from the green flames in his left palm seemed to open its bloody mouth and press towards the man with purple patterns.


The figure of the man with purple patterns was like a leopard rushing towards food, and he rushed towards Chen Xuan's left palm.

The force of the right fist exploded like a mountain collapsing, stirring up thousands of layers of strong wind, and collided with the green flames on Chen Xuan's left palm.

The man with purple patterns became ferocious and roared in a harsh voice.

"Extremely arrogant!"

The man's white robe with purple patterns shines under the scorching sun, and Chen Xuan's bloodthirsty aura is as cold as ice that has not been broken for thousands of years.


The man with the purple pattern struck his right fist directly on the huge mountain, and the huge mountain hit Chen Xuanfei like a hydrangea thrown by an unmarried bride in front of the attic stage.


"Crush it for me!"

Chen Xuan's fierce and stern voices were piled up one after another like a torrential wave, invading and spreading within the barrier.

The green flame in Chen Xuan's left palm turned into a giant python, and he directly captured the giant mountain that was flying toward him. The giant mountain was like a ball of earth that was forced to stop in the void by Chen Xuan, standing in a stalemate with Chen Xuan.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan's body swam like a dragon in the sea, flying in the wind, quickly going around behind the giant mountain and giving a gentle push...

The huge mountain smashed into the ground of the barrier like a meteorite, and instantly exploded.

Countless pieces of earth, stone and mud surged directly into half of the void, forming a vortex of hundreds of feet, and billowing black smoke covered the light blue sky.

"Son, you are seeking death!"

Seeing that Chen Xuan still dared to resist, the man with the purple pattern overflowed with cold murderous intent again. His eyes narrowed with cold light, and his left fist seemed to be ignited with fierce fighting intent.

"Die to me!"

The man with the purple pattern jumped over thinking of Chen Xuan like a tiger emerging from the abyss...

The fists of those hands were like nine thunderbolts, causing clouds of smoke and flying dust wherever they passed.


Chen Xuan snorted coldly, stood up, and the green flames in his left palm were scorching hot, as if the lava from six volcanoes was erupting and bursting at the same time.

Wherever the green flame passed, the huge trees were burned to ashes, and the earth, stone and mud tiles sizzled again, as if they had been cooked by the magma.

"Do you remember Helan Yu'er?"

Chen Xuan was like an evil ghost resurrected from under the Nine Netherworld. At this time, there was only hatred and anger in his heart.

Not enough, this is far from enough...

The fire of hatred in Chen Xuan's heart was enough to burn this void into ashes!

One minion is not enough to calm Chen Xuan's heart that is occupied by the murderous demon!

"Helan Yu'er and Helan Heng's rebels? What is your relationship with them?"

The man with the purple pattern raised his voice and asked, the coldness in his eyes comparable to the sea of ​​the North Ming Dynasty...

"Hmph! It seems that you also know about this! Then don't blame me for letting you die! Hahaha..."

Chen Xuan smiled angrily, his charming smile looked as terrifying as Pluto in Hell, and the cold light shot directly at the man with the purple pattern.


The man with purple patterns stared at Chen Xuan and cursed angrily.

Wherever those fists passed, a huge tree towering into the clouds broke in half, and it hit the ground as tragically as a supported giant dragon.

Chen Xuan slashed with green flames, and his left palm was filled with extremely penetrating green flames, sizzling in the air.

Boom boom boom...

The fists of the man with purple patterns roared towards Chen Xuan like two huge sledgehammers.

Chen Xuan's figure started to swim again, dancing like a spiritual snake, dodging away.

Those two giant hammers smashed onto the mountaintop behind Chen Xuan!


The top of the mountain collapsed crazily, as if a huge earthquake had occurred in an instant, and the splash of earth and rocks buried all the creatures in the battle barrier.

"Hmph! Die!"

Chen Xuan roared loudly, and the green blade fell suddenly like a chopping board chopping meat.


The man with the purple pattern struck back with a fist, and his fist-like intention collided with Chen Xuan's burning green flames.


The right fist was no match for the hot Qingyan, and was pushed forward by Chen Xuan's palm. The figure of the man with purple patterns leaned backward and fell.


The man with the purple pattern is so brave. This man is extremely skilled in fire palm refining. If he continues like this, I don’t know who will win!

When the young man with the blue pattern saw that his master was at his lowest level in this battle, his eyes narrowed even more, and his heart suddenly tightened...

This wild boy is only a sixth-level Taoist, why is he so perverted?

That skill is just fire palm training, how could it be...

His senior brother is an eighth-level Taoist talent, and even among the younger generation of Snow Mountain Sect, there is no one who can match him.

But he is Lord Jiang He’s number one general!

Run away!

This was the first thought in the man with the purple pattern...

"Hmph! I will come to ask for advice when I return home!"

Yu Gui drank it hard, his eyes were a little more panicked and less defiant.

"Senior Brother Yu Gui!"

The man with the blue pattern turned pale. He had never encountered such a life-threatening situation before, and howled miserably.

"Yu Er! Use the blood from your middle finger to break the jade slip!"

There was suddenly a hint of coldness in Yu Gui's panicked eyes, and then a hint of ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

I almost forgot that there was a jade slip. As long as I told Lord Jiang He about the danger here, he would be there in no time.

Is there any way for this wild boy from the countryside to survive?

It's just that Lord Jiang He is just afraid of being blamed...

etc! He just met Helan Yu'er, this is easy to handle!

As Yu Gui fled behind him, he began to make systematic calculations in his mind, just like a profiteer making his own plans at the moment...

Since this kid knows Helan Yu'er, he can attribute this matter to his great contribution to catching the rebel. Then Lord Jiang He will probably be rewarded by the sect leader...

And I am afraid that I can get a share of the pie, even if I am treated as a begging dog and get a few meat bones...

When Yu Gui thought of this, the greed in his eyes became more intense.


Suddenly, Ziyi flew up, entering the painting like a fairy, and her light steps came behind Yu Er almost in the blink of an eye, and with one palm...


Chen Xuan did not expect that Ziyi would be so decisive, and her face that was full of moonlight even still had a charming smile at this time, and thus ended up with Yu Gui's life-saving charm...


Yu Gui cursed loudly.

"Then go die!"

Yu Gui roared, and suddenly his right fist flashed golden light, and the fist struck Yu Er as if it turned into a blade of breeze.

Poor Yu Er was like a flying goose caught in a tornado. He was quickly surrounded by wind blades and was soon hacked to death by the wind blades...

And the jade slips naturally did not fall into the hands of Chen Xuan and Zi Yi, otherwise even if Yu Gui fled back, he would not be able to escape death.

But now that Yu Jian and Yu Er are both dead, it's all on him...

He is considered the number one warrior under Master Jiang He, so he should be fine!

"Want to escape?"

Chen Xuan's smile was fierce, and the green flames illuminated half of his face, as terrifying as the revenge of the god of death.

"Don't push yourself too far!"

When Yu Gui saw Chen Xuan chasing after him like a dragon out of the sea, his heart suddenly suddenly...


Chen Xuan snorted coldly, his face full of cold murderous intent and bloodthirsty hatred.

"Everyone in the Snow Mountain Sect must die!"

When Chen Xuan drank, the sound seemed to be as loud as the nine thunders that had been suppressed for a long time!

Even the outer sky and the loess earth trembled at Chen Xuan's fierce voice.

Crack, crackle...

Chen Xuan suddenly walked like a coiled dragon on the wind. The light of the green flames became more and more fierce, and the air wherever it passed exploded!

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, Chen Xuan threw three green flames at Yu Gui, all of which were as hot as the magma bursting from two volcanoes.

Bang bang bang...

Yu Gui looked at Qing Yan, who was flying towards him, and his fists were swung forward like lightning and flint.

When each green flame exploded, it was like thousands of fireballs exploding at the same time. The hot flame seemed like a cunning snake clamping down on Yu Gui's white robe.


Yu Gui was so embarrassed that he tore the white robe of the eighth-level Snow Mountain Sect Taoist, which symbolized his highest honor!

Then flee forward!

Chen Xuan smiled sternly, that smile was like the ice of Sanjiu, and the cold light of ice and snow came rushing.


Chen Xuan roared in a cold voice, his murderous eyes filled with coldness.

Chen Xuan's figure shuttled back and forth again, like a monkey fishing for the moon, green flames turned into palms and grabbed the white robe of the returning Snow Mountain Sect.


"If you like the white robe so much, I'll give it to you!"

At this time, Yu Gui seemed like a mouse circling around with his head in his hands, not asking for any dignity, just hoping to survive!

Chen Xuan is simply a demon, his murderous intent is so terrifying!

Even though Yu Gui's hands were full of blood, seeing Chen Xuan's bloodthirsty hatred and fierce murderous intent, his heart felt as terrifying as a timed explosive being pressed.

The white robe that symbolized noble status was thrown into the air by Yu Gui like garbage!


Chen Xuan laughed evilly. If the morning sun wasn't still hanging in the sky, Yu Gui would have suspected that the one behind him was a ghost, right?

At this time, Xia Shan seemed like a sick chicken whose head was about to be chopped off. His eyes turned pale and he no longer looked like the gentleman he had been before.

However, from time to time there would be a hint of evil in his gloomy look, as if he was planning something.

His left hand gently flicked the storage ring distributed by Qinghu Sect, as if he was looking for something.

There was a hint of cruelty flashing through his eyes from time to time, and there was a terrible murderous intention hidden in the eyes looking at Ziyi.

At this time, Ziyi despised his childhood sweetheart.

He seems to be as lowly as a pig or a dog. One more look at Ziyi's pink and white jade-like face makes his bright black eyes feel disgusting...

It was this look that gave Xia Shan a hint of ruthless determination in his narrow eyes...

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