Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1798 Yu Gui’s disastrous defeat

Yu Gui's hair spread out as his white robe fell off. How could he still be as high-spirited as a proud man at this moment?


Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with scarlet color, and his voice was as cruel as the God of Death demanding life.

At this time, he seemed to see Helan Yu'er's strange and unruly figure in his eyes, and the decisive attitude of the old housekeeper when he was dying emerged again.

There seemed to be a letter slowly unfolding in his mind, and that letter was exactly what Chen Xuan dreamed about every day.

But every time Chen Xuan saw this letter in his dreams, his tears would surge like a torrent of water.

But Chen Xuan's outer appearance has long been replaced by the amiable young man next door. In reality, he is still smiling lightly, with a gentle and jade-like expression, as if he has had a sweet dream...

This time, Chen Xuan no longer suppressed his murderous intention and anger!


In an instant, it seemed that even the light wind in the room was infected by Chen Xuan's bloodthirsty intention, and a strong wind blew up in a moment.

The white clouds that were still resting in the sky gradually dispersed as if they were afraid of offending this god of death.

Dark clouds and thick smoke gathered like tightly clustered flowers...

At this time, Chen Xuan was wearing a white robe, but all the previous gentleness and elegance had faded away, and the killing intention was like a blanket of cold snow.

What a terrible murderous intention!

Is this fool crazy?

Yu Gui roared crazily in his heart, it seems that he can't escape, he can only fight to the death!

"It's just a nameless person! How arrogant!"

At this time, Yu Gui was as angry as if he had been ignited by dynamite, and his hair stood on end, and then spread like a lunatic's madness...

"Hmph! You will die today!"

Chen Xuan's eyes were bloodshot at this time, and he glared angrily at Yu Gui, as if he was a blood Shura who had just climbed out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​fire!

"Then let's fight!"

Yu Gui roared with chills everywhere.

"Hahaha... I, Chen Xuan, and the Snow Mountain Sect will fight until death!"

Chen Xuanjie smiled sarcastically, but the second half of his sentence revealed murderous intent but was extremely firm.

When Yu Gui saw Chen Xuan's appearance, he didn't think that Chen Xuan was joking with him!

What kind of monster did Helan Chong Daran provoke?

He Lanheng's useless trash, what kind of person did the daughter he gave birth to befriend?

Yu Gui can be regarded as a hero of the generation, but at this time, his keen judgment makes him vaguely feel that the Snow Mountain Sect will be destroyed in the hands of this man in the future.

He himself didn't know why he had such a crazy idea, it seemed as ridiculous as a joke!

That's the Snow Mountain Sect!

A large sect that has existed for tens of millions of years, Helan Chong has reached the level of a powerful master, and the mysterious master behind Helan Chong is said to be at the level of a Tao Emperor!

Chen Xuan, a young man who is not yet thirty years old, actually wants to destroy the Snow Mountain Sect?


"Shuzi is arrogant!"

Yu Gui's aura suddenly appeared. The aura shook the giant trees on the ground that were thousands of years old and collapsed violently. Some giant mountains and undulating mountains suddenly collapsed...

It was like a rare drought thunder suddenly fell from the Nine Mountains, destroying the ancient forest of Secret Forest in one fell swoop.

At this time, Yu Gui's crazy survival consciousness began to overflow. If he wins, he will survive, and if he loses, he will die!

Zi Yi looked at Chen Xuan with strange eyes at this moment. When had she ever seen Chen Xuan like this?

He has always been a humble gentleman, as gentle and handsome as jade.

But at this time, Chen Xuan seemed like a terrifying demon, unyielding and just wanted to take human lives.

But Zi Yi didn't have any aversion to Chen Xuan. How could Zi Yi, who was so smart and cute, not see that Chen Xuan was a person who had experienced too much?

Xia Shan looked at Chen Xuan with an even more sinister look. Either he must be eliminated cleanly or he will be the one who dies!

Chen Xuan's left palm turned into a soul-stirring green flame, and his eyes were full of cold light. Killing like an ancient beast.


Chen Xuan's green palm collided with Yu Gui's fists. His green palm seemed to turn into a huge mountain of green light, blocking Yu Gui's fists.

Yu Gui's fists were like hammers that blasted away at the mountain of green light transformed from the green flames in Chen Xuan's left palm.


Two powerful forces collided in the air, as if two meteorites collided, and the air crackled with Chen Xuan's green flames.

The fists of Yu Gui's fists were like deadly winds, and they were as fast as lightning, rushing towards Chen Xuan...

The ancient trees stirred up by the strong wind brought by the fists were flying randomly within the battle barrier, like garbage being thrown away.

"Break it for me!"

Chen Xuan's hoarse voice was filled with coldness, and his eyes were full of bloodlust.

Yu Gui's eyes also turned scarlet, staring at Chen Xuan with murderous intent...


The green flames on Chen Xuan's left palm became bright again, and the fine sweat on Chen Xuan's forehead and the cold sweat on his back showed that Chen Xuan was almost giving all his strength this time!

A sixth-level Taoist master versus an eighth-level Taoist master!

He couldn't retreat, but he actually wanted to kill the opponent!

If this state of mind was not honed by Chen Xuan’s previous training in the Youlan Mountains, it would be almost impossible to believe!

But it was because of Chen Xuan's hard work in the Youlan Mountains that it led to the destruction of the Chen family and Yu'er's death...

But now I am enough to make the son of the Snow Mountain Sect in front of me pay the price!

The green flame on Chen Xuan's left palm was as cold as the sickle of the god of death, but Chen Xuan's eyes were even colder. How could this be the temperature of a teenager?

No! How could this be the temperature of a human being!

Yu Gui roared in his heart.

Is this kid still human? He is simply a monster!

The green flame in Chen Xuan's hand turned into the sickle of the god of death and suddenly blasted towards the purple fist of Yu Gui's fists! The purple fist exploded like a thick layer of ice that had been formed for thousands of years!

And the sickle of the god of death that turned into the green flame also fiercely chopped down towards Yu Gui's dantian!


Yu Gui cried out miserably, his most proud wind fists were actually broken by this kid who was not even thirty years old in front of him?


Yu Gui suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood under the mixed feelings of irritation and helplessness. He felt that his Dao heart power was slowly disappearing with his broken fists...


That is the fate of practicing the Gale Fists. Once the fists are broken, if one's Dantian is not protected in time, he will end up as a waste!

The blood splashed on Chen Xuan's white robe!


Chen Xuan smiled miserably, like a ghost, with no joy of victory on his face but full of sadness.

"Then go to hell!"

Chen Xuan howled, as if he was no longer himself at this moment. The ghost of revenge that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time was released!

Snow Mountain Sect!

Very good!

Let Yu'er be buried with him!


At this time, Chen Xuan's green flame turned into a palm, and the green palm turned into a blade, and he slashed towards Yu Gui's abdomen with a knife.

Yu Gui was no longer able to resist at this time, falling, falling from the void hundreds of feet high...

"Want to die? Is it that easy?"

Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to be flooded with the oozing cold light again, and the corners of his mouth actually raised a shallow smile, and the lips were slightly hooked up, looking very charming.

Chen Xuan's left palm was like a green flame, embracing Yu Gui's falling body, as fast as a monkey trying to catch the moon.


The temperature of Chen Xuan's left palm was as hot as the scorching sun of six days.

His Dao Heart Power was exhausted at this time, and he was no different from a waste. He had no resistance to Chen Xuan's Fire Refining Palm.


Chen Xuan groaned, and it felt like a grasshopper that often flew in front of him was slapped to death.

Yu Gui was brought to the earth by Chen Xuan, and there was no arrogance in his eyes at this time.

All fear, this young man is too terrible, comparable to a demon!

Xiashan looked at Chen Xuan at this time, as if his heart was once again grabbed by an evil ghost. His heart suddenly tightened, full of fear!

He began to vomit crazily, because he thought of the death of the fat man who died at the hands of Chen Xuan, which was really disgusting!

Zi Yi seemed to have a premonition of something, and gently placed her white jade-like hand on Chen Xuan's back, patting his back gently.

But when Zi Yi put her right hand on, her body trembled, as if Chen Xuan's body was as terrible as boiling water...

Even Zi Yi felt that her heart was uncontrollably afraid of the murderous intent.

Such a strong aura!

"Hehehe... You know about Yu'er's death, right?"

Chen Xuan's tone was as cold as the Hades who crawled out from the underworld, his eyes were full of cold light, and the scarlet eyes did not fade at all.

Now there was only one word in Chen Xuan's mind, that was...


Such a terrible murderous intent!

Who is that woman named Yu'er? Is she the person that Brother Chen Xuan likes?

Zi Yi felt a little uncomfortable...

Did Brother Chen Xuan become so bloodthirsty because of that woman named Yu'er? That woman named Yu'er must be very beautiful!

Ziyi's heart seemed to be surrounded by these questions, as if every question was pulling a string in her heart.

At this moment, she felt that her heart seemed to be sour and very uncomfortable!

"I... This matter is the intention of Lord Jianghe and Helan Sect Master..."

At this moment, Yu Gui did not ask to go back alive, but only to die, and die happily!

He hurriedly explained, and his face was pale at this moment, like a patient who had been seriously ill for a long time...


Xiashan and Ziyi seemed to suddenly understand, is that Helan Yu'er?

This is the internal struggle of the Snow Mountain Sect, and Helan Heng, Helan Yu'er and Chen who were implicated...

At this moment, they sorted out a clue in their hearts. It turned out that Chen Xuan's background was from the Chen Mansion, that is, the innocent fish in the internal struggle of the Snow Mountain Sect?

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