"Junior Sister Ziyi, for the sake of our fellow students!"

Xia Shan's face was pale, and his eyes were full of turbid tears. He was holding Zi Yi's legs like a dog that had been hungry for a long time and held on to it after seeing a bite.


Chen Xuan's face turned cold and his eyes were filled with bloodthirsty chill. His face was filled with a cold smile, which was very dazzling and shining under the golden sunshine.

Zi Yi's face was full of contempt, and her pink and jade-like face turned purple, but she didn't say no and instead looked embarrassed.


The lines on the green seedlings on Chen Xuan's left palm began to be flooded with green light, and green flames appeared like elegant will-o'-the-wisps, and then the green mist shrouded them.

Chen Xuan's left palm flashed with green light, and suddenly his figure soared like a dragon out of the sea. He waved his hands towards Xia Shan who was holding Zi Yi.


Xia Shan's eyes tightened and his heart tightened. The murderous intent made Xia Shan's heart tremble crazily.

What a powerful force!

Xia Shan secretly cursed in his heart.

Suddenly Xia Shan blocked the attack with his right palm, as if he were an elephant's body and was indestructible.

The red smoke spread out like blood mist, and Chen Xuan felt a powerful force eating away at his blue mist crazily.


The two forces intermingled in the air, like two giant dragons appearing and fighting against the wind in the air!

"Hmph! Chen Xuan, your strength is pretty good, and you are considered to be the best in our Qinghu Sect!"

"Since my junior sister refuses to plead for me, then we can only fight to the death!"

Xia Shan's face turned cold, like a chameleon, and now he became murderous. The person who just begged for mercy didn't seem to have anything to do with him.

It is indeed extremely treacherous!

Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

At this time, the disdain in Zi Yi's eyes was even worse. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his senior brother was really the worst hypocrite!

"Hmph! It seems that the dog just now changed his mind and wants to beat its owner!"

Chen Xuan smiled coldly on his face, and his voice was as murderous as a lonely soul under the Nine Netherworld.

But there was even more sarcasm in his tone...

"Hmph! Chen Xuan, who the hell are you? I am a direct disciple of the ninth elder of Qinghu Sect! You are just a country boy. Originally, no outsiders were allowed to interfere in the affairs of the sect! But now the junior sister in purple seems to be showing favoritism. You’re an outsider!”

Xia Shan was also calm about Chen Xuan's ridicule, but his face was even colder, and his eyes were burning with jealousy as he glanced at Zi Yi casually.

Is this still the senior brother I knew before?

In addition to the look of disdain on Zi Yi's face, there was also deep sadness. This senior brother who was his childhood sweetheart really let him down.


Chen Xuan smiled, and his smile made Xia Shan feel very scared. When Chen Xuan laughed, it seemed as if a big invisible hand was holding Xia Shan's beating heart.

Xia Shan's desire to survive outweighed his dignity, but when he found that begging Zi Yi could not save him, he transformed from a dog that only begged for mercy into a ferocious wolf.

"Die to me!"

Chen Xuan's expression was even colder and stern, and his murderous and bloodthirsty light seemed as terrifying as an ancient mythical beast.


The green mist on Chen Xuan's left palm seemed to turn into a blue cloud, Chen Xuan rose into the clouds, and then swooped towards Xia Mountain like a fierce dragon entering the river...

"act recklessly!"

Xia Shan's desire to survive made him full of courage, and his status as the proud son of the Qinghu Sect made him as confident as if he was wearing a robe that was invulnerable to all poisons.

He crossed his palms, and the red fire light flew towards Chen Xuan's swooping figure like a terrifying taboo.

The green mist in Chen Xuan's left palm seemed to turn into a giant python and bite towards the forbidden wall of Xia Mountain.


The forbidden wall was swallowed up by the green mist in Chen Xuan's left palm. The green mist, like a giant python, didn't seem to stop at all.


Chen Xuan looked ferocious and howled angrily, his fierce killing intent flying towards Xia Shan like hailstones in the winter of March 9th.

"Hmph! Break it for me!"

Xia Shan's face first showed a burst of fear that the defense he was most proud of was actually broken, and then years of mental experience made him quickly calm down; come on.

He condensed his fists with both hands, and his fists ignited with a fierce red fighting spirit. The fire-like fists rose with the wind, and crashed into Chen Xuanfei like a tiger hitting a mountain.


The air wherever the fist passed seemed to be ignited, making a crackling sound.

"Hmph! The Guizhou donkey has no skills!"

Chen Xuan's expression was even more murderous, and his eyes were as scary as a rhinoceros.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan's left palm moved with the wind, and his body was like a spiritual snake dodging Xia Shan's powerful fist, and he struck a palm directly towards Xia Shan's back...

The green smoke seemed to have turned into a huge cattail leaf fan, falling violently on Xia Shan's back.


Xia Shan's back seemed to have broken muscles and blood.


Xia Shan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Hmph! I'll fight until I die!"

Xia Shan suddenly raised his head and roared, as tragic as a general defeated with hatred.

There is still a bit of bloodiness. The sarcasm on Chen Xuan's face gradually faded, but the ferocious look became more fierce.


When Zi Yi saw that her childhood sweetheart, her senior brother, seemed to be on his deathbed, he couldn't help but burst into tears. The teardrops on his charming face only added to the beauty of pear blossoms with rain.

"Hahaha... Ziyi, you really feel sorry for your senior brother. But now he is bound to die! Even if the head of the Qinghu Sect comes, it will be of no use!"

When Chen Xuan saw Zi Yi's face actually weeping for Xia Shan, he felt a dull pain in his heart as if he had lost a treasure, like a needle pricking Chen Xuan's heart.

Ziyi stared at Chen Xuan at this time, and the smile like water and lotus in the sun faded from his face. At this time, her face was full of resentment, but it was still beautiful. Compared with the past, she had a more beautiful style.

"Chen Xuan, you are really a devil!"

There seemed to be a sense of determination in Ziyi's eyes, and there was no warmth on his face, as cold and arrogant as a piece of ice that no strangers should enter.

Is Ziyi going to break up with herself?


For the sake of Xia Shan Zi Yi, he actually had to break off the relationship with himself? good! How wonderful!

Chen Xuan felt as if a ferocious beast was imprisoned in his heart at this time. At this moment, the ferocious beast escaped from the cage and bit Chen Xuan's heart crazily.


Chen Xuan laughed angrily, did he really want to leave him?

First Helan Yu'er and then Zi Yi are leaving, hum! Why do you treat yourself like this?

He wants to change, he wants to become stronger, he wants to be so strong that the Snow Mountain Sect will disappear from this world!

He wants to be so powerful that no one can covet his things anymore!

"You... are very good!"

Chen Xuan's voice was hoarse and even choked with sobs. His suppressed anger was like a lion about to go berserk...

But this is just the calm before the storm!


Chen Xuan kicked off his feet and jumped up like a cheetah pouncing on its prey, and then there seemed to be two huge pits on the ground. The air where Chen Xuan passed was filled with murderous intent, exuding fairy aura like a strangely fragrant flower.


Green mist appeared on Chen Xuan's left palm and headed toward Xia Shan like a mist of death. The green mist turned into a huge hand and strangled Xia Shan's neck...

At this time, Xia Shan's face was pale because he was already weak from the injury on his back. It was difficult for him to survive with his mental strength, let alone resist Chen Xuan's attack.


Chen Xuan's feminine face glowed with bloodthirsty light, like an ancient monster staring at its prey. The nose that seemed to have been carved by God trembled slightly, as if looking at an ant that was struggling to its death.


When Zi Yi saw Chen Xuan tormenting Xia Shan like this, his expression became even more unkind. Chen Xuan, who used to be as gentle as jade, turned out to be a terrifying demon. So cruel, so unbearable...


Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and smiled evilly at Zi Yi's gaze. That ghostly smile made Zi Yi's heart beating like a rabbit be severely grabbed.

"You think I'm cruel?"

Chen Xuan asked in a cold voice, as if he was asking about something he didn't care about.

When Chen Xuan saw that Zi Yi was speechless, he just moved his frightened eyes away from Chen Xuan's body and snorted softly with his delicate nose.


She seemed to be spurning Chen Xuan. She thought that Chen Xuan would be a different person, a gentle and gentle man. But I didn't expect that he was still a executioner covered in blood and killing people without blinking an eye...

She was so disappointed, her heart was as terrible as being dragged to the bottom by Chen Xuan's own hands...


Chen Xuan smiled, and this time his smile was full of ridicule and sadness, but the ridicule was not only for Ziyi but also for himself.

At the same time, the green mist surrounding Xia Shan became even stronger. The pain of Xia Shan's neck being pinched seemed to have reached its limit, and he made a whining sound like an evil ghost under the netherworld. torture.

"I'm cruel? You should know what happened with Snow Mountain Sect, right?"

Chen Xuan's face turned cold again, as calm as if he was describing something that had nothing to do with him. But at this time, there was no trace of warmth on Chen Xuan's face, as expressionless as a dead corpse.

Ziyi nodded, this matter was well known in the cultivation world. But it is unknown, because this matter is regarded as an internal fight within the Snow Mountain Sect, and it is a family scandal that cannot be made public...

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