"Cruel? All the three hundred or so members of our Chen family were killed? What did they do wrong?"

Chen Xuan, who had always been gentle and elegant, suddenly roared, like a supported lion venting his dissatisfaction on the hunter.

Ziyi's eyes were stunned when she saw Chen Xuan like this. She had never seen him like this before. He has always been calm and composed, always wearing a smile that is blowing in the spring breeze. When has he ever been so out of control?

Ziyi was silent and didn't know how to speak. At this time, there was only the sound of the wind blowing the fallen leaves and the whine of Xia Shan's neck being strangled.

"Does it hurt?"

Chen Xuan seemed to be asking himself and Xia Shan, who was being poisoned by him at this time. Xia Shan, whose neck was about to be strangled at this time, was naturally speechless. He just stared at Chen Xuan coldly with a look of reluctance.

"I was also very hurt when I saw the letter Yu'er left when she left. When I saw the Chen Mansion turned into a bloody hell with corpses everywhere, I was almost crazy with pain! And I personally killed Luo Yi's son. When we were talking, and when I set the fire myself and turned everything into ashes, I was so sad!”

Chen Xuan's face no longer had the calm look before, but became twisted as if it had turned into a beast with bared teeth.

The bloodthirsty light scattered in all directions made Ziyi tremble in his heart. Is this still a human being?

Ziyi no longer knows whether Chen Xuan, who was splashed all over by Xia Shan and Yu Gui's blood, is still a human being at this time. Covered in human blood and with an unwilling and ferocious look, it seemed that it was not Xia Shan who was going to die, but Chen Xuan himself.

"So I made up my mind at that time! Snow Mountain Sect, as long as everything related to Snow Mountain Sect must disappear from this world!"

Chen Xuan shouted coldly, and this sound made Xia Shan feel as if his liver and gallbladder were about to explode.

Ziyi's trembling cheeks have turned pale at this time, and the face that was originally as white as gel now looks like a seriously ill patient without a trace of blood.

"you you……"

Ziyi was so shocked that she couldn't say a word, like a poor girl who encountered a ghost in the middle of the night.

"So just die!"

Chen Xuan's face was even more cold and stern, and his bloodthirsty eyes glanced at Xia Shan who was in pain at this time, as cold and cold as a ghost fire in the dark night.


His face suddenly turned even colder, and he let out a muffled groan. The sweat wetted his white shirt like an unstoppable rainstorm, and the false blue mist was a mixture of light and dark, as mysterious as the faint light in a cave.

"go to hell!"

Chen Xuan howled angrily like breaking thunder, and the flickering green mist strangled Xia Shan's neck even more tightly like an unbreakable rope.


Suddenly, the green mist seemed to turn into a giant arm with infinite strength, and it tore off Xia Shan's neck alive, and the blood at the broken part was rolling like the waves of the Yangtze River.


This time it was Ziyi's turn to vomit! It’s so disgusting! The splattered blood even stained her purple robe, and the feeling made Ziyi feel very cruel and harsh.

"He deserves to die! There is also a master behind him who deserves to die! I will go to Qinghu Gate to take his life sooner or later!"

Chen Xuan's ferocious face became calm, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"If you dare to kill the Ninth Elder, the entire Qinghu Sect will not let you go!"

Ziyi looked at Chen Xuan as if he were a monster. If someone else wanted to kill the elders of Qinghu Sect and destroy the Snow Mountain Sect. Ziyi will definitely think that he is a madman, an unreasonable psychopath.

But at this time, Ziyi looked at Chen Xuan's face as calm as an iceberg and felt that this might really happen. That's why Zi Yi couldn't help but give some advice, but Zi Yi knew that this advice might not be of any use.

"Hmph! Then I will be the enemy of the entire Qinghu Sect!"

Chen Xuan's face turned cold, and he raised his voice and drank. It seemed like a domineering king was controlling the life and death of the world. A kind of domineering momentum oppressed Ziyi...

What a terrifying aura!

Even Zi Yi has never seen such a powerful aura in his father. This seems to be the domineering nature that comes naturally after being in power for a long time.

Who is Chen Xuan?

Zi Yi was even more surprised and asked secretly.

What Ziyi didn't know was that Chen Xuan's previous experience in the Youlan Mountains was enough to make his state of mind so terrifying!

Although he fled day and night every day, it was this kind of escape that made Chen Xuan's heart become extremely cruel, and his indifference to life reached a terrifying level.

But his protection of feelings is even stronger. The loneliness in the Blue Mountains has become his habit, without any feelings or cares.

But when he came to Daoxin Continent, he found that Helan Yu'er still loved him. Although the Chen family was extremely harsh on him, they still showed Chen Xuan's life-saving grace!

But what now?

They were all dead, and Chen Xuan's concern was all in vain until he met Ziyi.

The heart seemed to start beating again, but now Ziyi was leaving him. And for a dog who is extremely hypocritical.

How could this keep him from being angry?


Ziyi saw that Chen Xuan's advice seemed to be of no use at all, and his face turned red from the anger in his heart.


Chen Xuan snorted coldly, the bloodthirsty evil in his eyes did not restrain at all, and his eyes stared at Ziyi.

"If anyone dares to stop me, let's die together!"

After Chen Xuan finished these words, he did not look back, and his face was still cold and arrogant, forcing him to move forward. He didn't even look at Zi Yi, as if Zi Yi was a stranger to him now.

This makes Ziyi's heart hurt!

Why is this happening? How could Brother Chen Xuan become like this?

Tears were pouring down Zi Yi's face, and her alluring face was now covered with ice crystal tears, sliding down her peach blossom-like cheeks...

Chen Xuan's heart seemed to be throbbing tightly, as if he had been hit hard by a boxing master.

Why do you want to leave her?

Be it betrayal or death.

Why are you leaving? Are you too weak?

While Ziyi was still secretly sad, a few tears actually fell on Chen Xuan's face, whose muscles were as stiff as ice.

Even Chen Xuan himself didn't know whether those were beads of sweat or tears. He only knew that his heart felt very uncomfortable now!

But in about half a quarter of an hour, Chen Xuan buried this sadness deeply in his heart. The most important thing to him was the demon python.

That was a thousand-year-old giant demon at the beginning of the Demonic Core Realm!

But now there is no way out for Chen Xuan and Zi Yi. Once they enter the center of the dense forest, they want to get out alive. That big monster must be killed.

But according to the map of the Secret Forest, there is a giant lake called Lake Kanazawa before entering the central valley of the Secret Forest.

It is said that there is a guard general of the demon python under the lake, called the Water Rhinoceros King. However, there are very few records about the Water Rhino King. It seems that Chen Xuan and Zi Yi will encounter them at most.

The blazing sun above the blue sky had turned westward and turned into the setting sun. The rays of the setting sun were far less hot than the blazing sun, but the faint residual warmth ached like a wound in Chen Xuan and Zi Yi's hearts.

"Chen Xuan, although we may no longer be friends, we are still comrades-in-arms this time."

In the cave, Ziyi first opened his mouth to break the silence. The sharp words that came out of his usually charming mouth like a cherry were like a sharp knife piercing Chen Xuan's heart.

Chen Xuan felt bitter and raw in his heart, but his face was as silent as ever, as indifferent as the pale night...

"If one day, you become an enemy of Qinghu Sect, we will become enemies. Then we will not show any mercy!"

Ziyi's voice was very cold, but underneath the coldness he couldn't hide those choked sobs.

Is she feeling uncomfortable too?

Chen Xuan felt a little happy for some reason, but after being happy, her words and tears brought Chen Xuan heartache.

Chen Xuanhan's angry face slightly nodded twice as a response to Ziyi. At this time, Ziyi took out an exquisite mirror box from her body. As soon as the mirror box was taken out, Chen Xuan smelled a fragrance.

That kind of fragrance is as fresh and attractive as something from the fairy world. The mirror box must not be an ordinary thing!

"This is the marrow-condensing pill that my father gave me. There is only one pill in our Qinghu Sect that is the Zongzong-Suppressing Pill..."

Ziyi's tone was very calm, as if he was narrating a family story, but he was extremely concerned about the mirror box on his jade hand.

It’s as if what’s inside is Ziyi’s most precious thing…

"It is said that he can cure hundreds of poisons and is extremely precious. Now I give it to you to thank you for saving my life three times!"

Can it cure hundreds of poisons? That's a good thing. There may be only one such thing in the Ulan Empire. Who is Zi Yi's identity? The Qinghu Sect’s ancestral treasure is actually in her hands?

Zi Yi's beautiful hand handed the mirror box to Chen Xuandao. There was no trace of reluctance in that action, but Zi Yi's face was filled with tears.

But Ziyi's tone was so decisive, which made Chen Xuan feel chilled...


Chen Xuan's face was as cold as ice, and he smiled faintly, but this smile was not as gentle as the spring breeze blowing on his face. Instead, it gave Zi Yi the coldness of ice and snow.

"Then take the pill back! I don't care about it! You don't owe me anything. I can save whoever I want, and you have no control over it!"

Chen Xuan waved his hand coolly, but the coldness on his face that kept strangers away made Ziyi tremble in his heart and became speechless...

"Forget it, let's have a banquet. From now on, we will never owe each other anything, just like strangers!"

Chen Xuan's voice was hoarse and devoid of emotion. Only Chen Xuan himself could feel how intense the sadness beneath the hoarseness was.

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