Chen Xuan's face was completely cold and stern. The first spring breeze on his face had faded away, and his face was as cold as the cold air. Even his breathing was as silent as the flow of air.

Zi Yi was a little uncomfortable. It turned out that the real Chen Xuan was like this. Now only Zi Yi and Chen Xuan are left in the demon hunting team.

What makes Zi Yi feel a little ridiculous is that one of the first two people who died was from an unknown cause, and the other one died at the hands of Chen Xuan, who was the most gentle and gentle at first.

"Ahead is Jinze Lake. The strength of the Water Rhino King there should be below the Demonic Pill Realm, and should be at the Bone Refining Realm. But I don't know to what extent."

At this time, Ziyi was like an iceberg beauty who kept away from strangers. Her previously chirping character only uttered a word at this moment.


Chen Xuan responded coldly, his face still as cold as ice and snow.

Continuous mountains surround this golden lake, like cities surrounded by walls.

When Chen Xuan and Zi Yi silently walked to the lake, it seemed that even the sunlight on the side had dimmed. This seems to be a closed space, and compared to this ancient forest, it is even quieter here.

But this silence is like a haunted house in the middle of the night, a prelude to death. A wave of killing intent overflowed.


Suddenly a gust of wind swept towards Chen Xuan and Ziyi, but the lake surface was still as calm as a mirror. It was as if the demonic wind was specifically directed towards Chen Xuan and Zi Yi.

"Hmph! Insect Technique!"

Chen Xuan roared angrily, like an ancient giant roaring.


Green mist appeared on Chen Xuan's palm, like an invisible wall blocking Chen Xuan and Zi Yi. And that demonic wind hit Chen Xuan's Qingwu like a colorless and odorless blade.


The wind shatters and the fog disappears!

Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat, what a terrifying force!

This power is like a power that can only be unleashed by a century-old monster. Although this power is not the power to move the earth, it has already strengthened its own power to the extreme.

Is this the strength of the Bone Refining Realm? I'm afraid it's also the pinnacle of the Bone Refining Realm!

Monster beasts at the peak of the Bone Refining Realm can rival human Taoist masters of the ninth level to Taoist perfection, and Chen Xuan is the sixth level Taoist.

Relying on his powerful Taoist power?

We can only give it a try!

"Hmph! It's incredible that a sixth-level Taoist master can break the Python Demon King Darao's Stone Formation and Wind Blade Formation!"

A powerful sound, like a huge mountain collapsing, hit the ears of Chen Xuan and Zi Yi.

But there is a lot of surprise in this powerful voice

"I'm afraid you will stay with me today! Hahaha... There are quite a few corpses that died in Jinze Lake. They are all practitioners above the seventh level of Taoist masters. The sixth-level Taoist masters have never come to the secret forest. If you haven’t reached Kanazawa Lake, you should be proud of yourself!”

The Water Rhino King's voice was thunderous, but his tone was full of ridicule.

"Hmph! You evil beast! I, Chen Xuan, will try my best to disembowel you today!"

Chen Xuan's face turned cold and murderous as he said, the green mist in his hand suddenly appeared like an elegant will-o'-the-wisp, mysterious and unpredictable.

"Hahaha... A sixth-level Taoist master said that he wants to kill me? I wonder how many people want to kill me! And how many people who want to kill me have died at my hands! "

The Water Rhinoceros King was not angry at all, he just chuckled as if he was mocking Chen Xuan for his ignorance.

"Forget it! Human beings are also arrogant when they are young! But arrogance has to pay for it!"

The Water Rhino King's voice turned cold, and his murderous eyes suddenly filled with bloodthirsty light.

"The strong wind breaks——"

The Water Rhino King suddenly raised his voice and shouted coldly! A murderous evil wind suddenly rose between the calm mountains and rivers, and the evil wind pushed towards Jinze Lake, raising thousands of waves on the water, and crashed towards Chen Xuan.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan's expression was filled with murderous intent, and a cold light shone like a bloodthirsty ancient behemoth. The green mist in his palm hit the huge waves like an elegant fairy light.


The green mist seemed to turn into a huge dragon and shuttled between the huge waves, and then seemed to open its bloody mouth and swallow it towards the huge waves. The giant dragon turned into green mist was rolled up by the huge white waves in the void.

The power of one green and one white collided in the void, and the huge white wave was almost shattered by the giant dragon that turned into blue mist...


The blue mist was dimmed by the huge white waves!

So strong!

Chen Xuan's heart tightened. Is this the great demon in the bone refining realm? Is this so powerful in just one round?

So how powerful is that python demon?

The coldness in Chen Xuan's heart spread like mist.

Suddenly the wind rose and another gust of wind whipped towards Kanazawa Lake. The huge waves rolled up were more than hundreds of feet long, causing the air to crash in the void.


Chen Xuan's face tightened, what a speed!

Chen Xuan was caught off guard by the sudden huge wave!

"Hahaha...Human, die!"

The water rhinoceros king laughed wildly under the surface of the lake, making Chen Xuan and Ziyi frightened.

"Chen Xuan!"

Zi Yi saw another layer of white waves crashing towards Chen Xuan like a city wall hundreds of feet high collapsing. Zi Yi panicked as if he had lost a treasure.

On the alluring face, the two bright black eyes turned blood red, and shouted to Chen Xuan with wide eyes. Chen Xuan's pupils also tightened...

Suddenly, Chen Xuan's figure started to move, moving as if a spiritual snake was walking, and shuttled directly from the place where the huge wave collapsed...


Wherever the huge waves hit, even the solid ground was smashed into several huge craters several feet in size. Chen Xuan did not dare to underestimate the strength of the Water Rhinoceros King.

Boom boom boom...

The green mist in the void suddenly wrapped tightly around the snow-white waves like a rope, and then slowly released. The huge waves were like water droplets that penetrated the stone, and merged into Kanazawa Lake bit by bit.

"Damn humans!"

When the Water-washed Ox King saw Chen Xuan's technique, it seemed like a great insult to himself! It's like a giant elephant being turned to Confucius by ants, and then gradually being cannibalized and ridiculed.

"Very good! You can see what I look like, but no human being who has seen me like this has survived in the past hundred years! You will not be an exception! I will give you the most interesting way to die!"

"It's also the cruelest way to die!"

The Water Rhino King's voice suddenly became violent, like a firecracker being lit, but there seemed to be no more sarcasm in his voice.

How could a sixth-level Taoist master be so powerful? He can be forced to reveal his true form, which is definitely a shame for the Water Rhino King!

"Hmph! You evil beast! Today, you must die for me!"

Chen Xuan's expression was even more cold and stern, and the bloodthirsty light in his eyes was even more cruel, as cruel as a battle-hardened warrior.

"Do not worry!"

Chen Xuan's voice was very kind, as gentle as the spring breeze in March...

I don't know why, when he saw the cherry-like mouth slightly open, the pair of black eyes staring at him, the eyes filled with tears, his tone and expression changed like that...

When he saw Zi Yi's expression, his heart tightened, and the sour feeling once again filled Chen Xuan's heart. There was also a hint of joy, and the mood instantly became complicated.

Chen Xuan's heart seemed to be tugged by someone, and there was a voice in his heart that repeatedly told Chen Xuan to say this to Zi Yi.

He didn't know what it felt like, it seemed like he had no more worries after Yu'er left! He even didn't understand that he had already told his heart that he would never have anything to do with that girl again...

But this time he couldn't help but look back and glance at Ziyi like before.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the mountains surrounding Kanazawa Lake split open, as if a giant ax was splitting the mountains apart. The earth and rocks in those mountains collapsed in all directions, like several large pillars suddenly cracking.

What a terrifying power!

Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart, but Chen Xuan's cold expression remained as calm as ever.

Is that monster about to show up?

It's finally here. This one can be considered a century-old giant monster. Although it is extremely arrogant, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is full of treasures.

Chen Xuan's cold eyes narrowed slightly, and green mist appeared in his left palm. At this time, Ziyi had long been blocked by the battle barrier set by Chen Xuan.

According to Chen Xuan's words, it is his own business who he wants to save or not, and no one can control it, including Ziyi himself...


The golden dawn that was originally blocked by the black mountains shone through this time, and the broken earth and rocks from the mountains created hundreds of large craters several feet deep in the surrounding solid loess.

"Hahaha... I'm only in my twenties, right? The youngest person I've ever met is also the youngest person to die at my hands. I haven't tasted such delicate food yet, it's really good!

The Water Rhino King's voice, as powerful as the water of the Yangtze River, lingered in Chen Xuan's ears for a long time. Chen Xuan was shocked to the point where his eardrums hurt.

What a terrifying power!

But there was no fear on Chen Xuan's face. Instead, there was a sense of confidence hidden under the murderous and bloodthirsty eyes.


Chen Xuan's frosty face slowly uttered two words, and then the green mist in his hand was like a burst of sword light and was forced towards Jinze Lake. The cyan mist and the dawn above were almost mixed together, like a giant beam of light that shot across the surface of Kanazawa Lake.


The surface of Kanazawa Lake suddenly surged with undercurrents, and the water several feet below began to freeze. Countless fish and shrimp turned into floating corpses and floated in the wind on the lake.

The water rhinoceros king's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty eyes, and his expression was even crueler and fierce...

"Looking for death! Son!"

It raised its voice and shouted coldly...

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