Chen Xuan's expression turned cold, and the green mist on his left palm appeared as if it was a faint stream of blue smoke. The green mist is like a beam of light that can connect to the ground...

Chen Xuan smiled evilly, raised his hand and threw the cyan light beam towards the lake. From the clouds to the bottom of the water, the river water was stirred crazily like a meat-stirring stick. The river water seemed to be boiling, rolling violently, raising huge waves...


Suddenly a huge white wave rose up with the wind, and then impacted into a giant white wave column and collided with the cyan light column...


The white wave pillar that suddenly appeared was like a huge hammer, smashing crazily towards the blue giant pillar.

"Hmph! Even with your extraordinary skills, you dare to challenge me!"

The waves on Kanazawa Lake were still surging desperately, like a child with a bad stomach, and the gastric juices were burning and churning violently.


The cyan light beam was hit by Bailan, and finally turned into bubbles and smashed back to the Zheng of Kanazawa Lake together with Bailang.

Suddenly, the waves above Kanze Lake suddenly exploded, and two huge water pillars of a hundred feet stood up in the void like two door pillars of a fairy cave.

The entire wave above Kanazawa Lake seemed to be cut into two pieces, and a white light glowed faintly in the center of the lake.

"Evil beast!"

Chen Xuan cursed angrily, his eyes gleaming with cold light and his face filled with murderous intent.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a giant object flew out of the lake like a dragon out of the abyss, and soared directly into the void thousands of feet high.


The laughter was like a heavy hammer hitting something, shattering the hundred-foot water column on the Kanazawa Lake. After the water column exploded, the little water droplets scattered in all directions. It stayed in the void like a fairy scattering flowers and then fell back to the river.

"Huh! You don't know how to live or die!'

The eyes of the Water Rhino King were filled with bloodthirsty light, and his aura was so powerful that there was deathly silence around him. His body is a hundred feet tall, and the most terrifying thing is that his skin looks very indestructible.

His thickness was also dozens of feet thick. His wild laughter caused the recently cracked earth and rocks in the distance to fly up again. The strong wind was like an invisible big hand stirring up the earth and rocks scattered in the air.

Suddenly, they flew towards Chen Xuan's body as if they had intelligence. Chen Xuan's face was even colder, and he snorted softly from his nose that had been carved by God.

Then the green mist on his hand seemed to turn into an indestructible green wall blocking Chen Xuan's face. No matter how much earth and rocks flew towards him, he remained calm.

"Hmph! Do whatever you want!"

The Water Rhino King's eyes narrowed, murderous intent arose, and his legs that were like pillars stomped down towards the green wall transformed into Chen Xuan's green mist like a giant mountain.

The raised dust exploded in the air. Once the rhinoceros legs touched the flying earth and rocks, the earth and rocks exploded directly in the void. Then it danced in the wind like dust.


The green wall formed by Chen Xuan's green mist collided with the giant leg of the Water Rhinoceros King.

So powerful!

Chen Xuan's forehead was covered with fine sweat. If he can't continue like this, he will definitely be killed. With his strength, he is no match for the Water Rhino King!

If you let the Water Rhino King beat you and don't turn from defense to offense, no matter how strong your Taoist power is, it will be exhausted sooner or later. Even before Tao Xin Li had fun, he had already been swallowed up by the bloody mouth of the Water Rhinoceros King.

"Hahaha... Zi! No living human being can leave in front of me!" The Water Rhino King's laughter became more and more wild, as if Chen Xuan was already held in the palm of the Water Rhino King and could not escape. .

"Evil beast!"

A cold light suddenly appeared in Chen Xuan's eyes, and he suddenly closed the green wall with a wave of his left hand, and his figure moved like a spiritual snake.


Chen Xuan snorted, his eyes filled with fierceness, and his expression became colder.

Zi Yi looked frightened outside the barrier, and this time Chen Xuan stood in front of him again. And Chen Xuan is really powerful!

Is he really a sixth-level Taoist? Yes, the Fire Refining Palm he used was indeed the sixth level of the Fire Refining Palm!

But why is he so perverted? The endless Taoist power is definitely comparable to the might of a Taoist master, coupled with the fire palm...

Zi Yi had heard about Fire Palm Refining at Qinghu Sect before. The monsters of this technique were only used to make talismans. No practicing disciples would choose this technique at all!

The disciples who make talismans will also practice other techniques if they practice. The reason is that although this Taoist skill is an intermediate Xuanpin Taoist skill, compared with Taoist skills of the same level, the Taoist mental strength required to perform it is more demanding. !

Moreover, even if he practices Fire Palm in the legend and is supported by strong Taoist power, his strength is still very different from that of a disciple of the same level who practices the same level of skills.

But how did Chen Xuan do what he is now...

The purple-clothed girl's hibiscus-like face revealed a look of surprise. Such a monster must not be an enemy of the Qinghu Sect!

Otherwise, I really don’t know how it will end...

Chen Xuan's figure moved with the wind like a wandering ant. Chen Xuan avoided wherever the huge rhinoceros legs struck.

"Damn it!"

The water rhinoceros king's mental strength was in a stalemate with Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan seemed to be back to the way he was when he was fleeing in the Youlan Mountains, just to survive.

Chen Xuan's eyes revealed a look of determination, and the fierce murderous aura merged with the look of determination...

What a strong mind!

Zi Yi's pupils shrank, and in Chen Xuan's eyes the perseverance to survive was mixed with the relentless murderous aura. Such a character was simply unattainable in Zi Yi's opinion!

When did the Qinghu Sect's proudest son or the top-notch talents from the Snow Mountain Sect ever have such a look in their eyes? Even if Ziyi is chased by a water rhinoceros like this, he is afraid that his mental strength will collapse!

How can he be as invisible as Chen Xuan, and every step of his escape seems to be extremely well-organized, like the decisiveness of a well-thought-out chess player!


"Cunning son!"

At this time, the Water Rhinoceros King seemed to finally be able to bear it no longer. He was furious and kicked Chen Xuan's figure with his giant leg! Wherever the giant leg sweeps, there is thick smoke billowing, and the strong wind is like caries.

It's now!

Chen Xuan roared in his heart. He rose up against the wind and circled behind the Water Rhino King like a tiger emerging from the mountain. But to the Water Rhino King, Chen Xuan was like a dragonfly before the rain, flying around and missing...

"Arrogant man!"

The Water Rhino King was extremely furious, and his cold murderous intent rolled up huge waves and rushed directly into the void. The fish and shrimp floating corpses on the river surface were thrown into the void as if they were picked up by a whirlpool, and then smashed back to the surface of Kanazawa Lake.


Chen Xuan just smiled coldly, and the green mist in his left palm was like a thin but extremely sharp needle piercing the back of the Water Rhino King's head.

Chen Xuan had also read the Demon Code before. According to the legend, every great demon who has not yet become the Demon Core Realm will have a life gate. That is where it is most vulnerable, and this Bone Refining Realm has developed the Mingmen to the extreme.

The so-called life gate and the body are exactly opposite. When the big demon has cultivated for hundreds of years and reached the bone refining realm, that is when his life gate is the weakest. If someone attacks his life gate, this demon will die!

"Die to me!"

The murderous intention that Chen Xuan had suppressed before was like the water of the Yangtze River, and the bloodthirsty light that descended from him seemed as cold and severe as the snow in the North Ming Dynasty.

The extremely feminine face was now extremely distorted. Chen Xuan was really fed up with the pain of running for his life before. In the face of powerful strength, he could only endure and escape!

He had felt this feeling in the Youlan Mountains for more than twenty years, and every such pain was like a sharp dagger piercing Chen Xuan's heart. For a long time, what frightened Chen Xuan the most was not death but such helpless happiness.

Chen Xuan flew towards the back of the Water Rhino King's head like the wind, and pierced it with a needle!


Suddenly, the Water Rhino King roared like a furious beast, and then the giant shook like a rattle. And Chen Xuan was forced to fly out by the shaking.

"Hmph! You idiot, you must die miserably today!"

The bloodthirsty light in the Water Rhino King's eyes surged towards Chen Xuan like a tide. Chen Xuan's heart trembled.

"After you die, the girl behind you will be thoroughly enjoyed by my subordinates, and then swallowed by me!"

The Water Rhinoceros King howled as if gnashing his teeth, looking at Chen Xuan with a cold gaze that penetrated deep into his bones...

Why is he okay?

Isn't that his destiny? Did you make a mistake in your judgment?

Generally speaking, the Mingmen will be at the point where the big demon's skin is the lightest, and just now when Chen Xuan was escaping, his eyes were constantly observing the Water Rhinoceros King. That is to say, the skin color on the back of his head is slightly lighter than the skin color of his huge body.

impossible! It’s probably not my judgment that was wrong! why?

Chen Xuan's only chance of survival seems to be about to break. The Water Rhino King seems to be unscathed. It's not like the demon scripture. Once the life gate is touched, all the skills will be lost and the life will be short-lived!

not good!

The Water Rhino King seemed to want to kill him with one move. If he had no countermeasures, he would probably die!

A look of determination appeared on Chen Xuan's face, try again! If that doesn't work, I, Chen Xuan, am willing to die!

Chen Xuan's expression turned cold and stern, and that determined look once again filled his eyes!

What exactly does Chen Xuan want to do? Ziyi didn't know why Chen Xuan did such a crazy move. Is there anything special on the back of the Water Rhino King's head? Why is Chen Xuan still staring there at this time?

But Zi Yi knew that if Chen Xuan had no other way to deal with it, he was afraid that he and Chen Xuan would enter the water rhinoceros king's stomach juice together... But for some reason, Zi Yi felt a trace of joy in his heart. If he and Chen Xuan died together, then Qinghu Clan and Chen Xuan would Xuan, and myself and Chen Xuan will no longer be enemies, and that doesn’t seem too bad...

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