Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1805 Battle of the Water Rhino King

A crazy look flashed across Chen Xuan's eyes, and overwhelming murderous intent swept towards the Water Rhinoceros King. The green mist in his palm was as murderous as a burning long sword.

"Huh! You don't know how to live or die!"

When the Water Rhino King saw that Chen Xuan still refused to admit defeat, the anger in his eyes surged like the water of the Yangtze River, and he rushed towards Chen Xuan.

"Evil! I will definitely keep you in Chu today!"

Chen Xuan's face turned cold and he drank loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, his body started to move like a cheetah pouncing on food. Chen Xuan's agile body seemed to hit a giant wall and flew away with the wind directly on the back of the Water Rhino King.

"court death!"

When the Water Rhinoceros King saw Chen Xuanruci, he didn't know how to raise his hand. He raised his big palm against the wind and struck Chen Xuan with a palm. That big palm was like a huge brick and it was slapped towards Chen Xuan...

not good!

Chen Xuan's heart tightened suddenly, his face remained calm and his body turned slightly to one side. His figure seemed to be as strong and strong as the wind at this time, and the body was avoiding the giant palm at a very strange angle...


The water rhinoceros king's eyes seemed to be ignited with murderous chill, and his copper bell-like eyes were already staring as huge as lanterns. And that giant palm was like a huge blade slashing down on a huge mountain...


Suddenly, earth and rocks flew in the air, and Chen Xuan's figure was as agile as a fish swimming in the water. Those boulders were like dust in the air, and Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with a sharp look. The deep perseverance in the sharp look was like an indestructible rock.


"He's really a street rat. He can only dodge, but he dares to fight head-on?"

The Water Rhino King sneered and mocked Chen Xuandao, but the anger in his sneer could not be hidden.


Want to piss me off?

Chen Xuan's face was still as calm as a man without any emotion at all. He only dodged when he saw every piece of earth and rock flying towards him, without making any more fancy moves.

"Hmph! You cunning boy, die!"

The Water Rhino King's eyes were as huge as a cave filled with fire, and the dark, hollow eyes were filled with anger.

Suddenly, the Water Rhinoceros King soared into the air like a huge mountain, and then hit Chen Xuan like a meteorite.


Chen Xuan snorted coldly and then moved with the wind in the air like a soaring dragon...

This evil body's body is really huge. If it were hit, I would definitely not survive.


Chen Xuan's face turned cold and he roared in his heart. Ziyi's eyes were filled with tears at this moment. She really didn't want the man in front of her to have any problems at all.

Although she couldn't help Chen Xuan now, and although she might become enemies with Chen Xuan in the future, she didn't want Chen Xuan to die under that monster.

If she had known that Ruci was extremely dangerous this time, she would never have accepted this mission.


Zi Yi's heart jolted as if she had thought of something.

Her strength at this time was only the sixth level of Taoist masters. If two strong Taoist masters of the sixth level, Xia Shan and Fatty, came to the Secret Forest, they would die without even seeing the appearance of the demon python!

This is impossible! At that time, when I, Xiashan, and Fatty took on this mission, it seemed that the difficulty of the mission was not so terrifying.

It is said that the demon python is only at the beginning of the Bone Refining Realm or even at the peak of the Body Refining Realm, so it is only open to the sixth level of Taoist masters...

Did someone falsely report the difficulty of the mission? Someone wants Ziyi to die!

Zi Yi's heart was shocked, and this person's power and power were probably considered a big shot in the Qinghu Sect.

Who is he?

At that time, I remembered that Xiashan and Fatty were both ordered by the Ninth Elder to take over this task, and I had a very good relationship with Xiashan. That's why I went with him...

Is it the Ninth Elder?

Zi Yi felt anxious, could it be that the Ninth Elder was really from the Snow Mountain Sect? If he died, his father would be heartbroken, and it would be easy for the Snow Mountain Sect to destroy the Qinghu Sect.

It seems that his father has believed in the wrong person. The Ninth Elder is indeed...

After he goes back, he must tell his father that if Chen Xuan is so strong and can get out alive with her, he must use it for the Qinghu Sect. Even if it means sacrificing yourself...

No matter what!

Qinghu Sect has declined a lot compared to Snow Mountain Sect in recent years. Although it is still one of the top five sects, it is already one of the bottom sects. And because he and the Snow Mountain Sect were both in the Ulan Empire, they were openly and secretly competing for control of the Ulan Empire's power...

If Chen Xuan can be brought over, the Qinghu Sect's strength will be greatly improved.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan's figure violently charged towards the Water Rhino King's back like a tiger emerging from the mountain. His eyes were full of determination, and the green mist in his palm was as sharp as a giant sword burning with true energy.

"Evil! Die!"

Chen Xuan roared angrily, just like the setting sun that was about to set and tried its last breath to light up the entire sky.

His eyes were full of bloodthirsty light, and his face was full of murderous aura, and there didn't seem to be any delay in his movements.

What does Chen Xuan want to do?

Why did you hit the water rhinoceros king on the back? Isn’t this seeking death?

Ziyi's eyes were full of anxiety, the panic in his eyes, coupled with the dumbfounded look of his cherry mouth and big bright black eyes, it was really unique.

Of course Chen Xuan has no time to pay attention to this beauty...

"Hmph! The arrogant man is looking for death!"

The water rhinoceros king roared. When he saw Chen Xuan bumping into his back, he quickly pointed his back towards Chen Xuan and squeezed towards Chen Xuan like a giant mountain...

It hit Chen Xuanfei like a huge city wall...


Chen Xuan felt happy. It seemed that he was about to succeed. Wait a minute! The anger and murderous intent in Chen Xuan's heart seemed to be suppressed at this moment.

It seems like he is waiting for an opportunity.

This made the Water Rhino King even more convinced that this guy who was less than thirty years old was probably really frightened by him, so he even more recklessly hit Chen Xuan's figure with his back and flew away.

This time it must be a hit!

This time is the last chance for me. If I can't kill the Water Rhino King, then the only thing waiting for me is death!

Chen Xuan's green mist sword aimed at the Water Rhino King's back and cut it off with one strike. His left palm felt like he was cutting an extremely hard rock...the cowhide didn't move at all.


Obviously Chen Xuan seemed to have been prepared for this. When the Water Rhinoceros King saw that Chen Xuan's long sword that turned into blue mist entered his body without any damage, the disdain in his eyes became even more intense.

"Hahaha...arrogant man! Your sword is worse than the toothpick you humans use to pick your teeth!"

The Water Rhino King's body only shook slightly, and the long sword that turned into green mist was shattered into pieces like a blunt knife that didn't penetrate deep into the wood. Chen Xuan's left palm was even more shocked and bleeding.

A trace of blood flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, now!

The Water Rhino King's defense is at its lowest!

But Ziyi's eyes were full of fear, Chen Xuan failed! Maybe he would never go back to Qinghu Gate, and he would be swallowed into the mouth of the big demon together with Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's face was not angry but smiling, revealing a hint of evil smile. Then the scattered green mist seemed to condense into a very thin needle, and while the Water Rhinoceros King knocked down Chen Xuanjian, it thrust it into the back of his head...


The Water Rhino King's face darkened and he screamed. Chen Xuan was overjoyed!

It seems that he has succeeded. He used the power of the Water Rhino King's own struggle to make the green needle penetrate deep into his life gate.

"Bold human!"

When had the Water Rhino King been so insulted, he howled instantly. The look he looked at Chen Xuan was even more murderous. But in only about half a quarter of an hour, the rhinoceros skin shrank quickly like a shrunken jellyfish skin...


The rhinoceros skin exploded from the Water Rhino King's body like an exploded piece of clothing!

What a terrifying strength!

"Damn humans! I have achieved great success in the Bone Refining Realm!"

The Water Rhino King, who has lost his rhino skin, is as vulnerable as the Sword God who has lost his sharp edge. The current Water Rhinoceros King's strength is probably just that of a Tongzhi Realm monster. It only takes one hit from Chen Xuan's Blue Mist Palm and he will die!

"You...human being, if you dare to kill me, Lord Python Demon King will not let you go!"

The Water Rhino King threatened Chen Xuan with the Python Demon King as if he had grasped the last straw, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

Didn’t you expect that even demons are so afraid of death? Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

"Won't let us go? Hahahaha..."

Chen Xuanyang laughed and said, his face was filled with coldness and his unscrupulous expression was even more intense.

"You threatened me when your life was in danger, or asked me to let you go. But when did you let the relatives you killed still have love for them, when did you let them go?"

Chen Xuan's face was full of fierceness, as if he had heard a big joke and was amused.


The Water Rhino King didn't know how to refute, his face was even more embarrassed, and he was speechless for a moment.

"If I let you go, will the python monster let us go? No! Instead, it will kill us even more cruelly! Cutting off the weeds but not the roots will make it difficult to deal with them!"

Chen Xuan slowly uttered these words with an expressionless face. The extremely cruel words in his mouth seemed to be narrating something very ordinary.

"Okay...go to hell!"

Chen Xuan's face suddenly showed a murderous look, and the green mist on his left palm turned into a sharp blue light and crushed towards the defenseless Water Rhino King.


The Water Rhino King screamed, and his figure dissipated like dust scattered on the ground...

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