Chen Xuan glanced at the Water Rhino King, and the cowhide flew out like tattered clothes, but his face remained cold and unchanging. After the water rhinoceros king screamed, he could no longer make any sound, and his huge body fell down like a giant mountain.

The blood poured down like water from the Yangtze River and flowed into Kanazawa Lake. Lake Kanazawa turned into a bloody lake. Chen Xuan and Zi Yi looked at each other silently and remained calm, as if all this had nothing to do with Chen Xuan.

The floating corpses killed by the Water Rhino King were floating on the sea, tumbling in the blood lake like garbage on the river.

The internal organs and carrion of the Water Rhinoceros King were dumped into Kanazawa Lake like the garbage produced by the gods above. The surrounding earth mountains that had not yet collapsed revealed some gaps, and the golden sunset could penetrate into this piece of Kanazawa blood. Zheng of the Lake

And the bloody atmosphere spread out at this moment, as if all this had nothing to do with Chen Xuan. Wearing a bloody white shirt, he staggered through the battle barrier and glanced at Ziyi, as if to comfort her.

It was as if the kindness of that gentle gentleman had returned to his eyes, and one look at him made one fall into the endless spring breeze, feeling extremely comfortable as if being reflected by the warm March sun.

"Chen Xuan...thank you!"

This was also the first time Zi Yi spoke to Chen Xuan like that after Xia Shan's death. The breath exhaled from her cherry mouth was as gentle as the scent of lavender, and those bright black eyes looked directly at Chen Xuan, making people feel pity.

Chen Xuan nodded and smiled. That smile was like a warm spring breeze blowing through everything, full of warmth. Although there is still a bloody smell on Chen Xuan's body, the bloody smell of the Water Rhino King goes straight into the noses and throats of Zi Yi and Chen Xuan.

Zi Yi wanted to vomit, the strong killing feeling was as disgusting as a pile of bones that had been eaten away by time.

"There is also a flame python demon king who is the most difficult to deal with. Don't get too excited! Maybe we will all die there! That big demon..."

The corners of Chen Xuan's mouth curled up, and his expression remained as usual. When he saw Zi Yi's gentle look, he couldn't bear to hurt her, so he didn't continue what he said.

In fact, the Flame Python Demon King that Chen Xuan saw was just a great demon at the peak of the Bone Refining Realm, but he didn't expect the information to be so wrong! The strength of the big demon has reached the elementary level of the Demonic Pill Realm. Although there is only one level difference between the big demon at the elementary level of the Demonic Pill Realm and the big demon at the peak of the Bone Refining Realm, they are vastly different.

Once the big demon condenses the demon elixir, his strength will be improved. If Ziyi rushes forward like this, there will only be one result, and that is death.

Chen Xuan's Fire Palm may be able to resist him for a while, but I'm afraid he will still be defeated in the end.

When will Bai Zhe wake up? He has been asleep for so long, this old man is really hateful! How could he not know that the Flame Python Demon King had reached the elementary level of the Demonic Pill Realm...

Chen Xuan was afraid that he was no match for him, but he hadn't woken up yet! I don’t know if this is because I believe in Chen Xuan too much or if I want to kill Chen Xuan.

But now Chen Xuan and Zi Yi have no way out. They have only two options: killing the Flame Python Demon King and dying themselves...

"Chen Xuan, I know that I can't be of any help when I encounter the Flame Python Demon King, but I always believe that Brother Chen Xuan can take me out! If Brother Chen Xuan can take me out, can you promise me A condition?"

Ziyi looked directly at Chen Xuan with his big flashing eyes, like an eccentric spirit like a cute doll.

Chen Xuan's heart trembled slightly. He didn't know why his heartbeat accelerated out of his control. What was going on?

When had Chen Xuan acted so out of control? But how could Ziyi be any better than Chen Xuan at this moment? When she looked at Chen Xuan, her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

"What...what conditions?"

Chen Xuan's face was a little red, but his fair and feminine face suddenly looked as rosy as a peach blossom drunk in the spring breeze, which did look a bit unexpected.

Chen Xuan calmed down his mind, moved his eyes away from Ziyi, and asked pretending to be calm.

Seeing Chen Xuan's expression, Zi Yi didn't understand what was going on? Countless men in Qinghu Gate had this look in their eyes when they saw Zi Yi, but Zi Yi never paid attention to them.

He may even be disgusted, but Chen Xuan is different.

"Just join our Qinghu Sect! Our Qinghu Sect has always been opposed to the Snow Mountain Sect, and is also among the five peak sects, although in recent years..."

Zi Yi's heart beat harder and harder. For some reason, she couldn't find a reason for Chen Xuan to stay at Qinghu Gate. Chen Xuan is so outstanding that even if he goes to the top sect among the five major sects, he will probably be trained as a first-class talent, but when he comes to Qinghu Sect...

Not to mention those people from the Snow Mountain Sect in the Qinghu Sect, the Ninth Elder and his disciples might have defected to the Snow Mountain Sect long ago. Therefore, civil strife in Qinghu Sect is inevitable.

Even the techniques and instructors that the Qinghu Sect can provide are probably no better than those of other sects, and his father is considered the strongest among the Qinghu Sect. That is the existence of the peak of the Grand Master. Although it is much stronger than the apparent strength of the five major sects, but compared with the dark side strength behind the five major sects, I am afraid that the peak of the Grand Master is inferior to They are still quite different.

Just like the person behind Snow Mountain Sect is at the primary level of Taoist Master, and although the peak level of Taoist Master and the primary level of Taoist Master are only one level apart, they are actually very different.

However, the only thing that Qinghu Sect can intimidate the other four major sects from annexing them at will is his two skills of making talismans and refining medicine.

Qinghu Sect is the only sect that has a team of talisman makers and alchemists, and even its unpredictable level of talisman making and alchemy refining basically dominates the cultivation world. The Talisman Makers and Alchemists have brought a lot of wealth to Qinghu Sect, and what kind of strength are behind the Talisman Makers and Alchemists... These are the reasons why the four major sects are afraid of them.

This is the reason why Qinghu Gate can still survive to this day. It's just that Chen Xuan is a cultivator and cannot understand the art of making talismans and refining medicine. Then will Chen Xuan come to Qinghu Gate?

There is no reason for him to choose Qinghu Gate! Forget it, let’s give it a try for the sake of our family’s power!

Chen Xuan saw the troubled look on Zi Yi's face. He also heard that Bai Zhe had talked about the five peak sects, but he didn't plan to join a sect in a hurry. He also knew that if he wanted to join a sect with his strength, he would be trained like a talented disciple, even if he joined the head of the five major sects.

"I can only promise you that I will consider Qinghu Sect, because so far I have no plans to join a sect."

Chen Xuan frowned and said slowly, as if this was his biggest concession.

A hint of joy flashed across Zi Yi's face, which was already the best news for Zi Yi, because it was almost impossible for the Qinghu Sect to attract a talented disciple with Chen Xuan's strength.

If Chen Xuan joins the Qinghu Sect, the future of the Qinghu Sect will be determined by Chen Xuan's strength and Chen Xuan's future.

"Would you consider it?"

Zi Yi almost roared at Chen Xuan, but the smile on his face could not be hidden.

Chen Xuan originally thought that he did not have the intention to join the sect at the moment, he was just considering it. But seeing Zi Yi's current expression, he didn't continue to pour cold water on him.

"Yes! Let's get out of here alive first. Now everyone in Xiashan has died because of me. I'm afraid that the Ninth Elder of Qinghu Sect will never let it go. If I go to Qinghu Sect, I will be throwing myself into a trap, so at this point……"

"It doesn't matter. I will definitely report the Ninth Elder's matter to my father. If Brother Chen Xuan is willing to join the Qinghu Sect, our Qinghu Sect will definitely give him the best resources."

Seeing Chen Xuan's worry, Ziyi's melodious voice then extended an olive branch to Chen Xuan.

"Well, I will consider it. No matter when Ziyi... we'd better not be enemies, okay?"

Chen Xuan's eyes glanced at Ziyi, and that look seemed to contain Chen Xuan's few hesitations.

This was a big knot between him and Zi Yi, and this knot tied up the original relationship between him and Zi Yi. Both of them suppressed their feelings for each other, like two balloons about to explode.


Ziyi paused for a moment, hesitated for a long time in his dark eyes, and finally nodded his head that seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

"Then let's try our best to get out! I won't ask about your identity here, and you don't want to win me over. As for being able to meet again after we get out, it's fate. But no matter what, I, Chen Xuan, will not be your enemy, even if one day I am the enemy of the entire cultivation world!”

Chen Xuan's face lost the gentle breeze and was replaced by a solemn look, as if he needed to make a very important decision.

Are you an enemy of the cultivation world?

How courageous is this? But for some reason Ziyi feels that this is not just Fang Ye's story, Chen Xuan can do it! However, with this guarantee, I think if we wait until the Qinghu Sect takes power, we should be able to avoid a lot of trouble.

What Ziyi didn't know was that twenty years later, in the bloody storm that broke out in Daoxin Continent, it was because of this sentence that the Qinghu Sect was saved from being bloodbathed by a demon, and this demon was Chen Xuan... …

"Okay, let's go now. I feel that the earth's energy in Chu is getting stronger and stronger. If we don't leave quickly and find a cave, I'm afraid we will be dead in Chu before we see the Flame Python Demon King."

Chen Xuan looked at Zi Yi and smiled, like the gentle spring breeze blowing across the south bank of the Yangtze River. He patted Zi Yi on the shoulder and led Zi Yi out.


Suddenly, the blood-colored surface of Kanazawa Lake continued to surge, as if some monster had been awakened, and a huge silvery fog rose from the surface of the lake...

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