"Human... you are so good that you came here and killed the Water Rhinoceros King! It's really beyond my expectation. A sixth-level Taoist master is so powerful?"

The Flame Python Demon King roared wildly, his bloodthirsty killing intent flowing like the water of the Yangtze River. Chen Xuan and Zi Yi were so shocked by this thunderous roar that their hearts trembled several times.

What a terrifying strength!

Is this the true strength of the Flame Python Demon King?

Chen Xuan sighed secretly.

"Don't be proud! This young master will definitely take your snake's head and dig out your snake's gall!"

Chen Xuan's face turned cold and he roared at Jiu Shang.

And the murderous intent in the eyes of the Flame Python Demon King was even more intense at this time. How dare a young man dare to scream at him like this?

At this time, Chen Xuan and Zi Yi were still looking for a place of refuge. The place in the Secret Forest was different from the outside. When night fell, the earth's atmosphere would be much stronger than outside.

If they do not find a place of refuge, it will consume a lot of energy on Chen Xuan and Ziyi Dao.

"Chen Xuan, what should we do with the Flame Python Demon King?"

At this time, Zi Yi's heart was shaking like water in a bamboo basket, because Zi Yi could not do anything to help Chen Xuan regarding the matter of the Flame Python Demon King.

As long as Ziyi rushes forward, the Flame Python Demon King can kill her effortlessly. In fact, Ziyi didn't understand why Chen Xuan was so strong even though they were both sixth-level Taoists, but he...

"I'm not good either. That evil beast is really powerful! And it's not advisable to stay in the cluster for a long time!"

Chen Xuan pulled Ziyi into the cave and said, looking around, the cave was really different from before. There is no running water, no wild fruit trees around, and there are very few dead grass that can make a fire in the cave.

"The closer you get to the center of the dense forest, the stronger the earth's energy becomes. And their only characteristic is death!"

Chen Xuan looked around the cave and nodded as if he had exactly what he was thinking.

"Why, Brother Chen Xuan?"

For Ziyi, she has always been protected in the Qinghu Gate, not to mention that she has never lived in the wild for a day in a valley with such a deep earth atmosphere. After all, no master would be like this. Like Bai Zhe, he does not consider his disciple's life in order to improve his strength.

"The reason why the cluster is so dangerous and unusual is actually because the qi of the monsters is different from that of humans. And the monsters are born with this qi. If the earth's qi is strong, the monsters will be fierce. If the monsters are extremely fierce, The earth and earth energy must also be strong.”

"Wherever the earth's qi is strong, the qi will inevitably decline, and what we cultivators need to look for is a place with strong qi that will be conducive to our survival. If the qi is weak, it will be chronic poison for the cultivators. Of course, this can be done through The elixir will make up for it.”

Chen Xuan told Zi Yi without hesitation what he knew, which he gained from his experience in the Blue Mountains. Therefore, every night, this powerful earth energy will accelerate the consumption of Chen Xuan and Zi Yidao's mental energy.

However, because Chen Xuan had been in such an environment for a long time when he was young, he was able to adapt quickly. As for Ziyi, the consumption of her Taoist power left her in a very bad state, unable to fight the big demon at all.

"And I have a hunch that there must be people from the Snow Mountain Sect. By the way, do you know what a jade slip is?" Chen Xuan hated the Snow Mountain Sect deeply, but he didn't know enough about them.

"The jade slips are prepared by disciples when they go out to complete special tasks. Those people's status within the sect is probably not low, but I don't know what they are looking for?"

Ziyi's shining black eyes flickered, as if he was thinking.

"That's all, I hope we don't encounter them first. Let's deal with the big guy like the Flame Python Demon King first."

Chen Xuan frowned and said slowly, his worry evident.

"Brother Chen Xuan, it's just the Green Wood Pill refined by Qinghu Sect. It's also a good thing for restoring Taoist mental strength and healing scars. I won't need it, because I will mainly rely on Brother Chen Xuan tomorrow."

Chen Xuan received a beautiful brocade box. It seemed that Ziyi's status within the Qinghu Gate was indeed extraordinary, but why was she sent a mission that almost cost her death?

It seems that the situation within Qinghu Gate is also very complicated...

After Chen Xuan opened the brocade box, he saw a fragrant elixir, and the twitching pill had already transformed into a fragrant mist. A green fairy air was wrapped around the brocade box, like clouds in the sky. of elegance.

Chen Xuan didn't give in too much, but swallowed it wholeheartedly. A fresh air spreads through Chen Xuan's internal organs, just like ice cubes in summer and the warm sun in winter, making Chen Xuan's body feel just right.


Chen Xuan breathed out lightly, as if his body was surrounded by waves of power, and his body was relaxed to the extreme.

"Your Qinghu Sect's medicine refining technology is quite powerful. Thank you for the Qingmu Pill."

Chen Xuan knew that the Green Wood Pill was not too precious for their Qinghu Sect. After all, this brocade box seemed to be made of the same material as the last one, and the last time that kind of pill was still around Ziyi. There are quite a few.

But what Chen Xuan didn't expect was that Ziyi's identity was indeed very special. How could an ordinary disciple receive such treatment?

"Hahaha... If Brother Chen Xuan is envious, you can come to our Qinghu Gate! Our Qinghu Gate is very welcoming!"

Zi Yi's hearty laughter like bells rang in Chen Xuan's ears again. Chen Xuan hadn't heard her laugh like Ci for a long time, not since Xia Shan's death.

In fact, since Xia Shan's death, Chen Xuan and Zi Yi have always had a knot in their hearts. Originally, it was almost a deadlock, but when Chen Xuan fought against the Water Rhino King, when Zi Yi looked at the relationship between her and Chen Xuan from the perspective of dying, she seemed to be much more detached.

"Haha... I know, but I really have no idea of ​​joining a gang at the moment."

Chen Xuan also knew that it was not polite to refuse Ziyi again and again, so he refused more tactfully, with a look of shame on his face.

The trace of blush on Chen Xuan's pale and feminine face was as sudden as the trace of blood on the white peony. But it looks like it has a different flavor.

Zi Yi didn't try to persuade him much, because she and Chen Xuan were just good friends before and didn't mention the matter of wooing them. And Chen Xuan didn't treat her as a member of the Qinghu Sect, it was just the most sincere relationship without anything else.

"We have to deal with that evil beast tomorrow. We may not be able to get out of here for the rest of our lives."

Chen Xuan's face became more solemn, but then his smile returned and he said to himself.

"Have I, Chen Xuan, often wandered on the line between life and death? Every time I felt that I couldn't make it through, but every time I survived tenaciously!"

Chen Xuan's tone was full of vicissitudes of life, as if Chen Xuan's feminine and handsome face still bore some traces of time. Just like those giant ginseng trees that have been around for thousands of years, the traces left behind are the lines of wasted time.

Ziyi just quietly admired the back figure of Chen Xuan in his white shirt without saying a word. But his face was full of doubts. Who is Chen Xuan? Why have you been through so much?

This didn't seem to be the aura that a young man should have. Many times, Ziyi began to wonder whether the person standing in front of him was a young man or a thousand-year-old monster. Every time she saw Chen Xuan's expression as if the spring breeze was blowing on his face, it was like looking at a living skin.

Even if the skinny Chen Xuan can act like a real person, who is the real him?

Or is it all him?

What a complex species. Ziyi simply stopped thinking about it and just sat silently.

"But this time it's not bad, with such a beautiful woman accompanying me."

Chen Xuan's tone began to become frivolous, like a dandy boy frivolous about the girl next door. But Ziyi heard a hint of emotion and mischief from Chen Xuan's words.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed through every day in the Youlan Valley, the days when he could only escape in the Youlan Valley, and he, a six-year-old boy, struggled desperately to survive in the Youlan Valley.

Chen Xuan also had those sparse and ordinary days when he was in the fishing village, so ordinary and so insignificant. As long as a cultivator comes to a fishing village and raises his hand, a wave can destroy their entire fishing village.

Of course, luckily, the fishing village was remote enough. During the six years that Chen Xuan lived, no well-fed cultivator came to fight in the void of the fishing village, so Chen Xuan was lucky enough to survive.

Of course, his eyes are even more indispensable. When he killed those people in the fishing village, his eyes were cold and decisive. The determination and chill to let himself live for them were like a bone-eroding ghost eroding Chen Xuan's strong heart at this time.

Chen Xuan even remembered that when he came to the Chen Mansion on the evening of the day, the tragic death of so many corpses, and the departure of Yu'er and the old housekeeper were like a knife piercing Chen Xuan's heart.

Chen Xuan has not yet made the Snow Mountain Sect pay the price they deserve, and Jiang He and Helan Chong are still alive and well. Even Chen Xuan knew that there were disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect in this secret forest, but Chen Xuan was unable to kill them.

Even Chen Xuan can't protect himself now. If he dies, what will happen to the hatred between Yu'er and the Chen family?

He cannot die, he must live!

Now the hatred between Yu'er and the Chen family is a responsibility and a huge burden in Chen Xuan's heart.


Chen Xuan suddenly laughed loudly, using laughter to cover up the endless sadness and pain in his heart. When he turned around, his scarlet blood eyes shocked Zi Yi...

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