Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1809: Flame Python Demon King (IV)

At this time, Chen Xuan, who was above the void, couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This Flame Python Demon King is really not easy to mess with! But since neither he nor Ziyi had any way out, they had no choice but to give it a desperate try.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty, like a wolf that had been hungry for a long time and was eyeing a piece of thorny meat.


Chen Xuan snorted coldly, his eyes were filled with cold light, but his brows were slightly furrowed. The green smoke above his left palm slowly rose like a cyan oil lamp lighting up half of Chen Xuan's face. There seemed to be a ghostly evil aura on that feminine face, and the green smoke soon enveloped Chen Xuan's entire body.

It seems that my Fire Palm is about to break through again. Such frequent battles have greatly improved my Fire Palm strength.

Chen Xuan's cold face had begun to twist due to murderous intent. Seeing Chen Xuan's cold face, the Flame Python Demon King surged towards the blazing formation with murderous intent like a blanket.

The Flame Python Demon King was extremely angry. The hateful human beings actually showed no fear at seeing such a great demon like him.

"Damn human! You must die today!"

The face of the Flame Python Demon King turned cold, and the fighting intent in his eyes was as terrifying as it could burn the forest in front of him.


Chen Xuan was shocked in his heart. He had such a terrible murderous intention. If this monster is not eliminated, he will definitely become Sudan. Today, either you will die or I will die. Chen Xuan felt as if a heavy hammer had hit his heart with a final word.

boom! Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the thick black clouds were like a layer of black cloth covering the originally clear sky. At this time, the sky above was like a black hole with no light.

The strong wind was like a sharp blade that rolled up the giant trees, rocks, and sand in the air. At this time, there was almost no light, but Chen Xuan's faint green smoke seemed to illuminate Chen Xuan's eyes. In front of Xuan's eyes.

Rumble... At this moment, a loud noise like thunder broke the silent night, and the hot hell fire poured out from nowhere.

It seemed to be coming down from here, but Chen Xuan knew that this was the formation of fire mentioned in the demon scripture. The formation of blazing fire is bright and dark, and the color of the sky changes. At this time, what Chen Xuan looked up and saw was the red of the endless flames and the bright yellow among the reds, as if the color of the sky had been changed.

Then the ground was scorching hot, and Chen Xuan felt as if he had been thrown into magma. But his eagle eyes did not change color at all. Taking advantage of his face, those sharp eyes scanned the passed down divine fire.


Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and suddenly Chen Xuan's body moved, and the endless flames were like the waves on the river hitting Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan took a step back.

What's more, the bright flames swept towards Chen Xuan like locusts.

"Hmph! Human beings don't know how many powerful Taoist masters have died under my fierce fire formation. You, a sixth-level Taoist master, really don't know how you managed to get through my first two formations."

"But this time you will die!"

The eyes of the Flame Python Demon King were full of murderous intent, like needles piercing Chen Xuan's heart. Chen Xuan's face turned cold as if he was not moved at all.

"Hmph! You noisy monster, I, Chen Xuan, will fight to the death with you!"

Chen Xuan was also furious at the moment, looking at the fire that spread out. The green smoke seemed to turn into a dragon crossing the river and swallow it forward. The green dragon soared in front of Chen Xuan like a cloud and mist under the black void.

"Hmph! I have been cultivating for thousands of years, who do you think you are? You are just a kid in your twenties, but you dare to be so presumptuous in front of me! You must die for me!"

The Flame Python Demon King raised his voice and shouted fiercely, staring forward with his bell-like eyes that exuded murderous intent. Then he opened his bloody mouth and spit out a ball of hot red flames.

The fireball flew out of the mountain where the Flame Python Demon King sat like a red elixir, and then grew crazily, and the heat of the flames became more and more terrifying.

Slowly, the fireball illuminated half of it like a bright sun in the void, and because of this fireball, the flames rushing towards Chen Xuan were even more arrogant.

"Break it!" Chen Xuan shouted sharply, the chill between his eyes was as breathtaking as nine feet of ice. The giant dragon that turned into green smoke on his left hand rushed towards the sea of ​​fire like a fierce dragon entering the abyss, and then the ice air brought by the green dragon made the air flow straight like flying snow. Freezing point.

"Break it!" Chen Xuan once again shouted with murderous intent. The green dragon trembled fiercely and rushed towards Refei, with two forces, one green and one red, intermingled.

When the ground is hot and cold, the qi changes drastically, boom! It exploded like an exploding earth ball, and Chen Xuan watched with breathless concentration the collision between the green dragon and the sea of ​​fire.

Just for a moment, the heat that suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan stopped as if it had been condensed by ice cubes. And the surging heat seemed to be frozen at this time, and the temperature between the ground finally returned to normal.

However, there was an abnormal calm between the ground. There was no sound. Qinglong and Huohai were in a stalemate.

Boom boom boom! Suddenly, the green smoke carried by Qinglong slowly dimmed, as if the brightness had faded. At this time, Qinglong was already extremely weak. Suddenly there was a bang, and the sea of ​​​​flaming fire in front of Chen Xuan was swallowed by Qinglong.

Chen Xuan was secretly happy that he was slightly better this time. However, Chen Xuan's expression remained unchanged at all, and he remained sullen. But the next moment made Chen Xuan dumbfounded.

boom! It seemed that the green dragon was completely unable to withstand the scorching flames, and it was said that it exploded and returned to its original form. What a terrible beast! Chen Xuan was secretly frightened.


The palm of Chen Xuan's left hand seemed to be bleeding from a deep to shallow bloodstain.

Backlash? Chen Xuan's heart tightened, it was such a terrifying force! Chen Xuan's left hand felt like it was hurting so much that it was piercing his heart, and the red blood seemed to be the roar of the Flame Python Demon King's ferocious smile.

"Hahaha... It's just that the fourth level of the Fire Formation is so embarrassed? Then I will let you see what real power is!"

The wild laughter of the Flame Python Demon King was like a knife piercing into Chen Xuan's heart. Is this only the fourth level? What is the fifth level? How terrible that would be. Chen Xuan raised his head and felt a sudden shock in his heart!

Could it be that one? Chen Xuan saw the dark sky lit up by the burning light. But what this bright fire brought to Chen Xuan was not hope, but the smell of killing and death.

Chen Xuan looked at his left palm, which was bleeding profusely. Could it be that he was really going to die this time? His revenge has not been avenged, and the Snow Mountain Sect has not been massacred yet and has not disappeared!

As for the people in the fishing village, although it was just a dream, Chen Xuan once swore that he would live on their behalf and become the true king. Could it be that he was going to die at the hands of this evil beast in the demon realm this time?

Can't! Absolutely not!

Chen Xuan's beating heart began to beat crazily. He could not die.

"Hahaha! Human beings, please die! Lord Lieyang!"

The voice of the Flame Python Demon King came again, and the roar like the sound of death shook Chen Xuan's heart like a demonic sound. How terrible!

It turns out that the Fiery Formation is called Fierce Sun Yangjun?

puff! Chen Xuan spurted out a mouthful of strong blood. The backlash was too terrible. If he couldn't recover, he would be killed first without waiting for Lieyang Yang Lord on the fifth level of the Fiery Formation!

what to do?

Chen Xuan's eyes were cold, but underneath the coldness was worry. If this is the case, I'm afraid that I will really die here.

"Hahaha! Human beings are actually being swallowed up? But you are not at a disadvantage. Those who can withstand the fourth level of the Fiery Formation are all peak Taoist masters. And you, a sixth-level Taoist master, can survive from the fourth level of the Fiery Formation. It would be nice if he came down from the top and let the green dragon transformed by your fire refining palm die with him!"

Chen Xuan's heart was full of hesitation. In fact, in terms of Taoist mental strength, he was no worse than the peak Taoist master. He was even slightly better than a Taoist master. But with the Gathering Talisman, he still lacked the Bianhuahua.

If this flower of the other side was placed in an ordinary sect, it would not be a rare thing, but a master like Bai Zhe, who has no skills and no skills, naturally does not have such a thing.

Moreover, he was also a prodigal master. He had no idea how difficult the Bianhua flower was for Chen Xuan to obtain. He had to ask for three flowers in one mouthful to refine the power-gathering talisman.

Otherwise, how could Chen Xuan come to Mi Zhishen to look for him in person? Just go to the auction and spend a lot of money to get one. It's just that you can't get three at the auction.

So Chen Xuan could only come to this ghost place to search for it in person.

However, this is also one of the most important reasons why Chen Xuan is still unable to break through. Another reason is that monks who have reached the level of Taoist Master need to find the skills to practice. At that time, the skills can assist the Tao skills to help the Tao skills become more powerful.

However, the skills are basically within the sect, and the skills will be very unique. If the monks do not join the sect, the skills are not allowed to be taught to outsiders. This is why people who reach the level of a Taoist master will definitely join a certain force.

Therefore, another reason why Chen Xuan has not made a breakthrough is that Chen Xuan currently does not want to rush to break through and become a Taoist master, and then join the sect. He also wanted to lay a solid foundation before making a breakthrough and make subsequent plans.

Therefore, Chen Xuan's current powerful Taoist power has actually reached the peak of Taoist master long ago, but because he has not broken through, his real strength at this time is only the ninth level of Taoist master. Naturally, it is difficult to block the fourth level of the Fiery Formation.

Chen Xuan felt that his physical strength was draining away rapidly, as if his mental strength could no longer control this powerful backlash. What should he do?

Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with worry, and Ziyi looked at Chen Xuan blankly at this time. She believed in Chen Xuan. She had been in danger many times, but hadn't she survived it time and time again?

So the look in her eyes when she looked at Chen Xuan changed from surprise to determination...

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