Chen Xuan also glanced outside the barrier inadvertently, and he was shocked when he saw your Ziyi's eyes. That is absolute trust in oneself, trust without any impurities. When Chen Xuan saw Ziyi like this, his originally calm heart began to tremble.

This was the first time he was trusted by someone he cared about, and it made him feel as if a warm current was flowing through Chen Xuan's heart. Chen Xuan calmed down...

Since Ziyi believed in himself so much and believed that he could take him out alive, he must find a way. If she dies, all the things in her heart will be lost, and Ziyi will become the food of that evil beast.

Even Chen Xuan himself couldn't figure out why in Chen Xuan's heart Ziyi now took precedence over what Chen Xuan thought was the most important thing. why?

Is it because Ziyi has accompanied him all the way? There was a fierce look in Chen Xuan's eyes, it seemed that he must use that thing now!

But that thing can only be used three times in total, and what's even more outrageous is that the cooling time will take three months each time. Could it be used in the Fire Formation?

So what should we do when we see the true form of the Flame Python Demon King? Chen Xuan felt that the Taoist power in his body began to slowly dissipate, and even at this time, Chen Xuan felt weaker than ever before.

Unable to wait any longer, Chen Xuan glanced at Ziyi. Ziyi's eyes were still full of firm trust.

If Chen Xuan hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that the person standing outside the barrier was a puppet. Because no matter how embarrassed Chen Xuan is now.

At this time, the sweat pouring down Chen Xuan's back had turned into bloody sweat. The bloody sweat had soaked Chen Xuan's back. Chen Xuan's white shirt has turned red, and he looks very eye-catching from behind.

How could Ziyi not see it? But Zi Yi clenched his lips and teeth under his firm gaze, and his back was dripping with sweat. His eyes were still full of trust.

do not care! Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat. When he meets the true form of the Flame Python Demon King, he should first use the things given by the cheap old man.

Now that Chen Xuan had made up his mind, there was no longer any confusion on his face and he sat down cross-legged with his eyes closed. As soon as Chen Xuan closed his eyes, he saw a green mist in front of him, as if there was a fairy spirit surrounding him.

Chen Xuan felt the purple stone in his mind, and there was a faint blue mist lingering next to the purple stone. It was the abundant spiritual power formed by being nourished by Lei Wufang Earth Fire for a long time.

good! It's time for you to repay this young master! Chen Xuan slowly mobilized the purple stone with his own consciousness, and he gritted his teeth to run the Lei Wufang Earth Fire in his body.

snort! If he waits a little longer until his Taoist power has completely dissipated, even Daluo Jinxian will be unable to save him! Chen Xuan thought to himself, but it was still very difficult for Chen Xuan to start the fire at this time.

puff! The emptiness in Chen Xuan's body caused by running the furnace fire was counterattacked by himself. Another mouthful of strong blood spurted out of the body, and the corners of the mouth with faint blood stains were slightly raised.

Flame Python Demon King, I, Chen Xuan, will make you pay a powerful price! Sherao's murderous intention stirred up a strong storm like a dragon crossing the river, and the Flame Python Demon King naturally felt it. But he didn't care at all. In his opinion, it was just Chen Xuan making his final struggle.

Still want to perform Taoist skills? Still want to use your Tao mind power?

It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers and does not know its own capabilities. The eyes of this thousand-year-old beast also narrowed slightly, like a powerful man watching an ant struggling in front of him.

Chen Xuan's eyes showed a trace of determination. He closed his eyes and felt the faint fairy energy coming from the purple immortal stone. The purple fairy energy merged with Chen Xuan's blue mist.

It seems that the power of the Purple Immortal Stone can only be used once. To Chen Xuan, the power of the Purple Immortal Stone is like a bottle of water in the desert and can only be used three times. If it happens three times, the body of the Purple Immortal Stone will no longer have power, but it will exist in Chen Xuan's body to release another function for Chen Xuan, which can upgrade the level of Taoist skills and the level of furnace fire.

The power of the purple immortal stone three times can provide Chen Xuan with powerful Taoist power. Such Taoist power is so powerful that it can even allow Chen Xuan to recover all his scars and gain powerful Taoist power.

In other words, the Purple Immortal Stone is equivalent to a package, and there is powerful power in this package. Of course, the power in this package can only be used three times. As for how much power there is in this purple immortal stone, Chen Xuan is not sure.

Chen Xuan also asked Bai Zhe when Bai Zhe was still asleep, but Bai Zhe didn't know. And at that time, Bai Zhe reminded Chen Xuan that the most important thing about the Purple Immortal Stone was not the so-called power, but the broken stone itself. Chen Xuan didn't understand what was going on.

Chen Xuan used the earth's fire to mobilize the Purple Immortal Stone, and the purple light of the Purple Immortal Stone was as dazzling as the scorching sun above the sky. When it shined on the dantian of the Purple Immortal Stone, at that moment Chen Xuan's dantian surged like a river.

The surging Taoist power seemed to turn into a terrifying blue dragon in Chen Xuan's dantian, dancing like a dragon and a phoenix in Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan's blood and sweat spilled out even more horribly.

At this time, Chen Xuan's blood and sweat had gone from being stained on the white robe to soaking the white robe to pouring onto the land like water from a river. Chen Xuan felt that his body was about to collapse. Is it still impossible to open the Purple Immortal Stone?

Chen Xuan sighed in his heart, he couldn't hold on for much longer, and Chen Xuan's Taoist power would be completely destroyed after a while. By that time, if the Purple Immortal Stone has not been activated, I will be like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered to the Flame Python Demon King, with no power to fight back.

What is Chen Xuan doing? The Flame Python Demon King was shocked, and his heart suddenly trembled, as if a heavy hammer had hit his heart hard.

Yes! This boy looked to be in his twenties but extremely calm. He looked like he wanted to try something desperately. If I let this young man succeed and kill him again, I'm afraid I'll have to waste some effort.

The face of the Flame Python Demon King turned cold, and his originally disdainful eyes became alert, and then his copper bell-like eyes emitted a chilling light. This boy must die now!

The Fire Python Demon King roared, and then spit out a huge fireball. With the help of the Fire Pill above, the fireball became even hotter.

The crackling sound in the air seemed to be able to burn the air into terrifying ashes. The huge fireball was like a big sun hitting Chen Xuanfei.

Although Chen Xuan is in a meditative state, he is of course even more sensitive to the situation outside! what to do? He was still floating calmly in Chen Xuan's dantian since he first fell asleep, but he became extremely weak because he mobilized the Purple Immortal Stone to draw out the Earth Fire. At this time, the aura in his Dantian was completely chaotic. His Dantian seemed to have collapsed after the surge, and turned into a pool of stagnant water like a calm lake.

Chen Xuan felt that his Danhai was absolutely peaceful!


There is no more strength in his body. Could it be that he is going to die from this today? Chen Xuan opened his eyes and looked back at Ziyi.

Still so determined! snort! This girl! Chen Xuan's eyes became blurry when he thought of this.

"Hahaha! Son, I see that you don't have any Taoist power anymore. You are no different from a useless person now!"

The voice of the Flame Python Demon King exploded around Chen Xuan like a giant cold thunder. Chen Xuan felt that the fireball seemed to stop at the battle barrier between Chen Xuan and the Flame Python Demon King because of the voice of the Flame Python Demon King. outside.

"If such a fireball doesn't hit you, it will probably burn you to death!"

The fireball of the Flame Python Demon King slowly penetrated into the battle barrier like a turtle. It turned out that this evil beast didn't want him to die so easily.

He wanted to torture himself to death and then torture Ziyi to death!

Chen Xuan still had a cold face and said nothing, but the determination and unyieldingness between his eyes were vivid on his face.

"You thought well! Son, you killed my most proud general like this, and you cracked my first two formations like this. How could I let you die happily? And behind your back So is that girl! Hahaha..."

The voice of the Flame Python Demon King was as heart-shaking as the demonic sound of the cold region, and it stayed in Chen Xuan's heart for a long time. At this time, Chen Xuan was completely infected by the powerful murderous intention in the voice of the Flame Python Demon King. What a terrifying strength!

Without the mental strength of the Dao, it is very likely that he will not be able to withstand even half of the opponent's moves!

Chen Xuan's heart became even colder...Does he really want to die from this?

The Snow Mountain Sect's revenge has not yet been avenged, he has not yet become the Supreme of the Immortal Realm, and the girl behind him...

Chen Xuan's heart felt as if someone had stabbed him hard, but at this moment, Chen Xuan felt that the huge fireball in front of him was slowly emitting a scorching temperature and roasting him.

The temperature seems to be controlled, and is slowly being released at the maximum limit that it can bear, so that it can make itself feel the pain and torture and then gradually die.

In the eyes of the Flame Python Demon King, Chen Xuan is now an ant that can be pinched at will. It wants to slowly kill him to wash away so much of its shame and hatred.

But the unyielding look in Chen Xuan's eyes was like a bright light piercing his heart. unyielding? very good! I just want your unyielding color to gradually disappear under my hands.

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