Formations appeared on the yellow paper in Chen Xuan's hand.

Still using the old method, he stuck a stick of incense outside the house, and then tore the talisman apart.

The time and space spell suddenly enveloped the entire room.

The passage of time seems to have slowed down, and the entire space has fallen into a very mysterious realm.

It wasn't until Chen Xuan burned nearly three sticks of incense in that room that the effect of the spell disappeared.

"It actually has three times the effect!"

Chen Xuan was shocked. These three times of time were all extra. Every time he cast one, he could get two more hours of time.

"Although the effect is not very good, the three times the results are already very good."

Chen Xuan also knows that this is his current limit, and this is the effect of the third-level spell.

If he met that Talisman Breaking King, there would be no threat at all. The other party was powerful, but Chen Xuan's strength became even stronger.

In fact, Chen Xuan never paid attention to the Talisman Splitter King.

Using time, Chen Xuan kept using his mental power to refine spells.

The speed of refining the talisman has also become faster.

On average, you can refine four to five spells, but it will take a long time to recover your mental power.

"Sun Tao, you two go to the Alchemist's Guild and get 10,000 copies of first-grade bone-tempering pills, and tell me my name."

Chen Xuan recruited Sun Tao and Lei Suo.

After the two responded, they immediately went to the Pharmacist Guild.

But on that road, I felt quite melancholy.

"With the name of Master Chen Xuan, can I still get credit?"

"I don't know. If it's possible, that would be awesome. I can tell Master Chen Xuan's name wherever I go from now on. It would be great now."

Sun Tao and the two came to the Alchemist Guild.

The two of them were not the descendants of the wild alchemist, but they were friends of Bai Cen and Bai Cen since they were young. Logically speaking, no one knew them when they were in the alchemist guild.

But when the two of them approached, the guard guarding the Alchemist Guild greeted them with a salute.

"But Master Lei Suo and Master Sun Tao of the Chen Family Mansion?"

After the two of them were invited into the VIP room and waited for a while, an old man who looked very powerful came over.

When I saw the two people from a distance, they just saluted with smiles on their faces.

The two of them had never been treated with such courtesy before, and they were both frightened and dared not speak.

"Yes yes, you are?"

Sun Tao was a little bolder and pretended to be calm.

"I am the chief deacon of the Pharmacist Guild, and I am responsible for some matters."

"But what are Master Chen Xuan's orders?"

Chief Deacon!

It sounds awesome, and everything will be handled by him when he comes, unless some big things will be passed to the vice-president and let him make a decision, but most things, whether the parents are short-term or not, all It's all handled by the chief deacon.

The two looked at each other.

I was also quite disturbed and shocked.

"Yes, yes, Master Chen Xuan wants 10,000 copies of the first-grade elixir Bone Tempering Pill."

Sun Tao said.

Master Chen Xuan's name is really useful. It actually alerted such a chief deacon to come out to entertain him. If Master Chen Xuan came in person, I wonder if it was the vice president who came in person.

And then, Arashiyama appeared at the door.

"So it's you two."

"Hello, Vice President."

The chief deacon stood up quickly, and Lanshan nodded lightly.

Lei Suo and Sun Tao trembled when they saw Lanshan coming in person.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, I'll go out for a walk. What are your orders from Master Chen Xuan?"

Sun Tao's eyes widened.

Master Chen Xuan’s name is really useful!

The ingredients for the Ten Thousand Points of Bone Tempering Pill were quickly delivered to the Chen family. Chen Xuan also recruited Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang. At this moment, Huo Liu was in retreat, breaking through his own limits, so Chen Xuan personally Come to teach two people.

After demonstrating the refining method of the bone tempering pill, Chen Xuan gave them the pill recipe.

It's just that Chen Xuan deliberately missed a step when refining the bone-tempering elixir, but the elixir was refined just like Grandpa. Both Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang had their own thoughts.

Everyone understood that Chen Xuan deliberately missed a step, but no one asked or blamed Chen Xuan, because Master Chen Xuan is always right and can tolerate your questioning.

"There are a total of 10,000 pills here, excluding the ones I consumed, there are still 9,999 pills. I need you to give me a thousand bone-tempering pills in two days."

Chen Xuan said calmly.

Ten thousand medicinal materials produce a thousand pills.

This is a very strict standard for a novice alchemist, but for a veteran, it is easily achieved. The one-tenth rate of elixir formation is relatively low among first-level alchemists.

But at the same time, Chen Xuan set a time limit, which was two days.

If we divide it in half, then each person needs to refine 2,500 medicinal materials, which is not necessarily complete just by counting.

Although there are only seven kinds of materials in this Bone Tempering Pill.

Under the huge base, it is still a quite terrifying number.

The two of them were silent. After taking away the medicine, they returned to the alchemy room to refine the elixir.

The real training has just begun.

After two.

Shangguan City.

The Shangguan family in Shangguan City and the Chen family in Nalingshan have been at each other's throats in recent days. There have been hundreds of major conflicts, each with their own injuries, and the price wars in some cities are also quite fierce.

As a result, the people in these cities were miserable.

When gods fight, mortals suffer.

If it hadn't been for the Qifeng Empire to mediate a little bit, I'm afraid such battles and disputes would have continued.

But this time, Shangguan Hong and the others were waiting on the reception platform in Shangguan City.

This reception platform was specially built by the Shangguan family to welcome the airships of those distinguished guests.

A majestic airship appeared in the sky, as if it had broken through countless layers of clouds, and finally fell slowly.

The range of the reception platform can accommodate almost twenty intermediate-level airships, but when this airship fell, it occupied almost half of the range.

"This Ice and Snow Empire is worthy of being the largest country, and when the Talisman Splitter King travels, he actually has a high-end airship!"

"There are traces of ice and snow on the airship. It seems that the ice and snow barrier of the Ice and Snow Empire is quite terrifying."

"Even the high-level airships are like this. No wonder the low-level airships can't fly within the range of the Ice and Snow Empire."

"Hush, people are coming down."

Shangguan Hong and others had been waiting here for a long time. The door of the airship slowly opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a purple and gold robe walked out. Behind the man was an old man with coiled hair, holding a handle in his hand. The bronze sword, his eyes downcast, his eyelids drooping.

No expression could be seen.

"Shangguan Hong and the Shangguan family are here to welcome King Split Talisman!"

"Congratulations to the King of Split Talisman!"

King Split Talisman, crossed the gap between the entire empire, traveled thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and finally came to the Shangguan family.

"Where is Shangguan Ninghun?"

King Split Talisman said in a deep voice.

Then a white-haired boy walked out from the crowd. The boy's face was pale and he had a pair of red eyes. The skin on his body seemed to have been broken inch by inch and then spliced ​​back together.

It looked terrifying, but that wasn't the point. The mental power of the Talisman Splitter King swept across Azi Shangguan Ninghun's body.

He immediately discovered that the dantian in Shangguan Ninghun's body had been broken once. Although it had been repaired with the help of external force, it could not withstand too much pressure, otherwise the dantian would be broken.

"Who is it? Don't you know that Shangguan Ninghun is my designated disciple?"

The King of Split Talisman suddenly surged with murderous intent!

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