Yaoshi City, Chen Family Mansion.

This small courtyard has been quite stable recently and has fallen into tranquility, except for the thunderous noise last night, which heralded the birth of another king-level strongman.

In addition, when the power of thunder surged down, it all disappeared silently, which looked a bit scary and mysterious, and there was no other unnecessary movement.

Since then, Duke Hongshan has occasionally found some excuses to come to the Chen Family Mansion.

She came to visit her daughter Huang Mengjing.

But he had never entered the main hall door. He always ran to the surrounding courtyards, trying to find Chen Xuan, but was rejected very politely by Wei Ruoxue many times. Master Chen Xuan was practicing, no. Convenient to meet guests.

"Ahem, it turns out that's the case. That's a pity. Hey, you are a girl from the Wei family. I didn't expect you to be so smart now."

The Duke of Hongshan worked hard to get close to the people of the Chen family. Occasionally, when he saw Sun Tao and Lei Suo, he would give them some appropriate gifts, such as boys' favorite swords and so on. , making the two of them extremely happy.

He was even a little excited and wanted to be brothers with the Duke of Hongshan.

The Duke of Hongshan didn't mind either.

"Your Majesty the Duke, thank you very much." Wei Ruoxue also smiled lightly.

Then he glanced in the direction of the main hall.

"Sister Mengjing is still trapped in the living room now. Do you want to go and take a look?"

Wei Ruoxue asked.

Duke Hongshan waved his hand after hesitating in front of Chen Xuan's courtyard.

"It's okay, there's no need to go. It's time for that girl to suffer some hardships. It would be a good thing for her to receive some discipline under Master Chen Xuan."

Wei Ruoxue didn't have much.

Poor Sister Mengjing, she was trapped for three hours every time she was sleepy.

In the main hall.

Huang Mengjing, who was trapped in the formation, could also capture the outside world, but she was not too bored.

At this moment, Huang Mengjing was sitting in the formation, and she knew in her heart that the formation would not disappear automatically within three days, but that the time given to herself would be three.

If the Three Nei can't be solved, then without Chen Xuan's rescue, she will be trapped in this formation forever. From the outside, it seems that there is only a small territory, but for Huang Mengjing, this place is A place.

"This damn Chen Xuan, relying on his ability, actually did this to me!"

"Nothing gentlemanly at all!"


"I'll tell Master later and let him clean up this shameless thing!"

Huang Mengjing gritted her teeth bitterly.

However, the movements in the hands have not stopped. A formation sand table has been continuously constructed in the palms of the hands. This is exactly the formation sand table that was constructed through the previous use and two days of exploration. .

"Chen Xuan's formation has indeed reached the third level. Isn't that the same level as Master?"

Although Huang Mengjing's master is called the Ice and Snow Emperor.

But in terms of formation cultivation, it has only reached the third level.

For the masters of the Ice and Snow Empire, this formation is almost a compulsory course. It is not like the Chiffon Empire, where there is a shortage of formation masters. The number of formation masters is very small. Huang Mengjing's rhythm formation is also the same in the Ice and Snow Empire. A very powerful formation type. Although Huang Mengjing is only at the second level now, ordinary second level formation masters are not Huang Mengjing's opponent at all.

Just meeting a guy like Chen Xuan is really bad luck.

According to Master, there are no more than ten level three formation mages in Qifeng Empire.

Shangguan Feiying in the Shangguan family is only a second-level formation master, but he is so popular. You can see how precious the status of this formation master is, and how rare high-level formation masters are.

"I found it. If this line is destroyed, the formation will be broken!"

A formation sand table has been completely constructed in Huang Mengjing's palm. The outline of the formation can be clearly seen in the sand table. In this way, it is quite intuitive, just like the maze. Top view of Zheng placed in your hand

Coupled with Huang Mengjing's musical formation, she is best at finding exits and loopholes.

Because sound will bounce back when it encounters obstacles, and there is only one path that is unimpeded.

Then Huang Mengjing successfully walked out of the trapped formation.


The power formed by the surrounding formations was finally defeated by Huang Mengjing. The feeling of seeing the sun again made Huang Mengjing feel as if she had been separated from another world.

And just when I came out, I heard what the Duke of Hongshan just said.

"This shameless father knows how to curry favor with these people, yet he doesn't care about his daughter's life or death!"

Huang Mengjing was furious and rushed forward to argue with the Duke of Hongshan.

"Hey, Mengjing, when did you come out?"

The Duke of Hongshan was surprised, and Huang Mengjing seemed to want to pounce on the latter and bite him.

But at this moment, a wave of fluctuation suddenly swept through several people's hearts.

"What are you doing again!"

After this fluctuation was transmitted, nothing wrong was found.

After about three minutes passed, I felt something was strange.

"Time slows down outside!"

Huang Mengjing was the first to discover this, because when the bird in the distance flew, it seemed to be deliberately slowed down, and the whole world was slowed down.

But his movements were not affected at all.

"What kind of power is this!"

The Duke of Hongshan was also completely shocked.

"I heard from my master before that there is a talisman that can affect time and space."

"Could it be that Chen Xuan is actually a talisman master!?"

Huang Mengjing said.

Some power is difficult to manifest in the formation. Only when it is condensed into a talisman can it have a compressed version of the nature and effect.

It's like giving you a pile of explosive materials to ignite, it may not explode, but only in that extremely space, such as making it into a barrel of explosives, once it is ignited, it will react with each other and reach the level of explosion.

The talisman is like this.

And on a powerful talisman, there is often more than one formation, but several formations are maintained in operation. When it is torn, the power in the formation is integrated, which can produce huge power.

"Amulet Master!"

The Duke of Hongshan was no longer calm. A person of the Duke of Hongshan's status knew very well how valuable a talisman master's research was. Only when he was at the top of the empire could he see the shortcomings of this empire.

Although there were many masters in the Chifeng Empire, the talents in these technical aspects were too scarce, which was really a shortcoming. That's why it couldn't develop into a superpower.

How precious is a native talisman master? The Duke of Hongshan could only add a super in front of him to describe it.

This Pharmacist City really brought me great luck.

I actually found a talent like Chen Xuan.

"What are you doing here?"

I don't know when, the mysterious power had been removed, and Chen Xuan also walked out of the yard. When he opened the door, he found that many people were standing outside his yard. These people didn't do their own things, but surrounded their door. Were they trying to eavesdrop? This was too heavy.

"Master Chen Xuan, sorry to bother you, but there are some things I want to discuss with Master Chen Xuan."

The Duke of Hongshan said hurriedly.

"Oh? What's the matter? "

Chen Xuan had just successfully refined a super-time and space spell, and he was very happy.

"Before that, I would like to ask, Master Chen Xuan, do you know how to make spells?"


Chen Xuan said naturally.

How difficult is it to make spells?

As soon as these words came out, Huang Mengjing clearly felt a breath of cold air.

The emperor-level Xuanqi cultivation, the third-level formation master, at least the seventh-grade alchemist, and now, a spell master!

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