Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1817 Fighting the Flame Python Demon King (2)

Chen Xuan struggled to get up, his face even colder and arrogant, and the pupils of his eyes were as murderous as hiding a bloodthirsty beast.

After taking off his white shirt, his bronze skin was still surrounded by green smoke, and the scars on it were engraved with his struggle for life among the blue mountains.

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of blood. At this time, his eyes looking at the Flame Python Demon King became a little mocking. It seems like, you still haven’t killed me. Since you haven’t killed me, then just wait for death!

"Bold human being, you are really looking for death!" The eyes of the Flame Python Demon King no longer had the joking expression before. This boy actually blocked his own flame tail? It can be considered extraordinary, but I also need to be vigilant. I must cut through the mess quickly and kill him. I can't let this kid grow up, otherwise I really don't know what the result will be.

The bloody mouth of the Flame Python Demon King suddenly opened, and the bloody smell in the mouth seemed to be able to block Chen Xuan's nasal cavity. But Chen Xuan's eyes were still so determined, like a rock without any change.

Suddenly a huge flaming fireball spit out from the mouth of the Python Demon King, and the fireball roared towards Chen Xuan like the scorching sun above the void. In an instant, the cave suddenly collapsed, and the thousand-year-old cave collapsed outwards like a child's toy.

Boom! The earth and rocks seemed to be swept up by a heat wave and cracked from top to bottom. Suddenly, the fireball turned into a hundred and eighty fireballs and chased Chen Xuan.

The earth and rocks that were swept away by the heat wave seemed to be alive at this time, and they were forced towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's face tightened and his pupils shrank sharply. what to do? Did he really die here?

This strength is far beyond what I can resist! The green mist on Chen Xuan's left palm still wanted to fight with the trapped beast, but the heat wave quickly extinguished the earth fire ignited by Chen Xuan's fire palm...

Chen Xuan's eyes darkened, and he cried out in his heart: "Oh no!"


The white light suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, as if there was a shadow of a white-clothed swordsman blocking Chen Xuan's face. With a sudden blow of his sword, it was like a giant white dragon roaring towards the earth and rocks.

boom! The earth and rocks swarmed towards the shadow of the swordsman in white like wasps. So strong! Chen Xuan was knocked to the ground by this powerful aura. Only the shadow of the man in white and the huge evil beast - the Flame Python Demon King - were left between his eyes.

Suddenly, those flaming fireballs seemed to have turned into food for the white stegosaurus, turning into lukewarm sparks like food residue under his bloody mouth, scattering into the air.

"What a powerful shadow!" The Flame Python Demon King was a little timid. Who is that human being? How could this phantom bodyguard be so powerful?

"You evil beast! You didn't even look at who it was that disturbed you! Why don't you just catch him without hesitation?"

The phantom voice of the white-clothed swordsman was as solemn and solemn as the morning bell in a ten thousand-year-old temple, but the sound was like the roar of a lion. The power of the momentum made Chen Xuan tremble with fear.

What a powerful force. Who is this shadow? wrong! What is it?

"Hmph! It's just a shadow... What kind of powerful secret weapon can a powerful Taoist master have? No matter what kind of ghost or snake god you are, you must die for me!"

The Flame Python Demon King could not figure out the strength of the white-clothed swordsman at this time, but at this time he had to cut through the mess quickly and kill Chen Xuan. Otherwise, there will be many long nights and dreams!

Suddenly, another huge flaming fireball hit Chen Xuanfei. At this time, Chen Xuan felt pain all over his body as if his marrow and tendons had been ripped out even if he moved. Even when he was breathing and gasping, he felt like he was in pain. I can't stand up at all...

If these fireballs hit him, he will definitely die.

"Seeking death!" The swordsman in white shouted with cold eyes and a cold face towards the Flame Python Demon King.

At the same time, his figure was as flexible as a swimming fish. The long sword was just a little bit in the void. Hundreds of fireballs from the Flame Python Demon King all hit the swordsman in white. The swordsman in white didn't even raise his eyelids. The long sword in his hand was as casual as a mandarin duck playing in the water.

The sword intent in the long sword surged like the surging water of the Yangtze River. The cold sword intent flashed like a broken blade, and suddenly all the fireballs turned into ashes in the void.

Chen Xuan's eyes widened and he rubbed his eyelids several times until he almost rubbed them off before he was sure that this was not a dream. What is this thing hiding in my body? If this thing wants to harm me, I will definitely be killed without any resistance.

Ziyi's eyes also turned green, this strength was too abnormal. The flaming ball of the Flame Python Demon King was dissolved in one move. What kind of strength is that? Is he just like his father? His father is the pinnacle of Taoist masters!

snort! The white-clothed swordsman snorted coldly, then turned sideways and then jumped up. The long sword pointed straight away like a dragon emerging from the abyss, and forced it towards the head of the Flame Python Demon King.

"Since you want to die, you evil beast, I will help you!" Xu Ying's seemingly erratic eyes suddenly became sharp, with murderous intent in his eyes and the cold light of his long sword radiating, and his face looked like that of a god of death. The lifeless aura is powerful, as terrifying as an ancient behemoth.

"Woo!" The Flame Python Demon King seemed to feel that the shadow of the swordsman in white was not as simple as his own imagination. A hint of fear flashed in his eyes, and before he could even open his mouth to beg for mercy, the swordsman in white pierced his head as big as the sun and moon.

puff! The blood splattered everywhere, dyeing the earth with bloody air. The huge head smashed into the earth like a meteorite, creating a huge crater of dozens of feet.

And the figure exploded at this moment, and the swordsman in white completely restrained his momentum after the sword, and he looked like an ordinary old uncle.

No, this smell feels a bit familiar to me! Chen Xuan sighed secretly, could it be...

The flesh and blood of the Flame Python Demon King turned into a pile of brown rotten flesh, and a rotten smell spread across the ground, and then the rotten flesh fell down like snow.

The swordsman in white didn't even frown at this time, and Chen Xuan struggled to get up. But every time he moved, he felt heartbreaking pain. The swordsman in white glanced at Chen Xuan and raised the hand that was not holding the sword.

A white light floated into the sky above Chen Xuan's head like a loose cloud, and then illuminated a beam of white light. So warm! Even a person like Chen Xuan felt relaxed for no reason. Then my body felt as comfortable as soaking in a spiritual medicinal spring, and I felt that the wounds all over my body were healing at a rapid speed.

When Chen Xuan opened his eyes again, Ziyi disappeared, as if he had been asleep for a long time. When he opened his eyes, he saw the ice-like face of the swordsman in white staring at him.

Then he looked around and saw a room filled with white mist. No, this must be the space created by the swordsman in white. According to rumors, only those who have reached the level of Dao Master can single-handedly pull out the consciousness of a person who is weaker than themselves to open up space.

This white-clothed swordsman is definitely as powerful as a Taoist master, maybe even above it...

Chen Xuan thought to himself.

But this kid probably didn't mean to harm him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive until now. But this guy should have some plans for him, let's see what his purpose is first.

Chen Xuan looked normal and thought secretly.

"Not bad! The Wind Blade Formation and Stone Formation that have avoided the big demon in the Demonic Core Realm can survive two rounds under the true form of the Flame Python Demon King! It's really not bad!" The white-clothed swordsman spat out these two sentences expressionlessly. When he spoke, his voice had no warmth at all like his face.

Chen Xuan's heart tightened. Is he praising himself or mocking himself?

"Senior, I..."

Just as Chen Xuan was about to speak, he was interrupted by the swordsman in white, and then the cold and ruthless voice of the swordsman in white sounded in Chen Xuan's ears again.

"Stop talking first! Listen to me, and you don't have to say anything!"

How domineering! Chen Xuan cursed secretly.

The swordsman in white curled his lips slightly and continued.

"Your qualifications have passed my test, and you have also passed the test of the other nine law enforcement elders except for my accident. So..."

The swordsman in white hesitated here and did not continue. Chen Xuan was not able to interrupt and did not dare to continue asking questions.

"So you don't need to know. Your qualifications are not accurate enough. Although I and the nine law enforcement elders recognize you as the only successor to the master, that is, our young master."

Although the white-clothed swordsman's words indicated a master-servant relationship with Chen Xuan, his tone was not polite at all, as cold as if it could freeze Chen Xuan's heart into ice.

Does this really mean that he regards himself as the young master instead of his grandson? Chen Xuan felt even more angry and unfair.

But the expression of the swordsman in white did not change at all because of Chen Xuan's thoughts...

"Your earthly relationship has not ended, and you will never be able to become our Lord. Our world is not what you can imagine now. Although you are considered by the Presbyterian Council to be the only young Lord, it will still be in vain if you are not worthy."

The words of the white-clothed swordsman struck into Chen Xuan's eardrums word by word with arrogance, and even into Chen Xuan's heart. This made Chen Xuan feel angry and wanted to beat this bastard. Although he was his savior, he couldn't beat him...

That cold and arrogant aura made Chen Xuan, who had just been brought into a warm medicinal spring by white light, feel his hands and feet getting cold. This guy's strength was really extraordinary.

"Young Master... Since you are the Young Master elected by the Council of Elders, I will respectfully call you Young Master. But Young Master, please remember that before we are separated from each other, these two titles are just one title and do not represent anything. What. Still welcome..."

Chen Xuan was getting more and more annoyed by this white-clothed swordsman, and his expression became worse and worse. Although this swordsman in white calls himself his lifelong young master, he regards himself as his grandson! No! It’s the same instruction as a great grandson…

But Chen Xuan didn't dare to break out with him, otherwise he would die. He could only remain silent and sullen. Who is so powerful?

"If you encounter trouble in this world, you won't always be so lucky that someone will come to save you. Humph! Before you encounter trouble, we will predict your situation and vote for it by the people of the Presbyterian Church. Decide whether I should save you. If not, you deserve to die!"

"You will be considered lucky if I have to save you! Just be happy this time! If the elders of the Presbyterian Church hadn't seen that you, the young master, still have some potential... Humph!"

After the swordsman in white said coldly, his expression became even more chilly. Those sharp eyes like an eagle looked at Chen Xuan without any scruples.

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