Chen Xuan felt like a woman from a good family who was coveted, but under the scrutiny of the swordsman in white, Chen Xuan felt that he had no place to hide.

"You are also not allowed to tell anyone about the young master, otherwise my sword will not mind being stained with your blood again, and you are not allowed to do anything that will disgrace my family!" After the swordsman in white paused for a while, he was as cold as a ghost. The voice rang again.

"Then if I get into a fight with another sect, will you care? One of the top five sects!" Chen Xuan thought for a while. If this white-clothed swordsman is willing to help him fight against the Snow Mountain Sect, he will kill the Snow Mountain Sect. What a bargain this deal must be.

The swordsman in white seemed to have a smile on his cold expression, but Chen Xuan did not feel the slightest warmth from this smile. Even his smile was cold. He was truly a terrifying monster.

"Young Master, do you think there are two ants, one is a little stronger after eating, and the other is as weak as you, Young Master, will we care if they fight?"

There was a hint of ridicule on the white-clothed swordsman's face, which made Chen Xuan feel very unhappy. What is the origin of this white-robed man? Even the Snow Mountain Sect dared to compare him to an ant. I don't know if he is overestimating his abilities or if he is really powerful.

"Young master, don't think about our world for now. To you, we are immortals!" The swordsman in white suddenly proudly said these words that were even more arrogant than his expression.

Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at the swordsman in white again, feeling that he had a strange aura. It seems very plain, but this plainness is all his profound disguise.

"Young Master, please take care of yourself. There is one more thing, our swordsmanship! Your fire refining palm must have been taught by Elder Bai Zhe, and then you can turn the palm into a blade. I think your fire refining palm is quite good. It’s not an insult to our sect’s glory, it’s worth teaching me!”

Want to teach your own skills? Chen Xuan captured the key point from the ice-cellar-like words of the swordsman in white.

"Hmph! You idiot, do you really think that refining the fire palm is a Taoist skill?" The swordsman in white's words were still cold with a trace of ridicule hidden in them.

Chen Xuan's heart tightened. Isn't refining fire palm a Tao skill? Anyone who is a monk on the Daoxin Road knows that Fire Palm Refining is a mid-level Xuanpin Dao skill, but because it is too impractical, no one knows how to practice it, except for those talisman makers and alchemy masters.

But Chen Xuan was not in a hurry to refute. There were too many things that he didn't expect when he met the white-clothed swordsman this time.

"But it is indeed a Taoist skill for you, but I tell you, this is just a pre-training technique of our sect."

The white-clothed swordsman said it without a trace of emotion, making Chen Xuan feel like his scalp was exploding.

What is the pre-cultivation technique? In Daoxin Continent, there are martial arts and techniques but no pre-trained techniques. Who is Ran Di in front of me?

Is there any other world besides Qingxin Continent? Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart, but still remained silent and did not dare to say anything more...

"The pre-cultivation of skills in our area is to prepare for the skills to be practiced later, and our sect is a sword sect, so naturally it is to prepare for the sword skills to come. What the Fire Palm focuses on is to use the palm to transform the caries and then use the sword skills. It’s your blade, and the so-called fire is the energy of earth fire. It’s not the blazing fire of the Flame Python Demon King, but the energy of earth fire!”

A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, but he soon calmed down. This made the white-clothed swordsman secretly praise him. This man's character was indeed as good as Bai Zhe said.

"The so-called earth fire energy is an air flow, which belongs to the divine fire. The air flow of the so-called divine fire can generate thousands of attributes!"

"Of course, this Lei Wufang Earth Fire is not the most powerful divine fire energy. It's called Luohuo here. Lei Wufang Earth Fire doesn't even rank in the top thirty on the divine fire list, but Lao Bai doesn't give you a purple Immortal stone?"

"He should have told you how to use the Purple Immortal Stone, right?"

At this point, the swordsman in white's eyes kept scanning Chen Xuan's feminine face. His eyes seemed to be shouting on behalf of the swordsman in white, what are you capable of? He actually asked Elder Bai Zhe to give you the Purple Immortal Stone!

Chen Xuan still maintained the attitude that silence is golden, saying nothing, and the swordsman in white didn't complain too much. He continued to speak coldly.

"Hmph! The Fire Refining Sword Technique is considered an original technique of our sect. Who would have expected that the Fire Palm Refining Preparatory Technique would be spread among the world. I will inject the Fire Refining Sword Technique into your mind, and then you can practice it. My time in your world is limited, otherwise I might be in trouble!"

Suddenly, a faint purple light flashed, and the power that had been stored but not released made Chen Xuan's heart skip a beat. This power seemed to come from the swordsman in white, and it reflected on the swordsman in white's white shirt, as if it was warning the swordsman in white.

The swordsman in white frowned slightly, and a trace of nervousness flashed across his cold expression. But it was just a moment, and Chen Xuan didn't even capture it.

Such a powerful force, but luckily it wasn't murderous intent. If it were, Chen Xuan might have been driven crazy by the murderous intent on the spot!

"Okay...he's here to urge me. If it's inconvenient for me to keep the sword technique, I've already poured it into your consciousness. When you wake up, it will be in your mind, and there is also a piece of information that Bai Zhe left for you. A letter…”

The shadow of the white-clothed swordsman seemed to be under a strong pressure at this time, and his words were a little powerless at this time. What is the powerful force? Who is he mentioned by the swordsman in white?

The shadow of the swordsman in white began to dim before Chen Xuan could even think about it, but suddenly a powerful force forced into Chen Xuan's mind. A thunderous sound blasted beside Chen Xuan's ears.

"Young Master, I would like to give you a few words on the occasion of our meeting... These two words will only bring you disaster and contempt before you have enough strength. This world is not based on reputation... A name that doesn’t live up to its name will not end well!”

Finally, the shadow of the swordsman in white disappeared completely, but the lingering sound kept lingering in Chen Xuan's ears. Indeed, when Chen Xuan knew that such a powerful and perverted person recognized him as his young master, he felt a little secretly happy.

But for Chen Xuan, these words were like a dream that forced him to wake up! Yes, only your own strength is the most important. Only you can be relied on in this world.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan himself felt that his figure was fading. The swordsman in white was no longer around, and this space was about to be destroyed. And he is about to return to the dimension of Daoxin Continent.

This time Chen Xuan felt as if he had slept for longer and had several dreams. But then something surged up in his mind like an overwhelming river.

He felt a powerful wave of information pouring into his mind. It squeezed my mind to the point of pain. About half a quarter of an hour later, Chen Xuan finally woke up and found that there was a letter beside him.

That is the letter the swordsman in white got from his cheap master. Chen Xuan looked around, but still didn't see Ziyi. He sighed softly, it seemed that this girl left without saying goodbye.

The carrion on the ground and the ruins of the collapsed cave told him that this was not a dream. There had been a terrible battle between humans and monsters here before. And he has indeed walked away from the line of life and death.

But Chen Xuan felt that his injuries had completely recovered, and next to him was a white shirt that was exactly the same as before. There was a long sword on the white shirt, and there was a brocade beside the long sword. ocean

Chen Xuan quickly put on his white shirt. At this moment, the dense forest gave Chen Xuan a warm and comfortable feeling, just like the warmth of March in spring when orioles are flying and grass is growing. It seems that once the evil beast of the Flame Python Demon King is eliminated, the earth's energy in this dense forest has returned to normal.

He didn't express too much emotion, but pushed away the sword and brocade box, and first opened the letter Bai Zhe left for him. A piece of pure white letter paper and meaningful handwriting made Chen Xuan feel like he was feeling the coolness under the icy spring of the Summer Moon.

"Xuan'er, although accepting you as a disciple is a test given to you by the elders, I sincerely regard you as a disciple, and your qualifications are the most outstanding I have ever seen in this world."

Chen Xuan cursed in his heart. His master was still like a smiling tiger as before. He would praise you first and then embarrass you.

However, both his cheap master and the swordsman in white praised Daoxin Continent as the world. Are they really immortals? Are there really immortals in this world?

Chen Xuan had actually known for a long time that those who claimed to be immortals in Daoxin Continent were all disciples or elders of the five peak sects, but obviously Bai Zhe and the swordsman in white were not...

What's even more frightening is that they actually regard those from the five peak sects as ants, so how powerful are they? Chen Xuan suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued to read...

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