"I know you still have many questions about people like us, but please listen to my teacher's advice and put him aside for the world that you are currently unable to touch. My junior brother must have warned you about this."

Bai Zhe seemed to be able to figure out Chen Xuan's mind and directly addressed the biggest question in Chen Xuan's heart.

"Although my master is an immortal, of course I am already considered an immortal to you, Daoxin Continent. But there is still an unfinished fate. Since you and I have a master-disciple bond, let us help our master!"

Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, Bai Zhe would praise you like this first, and then talk about friendship with you. After that, there would be a big pit waiting for you.

Chen Xuan had the feeling of wanting to tear apart the letter without seeing it, but he suppressed this immoral feeling. Keep reading... Bai Zhe is also his cheap master. Although he occasionally cheats on himself, he is still conscientious towards himself.

"As for my master, please wait patiently in advance. Your fire refining technique should have been passed on to you by my junior brother. You should practice more diligently from now on. The Purple Immortal Stone was given to you by me and another elder in the Presbyterian Council. Yours. It can be regarded as a gift from my master!"

Bai Zhe spoke in the letter like an old man. It seems that Bai Zhe left in a hurry and didn't have time to say goodbye to himself. This can be regarded as a farewell ceremony between master and apprentice.

But who are they that need to be restricted in this way? And who can restrict them if they are so powerful? Chen Xuan still couldn't hide his curiosity. It seemed that the world was much more complicated than he imagined...

"Purple Immortal Stone can help you increase the level of divine fire, and it can also give you three divine powers. Of course, you must have an absolute physique to withstand it. If you cannot control this divine power and explode and die, the Presbyterian Council will probably not I agreed to save you. I hope my disciple will make good use of this!"

When Chen Xuan saw this, he secretly slandered his cheap master. Wouldn't he have said this earlier? I have experienced this terrifying divine power once, and now it seems that Bai Zhe's words were an afterthought.

It's just that every time the Purple Immortal Stone is used, the divine power will be a bit stronger than the last time it was used. The divine power will appear in three waves at a time. Each wave of divine power will gradually increase.

It’s better to improve your strength quickly! Chen Xuan thought to himself.

"Finally, it's time for my master to ask you to help me. Did you know that there is a bitter cold place on the Heart Continent called Beiming Continent? It is called the land of ruins, and my master's fate is there!"

Chen Xuan was not unfamiliar with the place where Bai Zhe came from, but Chen Xuan thought that there were no monks living there for a long time, but his master mentioned it.

It is said that Beiming Continent is a place of ruins. The so-called ruins are not because of any natural disasters there. It's because it's extremely cold there, so cold that most creatures can't survive!

Only a small number of fish and Beiming people can endure the cold and survive tenaciously. Because of the problem of natural conditions, the economy and culture on the other side of nature are almost non-existent.

Or the Daoxin Continent is completely blank, and no monks will go to Beiming Continent, and no monks will come out of Beiming Continent.

Therefore, Daoxin Continent was naturally divided into three territories. One was the Ulan Empire, which was the empire where Chen Xuan was now. The other two are the Gasser Empire and the Lola Empire.

The three empires are constantly developing in a state of preparation for war, but they are also balanced by the involvement of the five peak sects.

"Although Beiming Continent is a continent, it is not as prosperous as the Ulan Empire in front of you. It is really lonely over there! But what I want you to do is to help me personally. Go to Beiming Continent and help a tribe called Wutuo revitalize. This is what I promised to the leader of Wutuo, but I didn’t expect that I can’t interfere now.”

Bai Zhe's letter mentioned Beiming Continent in such detail. Could it be that he, a cheap master, had been there? In other words, he, a cheap master, was once a person from Daoxin Continent, but because of his cultivation or some kind of chance, he became the immortal they called him?

"Forget it... you will definitely be curious about my identity. I have to tell you that my teacher was born and raised in Beiming Continent. That is my hometown, and the Wutuo tribe is where I was born and raised. tribe."

The hidden content in Bai Zhe's letter made Chen Xuan feel as surprised as a thunderbolt.

"Hmph! Everyone knows that Beiming is a bitter cold place and a ruin. But I can still escape from the world and become an immortal on my own. Looking at the Daoxin Continent, how many people can rival me? This is why I was a teacher at that time. The reason for sending you to a fishing village for six years is of course one of the tests that the teacher and elders will give you.”

Chen Xuan could feel Bai Zhe's cold arrogance through the letter, that domineering attitude of looking down at the loess from the sky. Even Chen Xuan's hand holding the letter began to tremble slightly.

"Okay... It's time for you to help me run errands. It's time for you to be paid. Did you see the long sword next to the letter? That's what Master left for you, called the Jialan Sword. Ever since your mind When the Jialan Totem appears as a teacher, the test has already begun!"

Chen Xuan thought of the Jialan Tu as if it was a lifetime ago. Even Chen Xuan now didn't know what that mysterious picture was. But this thing seems to be something that he owned in his previous life, but the memory of his previous life is like an untouchable string that causes pain when touched.

The older Chen Xuan gets, the vaguer his memories of his past life become.

"Well, you don't need to think too much about the memory of Xuan'er's past life. The Jialan Sword can be returned to its original owner only because he is a master. It can be regarded as an opportunity given to you by the master. Besides, he is already beside you, you I’ve already accepted it. You must do this!”

Chen Xuan was speechless when he saw the second half of the dialogue, which was almost a rogue one. It seemed that he had to go to Beiming Land. Chen Xuan nodded secretly and continued reading.

"The Jialan Sword was also my master's sword tens of millions of years ago. It's just that after I became a master, I didn't expect that he would choose you. It doesn't hurt to tell you... This is also the reason why you will be listed as a young master by the Presbyterian Council, and That’s the only reason! Don’t be complacent with your qualifications. Although your qualifications are enough to be praised as a teacher, they are insignificant in front of the Presbyterian Council!”

"The Jialan Sword is a divine sword, that's why they will set their sights on you as the future master."

"But if you practice this sword with the Fire Refining Sword Technique diligently, you will become extraordinary! To us, the rise of prosperity on the mainland is just an ant stirring up the storm in a clay pot! But you can only achieve Only at this level can you look further, otherwise it will bring you endless trouble! "

"I would also like to remind you that Jinze Lake is not as simple as you think. Wait until you reach the level of a Taoist master before going to the bottom of the lake. As for your gathering talisman, my teacher has already refined it. In Zheng Heng of the Brocade Box ! How can I not even have Bianhuahua? It’s just this trial arranged by the elders!”

"As for the skills of making talismans and alchemy, I have already asked my junior brother to introduce the fire refining technique into your consciousness! Please practice more diligently! You must be superior in swordsmanship, talisman making and alchemy skills in Daoxin Continent. Otherwise, you won’t be able to be the ant that stirs up troubles!”

Bai Zhe's letter ended here. After Chen Xuan folded the letter, green mist appeared on his left palm and burned the letter. But the surprise in my heart did not dissipate, but became more intense.

It would be rare for someone to reach the pinnacle of Daoxin Continent in any of these three techniques in a thousand years, but Bai Zhe wanted him to reach the pinnacle of each of them. In their eyes, he was still just an ant.

What kind of existence are they? Chen Xuan didn't dare to think any more, but picked up the blue sword beside him. The long sword seemed to reveal a slowly magical power. Looking at the long sword, Chen Xuan felt that it was familiar, and his mood was very complicated.

Even Chen Xuanruci's character changed a lot because he touched this sword. He closed his eyes and felt that there were three books neatly displayed in his mind, one was the Fire Sword Technique, the other was the Alchemy Technique, and the other was the Talisman Making Technique.

Breakthrough first, then practice!

Chen Xuan opened the exquisite wooden brocade box. The feeling that the brocade box gave Chen Xuan was completely different from the Qinghu Gate brocade box that Ziyi gave him before. The previous brocade box gave me a sense of elegance and luxury. The wood used seemed to be wood that has been used for a thousand or ten thousand years. It made people feel elegant and happy.

But this brocade box was different. Once Chen Xuan touched it, he felt a heavy breath coming toward him. It's like the sense of wasted time makes people respect him, and he respects him for no reason.

Even as soon as it was opened, the divine power that hit one's face made people start to feel in awe. How wonderful! Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart. Even the brocade box is not a mortal thing. The identity and strength of his cheap master and the swordsman in white are really unfathomable.

The inside of the brocade box looks very quaint, as if it was something from a long time ago, even very shabby. But the brand new Gathering Talisman inside was lying flat.

Is this something that allows you to walk on the line of life and death? Chen Xuan asked secretly in his heart. However, if the Taoist Master makes a breakthrough later, the Gathering Talisman will be useless. At that time, it will depend on his own comprehension of the exercises and Taoist techniques.

But before the Taoist Master, it was like the peak of the Taoist Master, which could not be broken through without the Gathering Talisman or other opportunities. Because the Taoist skills he has cultivated have not reached the level that can break through the barrier at this time, and the opportunity of using the Purple Immortal Stone is even more likely to escape death...

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