Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1820 Breakthrough! Beginner level of Taoist master

Chen Xuan took out the Gathering Talisman and felt it, feeling a burst of joy in his heart. It is indeed a huge force. In fact, the so-called power gathering talisman allows the power in the monk's body to gather in an instant and attack the cultivation barrier.

The orange-yellow talisman looks thin but is actually worth thousands of gold. Chen Xuan placed him in the palm of his left hand and used the power of green smoke to catalyze it...

boom! Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt that the orange power gathering talisman seemed to turn into a warm current and slowly flowed in his bloodline. The place where the bloodline connected was where his Dantian Dao and his mental strength gathered.

His green mist slowly poured into his Dantian along with the orange-yellow warm current, and suddenly his whole body seemed to expand crazily. Chen Xuan's heart suddenly tightened. It seemed that he had activated the power of his Taoist heart.

A glint flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, but the power of the heart was rushing towards Chen Xuan like a big wave. At this time, he felt that his heart was beating violently as if it was beyond his control.

The blood in his veins was flowing crazily at this time, as if it had merged into a blood spring in his dantian and erupted. Chen Xuan closed his eyes tightly and felt the slightest change in his body. Even the slightest change was directly related to Chen Xuan’s cultivation and life.

He was like a sitting general looking at the power in his body that was approaching madness. You must mobilize your own earth fire and use the force gathering talisman to rise up, otherwise I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to break through!

It may even cause your own blood to become disordered. Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart. Suddenly Chen Xuan's face turned cold, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes like a bloodthirsty beast.

He God of the Underworld felt as if there was a green flame flickering in his mind. That vast spiritual consciousness is as mysterious and unpredictable as a blue ocean, and as vast as the infinite universe.

That flame was as small as a pearl on the bottom of the sea. Whether it could be found in his mind and how long it took to find it depended on Chen Xuan's mastery of earth fire.

As expected, Chen Xuan lived up to his talent, and he glanced at the green earth fire in just a moment. The corner of Chen Xuan's mouth curled up, and then the power of the earth fire was drawn out by the force gathering talisman.

boom! Another powerful heat was injected into Chen Xuan's body. At this time, he seemed to feel magma spreading all over his body. Every drop of blood turned into magma and tortured Chen Xuan in Chen Xuan's body.

This is the disadvantage of practicing Fire Palm. Although Fire Palm is a mid-level Xuan-level Taoist skill, when it breaks through, the monk will suffer unbearable pain because of its power of fire.

And because Chen Xuan was the Earth Fire from the Five Directions of Thunder, the pain he suffered was more than a hundred times that of an ordinary monk. The droplets of blood flowed into Chen Xuan's bloodline as if they were nourished by divine fire, because they have tens of millions of divine fire attributes...

He felt that every drop of his blood was very "special". The blood at one moment was as hot as magma and was about to burst his veins. The blood at the next moment was as cold as the sea in Beiming.

One moment, his blood was coagulated like earth and stone, making him feel unable to breathe. The next moment, the blood was like rushing water rushing towards Chen Xuan's Dantian veins.

The dantian is the final destination of these bloodlines with the power of earth fire, and the dantian, as much power as it can hit the barrier, will cause as much damage as the monk's bloodline needs to withstand...

The saying goes that if you want to take something first, you must give it first, and it is most appropriate to apply it to the monk's breakthrough. At this time, Chen Xuan's heart was tingling like countless needle points. This was because every monk's breakthrough would reach a limit that he could explode. Naturally, when this limit was reflected, the monk's own heart would be the first to protest.

It all depends on your own physique. If your physique is weak, you will not be able to pass the bloodline test, let alone a heart that is gnawed by thousands of ants. The last test is the explosive power when you hit the barrier.

Each of these three levels is a fatal test for the monks. Boom! Chen Xuan's power of earth fire continued to expand Chen Xuan's blood. At this time, he was crawling on the ground unable to move, and even struggling was extremely painful.

There is still a wave of earth fire power left! Chen Xuan secretly shouted wildly in his heart, but this last wave is the most dangerous. If the power of the previous two waves and his blood were lucky enough to support it, Chen Xuan himself would not be confident in this last wave.

Or maybe I have thought too simply about the power of earthly fire. The power of divine fire is indeed beyond my imagination. Boom! Chen Xuan felt a roar coming from his body.

coming! Chen Xuan's heart suddenly tightened, his expression became even colder, and the look of perseverance in his eyes became even more fierce. The blood of the divine fire spread towards Chen Xuan's blood vessels like a ball of blood mist.

Chen Xuan's heart beat even more fiercely, as if a blade was piercing Chen Xuan's heart. pain! It hurts so much! Is this the limit that I can bear?

Chen Xuan secretly cursed, but at this moment, Chen Xuan felt as if he was about to faint. But he held on tightly. If he fainted, he would still be able to wake up again. However, if he could wake up, his bloodline would be severely damaged.

The blood mist slowly melted away, and a cold and sharp feeling penetrated into Chen Xuan's bone marrow like ice from nine places away. Hiss... Chen Xuan couldn't help but take a breath, but what he got in return was double the pain in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, the magical blood mist turned into volcanic lava that was about to erupt, rushing towards Chen Xuan's internal organs. Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and dared not say anything...


Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart, each wave of the earth fire was ten times more powerful than the previous one. Moreover, the attribute transformation time of each wave is shorter and longer than the previous wave.

What a trap!

Chen Xuan was in so much pain that the pain turned into a curse in Chen Xuan's heart. Because Chen Xuan felt that the curse in his heart would relieve some of the physical pain.

Then the scorching flames turned into green vines, which seemed to be able to tightly wrap around Chen Xuan's internal organs and the stinging heart. He felt that it was due to excessive contraction. His own blood had begun to coagulate. Chen Xuan's face suddenly turned pale, his lips turned an abnormal purple color, his head began to feel heavy, and his limbs began to become swollen due to the coagulation of blood.

A bloody red gas was forced directly into Chen Xuan's throat and abdominal cavity, and Chen Xuan wanted to vomit. But he clenched his teeth tightly, as if he wanted to crush those white teeth into pieces.

Definitely hold on!

Chen Xuan thought to himself that if he couldn't hold on, most of the blood in his body would be vomited out first, then his liver and finally even his intestines would be vomited out.

A fierce look flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, and he had to hold back this last wave of earth fire power even if he died of pain. Lasting for about half a quarter of an hour, the power of the earth fire slowly merged into Chen Xuan's dantian, preparing to attack Chen Xuan's last barrier.

The severe pain finally slowed down a bit, Chen Xuan's blood began to flow normally, and his swollen limbs slowly recovered. But only Chen Xuan himself knew that this was just a prelude to the storm...

Finally, his Dantian exploded like an exploding alchemy furnace. Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and his face became even more ugly. Chen Xuan felt as if there was a city wall in front of him that was more than a thousand feet thick, forcing him to be airtight.

The power transformed from Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness was about to break through the wall. This barrier between the Taoist master and the peak of the Taoist master is really terrifying. Chen Xuan's eyes turned cold, and his heart suddenly trembled, and he rushed towards the barrier with the power of the earth fire.

Boom! It was as if an indestructible rock had hit his heart hard. His heart suddenly hurt, and Chen Xuan secretly cried out in pain. But he couldn't tolerate any distraction at this time.

Come again!

Chen Xuan secretly thought, once again almost pulling Dantian towards the barrier with all his strength. The barrier is like an unbreakable prison door, with no intention of loosening.

He has already used two-thirds of his earth fire power. If he is unable to break through this time, he is afraid that all his blood will be damaged, and then he will lose more than he gains.

But if they all attack and are unable to break through, I am afraid that my bloodline will be directly confused and the blood will flow back. I may be able to survive by relying on the power of Taoism, but I am afraid that my cultivation will be ruined!

what to do?

Chen Xuan quickly weighed in his mind, why is this barrier so strong? wrong! My own Taoist power is definitely several times stronger than other peak Taoist masters. Logically speaking, my own barrier should be broken quickly. How come I need to use two-thirds of my Taoist power and still not be able to break it?

Chen Xuan was not allowed to think about it. At this time, the power in his dantian was already fading away, and he had to make a decision immediately!

That’s it! Give it a try!

Chen Xuan's heart flashed with coldness, and his face became even more murderous!

boom! Chen Xuan pulled all the power in his dantian and burst towards the barrier, and the power of the earth fire crashed through it like a huge wave.

Zizzi...the barrier is beginning to loosen!

not enough! This is not enough, come again! Chen Xuan used all the strength of his Dantian that had not retreated to push forward again, and the power of earth fire rushed towards the barrier like a hidden dragon suddenly appearing.

Chen Xuan's heart suddenly hurt, as if a huge stone weighing heavily on his heart, and his face instantly became as pale and weak as a white paper.

Boom! The barrier finally began to loosen, and Chen Xuan was overjoyed that he had broken through!

After the power of the earth fire crashed through the barrier, it was like a slow stream of water slowly moving in Chen Xuan's blood.


Chen Xuan sighed secretly and calmed his mind.

But why is this power-gathering talisman so strange? Logically speaking, it would be easier to break through with the Gathering Talisman, but why did it feel like I was walking on a knife's edge for a while.

Suddenly, the wooden mirror box seemed to feel the breath of Master Chen Xuan, and gradually became dim, and the heavy power seemed to slowly dissipate.

In the end, it turned into an envelope and appeared in front of Chen Xuan...

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