After the breakthrough, Chen Xuan felt a warm current flowing through his heart and lungs, as if the previous pain had subsided a lot. Chen Xuan put on his white robe again and picked up the envelope that had been transformed into a brocade box.

A powerful force flowed into Chen Xuan's palms holding the letter, like a powerful seal testing Chen Xuan's strength. Um? Chen Xuan was shocked that he had no resistance at all under this power.

What secret does this brocade box hold? Chen Xuan thought to himself. It's just that this power was not powerful at all, and it dissipated on its own after about half a quarter of an hour.

Where does this mysterious power come from? How many secrets does this brocade box hide?

Chen Xuan was secretly surprised. What happened today was so miraculous. After that power dissipated, the envelope became exactly the same as before, no different from those envelopes containing ten copper coins each.

Chen Xuan suppressed his surprise and tore open the envelope. The ink marks on a piece of paper as white as pure clouds gave off a faint fragrance. It seems that just smelling it can make you feel happy.

The vigorous and powerful handwriting and the sharp pen edge formed a terrifying pressure that went straight into Chen Xuan's heart. Chen Xuan suppressed his fear and began to read carefully.

In just a moment, his eyebrows frowned into the character "Sichuan", and there was still a trace of anger in his eyes. Even Chen Xuan's powerful mood was angered by the content of the letter.

"It's not over yet!" Chen Xuan howled like a crazy lion, the anger in his heart was like the surge of magma from a collapsing volcano and the explosion of earth and rocks.

The power gathering talisman was actually sealed with half of its power, which explained why Chen Xuan was so dangerous when he broke through. As for why it was sealed, Bai Zhe meant the Presbyterian Church.

Presbyterian again! The previous test was just that, but this time he almost died, which made Chen Xuan furious. However, Chen Xuan's character was not strong enough for him to put this important letter aside out of anger.

The next part of Bai Zhe's letter was to congratulate Chen Xuan for reaching the primary level of a Taoist master, and then the most important content of the letter.

"Xuan'er, you must take care when you go to Beiming Continent this time. The forces in Beiming Continent are really complex. And all the people who cannot find a place in Daoxin Continent will appear there, so there are many hidden dragons there! Your Dao Master There are still many concerns about your strength, but there are many rare and exotic objects there that can help you quickly improve your strength."

Chen Xuan secretly palpitated in his heart. It turned out that Beiming Continent was not as simple as he thought. There was no place in Daoxin Continent. What kind of existence was that?

It’s definitely not weak anyway! Chen Xuan secretly thought that his master would only cheat him. This time I was forced to venture into the dragon's pond and tiger's den.

"Don't try to trick me. Next, I will give you a few gifts to congratulate you for breaking through to the realm of a Taoist master."


When Chen Xuan read this, three white lights suddenly appeared around him. After the white lights suddenly appeared, there were three brocade seas of different colors.

"In the green box is the Purple Mansion Order, which can be used to escape when you are in danger. But it can only be used once. Being a teacher is considered an immortal to you. It is expected that you will have a big disaster in a year, so this thing will definitely protect you. As for the calamity of your life, it cannot be revealed."

Chen Xuan opened the green box. This time, the box was as old and ordinary as a box for storing sundries. But the purple token in the box does have an unusual aura. This breath seemed to not belong to this world, and was very incompatible with this world.

Chen Xuan held back his doubts and continued reading, "The second item is for you to get yourself, the Ning Yuan Dan. I still remember what I reminded you in my previous letter, telling you not to underestimate Jinze Lake. There is definitely something there. Weird! The Ning Yuan Pill is there, go get it yourself."

Chen Xuan's heart tightened, Yuan Ning Dan? There is actually a Ning Yuan Dan hidden in Jinze Lake! This thing is a sacred object to Chen Xuan or the entire Daoxin Continent.

If it were to appear, it would be frantically robbed by all the major forces. According to legend, the Ning Yuan Pill is a demon pill condensed by the ancient mythical beast Dragon King. Only one pill is said to increase your strength greatly if you eat it. As for how it increases, no one knows. After all, no one has eaten it, or even seen it.

There is Ning Yuan Dan in Jinze Lake, that is, where is the Dragon King? Chen Xuan's heart felt as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer, and he was filled with fear. If there really is a Dragon King, then when he killed the Water Rhino King before, wasn't he looking for death?

And his cheap master would let himself die regardless of his own life and death comfort?

Chen Xuan had many questions in his mind, but he was not anxious, but continued to look down very calmly.

"Yes, the Dragon King is indeed an ancient beast, but he is afraid of one thing! The Purple Immortal Stone is fatal to him. As long as you throw the Purple Immortal Stone into Jinze Lake, I am sure that Jinze Lake will turn into ruins. !”

Are you asking yourself to lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds? The benefits of the Purple Immortal Stone are too many for Chen Xuan, and no matter how extraordinary the Ning Yuan Dan is, it is far inferior to the allure of the Purple Immortal Stone.

What is the demon elixir condensed by the mythical beast? Purple Immortal Stone is not something that Daoxin Continent should have at all!

"My teacher knows that you will definitely choose the Purple Immortal Stone after weighing it, but that thing is definitely not what this world should have. My teacher and the old man from the Blue Mountains were impeached by the Council of Elders for making decisions without authorization."

Hiss... Chen Xuan took a breath of cold air in his heart. The chill spread from his head to the soles of his feet, and he felt a cold sweat on his back. What kind of organization can impeach Bai Zhe?

Chen Xuan didn't dare to think about it. He continued to look down, but the more he looked, the more frightened he became. Even his face turned from feminine white to pale at this time.

"Actually, the matter of the Gathering Talisman is the biggest concession the Presbyterian Council has ever made. Originally, it gave you no chance to survive. But with the efforts of Master Wei and the old man from the Youlan Mountains, there was a chance. There has been some improvement, but we are very quiet..."

Chen Xuan was shocked, what kind of power was that? Bai Zhe's strength can sweep through any sect in Daoxin Continent, and is even enough to collapse all five peak sects with one manpower.

But such a person is actually ignored in the Presbyterian Church? Chen Xuan didn't dare to think any more. He even seemed to understand why Bai Zhe and the swordsman in white didn't want Chen Xuan to know more about their organization. This was indeed to protect Chen Xuan!

Chen Xuan suppressed his strong sense of shock and awe and continued reading, but his state had undergone earth-shaking changes. From the previous surprise, I became serious...

This faithfulness shocked Chen Xuan so much that it even overturned his original understanding...

"You are lucky to have managed to save your life, but you must not be greedy for the Purple Immortal Stone! The Ning Yuan Dan is a little compensation that the master has won for you, but it is a lot colder than the Purple Immortal Stone, which is weird. As a teacher..."

"Just remember not to be greedy. If the Jialan Sword hadn't chosen you, even if the master and the old man from the Youlan Mountains had to die to apologize, they wouldn't be able to gain half of your life! So remember..."

Chen Xuan nodded and made up his mind. Since this thing didn't belong to him, he had no choice but to let it go. The determination on his face was as resolute as a general's military order that could not be refuted.

"The third gift also needs to be picked up by yourself. It is in the Utuo tribe. There is a sacred beast raised by the master there, the Uzi Condor King. It is the patron saint of the tribe. If you complete the task entrusted to you by the master, Things, the people of the Utuo tribe will naturally hand over the sacred beast to you. "

Divine beast? Chen Xuan's heart suddenly tightened. This was no more shocking to him than the Ning Yuan Dan. He had always wanted a monster as a mount. But time and money to domesticate him were shackles that Chen Xuan couldn't break. But this time Bai Zhe gave away a divine beast. There will definitely not be more than five monks with divine beasts in Daoxin Continent...

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of excitement and he laughed wildly. The laughter echoed in the dense forest valley and did not recede for a long time.

"Well, the three gifts have been given, but the relationship between my master and your disciple is not over. Remember to go to the Wutuo tribe in the Beiming Continent, support them, help them eliminate powerful enemies, and make them rich. Every tribe's The people are all my children, and I don’t want them to suffer!”

"Thank you Bai Zhe!"

The last four words made Chen Xuan's heart tremble. The weight of these four words was as thick and vast as the Five Mountains. Chen Xuan sighed softly, "This helps me a lot!"

When he was done, green smoke appeared in his left hand and he burned the envelope and letter paper. Then he put the Purple Mansion Order in his sleeve, and began to comprehend the skills, techniques, and techniques of refining medicine and making talismans left to him by the swordsman in white.

For a moment, Chen Xuan gently closed his eyes, sat down like an old man fishing, and opened the blue-covered Fire Sword Art in his mind.

In an instant, Chen Xuan felt that his mind became brighter, as if an oil lamp was lighting up the picture in his mind.

Suddenly, the Fire Refining Sword Art seems to have turned into a mystery like a treasure map. There is a route on the treasure map, and there are points one after another on this line.

Chen Xuan counted five large dots in his mind. At this time, they were all dim, as if they were unlit wicks. Suddenly, the picture in his mind was slowly enlarged, and Chen Xuan concentrated on feeling that there were actually nine dots between the big dim dots, which were also dim at this time.

The Fire Sword Technique is really magical. I have never seen such techniques or Tao skills before. Are all the techniques in that world so special? Chen Xuan asked secretly, he must go to that world to see it.

Since I am a nominal young master, I must work hard to become stronger. He doesn't like to live up to his name! Since I was given this opportunity, it would be too incompetent to miss it! It was as if a fire had been planted in Chen Xuan's heart, and it was now being added to the fire, burning more and more fiercely.

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