Suddenly, the bright diagram of the skills turned completely dim, and Chen Xuan was suddenly heartbroken! Why is he useless when he hasn't seen it yet? Chen Xuan hurriedly tried to save it like a child who broke a toy. For about half a quarter of an hour, a line of words illuminated Chen Xuan's mind, and he even doubted whether his eyes would be blinded if he looked at it with the naked eye!

"Fire-refining swordsmanship begins with condensing Yuan!" These eight words were as deeply imprinted on Chen Xuan's mind as if they were carved with diamonds on gold bricks. It was really hard for him to forget them.

But Chen Xuan felt that the person who compiled the Fire Sword Art was more like a person who regarded Chen Xuan's brain as gold. Otherwise, why would he cherish his words like gold?

Ning Yuan...Suddenly Chen Xuan's mind buzzed as if he had been struck by cold lightning! Ning Yuan Dan? Forget it, let’s treat a dead horse as a live doctor! Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

If it is really the Ning Yuan Dan, then the cost of learning the Fire Sword Art is really perverted and terrifying. If it weren't for the Ning Yuan Dan, then those who practice the Fire Sword Art should really go to a private school to learn how to recognize more words...

The swordsman in white didn't give himself any more options. Chen Xuan took out the Purple Immortal Stone from his sleeve pocket and walked towards Jinze Lake. Before they even reached Jinze Lake, a murderous aura was rushing towards Chen Xuan like a powerful wind.

Hiss... Chen Xuan took a breath, and the fighting spirit hidden in his heart was forced out. His eyes were scarlet, and it seemed as if there was a lit firecracker hidden in his chest.

Hufufu... Such a powerful pressure, Chen Xuan felt as if the air around him had been sucked out, and even breathing was difficult. Kanazawa Lake was still as calm as a mirror at this time, as if nothing had happened. But there was something hidden in it that had already turned Chen Xuan upside down.

boom! Suddenly, Kanazawa Lake changed from stillness, and the coercion seemed to spread from the center of the lake, like an out-of-control tornado.

not good! Chen Xuan's heart suddenly tightened, the mythical beast really couldn't be covered. This terrifying power alone could make Chen Xuan breathless. Fight back? Don't fight back, now Chen Xuan can't even make a move and make the decision on his own!

Damn Purple Immortal Stone, you should make some noise! Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart, but the Purple Immortal Stone remained as calm as an ordinary broken stone.

Chen Xuan screamed in his heart that he should die, but there was nothing he could do.

"Bold human being! How dare you disturb my practice!" Boom! In an instant, the lake surface stirred up thousands of waves, and the white turbid waves suddenly exploded like clouds in the void.

Chen Xuan was even more suppressed at this moment, unable to move, as if there was a rope tightly binding him. Buzz! The voice of the ancient mythical beast suddenly penetrated Chen Xuan's ears like thunder, hitting his eardrums like a heavy hammer, and the reverberation was more like filling his brain with thousands of honeycombs. Buzzing.

Chen Xuan couldn't even take a deep breath at this time. It seemed as if an invisible hand was strangling his neck. This feeling of suffocation made his chest surge.

Damn it! The Purple Immortal Stone shouldn't be scrapped, right? Chen Xuan cursed in his heart. Doubt and anger suddenly broke the calm state of mind that he was proud of. At this time, it was like a huge stone weighing on his heart.

"Hmph! Just an unknown junior at the peak of Taoist masters! I really don't bother to kill him!" The Dragon King snorted coldly, his tone full of contempt.

"But... the people who covet my Yuan Ning Dan are really inferior to each other. Now even the monks at the peak of Taoist masters dare to covet me! Do you regard me as a sick cat?"

Suddenly, the murderous aura moved with the wind, heading towards Chen Xuan. A bloody smell caused Chen Xuan's stomach to surge violently, and then countless corpses appeared on Jinze Lake...

There were fish and shrimps, some monsters, and even humans who were used as food by the monsters... Kanazawa Lake suddenly turned into a blood lake, and the blood of countless creatures stained the white waves and the blue water.

very scary! Chen Xuan thought to himself that he was also a cruel person. But at this time, the endless life disappeared in the blink of an eye, which really gave him the sad blessing of death and sorrow.

But a strong desire to survive occupied his entire mind. There must be some way to touch the Purple Immortal Stone! I just didn’t think of it! If you don’t think about it anymore, you don’t have to think about it anymore, and you won’t even have the right to think about it anymore!

Damn Bai Zhe, you cheap master! Chen Xuan mentally scolded both Bai Zhe and the swordsman in white. After Qiaoye Qiao finished scolding, there was a burst of spiritual happiness in his mind

He used all his strength to raise his left palm first, aimed at the fire refining pattern in the center of his left palm, and bit down hard. While biting and tearing like a tiger eating a sheep, blood finally came out...

This made Chen Xuan feel happy... Sure enough! The purple light of the Purple Immortal Stone suddenly appeared. What kind of purple light did Chen Xuan see? It was just the light of his own life. It turned out that the weak purple light shone like a god coming down from the earth in Chen Xuan's eyes.


There was a loud noise, and the Purple Immortal Stone flew out of Chen Xuan's arms and into the sky, as magically as a purple sun hiding in the sky. Chen Xuan watched intently, like a dying patient watching the miracle doctor brew his own life-saving medicine.

Suddenly Chen Xuan felt relaxed all over, and his eyes suddenly turned to ecstasy. But after the ecstasy, he slapped himself hard to make sure whether it was his soul or body and soul that he was liberated from... really hurts. It seems that this broken stone will not be scrapped.

"Hmph! Human you are...very good!"

The Dragon King was really angry at this time. No human being could escape his restriction, no matter the Taoist Master or the Taoist Emperor! But this time it was actually cracked by a junior at the peak of Taoist masters!

If word of this spreads, how will he survive in the world of ancient mythical beasts? No matter what, this boy will die today! The Dragon King secretly moved a big stone pillar for Chen Xuan, and then he was sharpening a big butcher knife...

Just wait for Chen Xuan's head to fall to the ground. Oh no! His head fell into the lake!

Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat and he forced a calm look on his face. But my heart was already raging like a huge storm.

I tried so hard to chew my own palm like an elbow, I didn't want you to be a purple star! Chen Xuan secretly cursed, but the purple fairy stone was hanging in the air without any movement at all.

"Huh? When I break through the barrier you set up, you will be cut into pieces!" The Dragon King's voice was like a hungry lion whose food had been stolen, ferocious and terrifying.

Chen Xuan didn't feel confident at all. He could only pretend to be a master and slowly walked to a rock on the shore of Jinze Lake and sat down on it. He was as calm as an old monk in meditation, but only he knew that now he was worse than an ant on a hot pot.

According to his cheap master, shouldn't the Purple Immortal Stone directly suppress the Dragon King as soon as it appears? Then the Dragon King was crushed and obliterated, and then he could get the Yuan Ning Dan and learn that abnormal technique!

But why is this Purple Immortal Stone like a powerful man acting as a general unwilling to send troops to save his temporary master? Hiss... It seems that Bai Zhe's letter didn't mention that as soon as he arrived at Jinze Lake, he would be pinched like an insect by the Dragon King until he couldn't move, right?

He also has no way to activate the Purple Immortal Stone. There is still a problem that the Purple Immortal Stone needs to be activated, right? Chen Xuan reflected in his heart, and then cursed again.

excitation? Chen Xuan seemed to have captured some important information in his mind, like discovering a golden leaf in the thick sand or discovering a talent among a bunch of fools.

Give it a try! Chen Xuan was heartbroken. The bleeding left palm still had Chen Xuan's bite marks. But he didn't care about the passing blood and his increasingly pale face.

boom! A burst of green smoke rose up like a will-o'-the-wisp, but the sweat on his face and back showed that this wisp of blue smoke consumed a lot of effort on his part.

"Go!" A trace of determination flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He threw his left palm and the man seemed to have lost his soul. But once the green smoke touches the Purple Immortal Stone, the movement will be terrible.

The sizzling sound made Chen Xuan feel like it was about to explode, but Chen Xuan did not doubt that the purple fairy stone, which was harder than the Maokeng stone, would explode due to his own ground fire. Otherwise, how could he withstand Chen Xuan's three waves of earth fire when he fought against the Flame Python Demon King's fire formation?

Ming Chen Xuan's prediction was correct. His own blood and earth fire were indeed the trigger to activate the stone. I just don’t know how this broken stone can get rid of the mythical beast in the lake?

Boom! It seemed that the purple immortal stone suddenly exploded, and Chen Xuan's pupils shrank sharply! To die! He secretly shouted in his heart that the murderous spirit in the lake was once again overflowing.

"Hahaha...Human you..."

The roar of the Dragon King once again sounded in Chen Xuan's ears, as terrifying as the demonic voice of death.

But before he could finish speaking, he was suppressed by a powerful aura and couldn't do it anymore!

The water of Kanazawa Lake seemed to be boiling, and the lake surface, which was originally filled with blood, was now shrouded in a strong purple light. The fragments of the Purple Immortal Stone floated like scattered flowers, but within half a quarter of an hour, each fragment turned into a purple guillotine and roared towards the bottom of the lake.

Boom boom boom!

Chen Xuan felt relieved, it seemed that he had made the right bet! After the purple knife fell into the water, it was calm, as if nothing had happened. Even Chen Xuan began to wonder if what happened before was his hallucination?

But after about a stick of incense, the lake surface was filled with blood again. But this time, there was no very strong smell of blood. Instead, there was a refreshing scent pouring into Chen Xuan's nose and throat.


"The blood of mythical beasts has a pleasant fragrance!" Sure enough, what the demon scripture said is true! Chen Xuan sighed secretly. Then Jinze Lake dried up at a rapid speed, and Chen Xuan stared at it without being distracted for a moment.

About half an hour later, Kanazawa Lake had turned into a wasteland. If the previous passers-by had told them that this was a lake and that ancient beasts lived there, he probably wouldn't believe it.

But Chen Xuan didn't care about this at all, but was desperately looking for something. Suddenly a light flashed in his eyes, he found it! Chen Xuan was secretly excited.

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