Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1823: Fire Refining Sword Technique, Originating from Ning Yuan

A green bead as big as a pearl, like a luminous pearl in the dark night. Chen Xuan was overjoyed that he had finally been found! He strode forward like a meteor, and the beads were filled with a refreshing fragrance.

The green light on Chen Xuan's left palm was like an elf kissing the scar on his palm, and the tearing pain gradually subsided. A warm current spread into Chen Xuan's body from his wound.

Hiss... Chen Xuan took a breath, it was so damn comfortable. Suddenly, the Ning Yuan Dan flew into the air like a stone that had been injected with chicken blood to become an immortal. Chen Xuan stared at it, fearing that it would fly away.

A bunch of green fairy mist slowly came down, just like the warm sunshine flowing into Chen Xuan's body in early July. He quickly sat down cross-legged and sucked the wound on his palm like a baby.

The layers of green mist were like warm currents operating in his body. Chen Xuan felt that all the Taoist power in his Danhai was mobilized.

What an amazing feeling! Chen Xuan sighed secretly, the Taoist power in the Danhai was slowly injected into the internal organs like blood. He felt as comfortable as soaking in warm water after standing in the freezing cold.

It actually made Chen Xuan a little drowsy. His upper eyelids kept moving downwards and his lower eyelids kept moving upwards. It is simply like Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one is willing to hit and the other is willing to suffer.

About half a quarter of an hour later, Chen Xuan entered the state of condensation. At this time, he was completely unconscious, just like the flowers, plants and trees around him. That is how his heart can reach a state of complete stillness.

No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror!

Chen Xuan's body began to function as if there was a place, the flow of blood was as orderly as the changes of the four seasons, and even the beating of the heart was as natural as the blossoming and falling of flowers.

As time went by, his internal organs almost merged with the entire world. He is a world! As the saying goes, one flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi, this is Chen Xuan's state at this time.

To be precise, it is the realm of monks after Ning Yuan...

More than a year passed, and Chen Xuan sat cross-legged like this throughout the spring, summer, autumn and winter, as calm as an old monk in meditation. No matter whether it is sunny or rainy, frost or snow in Kanazawa Lake, he remains like this and never changes.

At this time, the white shirt on his body was no longer white. It turned out that the handsome young master was now unkempt and looked worse than a beggar. I haven’t eaten anything for more than a year, not even a sip of water! The third day after all the Ning Yuan Dan was absorbed by Chen Xuan, he woke up... from hunger!

When he raised his eyes, his eyes were full of confusion. This is where? who I am? What am I doing? Asking questions like a philosopher, but Chen Xuan felt that he was not a philosopher but a patient at this time...

After being in a daze for about an hour, he finally remembered something. He was the one who condensed Yuan after getting the Yuan Ning Dan. This magical elixir is really wonderful! Why is it amazing?

Even I don’t know what this thing did to me and then it disappeared. He felt the breath all over his body and was overjoyed! His Taoist power seemed to be completely different from what it was before the condensation. He even felt like he had a new heart.

He felt that his Taoist power now seemed to have turned into a breath, flowing in an orderly manner through his blood, no longer static in the sea of ​​​​dan.

Even a Taoist-level monk cannot achieve this state! Chen Xuan has no way of understanding the monks above him. But the Taoist power of monks at the Taoist level is still sinking in their Danhai.

It turns out that this is the realm of condensation! Let your Taoist power flow endlessly like water, endlessly, and you will practice while walking, sitting, or even sleeping.

Every moment, every heart and every thought is practicing cultivation. This state is so wonderful! So why worry about not becoming the strongest person in Daoxin Continent?

The vigor of Taoist mind comes from clear movement, just like a woodcutter who wants to be efficient, how can he achieve it? Then chop it down endlessly! Taoist power is like his ability to chop firewood, his skill in chopping firewood is like his skills, and firewood is like his strength.

As long as it keeps running, it will become a place of its own. That will give you a great advantage when practicing the techniques. This is a great benefit for both the martial arts and Daoxin Continent's martial arts and techniques.

It’s just that this Fire Refining Sword Technique is rather abnormal. He doesn’t have this advantage and won’t let you practice it. Chen Xuan cursed in his heart, then lowered his head and looked at himself, almost fainting from fright...

How could the gentle young man who cared so much about his image in the past become worse than a beggar now? Hiss... He took a deep breath and cursed secretly.

About half a quarter of an hour later, Chen Xuan returned to his gentle and gentle manner and walked back to the original valley, where he had food and water left for him. I didn't expect that it would be a year and a half after it came out this time, but now I am very different from before.

After simply eating and drinking, he sat down again like an old monk in trance. This time, he could finally get a glimpse of this abnormal technique.

Still the same as before, the skill map behind his eyes was mysteriously lit up like stars. This time it didn't dim again. When those eight deceptive words popped up, Chen Xuan felt secretly happy.

Then the skill map was like the first light spot that kept flickering on and off. It turned out that this was the starting point! Chen Xuan thought to himself.

"Congratulations, young master, for reaching Dao Heart Condensation!" A cold voice came to Chen Xuan's mind like a machine.

Um? who is it? A strange look flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. Could it be that there is a spirit body in the technique?

"My subordinates say hello, young master!" A black oval light sphere appeared beside Chen Xuan, and he was shocked. What is this?

"My subordinates congratulate the young master for breaking through to the realm of Taoist masters in the Daoxin Continent. Daoxin Ningyuan has reached the qualifications to practice the Fire Sword Art. This subordinate is the book spirit of the Fire Sword Art."

This fire refining sword technique is really extraordinary, and there is actually a spirit body. It's just that this spirit body looks so strange.

"Well! Hello, the Fire Sword Technique was given to me by the swordsman in white for me to practice on my own. Did the book spirit help me practice?" Chen Xuan asked kindly without being polite. His eyes were still as calm and deep as the stars in the night sky.

"Although my subordinates are spirits in the Fire Sword Art, they cannot assist the young master in his cultivation. They can only help him solve problems related to cultivation. Of course, the problems that can be solved are also very limited. Questions that are beyond the scope of the answer, Shu Shuling can’t answer!”

The black oval light sphere is like a cold stone pillar, without any human touch. Chen Xuan was silent and did not continue.

But the black ball of light continued, "We are information-storing existences in that world. Although we are spiritual bodies, we are only low-end spiritual bodies that do not have human intelligence. Please forgive me, young master."

Chen Xuan was speechless for a while, and his heart trembled. He tried his best to calm down his desire to kill this book spirit, and asked harmoniously, "What kind of world is yours?"

Since the book spirit is used to store information in their world, you can always ask yourself what kind of world it is. Anyway, let’s explore the edge first...

"My subordinates don't know!"

The four words were like the sound of heavy armor shaking the ground, like the sound of a blacksmith swinging his hammer, thick and cold.

Um...the edge test failed!

"Then who put you into the Fire Refining Sword Technique? Was it my cheap master Bai Zhe? Or the swordsman in white? You know the Presbyterian Council, right?"

Chen Xuan threw out all the questions he wanted to ask like a bean master pouring beans.

"I don't know the first question. I have existed in the Fire Sword Art since birth. The second question is that I know!"

It was still the thick mechanical sound, which made the fire in Chen Xuan's heart burn more and more fiercely, like a volcano erupting in the woods.

But the second sentence was like a bowl of cold water that drowned Chen Xuan's emotions, huh? he knows! It’s not bad to know the Presbyterian Church! I have always wanted to know what kind of bastards I am!

"Hurry up!"

After Chen Xuan saw the ball of light and understood it, he paused. He didn't have the intention to blame too much, but instead urged him excitedly.

"Although my subordinates know it! But they don't understand it. I only know the title of Presbyterian Church. But no one has supplemented this knowledge system for my subordinates."

He was still neither hasty nor slow, neither cold nor hot. He spoke out the words that made Chen Xuan furious, word for word, word for word.

Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart. This book spirit gave Chen Xuan, who usually talked and laughed calmly, the urge to smash rocks. Isn't this playing with yourself?

"Young Master, please report the Fire Sword Technique." Shu Ling didn't seem to notice that Chen Xuan was angry, and still faced Chen Xuan with a cold voice and the look of a stone ball of light.

Chen Xuan seemed to have a fiery lion in his eyes, and he was about to rush out and strangle the book spirit to death.


Forget it, business matters! Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

"You!" Chen Xuan hummed weakly in his mind and stopped talking.

The ball of light in front of Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to turn into a strong red light, illuminating Chen Xuan's eyes like a flame.

The black stone ball of light disappeared, but the aura did not disappear and was still surrounding the Kung Fu diagram. It turned out that he was possessed and entered the art...

"Condensate the Taoist heart and evolve the vitality. Understand the sword's intention clearly, and the sword will rise with you. The heart beats like the sword, and the sword's heart becomes one. The Taoist heart refines the sword, and the sword is like the heart's flame. Cultivate the mind and cultivate the sword, one sword for a lifetime. The sword enters the heart "Thinking, closing the throat with one thought."

The cold voice sounded in Chen Xuan's ears again. This time it was not eight words, but forty words that were so mysterious that no one could understand them. Chen Xuan heard the mechanical voice of Shu Ling and read it about twice. Every time he read it, he wished he could wake up...

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