Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1824: Understanding the meaning of the sword clearly, taking the sword with you - Ming Zi Ju

Finally... there was silence, and Chen Xuan felt that his life was much more perfect without a monk chanting sutras in his ears. After listening to the preface of the Fire Sword Art, Chen Xuan felt silent for a while, as if he understood the significance of the existence of the stone ball of light.

Without it, no one would be able to understand the Fire Refining Sword Technique. "Young Master, because this thing was created by the ancestors of our sect, the Taoist heart of the ancestors is unparalleled, so it is very mysterious."

Shu Ling's tone of comforting Chen Xuan was so cold that he wished he had a piece of ice covering his throat.

Well... Chen Xuan said softly, which counts as recovery. Then Shu Ling's cold voice surrounded Chen Xuan's eardrums again.

"This is the realm of the Fire Refining Sword Technique. Let me introduce it to you, young master!"

Even if Shuling uses respectful semantics, don't try to hear his respectful tone, otherwise you will be so disappointed that you want to rip your ears off.

"Young Master, the Fire Sword Jue is divided into five levels and ten levels. The big realms are the Ming Zi Jue realm, the Moving Zi Jue realm, the Lian Zi Jue realm, the Xiu Zi Jue realm, and the Killing Zi Jue realm. The ten levels are from level one to level nine plus the level of perfection.”

Shu Ling's voice was very slow, making Chen Xuan feel like a private school teacher teaching poor students. The emotionless narrative made Chen Xuan suspect that even Shu Ling's emotions and narrative content were set by those people.

"And the realm corresponding to the Ming Zi Jue is to understand the meaning of the sword and lift the sword with you." Suddenly, the first big light spot in Chen Xuan's mind flickered on and off. It seemed that the light spot corresponded to the Ming Zi Jue. Bar.

"Then how to practice it specifically?" Chen Xuan asked in confusion. This sword technique is too mysterious. Is there a normal version? Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

The Shuling was just silent for a while, so silent that Chen Xuan thought that the Shuling had disintegrated itself... But it seemed that more than half an hour later, the cold voice sounded again.

"I'm sorry, young master. I have just read the entire content of the Fire Sword Technique to the young master twice, and checked it 3,897 times and found nothing missing. Please understand, young master, it will be inconvenient for me." Word……"

"I..." Just as Chen Xuang was thinking about what to say, a mechanical voice came again in his mind.

"Every time the young master breaks through a great realm, one big light spot will be ignited, and if he breaks through a realm, one light spot will be illuminated! The understanding of the fire refining sword art requires the young master to work hard! The book spirit will retire first, and wait until the young master reaches it When the Ming Zi Jue reaches the first level, the book spirit comes again to congratulate the young master..."

The black sphere of light was fleeting like a shooting star passing through the sky, and Chen Xuan's mind returned to silence. At this time, only the cursor on the skill diagram was flashing brightly and dimly.

A line of large characters appeared above the diagram of the skill and formula, clearly understanding the meaning of the sword and lifting the sword with it - Mingzi Jue.

Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and at this moment the Jialan Sword had fallen into his left palm at some point. Zheng Chen Xuan had always used his left hand for power, so he also used his left hand when practicing Fire Palm.

The light blue fairy mist slowly opened from the Jialan Sword in his left palm, like a powerful force bursting out in Chen Xuan's heart. What a powerful sword!

Is this the sword intention of Jialan Sword? Chen Xuan felt as if he was rising in the wind at this time, with white clouds as the ground, his clothes fluttering, his eyes looking in all directions, and his ears hearing six places. A man with a pot of wine and a sword, lying on the top of the clouds, overlooking the mountains and rivers.

Hiss...what a cool sword spirit! Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel respectful in his heart. And Jialan Sword has chosen me, what does this mean? Does that mean that he is also such a fairy-like person in his bones?

Chen Xuan asked himself in his heart...

Gratitudes and grudges are unwilling to escape, right and wrong are picked with the sword.

Yes, I don’t know who carved two lines of words on the Jialan sword. This is exactly the way I have always dealt with people, and my summary is unique and to the point.

Chen Xuan was a little curious about Master Jialan. What kind of free and easy man was he?

"Hahaha... From now on, I, Chen Xuan, will hold the Jialan Sword in my hand and see all the mountains and valleys, enjoying my grudges." Chen Xuan has never been so happy after the blood feud in the Chen Mansion. The sound of wild laughter resounded throughout the world and shocked the world...

Chen Xuan held the sword in his left palm and gently scratched the tip of his right index finger, and blood flowed into the loess under the valley drop by drop. He didn't pay attention, but dipped his sword in blood, letting his blood slowly flow into the sword.

At this time, the Jialan Sword seemed to have regained its soul, ready to move on Chen Xuan's left palm.

"From now on, I, Chen Xuan, will be your brother. As long as I, Chen Xuan, are here, you will be here. If I, Chen Xuan, go, you can follow me!"

A trace of determination flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, the resolute expression on his face and the blood in his white shirt, and the sword intention in his palm were deeply hidden in the heart of this twenty-seven-year-old boy.

Suddenly, Jialan Sword became as crazy as if a soul that had been lonely for thousands of years had found a confidant, and the sword actually started to move on its own. Chen Xuan was already intoxicated by the sword's intention. Holding the long sword in his hand, he danced with his heart like a drunkard.

His figure moved like a swimming fish, and the sleeves of his white shirt crackled against the air. At this time, the Jialan Sword started to move like a swimming dragon, and every move of the sword seemed to contain a dash of sword intent.

Then the long sword slashed through the sky like a scimitar slashing the moon, and Chen Xuan's figure flew up like a tiger emerging from the abyss. Then there was a flip, and Chen Xuan's Jialan Sword cut half of a cloud in the air, just like a frivolous young man traveling and a frivolous talented woman.

Several fallen leaves flew up one after another because of Chen Xuan's sword intent. Chen Xuan's body flew up, swishing, swishing... three times he struck the sword and fell, and those fallen leaves were scattered to the ground like early spring tidbits.

He seemed to be a drunk man with no intention of waking up. Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed, and murderous intent suddenly filled his eyes. He seemed to have seen Chen's corpse and Yu'er's death!

There was endless fire burning in front of his eyes, and he hated it in his heart! He wished that all these people would be cut into pieces, and his sword suddenly struck out like a lion. The figure soared out like a roc spreading its wings, and the sword intent dancing in the air eclipsed the sun and moon.

When I am angry, no one can stop me!

Chen Xuan's eyebrows were condensed, his eyes were filled with cold light, and the bloodthirsty look on his face immediately made Qingfeng not dare to talk any more. He soared into the void and struck down with the Jialan Sword in his hand.

boom! The earth mountain about a hundred feet high suddenly cracked open at this moment, and the blue fairy mist flickered on the sword body like the afterglow after the crack. He felt as happy as if Ling Chi had executed all those beasts.

"Hahaha..." There was another burst of laughter, Chen Xuan's eyes were full of unruly. At this moment, he woke up as if he had just woken up from a big dream. At this time, he saw that the white shirt was covered with dust, the blue sword was still stained with blood and his own messy black hair, and the joy in his heart was self-evident.

"I, Chen Xuan, will come to collect debts!" ​​Holding the Jialan Sword in his hand, he seemed to be able to defy and ignore everything.

Huh... This consumes too much mental energy. If you don't have Ning Yuan, you can't do it at all.

After swallowing the Yuan Ning Dan, the Taoist power will continue to grow in his body, and he will no longer have to condense the Taoist power in his Dantian! Chen Xuan felt happy in his heart, this Yuan Ning Dan was really worthy of my narrow escape.

Understand the meaning of the sword clearly, and move the sword with you! ——Ming Zi Jue, suddenly Chen Xuan felt as if his skill map was lit up.

"Young Master, you are really born to refine the Fire Sword Technique! Young Master actually broke through to the third level of Ming Zi Jue Realm in one day! Congratulations, Young Master!" A cold voice congratulated Chen Xuan, but he did not There was half a hint of happiness, but it seemed like he felt like he was going to die and he came to pay his respects.

But it came just in time. He clearly understood the meaning of the sword, and the sword moved with him. How did he break through to the third level of the Ming Zi Jue? Then you have to ask him how to break through the remaining seven realms.

Chen Xuan asked unceremoniously. Anyway, Chen Xuan would not show his gentle and jade side to this broken stone ball of light.

"Young Master still needs more practice. The reason why the sword moved before was because the Young Master was driven by the sword spirit." Guang Qiu's words were still so cold, but this cold voice solved Chen Xuan's doubts.

No wonder I felt as if I was drunk and at the mercy of others like a puppet. Chen Xuan snorted coldly, which was regarded as a response to Shu Ling's answer.

"The subordinate has resigned! When the young master reaches the peak of the Ming Zi Jue, I will explain the next level to the young master."

Chen Xuan nodded, indicating that Shu Ling could leave. He has never had a good attitude toward Shu Ling. You are an ice cube to me, and I am the same to you.

Chen Xuan has always been a person who will repay kindness and revenge. He will not repay kindness with kindness and will only retaliate with tooth for tooth.

My swordsmanship has broken through to the third level of Ming Zi Jue, but I don't know how my Taoist power is doing. There must be a breakthrough! While he was being driven by the sword spirit to dance the sword, he felt that all his peak blood was boiling with the Taoist power.

It should be possible to break through the power of the heart while breaking through the swordsmanship. After condensing the essence, there is no need to live or die when breaking through the power of the heart. Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart.


Chen Xuan was overjoyed. It turned out that he had broken through to the third level of Dao Master! good! This fire refining sword technique is really extraordinary, actually...

"Young Master, I must tell you something!"

Before Chen Xuan could finish sighing in his heart, that cold and annoying voice exploded in Chen Xuan's mind again.


Although Chen Xuan didn't have any anger in his words, there was a hint of chill hidden in his tone, but he didn't think the broken book spirit could feel it.

Po Shuling himself talks like a machine, how can he feel Chen Xuan's hidden anger?

"Practitioners of the Fire Refining Sword Art must reach the realm of Dao Masters in your world, and their Taoist hearts must be condensed before they can practice. To put it simply, the young master's current physique has just entered the introductory stage for the Fire Refining Sword Art. It’s like the mother’s body has just given birth to a child!”

Shu Ling's words were like a basin of cold water poured into Chen Xuan's heart. Coupled with Shu Ling's tone, the basin of water became even colder...

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