Chen Xuan became furious.

"Young Master, don't be angry. There is a huge difference in strength between Daoxin Continent and the world we live in, so please calm down, Young Master." Shu Ling's tone was still mechanical, and there was no warmth in his tone even when trying to comfort Chen Xuan.

snort! Chen Xuan snorted coldly, with a grim look on his face as if he was thinking about something, and his black pupils were even deeper. After about a moment, Chen Xuan's complexion returned to normal again.

"There are two more techniques. I want to learn them slowly. You should go back first." Chen Xuan took a breath and said calmly. The peace in his eyes and the calmness in his heart are like those of a successful eminent monk.

"My subordinates resign!" Shu Ling said coldly.

After Shu Ling left, Chen Xuan's mind became empty again. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around with his eagle eyes. Um! The cluster is pretty good and clean, so just practice here.

He made a simple plan in his mind, then got up and went to the spring to take a cold bath and find some food, preparing to retreat in Chu. No one would have thought that after this retreat, a young alchemy master would appear in Daoxin Continent, and he would also be the youngest alchemy master in the history of Daoxin Continent. Of course, this is a story later.

After everything was settled, Chen Xuan sat down again like an old monk in meditation, and slowly closed his eyes. His mind lit up again. Still three books. This time, Chen Xuan did not choose the fire refining sword manual but opened the secret method of alchemy.

However, this book is even more mysterious. The opening sentence is, "What is made by the elixir is made by the heart."

Chen Xuan didn't know what it meant, but when he turned back the page, he wanted to curse. He wondered if he had been tricked by the swordsman in white? Or is it because I am not good enough and cannot see through the foreign words in their world?

But even if it is a foreign text, it must at least have characters, right? Unlike the book in Chen Xuan's mind, except for the sentence "made of Li Fu" and "made of heart", there is no other word.

wrong! To be precise, there is not a single ink mark on it, and the book is cleaner than Chen Xuan's face. Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart, "I'm sorry for his grandma." He continued to read like this, but when he turned to the third page, he felt the blood in his body surge...

not good! In Chen Xuan's heart, the blood in his body was not only flowing with blood, but also the Taoist power accompanying the blood. This time, he felt that his Taoist power was activated by some unknown force.

Um? Chen Xuan's heart became cold, and fierce murderous intent spread in his heart. Are there any big monsters around? The power is so powerful, it seems that it is not something to be trifled with. Chen Xuan secretly guessed.

Huh... Chen Xuan couldn't bear the pressure of the powerful momentum and took a long breath. He seemed to feel that he was being surrounded by a powerful force. It felt like a huge boulder was pressing down on my chest.

Chen Xuan endured the discomfort and continued to turn the page. The fourth page...

boom! Chen Xuan felt that his blood was like a horse that had escaped from the reins and galloped forward. wrong! Not around, there is something weird about this alchemy book! Chen Xuan's eyes turned cold and he secretly said.

Stir up the fire! Otherwise, he would have no choice but to wait for his body to explode and die.

boom! A stream of green mist suddenly appeared above Chen Xuan's left palm. At this time, Chen Xuan closed his eyes tightly but seemed to be staring at the whole world with his inner eyes and seeing it more clearly than anyone else.

Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the green mist in his left hand seemed to turn into a dagger and severely separated the artery of his right hand. Strong pain and blood surged into Chen Xuan's throat, but Chen Xuan remained calm, as if he didn't care at all.

A stream of blue mist was poured into the artery of his right hand by Chen Xuan like a slow medicinal soup. The ethereal feeling of flickering light and dark was like a scene that only existed above the palace.

Within a moment, Chen Xuan's face turned pale. What a cheap master! Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart. He never hides anything. A real man will get angry when he is angry, take revenge when he is angry, and scold others when he wants to. Although he would occasionally hold back due to the current situation, he would never forget what was due and what was due.

The Jialan Sword is called the Sword of Carelessness. According to legend, the master of the Jialan Sword, the one who forged the sword, is also extremely carefree. Gratitudes and grudges are unwilling to escape, right and wrong are picked with the sword. The meaning of my heart, Chen Xuan, is the meaning of the sword.

After all the green mist was injected into his body, Chen Xuan's Taoist power became much more stable. The Taoist power in the meridians in his body is no longer as turbulent as the waves blown up by the strong wind, and has calmed down a little.

"I want to see what's so weird about this book!" Chen Xuan thought to himself, then he resisted the urge to throw the book into the fire pit and continued to read.

Um? Chen Xuan found that when he reached the fifth page, his Taoist power was boiling again. What a mysterious secret! Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

He couldn't turn over any more. Chen Xuan thought that if the Dark Sword went down any further, he might not be able to save himself from the fire, and he would soon explode and die. At this time, his body was extremely weak.

The moment Chen Xuan closed the book, a powerful amount of information poured into Chen Xuan's mind. He was so overwhelmed by the amount of information that he felt dizzy and almost fainted.

But the sea of ​​information was like a rainstorm that came and went quickly. After a while, Chen Xuan's mind returned to peace again. He once again opened the secret of alchemy, and was overjoyed!

The first five pages were originally blank pages, but now they were all covered with content and characters. Coincidentally, this is not a foreign language. Every word and symbol in it is familiar to Chen Xuan.

As for the sixth page, Chen Xuan did not dare to continue reading. He was not afraid of death, but felt that dying like this was too nonsense. All right! In fact, he is afraid of death!

He was not in a hurry to understand these alchemy spells but got up first to replenish his weak body. Although this broken place had been rampant with monsters before, it was still a unique advantage. Because the earth and qi are extremely unbalanced, every wild fruit that can survive is a great tonic.

It happened that there was a fruit forest behind me. "A sharpened knife will keep you from chopping wood!" Chen Xuan muttered, then stood up and walked behind him.

Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed, there were so many treasures in this place. Judging from the age of these fruits, they are probably a great supplement. And the springs to the east are all spiritual springs! Life is a treasure land of cultivation, if there is a way, things must be reversed at their extremes! When the earth energy here reaches its peak and the energy is very weak, the energy is the easiest to rebound. As long as the earth energy is eliminated a little bit, the energy will grow like seaweed in the sea.

And Chen Xuan not only eliminated some of the earth's energy? After Chen Xuan got rid of the Flame Python Demon King and the Dragon King, the earth's Qi in the Secret Forest was greatly depleted, and the Qi rebounded rapidly. The two Qi were rising and falling, balancing at a crazy speed. At this time, it was the monk The best place to practice.

As soon as he entered the orchard, Chen Xuan felt that his whole body's meridians were frantically absorbing the aura of the clusters. He felt that he felt refreshed and his eyes and ears were much clearer. Um! What a great place. Chen Xuan sighed secretly.

The bright red fruits on the tree made Chen Xuan's eyes sparkle. It's not that Chen Xuan has never seen the world, but this thing is really a rare encounter in millions of years. Even a divine beast like the Dragon King, even a Tao Emperor-like existence in this world, may not be able to kill it.

Therefore, wherever such a mythical beast exists, the earth's energy will generally be terrifyingly strong. Once the earth's energy becomes frighteningly strong, it will easily give rise to powerful monsters. The Flame Python Demon King is a good example.

Monsters and humans have been fighting for thousands of years. Although some monks are powerful enough to kill big monsters, some sects will also fight against some big monsters because of some benefits or treasures. But that was only built in an area where there were no divine beasts. If there were divine beasts, even if they had materials and treasures, the monks would not dare to step even an inch into them.

If the divine beast detects the monk's aura, it will be considered a provocation. The ones who will die next will definitely be human monks, but not all monks will be killed by the mythical beasts. If you are too weak, they will not even look at you. But where there are mythical beasts, the monsters will also be very powerful.

This time it was obvious that both Ziyi Nannizi and herself were tricked. The person who tricked her had no intention of letting her go back alive, and the person who tricked her was her own cheap master. When he thought of this, Chen Xuan wanted to beat Bai Zhe.

Chen Xuan picked some wild fruits and felt how extraordinary they were as soon as he put them in his hands. The skin is as smooth as that of a pure and pure beauty, and there seems to be a trace of fairy energy lingering on the red wild fruits.

Hiss... Chen Xuan took a breath of cold air. What kind of fairy energy was there? When the wild fruit absorbed the energy, the energy was excessive and then filled the surroundings of the wild fruit.

Therefore, this fruit forest looks like a fairyland. Chen Xuan swallowed secretly. In the past few days, he was almost crazy about eating dry food and the remaining pills. How lucky that such delicious food appears now!

He didn't even taste the first one and swallowed it wholeheartedly. ah……

Chen Xuan couldn't help but exhale softly, sighing with emotion. His face was full of joy. He closed his eyes and felt that his tongue was full of fragrance due to the residue of juice, as if a fairy was dancing on his taste buds.

Due to the intake of wild fruits in his abdomen, he felt that the previous feeling of weakness dissipated like a piece of paper turning into ashes, and warm currents slowly flowed in his abdominal cavity. The meridians all over my body were still warm due to the boiling of my mind just now. At this time, under the nourishment of wild fruits, a trace of cool air poured into my meridians.

Chen Xuan felt as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring. After a while, the wonderful feeling in his mouth subsided, and his body seemed to have recovered a lot.

He took another wild fruit into his mouth, and a familiar and wonderful feeling hit him again. If any monk saw Chen Xuan like this, he would definitely point at his nose and scold him for being a waste of money.

But Chen Xuan didn't care, he was drunk this morning because he had wine this morning! Why hide such a beautiful thing and keep it for a while? Keep it for viewing?

After entering the entrance of two wild fruits, there is a ladle of clear spring water. The spring water is not as exotic as the wild fruits. Instead, it is very light, but there is a hint of sweetness in the lightness, which maximizes the fragrance of the wild fruits on the tongue.

"Hahaha... so happy!"

Chen Xuandun showed his heroic spirit and laughed wildly.

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